
happyc88 保密 ID: 101743323
    happyc88 评论了
    Every person ends the year a different one than they began it. Growth happens no matter what. You may not feel different or think you act different but that’s because time sets a pace for us to become accustomed without being aware.
    The price of wisdom is old age which is why wisdom is priceless because you pay for it with what is most dear to you- Your Time...Once spent there is no refund for it. That’s why you should never waste it on negativity or unhappiness. Do you know anyone that is happy being unhappy? So never dwell on bad investments or bad advice. Learn from it and grow from and move onto the next one with a smile on your face because only you decide on how much happiness you have in life.
    A few things on my wishlist:
    1. Never let the loss of money bring you pain. There was a time when you had none and there will come a time that you will have none again.
    2. Never pass your bad day onto others. Misery doesn’t need your help adding to its company, it has plenty.
    3. Say hello to one stranger every day. Sometimes people feel like the world doesn’t ever see them.
    4. If you miss someone don’t be afraid to tell them.
    5. Never believe any government has your best interest in mind. You’re better off trusting a blind man to drive you to the airport.
    6. Remember the market takes more than it gives and money is just a part of that.
    7. What you give to the world is what it gives back.
    8. Perfection is an idea and can only exist in one place. Look all you want in this world but you won’t find it.
    9. Make money easy. Making easy money comes with strings attached.
    10. Buy $Context Therapeutics(CNTX.US)$ and don’t sell until it gets to 6.50!!!
    Have a Merry Christmas! And I’ll see you all in 2 days! HOHOHO!!! 😎
    $Ardelyx(ARDX.US)$ 空头将其浸泡这样他们就可以掩盖。只要它保持在1.45以上,它就会恢复到1.75
    happyc88 赞并评论了
    One of the greatest instruments used by the financiers to impoverish and stupefy us is the stock market. What everyone knows, but few admit, is that the value of a stock has absolutely nothing to do with the value of the company. Just look at Amazon stocks, which have risen around 1300% in the last decade despite the company’s earnings being next to nothing. But Amazon isn’t a weird anomaly. This is how the stock market works. It was set up this way by design,by the industrialists, of course. Instead of spending their own capital to grow their business, they let millions of poor schmucks buy “ownership” in the company. This provides a huge influx of capital investment with no strings attached. If you invest your life savings in Amazon stock and the company tanks, Jeff Bezos doesn’t owe you a dime. Unlike traditional investors in a company, who expect their business loan to be repaid with interest, you the stockholder aren’t legally entitled to ever see your money again. This is called gambling.
    Bitcoin, like the stock market, is not really a casino. It feels like one, but it’s not. But with LIBOR, insider trading scandals, and other drips and drabs of leaked information over the years, we know that the stock market is rigged. Its volatility is intentional; the super-wealthy have enough leverage to manipulate stock prices at their will so they can buy low and sell high. That’s not a casino, that’s a con. They want you to believe the rise and fall of stocks and commodities (like Bitcoin) are due to irrational speculative investing, as if the prices are determined by trading volume. But they don’t give you the most important piece of information, which is that those at the very top are controlling the trading volume, not to mention manipulating the exchange rates. When these tricks don’t work, they can just straight-up falsify the data. They can simply tell you a Bitcoin is worth $15,000, sell it to you for that much, then turn around and make the price drop to $5,000. They can do this because they created the market, and they own most of the commodity. 
    Lots of people, especially younger people who came of age during the 2008 recession, were skeptical of the stock market and the big banks. So the financiers had to create a new fake market to lure these younger folks under the guise of a “private,” “sound money” system. It’s no coincidence Bitcoin came right on the heels of the Great Recession. The truth is, it was created as another unsound money alternative, to catch all the flies that were getting wise to the great Wall Street scam and making a mass exit from its tangled web. 
