
gchill888 保密 ID: 71363394
    我受数据的影响,而不是观点的影响。我希望其他人也能受到数据的影响。我承认,学习阅读股票市场的相关数据既是一种艺术形式,也是一门科学。但话虽如此,如果数据显示有利且时机良好,我可以放心地进行投资,如果数据变得不利,我可以放心地卖出。我可能错了,也错了,但我经常是对的。我尽量不要抓住失败者,让我的赢家持续很长时间。Cut lo...
    You must examine the motives of the person writing the news article. I seldom trade the news. Most of the time the news article comes out after a significant move has occurred. Ask yourself has this person invested in that stock and is now offloading it. This is called "The greater fool theory". The person buying at the top gets stuck with a stock that is going down in value. This was common in many of the so called "Meme" stocks. By the time the news outlets produced the story on Gamest...
    Not following a stop loss plan when the stock price started falling. Lost 85 % of my profits for the year by holding options until expiration. Lesson learned, have a plan going in, purchase price, target price, and stop loss before executing a trade, and most importantly, stick to the plan.
    在隔离 covid 之后,出现了大量被压抑的需求。这种需求会持续吗?可能要持续到年底。股市是前瞻性的。尽管纳斯达克和标准普尔指数的价格较高,但成交量并非如此。我认为,随着大型企业转向现金,年底将出现大量的税收损失抛售。S+P由大约10只大型股票支撑,这些股票的权重远超过该指数的60%。大多数中小型股表现不佳。可以这么说,如果其中一个大盘股得了流感,我们将看到更正。这肯定是一种不寻常的情况。许多新投资者尚未看到熊市。芒格见过很多,所以在下注农场时我会谨慎行事。将一些钱存入现金并做好准备,市场不必直线上涨。如果你是长期投资者,那没关系,市场一直设法上涨。个股的情况就不一样了。在熊市中,当预期得不到满足时,许多人就会破产。
    Have a consistent executable plan. Learn and develop chart reading skills. Learn how to identify up trends and down trends, both can make money. Avoid ranging markets, up one day down the next. Have a clear entry point, stop loss, and target before entering a trade with at least a 2 to 1 ratio for target gain vs loss. Remember there will be small up and downs in a trend, don't sell a position as a knee jerk reaction to a minor move, chart reading skills will help here. even if you only have 50 % winning trades this strategy will make profits and take emotions out of the equation.
    First you have to identify the type of trader you are. The indicators that work for a scalper or day trader may be very different than the indicators that will be useful for a swing trader or buy and hold trader. I'm a swing trader. I use the 200 day simple moving average to indicate bullish or bearish trend. If price is still above 200 dma the trend is bullish if price is below the trend is bearish. I like using 10 or 12 period rsi for entries. if price is above 200 dma and rsi is less than 30 and there is no apparent reason for the low valuation,i.e. no bad news, disappointing earnings,  etc. it's time to place a buy. I caution you to take rsi for what it is, a momentum indicator.  just because a stocks rsi is above 70 doesn't mean  that you should take a short position.  The rsi can stay above 70 for a long time with hot stocks and you can miss out on the strongest movers with such tactics. ...