SGX also publishes a list of insider trades weekly. This is free on their website. My view is that buy trades are more significant as nobody buys except in hope of a future gain on their investment
But sale trades can be for reasons that have nothing to do with the company's current or future financial situation. For example the seller may have to comply with investment restrictions being breached such as the holding exceeding a set limit due to price appreciation of the share. Or...
But sale trades can be for reasons that have nothing to do with the company's current or future financial situation. For example the seller may have to comply with investment restrictions being breached such as the holding exceeding a set limit due to price appreciation of the share. Or...
No forex risk mah!
I keep the bulk of my investments in home currency ( for me, SGD ) blue chip dividend aristocrats. The remainder 15% is used for trading in the US mkts where price swings are sharp and swift esp in growth and concept stocks. I try to scalp those experiencing rapid price action. Unfortunately because I value my sleep, I am occasionally not nimble enough and end up nursing mistimed investments. Sometimes for longer than expected. And tying up my trading funds. But that i...
如果有一个行业是持续的,既能抵御衰退又能抵御通货膨胀,那一定是与死亡及所有相关服务有关的行业。作为对经济不确定性的最终避险,我会把我的荒岛上的钱投资到这个行业的股票上。这些股票包括Service Corporation,希伦布兰德,马修国际和carriage services。它们共同提供化脏服务、棺材、骨灰盒、灵车、葬仪礼堂和墓地房地产或纪念公园。每个人都不可避免地会死亡,这将保持对它们服务的需求。