
71657610 男 ID: 71657610
    很快,我的平均值将是所谓的 “基本价值”。基本上这是免费资金。没有人能告诉我,AMC(世界上最大的连锁影院)不值11美元。再次谢谢?$#@$
    71657610 留下了心情
    $Vinco Ventures(BBIG.US)$售前市场不是很好
    71657610 评论了
    $Vinco Ventures(BBIG.US)$ 我们可以为 BBIG 申报 RIP 吗?
    71657610 留下了心情
    $Vinco Ventures(BBIG.US)$
    Posted by 777GrandMaster and reposted by me ~ Moral of the story : Have faith and hold !
    Upcoming major catalysts for BBIG/ZASH: November 3rd-5th would be an ideal time to release new valuation, dividend details & payout ratio on SEC Form 10. This will generate a flurry of good PR and articles for investors and will likely result in a gap up. BBIG will give us full details at the appropriate time via press release/SEC filing. If you're on BBIG's list of investors to email notifications, you will find out pronto. LoMo Records signs their first signer destined to become a multi-platinum album selling Artist. BBIG/ZASH launches LoMo advertising & marketing campaign in India and is received well with 25M MAU in first 4 months. Short Seller Squeeze with Low Float and FOMO Starts as all negativity fades away. Expect significant smart money accumulation in BBIG and a perfect storm of green candlesticks for weeks. SS fails to deliver come due. Sr. leadership executes on name change from Vinco Ventures (BBIG) to ZASH Global Media & Entertainment (ZASH), which requires a new CUSIP number. Thus all illegal naked SS must buy to cover to exit their positions. The required notice was already given to all on 10/20 (click on link above for proof). Expect significant smart money accumulation in BBIG. Whale investor entry alert! Many evil SS will decide to go long in BBIG after covering to benefit from the steep uptrend ahead. Margin calls and forced liquidations will force many evil SS to buy to cover. ***Expect bullish PR on LoMo's great 20% increase in Monthly Active Users (MAU). Analyst upgrades to buy/strong buy are inevitable as BBIG will have $491.5M in cash and no debt, new CEO plus AdRizer purchase to unlock MB$ annual revenues from LoMo. Expect significant smart money accumulation in BBIG. Whale investor entry alert. A large volume of in the money call options that will expire on 11/19 & 12/17 will be exercised resulting in a high volume of share purchases. Look at bullish call-put ratios - https://www.wsj.com/market-data/quotes/BBIG/options BBIG will appear regularly on the following lists: Top Pre-Market Gainers $ & Percentage Gainers, Highest Volume Gainers, Trending Up, Gapping Up, Top Gainers Lists and Trading software/scanners/trader's alert services will give traders BUY NOW ALERTS. These lists tend to attract large volumes of new investors, as a result gap ups are common for equities on these top performer lists. More smart money accumulation ahead. FOMO! LoMo has first ever $500K month in advertising sales revenue thanks to AdRizer. SEC filings disclose major whale/institutional/activist/special situations investor's new position. Mainstream media spreads this news to retail investors resulting in multiple feature articles, bullish speculation and a gap up on daily chart. BBIG Feature Articles, CNBC Interviews, Press Releases, Q4 & Q1 ER, Good News etc. Margin calls and forced liquidations will force many evil SS to buy to cover. Analysts upgrades and higher price targets could result from improvements in daily JCS charts and technical analysis. ***Great news update on LoMotif's 25% increase in monthly active users (MAU). BBIG press release: LoMo has first ever $25M month in advertising revenues! November 19th Monthly Options Expiration Date (third Friday of Each Month). HIGH VOLUME OF CALL OPTIONS. All call options that expire in the money will soon be converted to purchases. Expect significant smart money accumulation in BBIG. FOMO! Dividend payment date for spinoff dividend shares of Cryptyde. Payment date is usually about a month after the record date. This should be announced with payout ratio details in investors meeting (latest). This press release will generate a lot of new investor interest/watchers/new buyers. LoMo has first ever >$1.0M month in advertising revenues! One or more BBIG insiders purchase over 100K of BBIG shares. Smart money accumulation continues. BBIG/ZASH now has 5 strong buy ratings from Analysts as share price soars past $60. Press releases on upcoming BBIG & Cryptyde collaborations/joint ventures with E-NFTs, LoMotif, AdRizer, Kong, Volmax, Major