
71875785 保密 ID: 71875785
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ So much crying and spamming from that guy. If you don't want to buy AMC then don't buy. It's so obvious that you are shorting it and are scared out of your mind. You don't care about anybody elses money except yours! You're not an altruistic investor....jeez. Relax and take a nappy nap. I'll pray your mom comes and pick you up soon. P.S. once you reply back to him, he just blocks you.
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ Does anybody knows how much time does it take for funds to settle in account after selling a stock? I sold other positions to buy an AMC option call but funds haven't settled and I don't want to buy the premium on margin. I need funds to settle so I can buy it cash.
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ Relax guys. Stop selling! It's just a drop in Nasdaq!
    $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ I see a lot of people panicking once the price goes down. Sometimes the market as a whole goes down. If you have a diversified portfolio it can give you a hint that this is happening once you se everything going red. This happened today as the market fell into a deep decline for a while but managed to be stable once again. Don't panic and sell. A quick google search and you can verify current market movement information if you do not have other positions and are heavily depending on AMC or have a single position. BTW I am an not a financial advisor. Only a retarded ape with diamond hands....