$奈飞 (NFLX.US)$
你买了她的第九只etf吗? $ARK TRANSPARENCY ETF (CTRU.US)$ 喜欢她的逻辑推理,从不受短期波动的影响! 特别是她分享了基金经理通常会希望与指数接近,并开始出售与她的基金相关的股票,这些股票通常不在指数中(或仅占很小比例)
$创新ETF-ARK (ARKK.US)$ $ARK Fintech Innovation ETF (ARKF.US)$
$创新ETF-ARK (ARKK.US)$ $ARK Fintech Innovation ETF (ARKF.US)$
$比亚迪股份 (01211.HK)$比亚迪昨天在继续向下震荡后跌破趋势线,走势完全在预料之中,对于比亚迪的下跌来说,很大一部分原因是因为外围市场特斯拉跌破了短期支撑,看跌的减少也在发酵,因为比亚迪接下来的观点是,如果主要观察到持续下跌,如果成交量显得很大的阴线,短线有望反弹,你可以 bo。跌破240附近的支撑位,如果跌破支撑位,则会加速下跌的风险。
$中芯国际 (00981.HK)$中芯国际继续下跌,从AH联动向上,并且没有达到向下联动的迹象,所以这不是看跌造成的,而是情绪上由卖压造成的,这里是突破后的长期横盘整理,有金坑的可能性,如果接下来能重返21继续是看涨区间,下方的支撑位看在16附近。
$中国平安 (02318.HK)$中国平安尽管指数疲软,但仍保持在收敛之内,但平安的整体方向仍在收敛等待突破,基本面也有改善的迹象,而且无论是否有机会逆转,至少在今年的下跌中,有回调的可能性,短线继续维持55的支撑位以低位附近为主。
$腾讯控股 (00700.HK)$腾讯继续与大盘产生共鸣,跌破上涨通道,但不要太担心,目前腾讯的活动已经足够了,所以腾讯没有突破箱体的下边缘仍然是主要的冲击,目前腾讯属于交易的左边,尽量低吸为主。
$阿里巴巴-W (09988.HK)$ $京东集团-SW (09618.HK)$ $哔哩哔哩-W (09626.HK)$
$比亚迪股份 (01211.HK)$比亚迪昨天在继续向下震荡后跌破趋势线,走势完全在预料之中,对于比亚迪的下跌来说,很大一部分原因是因为外围市场特斯拉跌破了短期支撑,看跌的减少也在发酵,因为比亚迪接下来的观点是,如果主要观察到持续下跌,如果成交量显得很大的阴线,短线有望反弹,你可以 bo。跌破240附近的支撑位,如果跌破支撑位,则会加速下跌的风险。
$中芯国际 (00981.HK)$中芯国际继续下跌,从AH联动向上,并且没有达到向下联动的迹象,所以这不是看跌造成的,而是情绪上由卖压造成的,这里是突破后的长期横盘整理,有金坑的可能性,如果接下来能重返21继续是看涨区间,下方的支撑位看在16附近。
$中国平安 (02318.HK)$中国平安尽管指数疲软,但仍保持在收敛之内,但平安的整体方向仍在收敛等待突破,基本面也有改善的迹象,而且无论是否有机会逆转,至少在今年的下跌中,有回调的可能性,短线继续维持55的支撑位以低位附近为主。
$腾讯控股 (00700.HK)$腾讯继续与大盘产生共鸣,跌破上涨通道,但不要太担心,目前腾讯的活动已经足够了,所以腾讯没有突破箱体的下边缘仍然是主要的冲击,目前腾讯属于交易的左边,尽量低吸为主。
$阿里巴巴-W (09988.HK)$ $京东集团-SW (09618.HK)$ $哔哩哔哩-W (09626.HK)$

$恒生指数 (800000.HK)$恒生指数在新低后再次反弹,短期市场风向并未改变。然而,在市场持续下跌和外部市场复苏之后,指数的下跌空间已经不大,但短期内实质性反弹的概率也不大。是的,等待低位的收敛并选择主要方向。从技术层面上看,恒生指数仍然保持在下行通道中,在23,000点上方支撑,24,300点上方压力等待方向选择。
$比亚迪股份 (01211.HK)$ BYD has completely reproduced Tesla’s trend of low and high. It should be noted that the valuation is too high in the short term. Secondly, although the industry’s prosperity does not change, the growth rate of performance affects the adjustment of valuation, and with the upstream The rise in prices squeezes downstream profits, and near the end of the year, there is indeed the possibility of high-low switching. The current price is high, waiting for the adjustment to end. If the intraday support 240 breaks to open up the downward space, the upward rebound pressure 280 is an upward trend line pressure. , Wait for the adjustment to be over.