Social Media Co., Ocuverse etc. New BBIG acquisition announced! BBIG shares rocket higher still for new all time highs. BBIG's due diligence team makes its presentation and recommendation to the Executives and Board of Directors. A major accretive acquisition of company in entertainment sector is given the green light and press release is issued in Q4. BBIG hits fresh 52-week high. Tik Tok takes a major tumble in MAU in US & EU on: China CCP data collection (spying) concerns, a worsening in US/EU China relations based on more China first behavior patterns strong arm CCP tactics in Hong Kong/Taiwan, new major Chinese Co. fraud designed to rip-off US/EU investors exposed, or more stolen military/defense/nuclear/trade secrets/IP etc. US intelligence agencies already NOT pleased with Tik Tok entering US market. LoMotif gains major market share in US and abroad on favorable publicity. BBIG/ZASH surpasses 2022 goal of $1.5B in worldwide sales and > 500M MAU only 12 months after finalized acquisition of Lomotif & AdRizer. Details on revenue growth and income streams attached below. But, > $2/month from ad sales with 50M users is $2 x 12 x 50M users = $1.2B and that's a super conservative projection for year one folks. From there WW revenues could double for the next three years in a row via diversified revenue streams and advanced user functionality. Q1 & Q2 2022 beat Analysts' consensus estimates for revenue and EPS thanks to more new highs in MAU for LoMotif, AdRizer revenue growth and subsidiary's revenue growth. Delta & Mu Variants of Coronavirus are no longer a concern in US by June 2022. Economy and stock markets continue impressive recovery despite inflation concerns and rising interest rates on pent up consumer demand for restaurants, vacations/travel, shopping, entertainment (concerts, plays, major sports & movies etc.), electronics/smartphones, new vehicles and homes. Cryptyde shares have already doubled in price by July 2020. New Product Rollout: LoMo for Kids is released in US featuring super simple controls and state of the art parental controls with many must have features for only $10/year. Now kids are hooked on LoMo younger than ever and advertising sales increase to new all-time highs in 2022 with new kids' market. Blackrock, Accel Partners, NEA, Sequoia or Bessemer Ventures proposes a $100/share offer to take BBIG private in Q1 2022. Offer is increased to $133/share, again at $149/share and voted down because of positive guidance on last CC and very bright future ahead for LoMo & mutual synergies from BBIG's 2 recent acquisitions. Blockbuster material definite agreement for MM$ strategic partnership is signed that incorporates AI (artificial intelligence) into a major offering. Share share price soars to new heights on a flurry of positive press. Even now there is rampant speculation that ZASH will partner with Cryptyde to stream live concerts via the metaverse for an immersive experience anyone can experience regardless of your geographic location. Jan.--March. 2023 Rumors whirl on Wall Street... Then BBIG/ZASH announces new plans for divestiture with spinoff dividend shares for shareholders. CEO is featured on CNBC with Jim Cramer on Mad Money or Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Network. National News: Group of well-known dedicated short sellers admit defeat losing billions on BBIG/ZASH and permanently retire from short selling after two more well-known billionaire investors join BBIG/ZASH with major stakes. Buyout offer acknowledged from Facebook, Disney, Sony, Apple Inc., Microsoft or Berkshire Hathaway at a mind boggling $276/share in Q4 2023. Offer accepted. BBIG CEO is a hero to shareholders. Best advice ever: Buy, hold & accumulate BBIG long term. It's too darn good to trade.
    71657610 参与了投票
    星期一快乐 mooer们!欢迎回到 每周热门话题,我们根据上周的搜索量和消息量,回顾moomoo平台上精选热门股票的新闻、表现和社区情绪!(不包括纳米帽。)
    第二部分:热门股票列表和 Mooers 评论
    每个主要指数都在移动 更高 上周。以下是上周每周热闹的股票清单:
    1。PHUN-嗡嗡的星星: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    PHUN 股价上涨 748.54% 到 8.740 美元 上周有传言称与新成立的特朗普媒体与科技集团可能建立关系。
    ● Mooers 的评论
    @菜鳥特攻隊: 我们来吧
    @Starmax mc204: $Phunware(PHUN.US)$
    2。DWAC-嗡嗡之星: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    DWAC 的股价飙升幅度为 845.78% 到 94.200 美元 此前宣布这家空白支票公司将与特朗普媒体与科技集团合并。
    ● Mooers 的评论
    @102537432: $Digital World Acquisition Corp(DWAC.US)$有人打算把它们关押更长的时间吗?还是你们中的大多数人想在星期一快速出去?首次投资这样的 “政治股票”。谢谢!
