
Niuniu88 保密 ID: 71667092
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    这次我们为您带来了来自的新功能 安卓 v11.27,包括用于解锁交易的面部识别(或触摸ID)、筛选器中添加的场外交易指标、香港首次公开募股中可查看的行业分析等等。你为什么不向下滚动来快速浏览一下?更多新功能等着你!
    在美国东部时间11月29日 24:00 之前发表评论,赢取 66 点积分!(至少 30 个字才符合条件)
    新增内容:可在安卓 v11.27 中查看场外股票筛选器和 A 股头号持有者
    新增内容:可在安卓 v11.27 中查看场外股票筛选器和 A 股头号持有者
    Niuniu88 评论了
    最近,英国的通货膨胀率跃升至十年来的最高水平。 美国通货膨胀率达到31年来的最高水平 10月份,消费者价格指数上涨了6.2%。
    1950 年为 100 美元,相当于今天的 8.7 美元。
    在70年里 100美元损失了其实际价值的91.3%。
    $标普500指数(.SPX.US)$ $纳斯达克综合指数(.IXIC.US)$ $道琼斯指数(.DJI.US)$
    It was a wild Q3, so did mooer @mooboosay. The market is volatile as always. It bears risk and opportunity at the same time. How was your trading in Q3? Any lesson learned or ideas occurred? Time to look back to your Q3 trading performance! Before you start, let's take a look at how mooers reviewed their Q3 trades.
    No.1 What did you trade?
    "My positions in Chinese stocks have all taken a hit; my safer positions...have been doing decently, my riskier plays...have gone to dust as of now..." @mooboo
    No. 2 How did you feel?
    "Glad I exited flat. The lesson probably is cheap can still be cheaper, low can still go lower, still need to develop more patience since it's showing no signs of recovery as yet." said by @GratefulPanda
    "I am extremely happy with my progress" @John Allen2
    "Worst mistakes made in the world of meme stock"  @GJLGJL
    No. 3 What have you learned?
    A lesson learned in Q3: "the right and the wrong"
    "I should do more research and not only based on the news"
    "I should be more patient. I got jogged out."
    As @NANA123shared her experience: "See it - analyze it - plan it - trade it", and we believe one more thing should be added, that it, to REVIEW it. 
    "This Q3 was no different and the market was unable to beat the September Curse."
    @HopeAlwaysreview what he has done right in Q3 trading. He believes that with dollar-cost averaging, he "was able to buy more of the stocks with the same capital. Most importantly, it aligns well with my investment goal of building up a high-quality stock portfolio that can withstand the test of time and any market upheavals."
    Review the market, review portfolio, review trading mindset
    Although you must have heard about trading psychology, you need to constantly remind yourself what your trading goal is and what you should do. @Syueebelieves a conservative practice will grand her/him a solid trading result to meet the goal. Syuee is a believer in lifetime learning, which is the spirit for all walks of life.
    No. 4 What would you do next?
    "Keep learning how to see the chart and P/E ratio" @102960292
    "Let's hope that things will look brighter as we move into Q4!" @mooboo
    As such, a basic trading review idea is formed. Review might be a bit boring, but it will definitely help with your future trading. Many the above mooers to present to us excellent ideas!!
    Finally, there are only a few days left before our topic activity ends. Join the discussion now to win up to 8,888 points at "Review Q3 Trading Performance". (Click to Join!) Let's excel starting from here! 
    The September curse disappointed no one. How to write Q3 review?
    Xenon Pharmicals Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:XENE)是涨幅最大的公司之一,此前该公司报告了针对成人局灶性癫痫患者 XEN1101 的2b期研究的积极结果。另一方面,Prelude Therapeutics Incorporated(纳斯达克股票代码:PRLD)在AACR-NCI-EORTC会议上发表演讲后损失了约一半的市值。
    同时,Allogene Therapeutics, Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:ALLO)下跌了100%以上,此前美国食品药品监督管理局在报告一名接受治疗的患者出现染色体异常后对其CAR T细胞疗法研究实施了临床暂停。
    ChemoCentryx, Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:CCXI)的股票受益于美国食品药品管理局将其avacopan作为ANCA相关血管炎的治疗药物的积极决定。
    $ChemoCentryx Inc(CCXI.US)$ $Allogene Therapeutics(ALLO.US)$ $Xenon制药(XENE.US)$
    $联想集团(ADR)(LNVGY.US)$ The industry believes that Lenovo Group’s withdrawal of the Sci-tech Innovation Board IPO application in such a short period of time is likely not to request the withdrawal, but to be asked to withdraw it. In the past, Lenovo was not the only company that withdrew its application for listing on the Science and Technology Innovation Board due to inconsistent positioning. It was just that Lenovo's withdrawal time was relatively short and there were more gimmicks. Because of the price-to-earnings ratio restriction on the main board, the science and technology innovation board can raise more money; and the main board issuance review time is longer. It usually takes about 1 year for the main board, and the approval can be obtained within 100 days at the earliest for the registration system of the Sci-tech Innovation Board.
    $阿里巴巴(BABA.US)$ Munger bottom alibaba's investment company, position accounted for more than 30%, more fell more buy, techniques like Mr. Munger himself, that Mr. Munger before this year, China's Internet industry adjustment cycle bottom, contrarian bullish on the future development of China's Internet industry, I also so think, I this year a new buy direction everything is connected, The adjustment of the Internet industry this year is a long-term opportunity to get on the bus.
    China's $美团(ADR)(MPNGF.US)$ has comfortably digested a crackdown serving from Beijing. The $200 billion food delivery company’s shares rallied as much as 8% on Monday following an antitrust fine from the country's market watchdog. At just 3% of domestic 2020 sales, the $528 million financial penalty falls well short of the maximum 10% permitted and is less severe than $阿里巴巴(BABA.US)$ 's.There may be a bitter aftertaste, though. Because of boss Wang Xing's investments in groceries and ride-hailing, the company is forecast to generate an operating loss of $3 billion this year.
    Munger's investment style has always been cautious, and his investment is almost concentrated in traditional high-dividend stocks. However, it is worth noting that in the first and third quarters of 2021, Munger suddenly "buy the bottom" and increase Alibaba's position against the trend. This investment made the market unexpected.
    This year, $阿里巴巴(BABA.US)$ stocks topped the highest share price of US$274.29. But as of the close of trading on October 8, the stock price has fallen to US$161.52, a year-to-date drop of nearly 31%.
    Faced with Munger's bucking the trend and doubled his bet on Alibaba, shall we follow?
    $凯德雅诗阁信托(HMN.SG)$ hurray broke 1, 6 % increase now, still going up. don't miss the boat .