
melkee 男 ID: 102452423
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    New energy & New trend
    Countries have advocated low-carbon plans to avoid damaging the environment in recent years.
    随着投资者对环境意识增强, 绿色投资日益流行.
    您有没有考虑过 购买低碳etf以造福地球?
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    从学习 "ETF是什么?" and then judge if it really does good to your portf...
    参加ETF测验,赢取1888积分和moomoo Lion!
    参加ETF测验,赢取1888积分和moomoo Lion!
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    1. 沃伦·巴菲特:经受住时间考验的大师
    你可能已经看到下面的图表,这是沃伦·巴菲特的伯克希尔·哈撒韦和凯西·伍德的ark etf合集回报之间的鲜明对比。
    是的,在2021年你也许无法相信,但现在这是真的。moomoo的ARK ETF合集曾经是零售投资者追捧的对象。
    melkee 赞了
    时光飞逝!您已经完成了另一段旅程。 共智:哪些习惯能帮助您成为更好的交易者。 感谢所有人的参与! 在这个话题中,大多数mooer们提到了 害怕错失良机、恐慌和错误。新手进入市场时,他们盲目跟风,不明白自己在做什么,并因为被情绪左右而亏损。
    Will you get sucked into a BULL/FOMO trap when the market plunges? We must learn to stop emotions from getting in the way and take the upper hand in our decision-making. Successful tradings arise from constant practicing and establishing trading rules. Once your trading plan is created, you should be patient and keep plugging away. It would be best to grasp mistakes and be pragmatic to accept them and move on. Let's cultivate good habits to yield consistent results.
    现在是本期获胜名单的时候了。让我们一起享受这些亮点时刻吧!祝贺所有获胜的mooer们。 $福特汽车 (F.US)$ $ContextLogic (WISH.US)$ 股票!
    第一部分: 高质量发帖收集
    @Dadacai  成为更好的交易者的习惯
    成功的关键习惯之一是 制定一个交易计划正如本杰明·富兰克林所说,如果你未能制定计划,那么你就是在计划失败。不要屈服于错失良机的恐惧。通过实践和毅力,我们都可以成为成功的交易者!
    @iSpyderTrader  建立良好的交易习惯
    不要试图复制别人的想法,因为那对他们有效 您需要深入了解并自行尝试。熟能生巧。要认真做好尽职调查(研究、文章、新闻等)。带着积极的态度进行交易。不要贪婪,要赚取利润。
    @JP GO  制定适合您生活方式的规则
    交易必须 与生活方式相连,并制定规则 更重要的是将这视为一个习惯。我从小额开始测试我的想法/规则是否适用于我,并进行一些调整。我只允许自己使用3/4的资金,为自己留下最后一个选择,这样我在看到红色数字时也不会害怕。
    @mooboo  让我成为更好交易者的习惯
    对于我的价值投资,在开始任何股票头寸之前,我会做一定量的分析。每次恐慌时,我都会抑制冲动。情绪是股市中最大的敌人。最后, 尽职调查 良好的风险管理 管理好你的风险.
    @TraderPeter  要机械!
    The risk and the size are highly correlated. Ask Why first. Knowing the why helps me to make quick decision without second guess myself. Only trade something that is liquid enough. Take profit early and often and let time cure the pain.
    @bullrider21Nothing is foolproof
    Always do your homework before you buy a stock. Don't speculate. Don't buy on rumours. Find out the support and resistance levels 确定您的买入和卖出价格。您必须要有纪律。不要太贪心。
    @Ganar Poco良好习惯将使您成为持续赢家
    交易心理学 是交易的心理层面。它涉及诸如如何控制情绪,如FOMO等的事情。在你控制了自己的情绪并学会了风险管理的重要性之后,将为交易提供优势的下一个重要方面就是策略。
    @Moo Top  我117天的经历
    在Moomoo的117天后,我仍在思考我的投资和交易计划是什么。然而,以下是我从经验中获得的信息:投资或交易。 制定一个退出计划 如果交易价值、成长或者meme股,交易并不是一切。拥有自己的生活。
    @Zann56  战胜情绪
    当涉及投资时,人类情感(恐惧和贪婪)是不可避免的。由于屈从于情绪,过去曾有过亏损。为了避免这样的错误,我现在学会采取3种策略。 投资于我坚信的事物。分批成本平均。多元化投资。
    @甜心0121  我的习惯
    就我个人而言,我坚持这4个习惯以确保我的交易一致性。 设定目标。管理风险。研究,研究以及研究 并且研究。限制时间,拥有生活。
    要获取更有吸引力的发帖,请点击 Co-Wise:什么习惯可以帮助您成为更好的交易者? 查看。不要忘记留下你的评论,告诉mooer们你学到了什么!