$中芯国际 (00981.HK)$ SMIC continues to fall today, and still maintains yesterday's view. This decline was not caused by bad news, and the sentiment fell. Kdj diverged directly upwards, which is expected to form a golden fork to drive the stock price to usher in an anti-truck. The more and more carefully this location becomes a golden pit.
$中国平安 (02318.HK)$ China Ping An continues to consolidate. It can be seen that China Ping An has obvious signs of strengthening recently, and does not follow the index fluctuations. After the negatives are exhausted, it is expected to correct the decline during the year. The daily support is mainly 55 bargain hunting, and the top is stable and 63 opens. Rebound space.
$腾讯控股 (00700.HK)$ Tencent continued its downward trend and tested the previous lows again in the short term. The current stock price remains fluctuating at the bottom edge of the box. However, it can be seen that the volatility of Alibaba $阿里巴巴-W (09988.HK)$, $美团-W (03690.HK)$,以及 $小米集团-W (01810.HK)$ has declined recently, and the fundamentals have been exhausted.
China's concept stocks are now on the left, and the odds on the left are enough, but it takes time to stabilize and move up, and try to buy as low as possible.
$恒生指数 (800000.HK)$恒生指数在新低后再次反弹,短期市场风向并未改变。然而,在市场持续下跌和外部市场复苏之后,指数的下跌空间已经不大,但短期内实质性反弹的概率也不大。是的,等待低位的收敛并选择主要方向。从技术层面上看,恒生指数仍然保持在下行通道中,在23,000点上方支撑,24,300点上方压力等待方向选择。
$比亚迪股份 (01211.HK)$ BYD has completely reproduced Tesla’s trend of low and high. It should be noted that the valuation is too high in the short term. Secondly, although the industry’s prosperity does not change, the growth rate of performance affects the adjustment of valuation, and with the upstream The rise in prices squeezes downstream profits, and near the end of the year, there is indeed the possibility of high-low switching. The current price is high, waiting for the adjustment to end. If the intraday support 240 breaks to open up the downward space, the upward rebound pressure 280 is an upward trend line pressure. , Wait for the adjustment to be over.
$中芯国际 (00981.HK)$ SMIC continues to fall today, and still maintains yesterday's view. This decline was not caused by bad news, and the sentiment fell. Kdj diverged directly upwards, which is expected to form a golden fork to drive the stock price to usher in an anti-truck. The more and more carefully this location becomes a golden pit.
$中国平安 (02318.HK)$ China Ping An continues to consolidate. It can be seen that China Ping An has obvious signs of strengthening recently, and does not follow the index fluctuations. After the negatives are exhausted, it is expected to correct the decline during the year. The daily support is mainly 55 bargain hunting, and the top is stable and 63 opens. Rebound space.
$腾讯控股 (00700.HK)$ Tencent continued its downward trend and tested the previous lows again in the short term. The current stock price remains fluctuating at the bottom edge of the box. However, it can be seen that the volatility of Alibaba $阿里巴巴-W (09988.HK)$, $美团-W (03690.HK)$,以及 $小米集团-W (01810.HK)$ has declined recently, and the fundamentals have been exhausted.
China's concept stocks are now on the left, and the odds on the left are enough, but it takes time to stabilize and move up, and try to buy as low as possible.

