
IndioYates 男 ID: 71728230
    “Dead Cat Bounce” 只是指股票价格的最后一次上涨走势,在此期间,股票价格从下跌趋势中短暂上涨,然后再次下跌。现在,在Paypal和富途股票中经常出现这种情况。 $PayPal(PYPL.US)$   $富途控股(FUTU.US)$ 
    接下来是 “鲸鱼”,鲸鱼是市场的推动者和动摇者,它们拥有如此庞大的资本,以至于它们的买入和卖出都可能导致市场波动,就像小动物被这个巨人取代一样!
    “Apes Together Strong” 是一个集团或表示声援其他追求相同目标的普通投资者,比如向月球收购 AMC!!只有集中精力,他们才能实现目标价格。 $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ 
    哈哈,最近最喜欢的短语 “Short Squeezes”,其中挤压指的是不寻常的市场走势。空头挤压是指资产(例如股票的股价)在短时间内出人意料地升值至超高价格。这是因为它已经 “挤压” 了该市场的任何卖空者,他们经常在空头挤压中退出交易,以限制市场价格上涨时的损失。我们想到了像AMC和Gamestop这样的股票。 $游戏驿站(GME.US)$ 
    当你必须在价格下跌时进行交易时,假设价格会很快反弹,“逢低买入” 是一个不费吹灰之力的短语。无论市场状况如何,永久看涨特定股票的人经常提到这一点。这就是我们无论如何都买入股票的原因。啊!!Phunware 还在下跌。哈哈哈 $Phunware(PHUN.US)$ 
    “Paper Hands” 是指投资者在出现麻烦的第一个迹象时迅速卖出股票;他们无法踏上动荡的旅程,可能会导致提前退出和错失机会。
    然后我们看到了这种 “暴跌”,当时一群投资者串通并同时购买了同一只股票,暂时推高了股票的价格,并在不久之后卖出以将其转化为利润。此后,价格将回落至正常水平。那些陷入这波浪潮的人将大获全胜!数字世界收购公司(DWAC)就是一个例子。 $Digital World Acquisition Corp(DWAC.US)$ 
    最后但并非最不重要的一点是,“Jigged Out” 是人们注意到市场处于不利位置的地方,然后你迅速平仓交易,结果市场反弹到更高的头寸,你本可以从中获得丰厚的利润,被称为 “跳出去”。这正是我每次的感受;“我只是因为读错了市场而使自己失去了利润!”特斯拉,当然还有微软,都是我的许多大错误之一! $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$  $微软(MSFT.US)$ 
    IndioYates 留下了心情
    Stocks set to rise as earnings, inflation weighed
    Asian stocks looked set to rise Tuesday after a record $标普500指数(.SPX.US)$ close as corporate earnings and progress on President Joe Biden's economic agenda helped sentiment even as the debate over inflation risks intensified.
    Australian equities pushed higher, while futures climbed for Japan and were steady for Hong Kong. U.S. contracts advanced. The $纳斯达克100指数(.NDX.US)$ outperformed overnight amid a $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$ rally to a $1 trillion market value.
    Tesla hits $1 trillion market cap for the first time after Hertz says it will buy 100,000 electric vehicles
    $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$ hit a $1 trillion market cap for the first time after $HERTZ GLOBAL HOLDINGS INC(HTZGQ.US)$ said Monday it would buy 100,000 electric vehicles. News of the deal brought Tesla's stock to a new record high just one trading day after the shares topped $900.
    The deal comes more than a year after Hertz filed for bankruptcy protection during the height of the coronavirus pandemic, as demand for travel and rental vehicles dropped.
    Facebook shares rise as investors focus on earnings beat and look past whistleblower document dump
    $Facebook(FB.US)$ shares rose in extended trading on Monday after the company reported better-than-expected third-quarter earnings while revenue missed estimates. The company announced its plans to break out its Facebook Reality Labs into its own reporting segment starting in the fourth quarter.
    Facebook said it expects fourth-quarter revenue of $31.5 billion to $34 billion. Analysts were expecting sales of $34.8 billion.
    Trump-linked SPAC cools down after short position emerges
    $Digital World Acquisition Corp(DWAC.US)$ pulled back Monday following a wild 846% surge last week after a short-seller said it was betting against the Trump-linked special purpose acquisition company.
    Shares of Digital World are trading around $89, or nearly nine times the SPAC's in September. The stock, which had traded as high as $122 earlier in the session and $175 on Friday, slipped Monday afternoon as Iceberg Research said on Twitter that it was short DWAC.
    PayPal says it's not looking to buy Pinterest right now, shares jump 6%
    $PayPal(PYPL.US)$ said in an update on its website that it is "not pursuing an acquisition of Pinterest at this time." Shares of $Pinterest(PINS.US)$ soared last week after Bloomberg first reported that PayPal may acquire the social media company. PayPal's shares were up more than 3% in morning trading Monday on the Nasdaq stock exchange, while shares of Pinterest were down over 12%.
    Tesla is towering over megacap tech in the options market
    Tesla, despite reporting earnings on Oct. 20, accounted for eight of the top nine most-traded single stock options on Monday.
    In contrast, none of $Facebook(FB.US)$, $谷歌-A(GOOGL.US)$, $微软(MSFT.US)$, $苹果(AAPL.US)$ or $亚马逊(AMZN.US)$ options strikes ranked among the 20 most active in Monday trading.
    Mastercard partners with Bakkt to bring cryptocurrency payments to the masses
    The companies said the partnership will make it easier for banks, financial-technology firms and merchants to offer and accept crypto payments. Banks and other financial institutions that issue cards through Mastercard will be able to issue cryptocurrency debit or credit cards that let people make payments and earn rewards in bitcoin. Other cryptocurrency assets could follow.
    $Bakkt Holdings(BKKT.US)$ shares more than tripled to $30.60. $万事达(MA.US)$ shares rose 0.6% to $360.86.
    Canadian stocks add $191 billion of value in longest rally ever
    The Canadian stock market posted its longest streak of gains ever as a rally in commodities pushed the benchmark higher for a 14th straight session.
    The $S&P/TSX Composite Index(.SPTSX.CA)$ rose 0.3% to an all-time high Monday. It has added about C$237 billion ($191 billion) in market value during its recent winning streak, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. U.S. oil prices hit $85 a barrel for the first time since 2014 and metals prices also climbed, fueling Monday's rally. Energy and materials make up about 25% of the Canadian benchmark.
    Source: Bloomberg, WSJ, CNBC
    Wall Street Today | Trump-linked DWAC cools down after short position emerges