
jeannie72 保密 ID: 101548490
    2021 年,富途 9 岁了。 有 伴随着 9年的数百万用户。
    在我们庆祝 9 岁生日时,我们回顾过去,努力发现难忘的时刻,发现了这一点 每一个难忘的时刻都与您共度——我们亲爱的用户:
    2012 年,富途与您一起踏上了一段激动人心的旅程。
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    在我们庆祝9岁生日之际,我们的创始愿景越来越激励着我们:“让投资变得更容易,而不是孤单”。 正是我们社区中的数百万用户使投资 “并不孤单”。与您在一起的这9年是我们有史以来最美好的时光。
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    What is National Football League-NFL?
    The National Football League (NFL)is a major U.S. professional gridiron football organization, founded in 1920 in Ohio. It is the highest professional level of American football in the world and is also considered one of the most popular professional sports organizations in the world.
    The NFL is made up of 32 teams split between two conferences: the National Football Conference and the American Football Conference. Each conference is divided into four geographically based four-team divisions. Teams play a 16-game regular-season schedule which is divided into divisional games, intra-conference games, and inter-conference games. The NFL Championship Game is called the "Super Bowl".
    The 2021 NFL season is the 102nd season of the National Football League. The regular season started on September 9, 2021, and scheduled to end on January 9, 2022.
    The stocks to watch during the 2021 NFL season
    Sports bettingwill be infused into the NFL experience more than ever this season. According to the NFL official announcements:
    - in April, the NFL announced its first-ever U.S. sportsbook partnerships with $凯撒娱乐(CZR.US)$, $DraftKings(DKNG.US)$, and as part of those deals, in addition to having the exclusive right to leverage NFL marks within the sports betting category, integrate into NFL O&O properties, and activate around retail and online sports betting.
    - in August, the NFL has reached agreements with FOX Bet, BetMGM $美高梅(MGM.US)$, PointsBet(PBH.ASX), and WynnBET $永利度假村(WYNN.US)$to become Approved Sportsbook Operators for the 2021 NFL season. These agreements make all four operators eligible to purchase NFL in-game commercial units and other select NFL media inventory.
    Also, accroding to Dow Jones Newswires, the market is paying close attention to thestreaming service platformsduring this sports season:
    - $亚马逊(AMZN.US)$could pay the NFL $2.5 billion to stream 'Sunday Ticket' games, which consider as the frontrunner among bidders.
    - Other companies that could be competing with Amazon for more NFL broadcast rights (such as 'Sunday Ticket' games) are brands $苹果(AAPL.US)$, $谷歌-A(GOOGL.US)$, $奈飞(NFLX.US)$, and $迪士尼(DIS.US)$.
    - The current streaming servicers include Paramount+ by $Paramount Group(PGRE.US)$, FOX Sports by $福克斯公司-B(FOX.US)$, ESPN by $迪士尼(DIS.US)$, Prime Video by $亚马逊(AMZN.US)$.
    Read more:
    Amazon is the front-runner to acquire NFL Sunday Ticket package
    These sports betting stocks could be boosted as NFL season kicks off, says analyst
    Source: NFL, SportingCharts, Dow Jones Newswires
    我等着它清除 120。HSI 今天涨了这么多... 现在轮到你施展魔法了...
    $向上融科(TIGR.US)$ $富途控股(FUTU.US)$
    Take a break, have a coffee, enjoy this beautiful saturday. Trade / Invest but still Family first ya 🥳🥳
    On the last trading day, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 0.43% to end at 34,879.38 points, while the S&P 500 lost 0.46% to 4,493.28. The Nasdaq Composite dropped 0.25% to 15,248.25.
    Labor Day took place on Monday, September 6. The post-Labor Day IPO storm is coming soon next week.
    On the last trading day, there was one traditional IPOs filed while no new stock officially listed for trading.
    Cingulate, the Kansas City, KS-based company, was founded in 2013. It is a Phase 3-ready biotech developing formulations of stimulant drugs for ADHDn.
    The company is initially focusing its efforts on the treatment of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It is also initially targeting the ADHD stimulant-based treatment market.
    Cingulate's two candidates, CTx-1301 (dexmethylphenidate) and CTx-1302 (dextroamphetamine), are being developed for the treatment of ADHD. The company announced positive results from a Phase 1/2 study of CTx-1301 in ADHD patients in October 2020, and it plans to initiate Phase 3 trials in the 4Q21 with results expected in late 2022.
    $脑再生科技(RGC.US)$, an early-stage bioscience company, started in Hong Kong in 2014 with main operation and assets in Hong Kong. It focuses on research, development and commercialization of TCM for the treatment of neurocognitive disorders and degeneration, specifically Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (“ADHD”) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (“ASD”).
    The company aims to launch three liquid-based standardized TCM formulae candidates for mild, moderate and severe ADHD and ASD patients in Hong Kong first and subsequently to other markets.
    It has three standardized TCM formulae candidates under development targeting mild, moderate and severe ADHD and ASD conditions. It plans to commence the second research study using the three standardized TCM formulae candidates in the second quarter of 2021.
    Regencell Bioscience began trading on July 16, 2021. As of September 9th, it has a market cap of $71 million, with the listed to date gain of 185.47%.
    IPO Recap: ADHD drug developer Cingulate files for a $58 million IPO
    IPO Recap: ADHD drug developer Cingulate files for a $58 million IPO
    IPO Recap: ADHD drug developer Cingulate files for a $58 million IPO
    $新加坡航空公司(C6L.SG)$ 新航是长期投资,短期看不到
    日本、澳大利亚和香港的期货略有上涨。标准普尔500指数创下自6月以来最长的连跌纪录后,美国合约波动。报告显示,美国申请失业救济人数减少,但病毒干扰也有所增加,包括 $微软(MSFT.US)$的举动取消了全面重新开放办公室的计划。
    $Affirm Holdings(AFRM.US)$作为蓬勃发展的先买后付领域的主要参与者之一,周四收盘后公布的第四财季业绩好于预期,其中包括稳健的指导和71%的收入增长。报告发布后,该股在延期交易中飙升了20%以上。
    $福特汽车(F.US)$ 将停止在印度生产汽车,关闭其在印度的两家雇用数千名员工的大型工厂。 重组行动是首席执行官吉姆·法利(Jim Farley)领导下为重组该汽车制造商业务而采取的最新行动。 福特在印度终止汽车生产的决定是在其跨城竞争对手四年后做出的 $通用汽车(GM.US)$ 退出了亚洲汽车制造商占据主导地位的市场。
    $联合大陆航空(UAL.US)$ 计划在美国假日季减少在空中的飞机,这表明了今年夏天达美冠状病毒变种传播时开始的旅行需求放缓的深远影响.
    美联航是周四下调季度收入预测的几家美国航空公司之一。 $美国航空(AAL.US)$, $达美航空(DAL.US)$, $捷蓝航空(JBLU.US)$, $西南航空(LUV.US)$ 美联航都在向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件中表示,需求在8月份有所回落。
    高盛的一份报告发现,今年迄今为止,对冲基金已经完成了770笔交易,已经超过了2020年全年创下的纪录数字,当时有753笔交易总额达到960亿美元。在今年的协议中,将近四分之三是对处于起步阶段的公司的 “风险投资” 赌注。
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