
ShiverrMeeTendurrzz 保密 ID: 70716747
    ShiverrMeeTendurrzz 参与了投票
    ShiverrMeeTendurrzz 参与了投票
    [奖励] AMC第二季度财报证实夏季重磅回归,创2019年以来最高季度出席人数
    获胜即可领取财报季优惠 奖励积分 并发现 投资机会!
    ● 总收入 同比增长15.6%,达到13.5亿美元,高于FactSet共识的12.9亿美元。
    ● 该公司的影院欢迎的不仅仅是 6,600 万客人 2023年第二季度,同比增长12.2%。
    ● 该公司的 平均门票 上涨了1.8%,至1美元...
    AMC 2023 年第二季度财报
    AMC 2023 年第二季度财报
    AMC 2023 年第二季度财报
    why does the historical high say $45?...
    they trying to rewrite history or something?
    ShiverrMeeTendurrzz 参与了投票
    At the end of this post, there is a chance for you to win points!
    Happy Monday mooers! Welcome back to Weekly Buzz, where we review the news, performance, and community sentiment of the selected buzzing stocks on moomoo platform based on search and message volumes of last week! (Nano caps are excluded.)
    Image: @LeicesterM
    Upcoming Live
    This week, @moo_Livewill live stream the $台积电(TSM.US)$Third Quarter 2021 Earnings Conference in moo community for informational purposes. Please stay tuned!
    Part Ⅰ: Make Your Choices
    Part Ⅱ: Buzzing Stocks List & Mooers Comments
    Every major index moved higher last week. Here is the weekly buzzing stock list of last week:
    1. CEI - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Being on a wild ride, CEI finally closed at $1.170 last week after popping 95.93% last Thursday, rebounding from recent weakness amid a short report on the company from Kerrisdale Capital.
    ● Mooers comment
    @倔强的嚣张: $Camber Energy(CEI.US)$
    2. AMC - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    It has been a tough run for AMC last week. The stock price closed at $37.190 after a short-term solution was revealed for the debt ceiling last Thursday.
    ● Mooers comment
    @Mr Trecherous: $AMC院线(AMC.US)$
    3. TSLA- Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐⭐⭐
    TSLA gained 1.32% to $785.490 last week. The EV maker held its 2021 annual Tesla shareholders’ meeting last Thursday, where Elon Musk announced that the company has officially relocated its headquarters from Palo Alto, California to Austin, Texas.
    ● Mooers comment
    @moo_Live: Tesla 2021 Annual Shareholder's Meeting
    4. CCXI - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    CCXI shares soared 95.97% to $38.410 last Friday after the biopharmaceutical company received Food and Drug Administration approval for its treatment for a rare autoimmune disease.  
    ● Mooers comment
    @VinnyDaddy: Hail to the king cat!
    $ChemoCentryx Inc(CCXI.US)$ @Tupack H Mcsnacks
    “Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.”
    The cat:
    @chgocal123:Stocks. yes! i hope everyone held!
    5. BABA - Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐⭐
    Shares of BABA finally stood at $161.520 with a weekly increase of 12.01%. A filing last Tuesday showed that Daily Journal, of which Munger is chairman, had bought nearly 150,000 shares of Alibaba in the third quarter, increasing its stake in the company by 83%.
    ● Mooers comment
    @JPYY8888: Make a guess on BABA
    what price do you think this counter will be traded/priced at end of the month of Oct 2021?
    Click here to place your guess.
    6. AAPL - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐
    AAPL stock was up 0.18% last week, and its price closed at $142.900. Last Wednesday, Reuters reported that EU antitrust regulators are set to charge Apple with anti-competitive practices related to its NFC chip technology.
    ● Mooers comment
    @Listenerhater: Invest In What You Use?
    Invest in what you use in your daily life. I would definitely tell you that I wont do that!!!!!! Yep, without any hesitation to answer this question. Why? Read more...
