$安联收益及增长基金MDis (LU0943347566.MF)$
Below is the detailed analysis of “Allianz Income and Growth fund”performance, focusing on its dividend yield, investment composition, and potential risks and returns. Here's a breakdown of the key points:
Name and Performance: The fund is known for high dividend yield. However, it's noted that despite being named for both "income" and "growth," the fund's net asset value (NAV) has not appreciated since its launch in...
Below is the detailed analysis of “Allianz Income and Growth fund”performance, focusing on its dividend yield, investment composition, and potential risks and returns. Here's a breakdown of the key points:
Name and Performance: The fund is known for high dividend yield. However, it's noted that despite being named for both "income" and "growth," the fund's net asset value (NAV) has not appreciated since its launch in...
72464866 : 您是对的,不仅是收入增长
72464866 : 现在是买入债券型产品的好时机吗?您有推荐的好基金吗?由于我看不到NAV增长,所以打算关闭我的安联基金投资。请帮忙。
72464866 : 我打算投资1万到1.5万美元。在未来的4到5年时间里。由于美国市场可能在未来一年里出现调整,这可能是一个不错的选择。另外,如果我像安聯投資這樣進行定期投資,增长是一個更好的選擇,除了收入外還有NAV增長。感谢您的回复
72464866 : 非常感谢您及时的回复。让我检查一下,我是否能通过我的经纪人买入pimco gis。我计划从安聚集团转移一些资金。你对于SPYI和TLt etf有什么想法?它们是比安聚集团收益更好的选择吗?
72464866 : 我是你提到的PIMCO GIS吗