    情绪和责任可能会影响您的思维。推理和客观性可能导致冲动和非理性的决策,进而造成更多损失。 基于情感或谣言进行交易是无效的。 分析和研究应该是交易的基础。情绪交易可能带来一些收益,但理性交易才是您长期生存的方式。通过交易提升您的生活方式,并将遵守规则作为一种习惯。磨练是成功的关键。
    免责声明: 所有投资都涉及风险。富途公司、富途SG公司和moomoo都不认可任何特定的投资策略。在决定投资策略时,您应仔细考虑您的投资目标和目的。过去的业绩不能保证未来的结果。
    melkee 赞了
    $美国超微公司 (AMD.US)$ $Cloudflare (NET.US)$ 所以我几个月前问了这个问题,得到了一些非常有趣的回答,很多人选择了AMD、Cloudfare等等。总的来说,人们的选择表现得非常好,让我很惊讶,我想知道大家对未来10年都喜欢什么,特别是因为行业革命或者你认为被严重低估的股票,有最大上涨潜力的股票。
    melkee 赞了
    只要你睁开双眼👀(还有我们的moomoo应用),就能随处找到绝佳的投资机会!找到你的完美匹配 使用我们的选股器,它是交易者和投资者必备的工具。无论是找到具有强劲上升动能的股票,还是在盈利季找到热度榜上的热门股票,你可以筛选成千上万只股票,并找到符合你标准的股票。
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    melkee 赞了
    As investors, we have a variety of investment choices.Dividend stocks are usually well-established companies with a good history of distributing earnings back to shareholders.Dividend investing is a popularway toinvestin Singapore.
    What is dividend investing?
    Dividend investing is the practice of purchasing dividend-paying stocks to receive a consistent income stream from your investment. A dividend is theproportion of the profita company pays when itearns a profit or surplus.A vast majority of Singapore companies pay dividends to issue the payout quarterly. For instance, REIT is a well-known type of company that pays out dividends.
    What are REITs?
    REITs(real estate investment trusts)are among the most popular choices for investors who aim at a steady income stream. A REIT is a business that owns, operates, or funds income-producing real estate, which can provide investment opportunities to invest in a pool of professionally managed real estate assets and is listed and traded on a stock exchange.
    Singapore is a large real estate investment trust center in Asia.So far, there are currently 43 real estate investment trusts and real estate business trusts listed on the Singapore Exchange, with a total market value exceeding $110 billion, accounting for approximately 12% of the total in Singapore. The following figures show that REITs are booming in Singapore from different dimensions.
    Looking from the historical pattern, the returns of REITs are growing steadily, with a growth rate tripled from 2011 to 2021, as shown in Figure 1.
    Figure 1: Three Year Average Annualized Total Return of 13.4%
    Figure 2 shows that the average return of S-REITS & Property Trusts was 5.9%in 2021, which is higher than other assets classes.
    Figure 2: S-REITS & Property Trusts vs Other Asset Classes
    Since 2010, SGX's SREITs & Property Trusts has had a considerable 10-year compound annual growth rate of 11%, as shown in Figure 3.
    Figure 3: SGX’s SREITs & Property Trusts: a CAGR Growth of 11% Across Ten Years
    How to evaluate dividend stocks?
