
Maz The AMC Rilla 女 ID: 70991321
    $NanoVibronix (NAOV.US)$ seriously? no one has commented for an hour? bizarre! where is everybody? how can I discern sentiments when no one is posting what's on their mind? what say you all? we going down or up? it's been a kiddie roller-coaster all day. earlier half of you were saying it's gonna crash down and half of you saying it's about to hit 3 by eod. hmm.  I think I want to jump in this pool, but I'm not sure at what price I want to jump in. I can't figure out where this thing is going! maybe I should just save this one to watch and shop elsewhere. 🤔 but will I miss out on something super sweet if I do‽ the stock investing dilemma strikes again. ...
    “Faith means believing in advance what will only make sense in reverse.”
    ...and my FAVORITE! :
    “Doubt always coexists with faith, for in the presence of certainty who would need faith at all?”
    Although I don't believe in religions nor Gods, I find these quotes helpful when investing!
    Let me know if you like them too?
    $富途控股 (FUTU.US)$  Premarket looking pretty sweet! I just bought into this yesterday evening at ~$97 something. I didn't think it was going to go much lower and that it was coming back up soon. I hope it continues to rise and has established a new support line right about where I came in. Lots of nice price predictions on this one for the next year. I want to go be able to go long on this one. I hope no one is doing the ole "Pump & Dump" in this one because that will suck. Plus it's illegal to do, but that hasn't stopped anyone. This is my first investment in the MooMoo app, other than the freebie they gave me for creating my account.  ...