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    为所有人提供更多有价值的东西。储物袋和口罩现已上市(澳大利亚时间 12:00)
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    [AU] 储物袋和口罩将于7月1日发布
    [AU] 储物袋和口罩将于7月1日发布
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    早上好 mooers 们!关于当今的新加坡,你需要了解以下几点:
    ●值得关注的股票和房地产投资信托基金:新加坡电信、SPH Reit、Aspen
    -moomoo News SG
    新加坡股市周一开盘走低。的 $富时新加坡海峡指数(.STI.SG)$ 下跌1.01%,至3,114.16...
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    Investors go for long term investments as investments held for longer periods tend to be less volatile than those held for shorter term. So the longer you hold, the more likely you will be able to weather the swings in the market.
    Historically, longer term investments (quality ones) almost always outperform the market. A good example is Warren Buffet who just invests in great companies trading at less than their intrinsic values and then hold on to these companies for as long as they remain great businesses. I would like to share his investment philosophy which has helped guide my investment journey :
    a) looking for a margin of safety (pay less than the intrinsic value)
    b) Focus on quality (it is far better to invest in a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price)
    c) Don’t follow the crowd
    d) Don’t fear market crashes and corrections
    e) Approach your investment with a long term mindset
    f) Don’t be afraid to sell if the scenario changes
    g) Learn the basics of Value Investing
    h) Research and reflect (knowledge is power)
    Long term investment works better for me as I do not have time to monitor all the time 😊 I do watch his portfolio which has performed relatively well over the years eg $苹果(AAPL.US)$  $美国银行(BAC.US)$  $可口可乐(KO.US)$  $美国运通(AXP.US)$  $卡夫亨氏(KHC.US)$ 😊
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    $苹果(AAPL.US)$ Why This Top Strategist Says Big Tech Still Has Room to Run -- Barrons.comMentioned:AAPL AMZN ASML MSFT SAPBy Reshma Kapadia
    Nicholas Colas writes a widely-read morning note for money managers that draws on the New Yorker's 30-year career on Wall Street, filled with insights gleaned from economic data, market dynamics, investor psychology, and disruptive trends.
    Colas, co-founder of DataTrek Research, got his first glimpse of Wall Street from the mailroom of what is now Alliance Bernstein as the mutual fund industry was taking off in the mid-1980s. Colas began his official Wall Street career in 1991 as an equities analyst covering autos for Credit Suisse. He went on to work at SAC Capital, where he learned from hedge fund manager Steve Cohen the importance of understanding emotions in investing, and later worked at other firms as a market strategist and head of research before launching DataTrek in 2017. Colas has been bullish on Big Tech and the power of disruption for years, and began writing about Bitcoin in 2013.
    Barron's talked with Colas about why he still likes U.S. stocks despite inflation, high valuations, and the risks of Omicron. In this edited version of our conversation, we also find out why he says it's crucial for investors to learn financial modeling and monitor cryptocurrency developments.
    Barron's: What's the biggest shift caused by the pandemic that is most relevant to investors?
    Nicholas Colas: Inflation. That has been the biggest change in the economy. Stuff costs more -- and not a little, but a lot more, and over two years. Food is up 15%; wages are not. As an investor, we have to think about how inflation will ebb and flow and impact corporate profitability. For big companies, it's good for profits.
    Are worries about inflation's impact on corporate earnings misplaced?
    So few analysts know how to model a company anymore. I was trained by people who built their careers in the 1970s. It comes down to understanding how costs flow through an income statement. People think if PPI [the producer price index] is up 4% and inflation is up 4%, earnings don't grow. That is absolutely wrong. Every company has a fixed cost structure that doesn't move with inflation. We see this in the data: Corporate profits in the 1970s grew just as fast as inflation did -- and the stock market grew just as fast as earnings.
    The linchpin of this market is -- and has been -- corporate earnings. It's totally reasonable to think about $240 for S&P 500 earnings next year; the Street is at $222. For perspective, we were at $162 to $163 in years prior to the pandemic. We have set a new step function in corporate earnings -- and it seems permanent.
    How can margins stay high, even as companies deal with rising labor costs, supply-chain issues, and regulatory pressures?