    @聪颖的能量豆: 购买 DWAC 时机不好但仍有希望。特朗普将在下周给我们带来希望。
    3。AMC-Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐⭐⭐
    AMC 股票下跌 10.16% 上周闭幕于 36.600 美元 上周五,进一步加剧了下降趋势,部分原因是沃尔特·迪斯尼本周早些时候宣布了更多电影延期。
    ● Mooers 的评论
    @allen kidd: 看来总是该买的时候了
    4。TSLA-Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    TSLA股票收于历史新高 909.68 美元 上周五,两天前,该公司公布了第三季度创纪录的收入和利润。
    ● Mooers 的评论
    @moo_Earnings: 特斯拉问答 2021 年第三季度:产量将以每年 50% 的速度增长
    5。CEI-Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐⭐
    鉴于高昂的能源价格和Reddit群众的支持,CEI股票的价格攀升至 1.440 美元 每周上涨为 5.11%.
    ● Mooers 的评论
    @爱吃大鳄鱼: $Camber Energy(CEI.US)$ 我们再做点工作吧。
    6。AAPL-Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐
    AAPL 股价上涨 2.66% 到 148.690 美元 上周,在本周公布业绩之前,稳步走高。但是,AAPL的股价仍未达到历史新高,而道琼斯指数和标准普尔500指数则打破了纪录。
    ● Mooers 的评论
    @Gusa: Moomoo 9 岁生日快乐
    我的第一笔交易是 $苹果(AAPL.US)$ 在 moomoo 中。我记得周围朋友的所有炒作和兴奋。
    我仍然是一个敏锐的 moomoo 交易者。尽情阅读每日的 moomoo 新闻。做每日测验有时感觉很有教育意义。 阅读更多...
    7。RPG-Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐⭐
    PROG 股价飙升 38.32% 到 2.960 美元 上周。这家生物技术公司正在开发一种名为Preecludia的测试,该测试排除了先兆子痫(一种与妊娠相关的血压障碍),同时还专门研究胃肠道药物和口服生物疗法。
    BBIG股票收盘于 5.190 美元 每周下降幅度为 36.94% 此前宣布管理层变更并更名为Zash,这反映了两家公司最近的合并。
    ● Mooers 的评论
    @PREMOSULTRAA: $Vinco Ventures(BBIG.US)$ 当今BBIG股票陷入困境时,加密领域的其他公司却在享受一天的涨势。$Coinbase Global(COIN.US)美元本季出现了一些动荡,但目前上涨了3%。防暴区块链$Riot区块链(RIOT.US)的表现甚至更好,上涨了近4%。 阅读更多...
    9。NIO-Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐⭐
    蔚来股票上涨 3.10% 到 38.880 美元 在过去的一周中,尽管这家拥有110年历史的资产管理公司Baillie Gifford上周四将其最初的9,060万股头寸减少了0.3%。
    ● Mooers 的评论
    @Apollod Wed: $蔚来(NIO.US)$ 我认为最强大的技术实际上是蔚来,因为未来很难使用Mobileye芯片来制造当前的NOP。它是世界上唯一可以使用Mobileye芯片来实现当前功能的芯片。 阅读更多...
    10。FB-Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐
    FB 股价下跌 0.05% 到 324.610 美元 据报道,上周,这家社交媒体巨头正计划通过更名来换个新面孔。
    ● Mooers 的评论
    @Mr Trecherous: 我们的历史贯穿我们所有人
    @moo_Live: Facebook 2021 年第三季度财报电话会议
    @茂盛的默頓 @VCSuccess @Tupack H Mcsnacks @FearGreed @Fly to sky @makankaki @Jia Yung @Syuee @GratefulPanda @cleef @HopeAlways @QueensGetTheMOOlah @GT1982 @Upncoming1841
    通知: 奖励将在本周发送给您。如果有任何问题,请随时联系我们。
    我们将选择 20 条热门评论 下周一之前。
    获胜者将获得 200 点积分 下周之前,你可以在奖励俱乐部兑换礼物。
    ● 基本面/技术/资本分析
    ● 个人交易经验
    ● 任何明智的见解或知识
    WeeklyBuzz 之前的
    免责声明: 以下评论仅供参考。在投资之前,请咨询持牌专业人士。
    Weekly Buzz:“玩一点 PHUN。”
    Weekly Buzz:“玩一点 PHUN。”
    Weekly Buzz:“玩一点 PHUN。”
    $Vinco Ventures(BBIG.US)$ squeeze has yet to happen. but it will soon!