Hi all, in this New Year, 2022 I do have some New Resolutions for Investment.
1. Capitalising on my previous Year establishment, I would like further expand my portfolio.
- likely it would not be a bed of roses all day, so when the market dips buy more units to a. perform dollar averaging and b. increase volume for higher dividend returns
2. There are some stocks that I always wanted but have not gotten the chance to enter the market, I would very much like to own s...
1. Capitalising on my previous Year establishment, I would like further expand my portfolio.
- likely it would not be a bed of roses all day, so when the market dips buy more units to a. perform dollar averaging and b. increase volume for higher dividend returns
2. There are some stocks that I always wanted but have not gotten the chance to enter the market, I would very much like to own s...
我相信使用mooSchool Summer Camp S8分享的技术指标,你可以在购买你想要的股票前做出更明智的选择。我对这一切都很新。然而,我在年轻的时候参与了赌博。我的祖父拥有马匹,他会让骑师们比赛。他也是个博彩书ie。我13岁时下了我人生中的第一次赌注。我只有20美元可以花费。所以我决定玩聪明一点,无论聪明究竟是什么,试试我的运气。我记得在这场比赛上押注5美元。其中一匹马的赔率是9/35,我用另外两个位置填满了其中两个最受欢迎的马。当马匹在赛道上跑的时候,我的心都要跳出来了。长话短说,我最终赢了105美元,那对我来说是很多钱。从那天起,我的生命为我打开了各种赌博方式。我是一个单身父亲,知道放弃永远都不是一个选项。冒险永远是一个选项。#保持谦卑保持专注