腾讯控股和指数共振反弹,3690美团也一样,虽然这两者结构仍然低冲击反弹,但反弹不及指数强烈。 从当前情绪看,有所缓解,复苏后主要等待修复,主要关注价格能否站在500上方的汇聚压力位上,站稳则开启上升空间,下方支撑460,当日接近460可以低吸,不易追高。
00981 SMIC走势,短期大概率继续维持整理,并且与AH联动,在低位等待共振节奏,从行业方面来看,市场情绪没有改变,所以供给侧在之前没有紧跟,仍然存在向上的可能性,短期需等待整理突破,日内21元左右可以继续保持低吸,等待突破23压力位,如果稳固23则加速上升的可能性。
$腾讯控股 (00700.HK)$ $阿里巴巴-W (09988.HK)$ $比亚迪股份 (01211.HK)$ $美团-W (03690.HK)$ $中国平安 (02318.HK)$ $中芯国际 (00981.HK)$
腾讯控股和指数共振反弹,3690美团也一样,虽然这两者结构仍然低冲击反弹,但反弹不及指数强烈。 从当前情绪看,有所缓解,复苏后主要等待修复,主要关注价格能否站在500上方的汇聚压力位上,站稳则开启上升空间,下方支撑460,当日接近460可以低吸,不易追高。
00981 SMIC走势,短期大概率继续维持整理,并且与AH联动,在低位等待共振节奏,从行业方面来看,市场情绪没有改变,所以供给侧在之前没有紧跟,仍然存在向上的可能性,短期需等待整理突破,日内21元左右可以继续保持低吸,等待突破23压力位,如果稳固23则加速上升的可能性。
$腾讯控股 (00700.HK)$ $阿里巴巴-W (09988.HK)$ $比亚迪股份 (01211.HK)$ $美团-W (03690.HK)$ $中国平安 (02318.HK)$ $中芯国际 (00981.HK)$

$腾讯控股 (00700.HK)$ Tencent and the $美团-W (03690.HK)$ US group continue to rebound, short-term rush up and down, but the overall rebound structure is still there, waiting for the Hang Seng Index to start the resonance rise after the second rebound, the current two stocks are on the left side, mainly low suction, Tencent uplink channel 460 support, MEG below the support near 238, the shock market do not chase up.
$比亚迪股份 (01211.HK)$ BYD has recently been a weak shock, for it or to maintain the previous view, short-term capital differentiation is more serious, need to pay attention to 280 this uptrend line and downtrend line watershed, if it falls below the short-term head space, there is a need to accelerate the adjustment.
$中国平安 (02318.HK)$ Ping An's current rebound strength is still not strong, it is difficult to get out of this low area at present, but from the inside of the plate, there are signs of strengthening, and Huaxia Happiness has recently been stronger, if the profit is empty, Ping An will immediately rebound upwards to repair the decline, and the odds are very high, the technical support 55 is not broken is still seen, if it falls below the previous low near 50, bold low suck waiting for fundamental changes.
$中信证券 (06030.HK)$ CITIC Securities rushed up and down today, belongs to the short-term AH linkage appeared to fall short-term bulls profits, but the general direction still exists the possibility of continuing to rise, the fundamental listing belongs to the registration system of good brokers, and the year's rise is not large, short-term can wait to step back near 20 low suction mainly, after all, the moving average deviation is relatively high, the next look at the 22 this mark, if the breakthrough, a new round of rise is about to begin.
$腾讯控股 (00700.HK)$ Tencent and the $美团-W (03690.HK)$ US group continue to rebound, short-term rush up and down, but the overall rebound structure is still there, waiting for the Hang Seng Index to start the resonance rise after the second rebound, the current two stocks are on the left side, mainly low suction, Tencent uplink channel 460 support, MEG below the support near 238, the shock market do not chase up.
$比亚迪股份 (01211.HK)$ BYD has recently been a weak shock, for it or to maintain the previous view, short-term capital differentiation is more serious, need to pay attention to 280 this uptrend line and downtrend line watershed, if it falls below the short-term head space, there is a need to accelerate the adjustment.
$中国平安 (02318.HK)$ Ping An's current rebound strength is still not strong, it is difficult to get out of this low area at present, but from the inside of the plate, there are signs of strengthening, and Huaxia Happiness has recently been stronger, if the profit is empty, Ping An will immediately rebound upwards to repair the decline, and the odds are very high, the technical support 55 is not broken is still seen, if it falls below the previous low near 50, bold low suck waiting for fundamental changes.
$中信证券 (06030.HK)$ CITIC Securities rushed up and down today, belongs to the short-term AH linkage appeared to fall short-term bulls profits, but the general direction still exists the possibility of continuing to rise, the fundamental listing belongs to the registration system of good brokers, and the year's rise is not large, short-term can wait to step back near 20 low suction mainly, after all, the moving average deviation is relatively high, the next look at the 22 this mark, if the breakthrough, a new round of rise is about to begin.