    Bitcoin claims to be a fully encrypted form of digital currency that offers total financial anonymity. But that’s not true at all. You see, there are two primary ways to buy Bitcoin. You can send and receive it directly from other Bitcoin owners using a “digital asset wallet” or “crypto wallet” and making the transactions directly on the blockchain, which is a ledger of all Bitcoin transactions. Or you can buy them through an intermediary exchange service like Coinbase or Bitfinex, similar to brokerage sites for stocks. When you use the exchanges, you have to jump through at least as many hoops to set up an account as you would to open a bank account, including several forms of photo ID, proofs of address, your social security number, etc. In other words, you have no more anonymity than a bank account holder. Even so, using an intermediary exchange is far easier and less confusing than doing it the direct, anonymous way with a wallet. Just Google “how to buy Bitcoin anonymously” and see how long it takes you to figure it out. It’s immensely confusing and technical. This is why the overwhelming majority of all Bitcoin owners use intermediary exchanges – they’re a whole lot easier. But this means that Bitcoin is no more anonymous than a bank card, and just as subject to taxation as fiat money.
    Another supposed value proposition of Bitcoin is that it’s decentralized. No single political entity or group has monopoly control over it, unlike fiat currency which is controlled and issued by the central banks. Just look at the chart at howmuch.net and read the results: 
    Over 95% of all Bitcoins in circulation are owned by about 4% of the market. In fact, 1% of the addresses control half the entire market. 
    It means the power to influence the value of Bitcoin in the hands of a very select few. And what’s worse, there’s no way of knowing who these few are. This is where the anonymity of the blockchain becomes a drawback rather than a benefit. You have no way of knowing who the Bitcoin millionaires and billionaires are. Yet because they have most of the world’s Bitcoin, they have tremendous power over it. The real owners – the real 4% that own 95% of all cryptocurrency – are the Intelligence agencies, and ultimately the industrialists and bankers who control Intelligence. Since they created Bitcoin out of thin air, any Bitcoin they sell to the rest of us is basically pure profit. Unlike other commodities that actually take capital to mine, refine, harvest, etc., Bitcoin is just a bunch of code. It’s kind of like all those coins you collect in the Super Mario Brothers video games. They don’t exist in the real world. On top of all that, they’ve duped people into buying hardware and eating up electricity to “mine” them. Since the crypto-rulers own the companies that make the hardware and produce the electricity, they make a double-killing on Bitcoin. Blockchain is now being rapidly absorbed into the same corrupt global financial system it was supposedly created to overthrow.
    “Bitcoin is a project of American intelligence agencies, which was designed to provide quick funding for US, British and Canadian intelligence activities in different countries. 
    The technology is ‘privatised,’ just like the Internet, GPS and TOR. In fact, it is dollar 2.0. Its rate is controlled by the owners of exchanges.” This statement is from the head of one of the largest cybersecurity firms in the world. Bitcoin is an Intel creation. Intel still controls the internet and GPS and every other technology they’ve ever developed.
    happyc88 参与了投票
    星期一快乐 mooer们!欢迎回到 每周热门话题,我们根据上周的搜索量和消息量,回顾moomoo平台上精选热门股票的新闻、表现和社区情绪!(不包括纳米帽。)
    第二部分:热门股票列表和 Mooers 评论
    每个主要指数都在移动 更低 上个星期。这是每周的热门节目...
    $蔚来(NIO.US)$ 害怕蔚来被除名?这个 FUD 每隔几个月就会发生一次,第 n 次发生了。我们有机会逢低买入 👍 幸运的星期五只有半天,跌幅也不会掉那么多 🤣
    谢谢 @moomoo Rewards这是一款看上去很聪明又自信的大使雕像。这确实激励和激励人们成为大使,与其他人分享更多关于moomoo的信息,加入Big moomoo大家庭,在那里我们可以通过神话般的moomoo平台上的所有精彩课程、活动和活动来了解有关投资的更多信息。
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    大使雕像:moo-vel 队长
    happyc88 参与了投票
    在这个感恩节我们想问你的问题是...在投资之旅中,你感激的是什么? 是你的供养家庭吗?你的投资朋友?你的盈利股票?你读的书?也许是大师?这份清单不胜枚举。我们内心深处有许多值得欣赏和感激的事情。为什么你现在不借此机会说一声谢谢!? 加入话题讨论 #为此,我很感激 并获得奖励!
