
Mr erwatchi 男 ID: 71721409
as the photo clearly suggests... I, am obviously erwatchi... the only erwatchi groomed from poverty & true heartache
    Mr erwatchi 评论了
    埃隆·马斯克 一直以来都支持 $狗狗币 (DOGE.CC)$ ,一个以迷因为灵感的数字货币。他投资其中,和 $比特币 (BTC.CC)$ $以太坊 (ETH.CC)$ .
    “ 从根本上说,比特币不是一个好的交易货币替代品,”
    虽然它最初是作为一个愚蠢的玩笑而创建的, 狗狗币更适合交易。
    Mr erwatchi 留下了心情并评论了
    $辉瑞 (PFE.US)$ Where is the science here? We know that the two vaccine shots was not effective, but we know that booster will be? Has any testing been done on how the booster interacts with Omicron? Is there a possibility, remote as it may be, that the booster would make Omicron more precarious?
    I really feel disgusted by this push for the booster. We have been lied to related to the vaccine (I am still suffering from its side effects after six months of taking the second shot), and now they want to make the booster mandatory. If this is not appalling, what would be?
    it'll pass 3000 by a long shot. I honestly hate to say it as I see the misleading nature and encouraged chaos Elon brings might be looked at later as unforgivable. I believe, the next couple years ahead will eventually be noted as being the beginning to what I feel is Elon's unspoken mission. If you consider all of his investment put together as a whole, working together on  end products truly amazing, while still in each individual field producing innovative and groundbreaking results. He's waiting... And, he's able to convince the masses to wait with him. He pumped a cause that has a mission and gains moment and envy. Now that there is frenzy and everyone came to call,he will let everyone show there hand before he shows his, like I said this is probably just the beginning. the av systems he is using now won't be the ones he uses  say even five-seven years from now. Just like the batteries and so many other components. Isn't it said that once his ride share is deployed, all sold Tesla vehicles will still be property of Tesla. The chance of all citizens being striped of vehicle ownership privilege, because remember that's a privilege, Tesla will already be so far ahead of the game by tech and on road units. By default alone Tesla will be picked first for small group that get to have transportation companies. What do you think the bill for transportation of 40-60 percent of an entire nation or more, residential, commercial, industrial, and government. Until those days come. Battery manufacturing and facilitating other manufacturers, progressing robo taxi numbers, solar advance, energy  storage, pi phone, starlink... and the list gos on. I'm pretty sure space x and Tesla and everything else will merge at some point probably a new name completely.
    Mr erwatchi 评论了
    Wedbush Securities董事总经理兼高级股票分析师丹·艾夫斯讨论了他认为特斯拉的股价目标将达到何处、新的基础设施法案如何支持电动汽车领域、福特的电动汽车计划以及对苹果汽车的预期。 $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ $蔚来 (NIO.US)$ $Nikola (NKLA.US)$
    如果他们停止不断尝试推动 TSLA,更多地应对现实,他们就会更加可信。
    $OrganiGram (OGI.US)$ 现在是 CNBC 的首席执行官,公关不错