    7. PROG - Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐⭐
    PROG shares were down 24.58% to $1.350 last week after the biotechnology company announced an agreement with various institutional investors for the buying and selling of nearly 13.3 million common stock shares in a registered direct offering at $1.50 per share.
    8. FB - Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐⭐
    FB stock closed at $330.050 with a weekly decrease of 3.78% after facing an unprecedented global outage of the company’s sites and a damaging interview by a former insider turned whistle-blower.
    ● Mooers comment
    @Mario Timberlake: $Facebook(FB.US)$A few mini closeouts after it's tumble today but was relatively weak. I think it has promise to bounce if mkt is able to hold up but if the overall market is weak. Read more...
    Join the discussion: Facebook's crash pulls down tech stocks: what's your thought?
    9. BBIG - Buzzing Stars:⭐⭐⭐
    BBIG stock was down 18.40% to $5.010 over the past week. This company announced that through its joint venture with ZASH Global Media, the companies would be acquiring AdRizer.
    ● Mooers comment
    @DRAGON IS BACK: $Vinco Ventures(BBIG.US)$ Oh my gudness .. thanks a lox to all senior citizens in our community .. you guys awesome ..you guys awesome .. today finally everything was going correctly .. we are closing at $7.25 ..today .😘 hopefully will get higher tomorrow 👍👍😂❤️❤️
    10. NIO - Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐
    NIO shares were up 1.27% to $35.830 after posting its better than expected delivery growth. Its EV sales stood at 24,439 units over Q3 2021.
    ● Mooers comment
    @CoolWaterCoolWater: Is time.  NIO.
    NIO. You have taken good care on your customer. You have alway put them in your priority.
    is time you take care of your investor.
    Thanks for your reading!
    Awarding Moment
    Before moving on to part three, congrats to the following mooers whose comments were selected as the top comments last week!
    @VCSuccess @GT1982 @GlenPeh @Syuee @70227526 @HopeAlways @Tupack H Mcsnacks
    We really appreciate your great insights! Read the top comments last week!
    Notice: Reward will be sent to you this week. Please feel free to contact us if there is any problem.
    Part Ⅲ: Weekly Topic
    Time to be rewarded for your great insights and knowledge!
    This week, we'd like to invite you to comment below and share your view on:
    "Is investing like a relationship? What are your rules?"
    We will select 20 TOP COMMENTS by next Monday.
    Winners will get 200 points by next week, with which you can exchange gifts at Reward Club.
    *Comments within this week will be counted.
    Top Comment Technique:
    ● Fundamental / Technical / Capital Analyses
    ● Personal Trading Experience
    ● Any bright insights or knowledge
    Previous of WeeklyBuzz
    Weekly Buzz: Doraemon met moomoo figurines.
    Weekly Buzz: The level of rich I wanna be.
    Weekly Buzz: "The only green stocks I own right now."
    Disclaimer: Comments below are made available for informational purposes only. Before investing, please consult a licensed professional.
    Weekly Buzz: "I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed."
    Weekly Buzz: "I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed."
    Weekly Buzz: "I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed."
    ShiverrMeeTendurrzz 参与了投票
    星期一快乐 mooer们!欢迎回到 每周热门话题,我们根据上周的搜索量和消息量,回顾moomoo平台上精选热门股票的新闻、表现和社区情绪!(不包括纳米帽。)
    本周, @moo_Live将直播 $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$2021 年年度股东大会 在 moo社区中仅供参考。请继续关注!
    每个主要指数都在移动 更低 上周。以下是上周每周热闹的股票清单:
    1.TSLA-Buzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    TSLA 度过了平静的一周,每周的变化为 0.11%,收盘于 775.220 美元 上周五。据报道 $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$ 本应获得有条件的批准在柏林附近建造一座工厂。
    @profittingmoo: 爱特斯拉
    2.AMC-嗡嗡之星: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    AMC股票收盘于 38.460 美元 上周五在上周行使了回购部分未偿第一留置权债务的期权之后。
    @Kenzy86: $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ 我们,走吧,去月亮,已经是...!!!
