
Malayneum 保密 ID: 101756336
i dont know abt stocks
    Malayneum 评论了
    In 2021, Futu turns 9 years old. Having accompanied millions of users for 9 years.
    As we celebrate our 9th birthday, we look back into the past and try to uncover memorable moments, and found that every unforgettable moment was spent with you—our dear users:
    In 2012, Futu embarked on an exciting journey with you.
    In 2019, we were listed on the Nasdaq.
    In 2020, we onboarded our 10 millionth user.
    In 2021, we advanced into more markets across the globe, welcoming more than 15.5 million users from over 200 countries and regions…
    As we celebrate our 9th birthday, we feel ever more motivated by our founding vision: “make investing easier and not alone”. It is the millions of users in our community that make investing “not alone”. These 9 years with you are the best time that we have ever spent.
    As we celebrate our 9th birthday, we would like you to know: We wish to continue accompanying you on your investing journey ahead, for the next 9 years or even 90 years.
    As we celebrate our 9th birthday, we sincerely want to invite you - our dear users - to share your moomoo stories in the past years.
    [About the Event]
    We wish to invite our users to share their moomoo stories and 9 representative users will be selected. If you are interested, please send your moomoo story or your self-introduction to the official email address: futupr@futunn.com.
    The email should include: (ideally 300-500 words, the more the better)
    -Your name,  moomoo ID,  Nationality, Occupation
    -Your moomoo story: When you started using Futu services and products via moomoo; what you want to share with us and fellow users
    -A casual photo of yourself or a photo of you with a moomoo figurine (optional, less than 5M)
    [What to Do If I Am Selected as a Representative User?]
    ① You should be willing to take an interview themed "My moomoo Story", which will be disseminated via global and Futu/moomoo official media channels in the form of image and text.
    ② You should be willing to take a photo against a pure-colored background or a photo that presents your daily life. The photo will be used for the poster of "Futu 9th Anniversary—Representative Users", which will be disseminated globally.
    ③ You should be willing to participate in a video filming. The video will be used for the video of "Futu 9th Anniversary—Representative Users", which will be disseminated globally.
    *Detailed information on the specifications of the photos and videos will be further discussed with you by our staff.
    [Application Period]
    September 16 – September 22
    [Gift Package for Selected Users]
    If you are selected as a representative user, share your Futu story, and participate in the photo taking and video filming, you will receive a US$999 stock card*, and a lucky bag containing exquisite moomoo merchandise.
    [Gift Package for Event Participants]
    User that actively participated in the Event but are not selected will receive 999 points* as a thank you gift.
    *T&Cs apply:
    Singapore Users: tap to read full T&Cs
    U.S. Users: tap to read full T&Cs
    [Call for Stories] Futu Turns 9 and You Are Invited to Share Your “moomoo Stories”!
    Malayneum 赞并评论了
    $新加坡交易所(S68.SG)$ 适合投资吗?
    在本千年中,我们在全球范围内对使用半导体进行技术进步的依赖是无可争议的。这些半导体广泛用于电子电路中。汽车、智能手机、家用电器和无线网络在很大程度上依赖于半导体的使用。这是 “让世界运转” 的原因,也是技术的 “DNA”。SIA(半导体行业协会)最近宣布,到2021年,半导体的销售额将增长到4,880亿美元,到2022年将增长8.8%。
    Covid 19大流行也无一例外地提高了他们的销售额。
    在权衡了半导体投资的正面和负面方面之后,我选择随心所欲,赞成将高质量的半导体股票作为长期投资进行交易。明智的做法是专注于富士电子环球、应用材料(AMAT.US)美元和台湾半导体制造(TSM.US)等选择性业务。他们的股票肯定会飙升并热情 “进军” 交易市场,成为 “胜利的多头”。
    Malayneum 评论了
    $Endo International(ENDP.US)$今天解决了所有诉讼。将回到 5.00。AH在为时已晚之前一直在为对冲基金提供保障,还有数百万美元需要保障。
    Malayneum 评论了
    $Sphere 3d(ANY.US)$ 这只股票稍后会下跌哈哈哈看上去很看跌
    Malayneum 评论了
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