$AMC院线 (AMC.US)$
So... you know things are going in the right direction when you see Mcsnacks posting. Some block him but me.. Nah I need to see his FUD posts because everything he posts on AMC, AMC does the OPPOSITE!
Anyone that has been here and has done the countless hours , weeks, months, worth of DD know it's BS.
Think for yourself, do not let fear cover you and keep pushing
His posts are confirmation for me
So... you know things are going in the right direction when you see Mcsnacks posting. Some block him but me.. Nah I need to see his FUD posts because everything he posts on AMC, AMC does the OPPOSITE!
Anyone that has been here and has done the countless hours , weeks, months, worth of DD know it's BS.
Think for yourself, do not let fear cover you and keep pushing
His posts are confirmation for me
For millennia, ritual human sacrifice—traumatic acts of public murder—have been used to manipulate and control populations. By instilling horror and fear through publicly torturing and killing helpless victims, the abusers are able to traumatize the minds of spectators, leaving them vulnerable to reprogramming and the insertion of propaganda messages. By getting away with such actions, often in the name of law enforcement, the abusers take on a god-like dimension that compels servitude among the witnesses. In the modern world, some serial murders, spree murders and phony acts of “terrorism” have taken the place of public sacrifices. In a typical ritual murder attack, the government selects and grooms the killer, then uses the murder to promote a political agenda. Sometimes this agenda involves gun control, but often the message involves supposed political terrorism or is an effort to discredit political opponents. Mind control weapons of the type do exist, and their use as a form of psychic manipulation has been advocated for almost a century, since a time when such weapons were only a theoretical future technology.
The American Left and its wholly owned subsidiary, the Democrat party, has declared war on America by openly and ruthlessly attacking American society, its norms and foundational principles. While they previously had been somewhat restrained in their efforts to transform the nation, any pretense of subtlety has now been abandoned. Consequently, their asinine and self-indulgent theories and totalitarian tactics are on display for all to see. Yet this coterie of the credulous does not grasp the irrational absurdity of many of their cultural and societal pronouncements. Now that they control Congress and have a questionably elected and addled dissembler in the White House, these jaw-dropping policies are center stage. It is little wonder that an increasingly flabbergasted citizenry, as well as many nations throughout the world, are beginning to question what sort of future is in store for the United States.The cornerstone, foundation and primary weapon of the left’s war on America is to berate the nation for its supposed never-ending and irredeemable racism. An iniquity which they claim seeps through every pore of nearly 70% of the population. Thus, these wannabe autocrats are framing virtually everything in American life and society with fictional “systemic racism” and its corollary “white supremacy.” Yet their declared solutio...
$AMC院线 (AMC.US)$自5.26以来,该股每个星期一平均上涨9.5%。
$AMC院线 (AMC.US)$ who else is pumped for this week ? if everybody . goes in. I think this thing is gonna fly !!!
我应该从哪里开始呢。有这么一些贝莱德"基金"通过卖出其基础安防-半导体的期权来降低投资组合的波动性。我想他们与前景的另一个"基金"联手了。r/WSb 的人们喜欢购买虚值期权。期权市场在过去几年里翻了三番。当然,这些家伙意识到可以从零售业中开发多少利润,因为他们利用了围绕小人物对抗大人物故事的疯狂炒作。所以有聪明的猿和愚蠢的猿。聪明的猿对期权有着非常基本的理解,知道一个简单的事实:更多香蕉。愚蠢的猿也喜欢香蕉,而聪明的猿喜欢教给其他人。在罗宾汉启用期权的过程就像使用Facebook一样简单。对于猿的脑袋来说,起初感觉就像使用作弊码赚钱,因为我们中的许多人相信我们可以在股票涨之前预测到。所有这些变量创造了非常好的摇钱树。这对他们来说是毫无疑问的要一起合作。不知道这是否是他们在二月初的第一周增加了53%和58%的持仓,而他们本来就已经是该公司两大最大股东之一的原因。无法想象这两家会增加这样的头寸来冒险进行挤压行动。为什么不只是从猿那里收取溢价呢?为那些堕落者写下很多期权。两个庞大的金融机构合作在操纵价格方面非常高效。我想知道是否已经商定了某个到期价格,这样他们就知道销售当天所收取的溢价是保证留在口袋里的钱。知道到期时价格将是多少消除了对避险头寸的需求。在这种性质的贝莱德基金的详细页面上有一个标注为"已被销售"的变量。卖出裸期权是这些基金的一种功能。他们对自己的能力非常有信心,鼓励承担这种风险。简单的描述结束于"增强的投资组合回报"。他们希望回报尽可能高,不考虑后果。还不如把钱给垃圾工人。所以在维持挤压叙事的明显兴趣中,追逐这股热潮的人用他们账户里的最后20美元去买一个还有四天到期的16美元期权。剩下的人现在可能已经花掉了他们的房租。被自由的想法蒙蔽了。一种出路。如果你想相信 AMC,很容易在错误信息中找到确认。取悦的操纵。还有什么事可以在摇钱树嗡嗡作响的时候做呢?日内交易。本质上互相自慰。这里很多人参与其中。开派对一样的有趣🎈🎈。互相借股票做空...操纵价格。互相配合一起。我不确定这一部分究竟是如何运作的,但你要愚蠢才会不承认 AMC 的两大最大股东对价格产生了重大影响。这引出了我最后的观点......让人心碎的是我在吃着冷冰冰的麦当劳薯条的时候意识到的......掌握叙事中隐藏的持仓是这一切存在的基础。这并不是一个愉快的实现,但给了某人一种选择。是做一个拾荒者,收集垃圾一生?还是挣钱?无论如何...最后一点是。如果这部分不太完美,请原谅我。股票价格的波动量决定了股票价格的移动量。在这一波动中,更多的卖出或买入决定了移动的方向。所以,如果大多数典型的投资者被这种耻辱所吓到,而零售已经没了持有的线路......场地开放给所有人,但那里只有两个人在相互自慰。我不知道其他的鱼是如何参与的,但考虑到这些大型的鲸鱼,它们显得微不足道。他们产生了交易量,他们决定了价格。零售已经把控制权交给了它们。思考人工智能在其中的效用是非常有趣的,考虑到交易量的控制。无论如何,这是我的理论。
@Tupack mcsnacks @pennypincher @Army Veteran
a newer investor some in sight. I hate reposting some of this stuff. I just wouldn't even know where to begin to fact check any of it.....but I did find it intriguing. Um sorry posted the start at the bottom.
a newer investor some in sight. I hate reposting some of this stuff. I just wouldn't even know where to begin to fact check any of it.....but I did find it intriguing. Um sorry posted the start at the bottom.
Biffuh : 看跌期权正在获得价值。