    As mentioned before, dividend stocksare usually well-established companies with a good earning history. The following three parameters could help you differentiate between stocks.
    Dividend yield
    Dividend yieldis the dividenda company pays out annually and is related to the stock price.Real estate investment trusts (REITs) usually pay higher than average dividends.Thehigherthedividend yield is, thebetter.In addition, the dividend's growth should be in line with the company's long-term earnings.
    Payout ratio
    Payout ratio refers to the dividends paid out as a percentage of a company's total earnings.A high payout ratio, notably exceeding 100%, could lead to questions regarding the long-term sustainability of a stock. In contrast, a low payout ratio could indicate that a company is reinvesting most of its earnings to expand its businesses. In other words, investors should treat the payout ratio critically, whether it's high or low.
    Dividend history
    The corporations with the best long-term dividend payment records typically have had consistent payout ratios for many years. Is the company's dividend distribution continually increasing? And how long has the corporation paid a dividend to its stockholders?
    How to conduct dividend investing?
    (1)Aim for a high dividend yield
    Investors with a short-term horizon can focus on slow-growing, established companies with a large cash flow that could pay substantial dividends.
    (2) Choose high dividend growth
    Long-term investors should concentrate on buying stocks of firms that are proliferating but pay lower-than-average dividends. The returns might look small shortly, but the dividend yield should steadily increase as a company expands.
    To evaluate the potential of a specific stock, investors can look at its past performance from reports that contain various charts. The following bar chart of WLMIY (Wilmar International Limited) forecasts dividend growth based on itshistory. Assuming that the annual dividend growth rate of $丰益国际 (F34.SG)$ is 15.73%, Wilmar's dividends double every 4.7 years.
    Several notes on dividend investing
    Dividends of any company are not fixed and can be adjusted at any time.
    Mature and large companies usually provide dividends with modest growth rates.
    Suppose investors focus on companies with substantial dividends only. In that case, they may miss out on fast-growing companies that have not started paying dividends or are paying a small amount of dividends.
    Futu limited-time event
    If investors make a minimum subscription of 4,000 SGD of UOB APAC Green REIT ETF during the subscription period from November 5th, 2021 to November 16th, 2021 (both dates inclusive) and have not withdrawn the subscription before the subscription deadline will get an 18.8 SGD worth of Cash Coupons for trading on moomoo.
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    Moomoo is a trading platform offered by Moomoo Inc. In Singapore, capital markets products and services on moomoo are offered by Futu Singapore Pte. Ltd. regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).
    The content is provided for educational & informational use only. The information and data used are for purposes of illustration only. No content herein shall be considered an offer, solicitation or recommendation for the purchase or sale of securities, futures, or other investment products. It does not take into account your investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs. All information and data, if any, are for reference only and past performance should not be viewed as an indicator of future results. It is not a guarantee for future results. Investments in stocks, options, ETFs, and other instruments are subject to risks, including possible loss of the amount invested. The value of investments may fluctuate and as a result, clients may lose the value of their investment. When trading in a margin account, a client may lose more than their original investment. Please consult your financial adviser as to the suitability of any investment.
    Investing in Dividend Stocks
    Investing in Dividend Stocks
    Investing in Dividend Stocks
    melkee 赞了
    嘿,mooer们 ,今天我们学习如何使用移动平均线来识别股市趋势,以帮助增加背景信息,支持决策,并作为其他形式分析的补充。
    趋势可以形成三个方向: 向上, 下跌,或者 盘整这些趋势,或者说是股票运动的描述方式,都是技术面分析的基础之一。
    以苹果股票的图表为例 :
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    During our last event, moomoo received many likes and recognition from thousands of investors, especially those who are still new to this app.
    To establish a seamless trading experience for every moomoo investor, we put together a guide covering almost every single question you might have using moomoo.From account opening to fund settlement, we aim to tackle every problem along your investment journey!
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    [UPDATED] Moomoo Courses' Catalog: Find everthing you need before investing
    [UPDATED] Moomoo Courses' Catalog: Find everthing you need before investing