    Pricing power. The S&P 500 is very different from any other index on the planet. It has two things going for it: Primarily it works in the U.S. economy, and U.S. fiscal and monetary policy was orders of magnitude more aggressive than Europe and Asia. So that was a huge bump, and allowed margins not to go to zero during the recession.
    And we are talking about large U.S. companies, which have huge advantages in economies of scale and scope over smaller companies, and, because of the cash flows they generate from their U.S. operations, have much stronger competitive positioning overseas. The most important thing we have is big technology. It's impossible to overstate how important it is to have 20% of the S&P 500 in [Alphabet's] Google [ticker: GOOGL], Apple [AAPL], and Microsoft [MSFT]. There's simply no way to line up those business models with anything else.
    These companies have been winners for years. Can that really continue?
    There's human bias to momentum but also investment validity to sticking with momentum. I'm not talking about momentum [as a factor], but rather fundamentally things that are holding and increasing their competitive position. I don't see a reversion to the mean for tech margins because these companies have competitive positions in ways we haven't seen before, maybe besides Rockefeller's oil company and Vanderbilt's rail. Oil was relevant for 60 years, so when they say data is the new oil, it suggests data has a competitive window longer than traditional business models.
    Should investors be buying dips in these stocks?
    That's a separate discussion about how much confidence investors have in the global economic recovery. Probably in the second quarter, you will have a burst of enthusiasm for a synchronized global recovery -- and you could see Big Tech underperform for a couple of quarters because people will be enthusiastic about fin
    Lex0504 赞了
    $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$ $苹果(AAPL.US)$ $谷歌-C(GOOG.US)$ $亚马逊(AMZN.US)$ 这是一次救济性反弹。仍处于下降趋势
    Lex0504 赞了
    $苹果(AAPL.US)$ $谷歌-C(GOOG.US)$ 苹果要求印度反垄断监管机构(CCI)驳回指控其滥用市场支配力的案件,称其在南亚国家的市场份额太小。不像谷歌那样占主导地位。印度竞争委员会(CCI)正在调查有关苹果通过强迫应用程序开发人员使用其专有系统来损害竞争的指控,向App Store收取高达30%的应用程序内购买佣金。
    Lex0504 赞了
    $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$ $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ $苹果(AAPL.US)$ $Rivian Automotive(RIVN.US)$ $Adobe(ADBE.US)$
    来自不同平台的前 5 名股票行情(12/17)长图
    Lex0504 赞了
    巴克莱银行启动了 “增持”
    2021年11月3日,巴克莱启动了对百度的 “增持” 评级,至243。
    什么是 $百度(BIDU.US)$做?
    我猜不是所有人都听说过这个叫做计数器 $百度(BIDU.US)$ / $阿里巴巴-SW(09988.HK)$ ,但实际上它们是 $谷歌-C(GOOG.US)$ 中国的。由于谷歌在中国被禁止,当地人主要使用百度搜索。他们是一家总部位于北京的中国互联网相关人工智能公司。
    $百度(BIDU.US)$ 旨在推出其 无人驾驶出租车服务 在 100 个城市 到 2030 年。用户可以通过应用程序叫一辆自动驾驶汽车。目前,百度在中国五个城市运营其Apollo Go机器人出租车服务。百度希望到2025年将Apollo Go扩展到65个城市,然后到2030年扩展到100个城市。瑞士信贷的一份报告显示,载人司机的费用约占拼车用户支付的60%。百度建立机器人出租车业务的策略是降低自动驾驶技术的成本并针对特定的用户场景。
    百度 一家拥有强大互联网基础的领先人工智能公司和专注于人类健康的领先生物制药公司赛诺菲已达成协议,将百度的信使核糖核酸(mRNA)设计优化平台LinearDesign整合到赛诺菲的产品设计管道中。根据该协议,赛诺菲将利用LinearDesign平台为优化用于人类治疗和预防用途的mRNA序列做出贡献。该协议标志着百度利用其在计算生物学方面的优势来优化Covid-19以外的现实世界制药实践中的mRNA疫苗和疗法设计的一个里程碑。
    截至9月30日的收益= 11.2%的利润率
    你好 Moomoo,我是一个充满激情的长期投资者,我目前确实持有百度(美国上市),我打算买入更多股票,因为它目前被低估了。这是我的研究观点,我想与我所有的moomoo粉丝分享。