    向你的 “小伙子” 说声谢谢
    今年你最感谢哪些股票?或者相反,哪些股票能给你上课? 无论是成功还是挫折,我们总有理由感激不已,因为它使我们变得更强大,在投资方面变得更有经验。
    交易或投资从来都不是一件容易的事。谢天谢地,我们的家人或朋友提供了 艰难时期的情感支持, 鼓励投资人生的曲折,以及为生活中想要做的事情而被理解和接受所带来的安慰。
    感谢伸出援助之手的 “陌生人”
    你有吗 一位从一开始就指导你的大师 你的投资之旅?你有没有发现 有助于你做出决定的书?当你不知所措时,你可以参考无数的在线课程和书籍。你想向哪一个表示感谢?
    当我们决定投资并开始从头开始学习时, 我们做出了一个勇敢的决定和艰难的选择。别忘了我们是一个勇敢的男人/女人,我们应该为此感到感激。
    所有金钱买不到的东西: 无论你的投资组合或个股表现如何,重要的是要记住这一点 生活中最美好的事物都是免费的。假期和与家人共度时光往往会向我们证明这一点,无论市场在做什么,这都是我们每天都应该感激的事情。
    5 个最佳帖子 会得到 1,888 积分;
    10 篇精选帖子 会得到 888 积分;
    所有参与者都将获得 88 积分。
    持续时间: 现在 — 11月29日晚上 11:59(美国东部时间)
    1。只有 相关帖子 还有那些添加话题 #For 这个,我很感激。(请在该主题下发帖。)
    2。最低字数要求: 50 个字
    谢谢,祝我们所有的交易或投资工作好运。在这里加入这个话题时一定忘记附上你的感恩节晚餐的照片 #为此,我很感激
    对冲基金为备受关注的股票创造了弱点。他们确保自己始终处于控制之中。现在你可以读懂行使期权不会影响股票走势,但这是个谎言。但是他们以股票过去的运作方式为基础,尽管它们仍然产生了影响,但由于市场因素已不复存在,影响微乎其微。一个因素是期权合约直到最近才很受欢迎。出售的股票还不足以引起对拥有数百万股股票的任何反应。另一个是期权行使价,合约被认为是无限的。我认识的经纪人实际上是这样想的。但是期权合约是可以行使的,您获得的是股票而不是付款。只是从来没有做过。唯一发生这种情况的时候是当你没有投入支付款项时,它们会被自动行使,股票将在那个星期一存入你的账户,减去费用,或者你被收取保证金。期权合约也没有半美元的行使价,一旦你超过20.00,那么只允许5.00的行使距离。低于 20.00 的打击距离为 1.00。而且不允许买入低于5.00的股票的期权合约,这就是为什么5.00及以下的股票被昵称为细价股的原因。现在,整个系统对所有人都是免费的,因为这是你控制运动的方式。现在的期权交易量对回调有巨大影响,这就是他们创造半美元行使价的原因。你可能导致的暂停和回调越多,吓到人们卖出的机会就越大。
    这是 $Progenity(PROG.US)$从今天开始。整个期权合约中唯一的弱点在哪里?在 5.50。他们是怎么做到的?把这次罢工的保费当作最不值钱。突破这个5.50点并继续上涨的唯一方法是该股开盘价高于7.50的行使价。但是他们有办法确保这种情况也不会发生。他们还确保在价值影响内在价值时,人们将在5.00及以下的价格行使期权。因此,如果他们试图持有期权合约,他们就会开始贬值。