
Patricklok 保密 ID: 102085390
    $一起教育科技 (YQ.US)$ 天空是极限...前进..前进..
    大家好。只是一个更新,我还在交易期权直到二月份。我主要是在 $微软 (MSFT.US)$ $亚马逊 (AMZN.US)$.
    我还是喜欢 $SoFi Technologies (SOFI.US)$
    很长时间。但是要注意整个市场都在下跌,所以预测“底部”是困难的。我一直在积极交易 $SoFi Technologies (SOFI.US)$很多。例如,我会建议在12.80美元左右买入,13.50 - 14.00美元卖出。
    $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$  has secured the green light to build more test cars at Giga Berlin, Bloomberg News reported on Tuesday, citing a spokeswoman for the environment ministry in the state of Brandenburg.
    What Happened: The Elon Musk-led Tesla can build as many as 2,000 electric vehicles at Giga Berlin, up from 250 earlier.
    The electric vehicle maker can use the vehicles for testing purposes and is not allowed to sell the cars.
    $Grab Holdings (GRAB.US)$
    Grab在东南亚的市场无疑具有增长潜力,即人们变得富裕,数字增长等。然而,请注意,Grab在所有业务/服务(打车,外卖和金融服务)中都面临激烈的竞争和挑战。目前,我还没有看到他们展示出非常强大的“护城河” - 与 $优步 (UBER.US)$
    1. 打车服务- 似乎他们不打算扩展到东南亚地区以外的国家。这意味着增长受限,至少在短期内是这样。此外,这一业务领域受到疫情的严重影响。出租车司机们正在遭受苦难(这在实际情况中确实是一个严重问题)
    2. 外卖概念- 自2020年以来,随着所有人开始云办公,这一领域的销售“飙升”了。但新加坡和东南亚其他一些国家都太小了。在这个板块,他们能赚多少有限。再加上Foodpanda、Deliveroo等,它们的市场份额将进一步受到限制。就个人而言,我觉得在食品外卖方面并没有品牌忠诚度。我大多数时候都使用Grab,但也会在有折扣/代金券等情况下使用其他两家。
    金融服务-周围有很多金融机构。在与银行甚至像苹果和谷歌这样的巨头竞争方面将是艰难的。 $苹果 (AAPL.US)$和谷歌 $谷歌-A (GOOGL.US)$在支付服务方面,再加上Favpay、新电信的达世币等等。他们能占据多少市场份额? $新电信 (Z74.SG)$支付宝 $阿里巴巴 (BABA.US)$等等。他们能占据多少市场份额?
    $Grab Holdings (GRAB.US)$
    Patricklok 评论了
    $一起教育科技 (YQ.US)$ 坐稳了啊。
    $阿里巴巴 (BABA.US)$ One mistake some investors make is dollar cost averaging into only their losing positions, thinking they're buying the dip. However, winners tend to keep winning and it's often worth dollar cost averaging into them too.
    For me, I dollar cost averaged into my Chinese holdings between April and September. I probably was a little too aggressive at first and should have started slower so that I could have continued to dollar cost average this month and over the next few months.
    Chinese stocks now represent about 8.5% of my portfolio in real terms, and would represent a little over 10% of it if I hadn't lost some of my original investment. Considering my bullish view on China in the long term, I'd prefer to have my allocation to China a few percentage points higher than it is now.
    However, I'm not going to commit more capital to these losing stocks for two reasons. First, as I said above, winners tend to keep winning. Although I don't want to believe it, it is always possible that Alibaba's stock will continue performing poorly especially if it delivers more weak quarters in the future. It's fine if I have a loser in my portfolio because it can be offset with other winners, but if I keep committing more and more capital to the loser then it will be difficult for winners to make up for that lost money.
    Second, while I want a bit more exposure to China than I have now, it's not significantly more. If Alibaba and other Chinese companies rebound in the coming years as I expect they will, then they will grow to represent over 10% of my portfolio even if I don't invest any more money in them. For tax purposes, it's not ideal to be in a situation where you're overweight a company/sector and have to realize gains in order to manage risk (assuming you can get similar gains from another investment instead).
    One helpful approach here is to look at your portfolio based on your initial investment allocations (ignoring gains/losses) and try to balance it based on that. Otherwise, you'll constantly be rebalancing into your losers to help them keep up with your winners.
    Patricklok 留下了心情
    $陆金所控股 (LU.US)$ 陆金所首次披露了分红政策,自2022年起,公司将按照上一会计年度净利润20%—40%的比例派发经常性现金分红。
    Patricklok 留下了心情
    $一起教育科技 (YQ.US)$
    I think everyone should have seen the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street", traders' various marketing strategies motivate you to buy stocks. But now, we can easily press the "trading" button on the screen to buy stocks, and think for ourselves through various strategies.
    When you selected 2,000 stocks from the stock screener, how to choose the most desirable and tradable stocks from them? How can I confirm the purchase point most accurately?
    I think we should figure out what the trading model is before confirming our stock picking ideas. The trading model ultimately determines the stock we trading. $标普500指数 (.SPX.US)$
    I have recently been addicted to short-term trading, which focus on emotions, the occurrence of band premium comes from it. Short-term requires more energy, more risk-taking, and the most important thing is stronger discipline and self-control, as well as the ability to control emotions.
    Short-term must choose those stocks that have entered the uptrend, and don't buy stocks that are falling. You thought the stock was at the bottom, which is the fate of investors who have just entered the market.
    I only participate in those stocks whose daily line has just broken through the half-year line or the annual line, use a standard to define the trend, and then filter out all the stocks that don't have a trend, the remaining stocks should at least be rising above a certain level.
    For example, we can look at $富途控股 (FUTU.US)$
    $特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$
    $Digital World Acquisition Corp (DWAC.US)$
    When you make the first breakthrough, this stock should be selected by you. This is the easiest way and there is no difficulty. As long as you determine a standard, and then slowly establish the aesthetics, a basic stock selection model will come out.
    But it is important to note that we are involved in the first turn of the market, rather than looking for stocks that have already made big gains, which are difficult for the average people to handle. Note that I'm talking about the first turn, which is just breaking out of a trend inflection point or breaking out of the year for the first time after a long decline. Whether it is a band or a short-term, buying after a pullback is always the preferred option.
    Therefore, the buying strategy needs to solve two fundamental problems:
    1. How to buy in a callback after the trend is established.
    2. How to establish a filtering mechanism to prevent being trapped after the long position turns into the short again.
    Please take a look at my latest article @HopeAlways @老Uncle @Mars Mooo @ATS A trade sniper @GratefulPanda
    Your like and follow are all my motivation to share
    Which strategy prompted you to press the "trade" button?
    Which strategy prompted you to press the "trade" button?
    Which strategy prompted you to press the "trade" button?