
Jas Tang 女 ID: 102509388
    As the omicron variant continues to spread, the stock market is having trouble pushing higher. The headwinds are building, but the is weathering the storm. With that in mind, let's look at a few top stock trades as we kick off the holiday-shortened trading week.
    Top stock trades for today No. 1: Tesla
    $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ stock could be shaping up as an opportunity. Shares traded lower yesterday, which is no surprise for anyone that's bothered to look at growth stocks lately.
    However, the stock has finally filled that gap down at $910 and retested the prior highs at $900. Furthermore, we also have the 21-week moving average and 200-unit moving average on the four-hour chart nearby as well.
    A bounce from this area could ignite a move back $950 to $970 area, where Tesla stock finds its declining short-term daily moving averages. Above that, and we could be talking about $1,000 again.
    Top stock trades for today No. 2: Nike
    $耐克 (NKE.US)$ reported earnings after the close. Recently, though, the stock hasn't been trading that well, down in six-straight sessions. Will earnings be enough?
    On the downside, let's see if shares tag the 200-day and 50-week moving averages. That could give bulls a dip-buying opportunity. If Nike pushes lower, it could put that $145 to $148 zone in play.
    This was support back in October, as well as the prior breakout zone this summer. A break of this level will be a bad look for Nike.
    On the upside, however, I'd love to see Nike get back above the 21-day and 50-day moving averages. That will help shape up the trend and put the highs back in play.
    That seems like a tough ask, but really it would just erase the losses over the prior six sessions.
    Top stock trades for today No. 3: Micron
    Like Nike, $美光科技 (MU.US)$ also reported earnings after the close. Unlike Nike, though, Micron hasn't been trading all that bad.
    Shares are consolidating along the 50-week moving average while holding the 200-day.
    If the stock moves lower and below these measures, let's see if the 50-day moving average is support. Otherwise, we'll need to see how it handles the $75 to $77 area.
    On the upside, however, I want to see Micron power through the November high at $87.71. That would give bulls a monthly-up rotation. Above $89.05, and we can start talking about $95 again, then, of course, the obvious $100 level.
    Top trades for today No. 4: Canopy Growth
    Last but not least we have $Canopy Growth (CGC.US)$. The stock is hitting multi-year lows.
    Here is a weekly chart, highlighting the steep decline this one has been in. From the peak earlier this year, Canopy Growth has declined in 10-straight months and is working on its 11th-straight monthly decline. That's incredibly painful!
    However, CGC stock is now undercutting the 2020 low and doing so with some pretty big divergence on the RSI reading.
    In turn, let's see if Canopy Growth can reclaim $9, letting bulls initiate a long position against this week's low.
    That could quickly put $10-plus in play, followed by the declining 8- and 10-day moving averages. Above that, and the 21-week moving average is in play, which was resistance earlier this quarter near $15.
    Source: InvestorPlace
    4 top stock trades for Tuesday: TSLA, NKE, MU, CGC
    4 top stock trades for Tuesday: TSLA, NKE, MU, CGC
    4 top stock trades for Tuesday: TSLA, NKE, MU, CGC
    By Julianna
    Hey, mooers! Here are things you need to know before the opening bell:
    - Stock futures climbed in early morning trading Tuesday following a broad Monday sell-off amid fears about the fast-spreading Covid omicron variant.
    - $美光科技 (MU.US)$ shares surged in the extended session Monday after the memory-chip maker forecast an outlook and reported earnings that topped Wall Street estimates.
    Market Snapshot
    Stock futures climbed in early morning trading Tuesday following a broad Monday sell-off amid fears about the fast-spreading Covid omicron variant.
    Futures on the $道琼斯指数 (.DJI.US)$ gained 214 points, $标普500指数 (.SPX.US)$ futures rose 30 points and $纳斯达克综合指数 (.IXIC.US)$ futures added 133.5 pionts.
    Market Temperature
    Read more: Market Temperature (12/21)
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    Micron stock rallies as strong data-center sales drive outlook, earnings
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    Moderna says Covid-19 booster dose works against Omicron in lab tests
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    Before the Bell | Micron stock rallies as strong data-center sales drive outlook
    Before the Bell | Micron stock rallies as strong data-center sales drive outlook
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    苹果股价周四下跌3.9%,这家iPhone制造商公布了自3月以来最糟糕的一天,从3万亿美元的市值进一步回落。除其他公司外,微软下跌了2.9%, $亚马逊 (AMZN.US)$ 下跌2.6%,英伟达下跌6.8%。
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    CFPB表示,获得这些计划的便捷性可能意味着消费者最终的支出超出了预期。 $Affirm Holdings (AFRM.US)$ 周四下跌了10.6%。
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    尽管降价,但Netflix仍然比竞争对手更昂贵。根据咨询公司Media Partners Asia的数据,Netflix在印度拥有约500万订阅者,远少于亚马逊Prime Video的1900万订阅者 $迪士尼 (DIS.US)$ Disney+ Hotstar 的 4600 万。
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    $美光科技 (MU.US)$ has been on the rise this week and I took the opportunity to exit a small % at a small profit. I’ve been building up a sizable stake in MU, averaging down from the high $80. although there is some positive news about MU, I wanted to pare my stake and use some of the capital for other blue chips. looking at IBM and BRK-B