
Gan dar White Wizard 保密 ID: 71339427
    作为我自己和《农场大事》的团队,我们逐日前进。同时探索潜在机会。大部分时间当我们做对了时,都会感到惊喜。 很抱歉让你们等了这么久。我一直忙于卡车驾驶。我很快就会开始处理这个问题。请继续关注!谢谢你们阅读我的帖子📫
    Splash饮料:一支即将上市的股票。已经有报告显示其体育饮料线的销售额有所增长。而且其Takela和Salt酒精饮料销售良好。第三季度和第四季度将向投资者支付分红派息。 Simon说这支股票是赢家。
    $AMERICAN BATTERY TECHNOLOGY CO (ABML.US)$ 回到农场:我们上次看到的时候,Sarge 在谷仓里练习高尔夫挥杆时,弄坏了38英寸的平板电视。Gandar和Simon 正在等待Sarge 和Henry 从家电店回来,拿着一台新电视来替换被弄坏的那台。Simon 和Gandar走出去时,听到了一辆机动车的声音。是Sarge 和Henry 他们骑着高尔夫球车。“高尔夫球车”和电视的区别吗?” “我正在教Henry…”
    $Splash Beverage (SBEV.US)$ Back to the Barnyard: Sarge takes up ⛳ Golf ?.  Gandar  is talking with Simon who is explaining how the 38 inch flat screen  t.v. got broken.  Simon, " See, Sarge is taking up golf ⛳,  because that's what they play in " Scotland ". He went to the "Thrift Store" , and bought some golf ⛳ clubs that someone donated. Anyway,  He was practicing inside the barn. I told him that there's going to be hell to pay when you see what he did to the t.v. Gandar asked where he is now.? ...
    $Meta Materials (MMAT.US)$ 西蒙,“坚持下去!” 。你也应该。回到农场。
    Holiday Story.  Hey ! Everyone! Vacation is an expensive event.  However,  I stopped in to a travel agency and did something adventurous.  I took the  AmTrack Train to,  Chicago,  IL. Around the 4th of July, Chicago has a , Taste of Chicago Festival ". you buy these tickets and you get to sample all of the restaurants that are in Chicago.  We stayed at the " Inner Circle  Holiday Inn". I suggest you stay on the 7th  floor. Families and their children stay on the fifth floor. and those kids run wild through the halls. My room,  Had a kitchen, a living room and a private master bedroom.  yeah. Free shuttle to museums.  and at the Hotel on the 4th floor,  there's a swimming pool.  My daughter swam the English channel.  At pool side I struck up a conversation with a lovely lady,  who invited me back to her apartment.  I had to decline.  There is a fancy restaurant in  the hotel, and my wife and I had a romantic dinner.  We  later took in the sites. Seen the  Field  Museum. I wanted to visit the  Industrial museum because they have a captured German U boat on display out side the museum and you can go aboard and check it out.  The Am track tickets didn't cost much. The train ride was fun. I have a Holiday Inn , membership card. All said and done, 4 days 3 nights cost me $ 438.78 .  That's how you do a vacation and Thank you for reading.  ...
    $Splash Beverage (SBEV.US)$ 返回农场,我们发现Simon站在门口看着下雨的大过道与Gandar交谈。 Gan dar,你还好吗?你没有对小组说很多话。甘达回答说:“在父亲节比赛中没有获胜。”真以为自己有机会。Simon回答说:“那么,你难过吗?甘达回答:“不,不是真的。”“这只是一个比赛。没有什么重要的。”然后,Simon问:“那么,有什么问题吗?”Gandar回答说:“今天只是一个雨天。”“想和我一起坐在一起看雨吗?”Simon 返回农场,我们发现Simon站在门口看着下雨的大过道与Gandar交谈。 Gan dar,你还好吗?你没有对小组说很多话。甘达回答说:“在父亲节比赛中没有获胜。”真以为自己有机会。Simon回答说:“那么,你难过吗?甘达回答:“不,不是真的。”“这只是一个比赛。没有什么重要的。”然后,Simon问:“那么,有什么问题吗?”Gandar回答说:“今天只是一个雨天。”“想和我一起坐在一起看雨吗?”Simon Simon答道:“那你不开心吗?”Gandar回答:“不,不是真的。”“这只是一个比赛。没什么重要的。”然后,Simon问:“那你有什么不对劲?”Gandar回答:“只是个雨天。”“想和我一起坐在一起看雨吗?”Simon 那么,有什么问题吗?甘达回答说:“今天只是一个雨天。”“想和我一起坐在一起看雨吗?”Simon
    $Splash Beverage (SBEV.US)$ Back to the Barnyard:Gan dar 正在和他说话 中士,“中士 “你为什么穿裙子”。?“中士“回答,” 这不是裙子,而是苏格兰苏格兰短裙”。你这个混蛋 “!。现在!,再去喝点啤酒”。“我发现我是苏格兰人,站在母亲一边”。保持活力。Bag pipe 音乐值得关注。
    $百世集团 (BEST.US)$ Back to  the Barnyard: Simon comments,  " Gan dar" I  think this stock is gaining some profit".  How much did you buy anyway.? Stay tooned.