    @Soulforger: Buy & HODL,To the Moon!
    Happy meal 玩具也登上了月球!
    闭幕于 3.250 美元,CEI股票每周涨幅为 59.31%,受益于石油和天然气价格的飙升,以及投资者对可能有助于应对气候变化的企业的兴趣与日俱增。
    @khim khim: $Camber Energy(CEI.US)$ 好吧,我认为到目前为止还不错。没想到会涨到4.85。日间交易者已经获利了。 阅读更多...
    4.AAPL-嗡嗡之星: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    苹果股价下跌 2.91% 到 142.650 美元 上周,半导体问题仍然困扰着许多科技公司。
    @CharisMine: 让我们都坚持下去,因为在苹果,我们相信在不久的将来会有更多的新产品问世!!表现为成为百万富翁!!🚀
    BBIG的股价终于站稳了 6.140 美元 每周增长为 2.85%。 该公司及其子公司Emmersive Entertainment宣布,他们正在与世界知名艺术家超级佛陀合作,将他的最新系列制作成NFT。
    @WhiteBull: $Vinco Ventures(BBIG.US)$ 游戏时间结束了!该走了!!
    6.FAMI-Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐⭐
    FAMI 股价上涨 70.00% 上周,其价格收于 0.354 美元 此前它同意以约 RMB70 百万美元的价格收购江西祥博农林开发有限公司(Xiangbo)的所有股份。
    随着新批准的纳米技术安全合并,MMAT 股票有望上涨,收盘价为 5.590 美元 上升之后 8.33% 上周。
    @The Stock Scalpers: 巴菲特的智慧之言。坐下来吧。这是我犯的错误,使我退缩了多年。
    BABA 股票收盘于 144.200 美元 每周减少为 0.61% 此前有报道称阿里巴巴开始通过其多款应用程序提供腾讯控股的微信支付服务。
    MSFT 下跌了 3.42% 到 289.100 美元 在过去的一周里。9月份迄今为止,该股已下跌近6%,有望创下2020年9月以来的最大月度跌幅。
    @HopeAlways: Big Tech:倒下但没出局
    10.NIO-Buzzing Stars: ⭐⭐
    蔚来汽车上周四在挪威公布了其运动型多功能车ES8的定价后,终于收盘于 35.380 美元 在过去的一周里。
    @robinmc: $蔚来(NIO.US)$ 最近有很多关于蔚来的新闻,包括挪威的交付,500个换电站的突破,新操作系统的发布,正在进行的ET7测试...阅读更多...
    @12moon @VCSuccess @GratefulPanda @aj overholser @OperatorSR71 @SoggyBottom @burnwood @Jessica Lithgow @Johannpee @nigedernigeder @Winning Trades @HopeAlways @PW6187 @Revelations 6 @Maniac Fool @GT1982 @makankaki
    我们非常感谢您的精彩见解! 阅读上周的热门评论!
    通知: 本周将向您发送 288 点积分。如有任何问题,请随时联系我们。
    "你的投资目标是什么?如何实现呢? "
    我们将选择 20 条热门评论 下周一之前。
    获胜者将获得 288 点积分 下周之前,你可以在奖励俱乐部兑换礼物。
    WeeklyBuzz 之前的
    Weekly Buzz:“今年我肯定吸取了教训。“
    we own the float. if you don't know what that means, look it up. Been Hodling since Jan
    为什么这件商品的价格在 08 月 2 日下跌了这么多?
    ShiverrMeeTendurrzz 参与了投票
    星期一快乐 mooers!欢迎回到 Weekly Buzz,我们将根据上周的搜索量和消息量,回顾moomoo平台上精选热门股票的新闻、表现和社区情绪!(不包括纳米盖。)
    本周, @moo_Live将直播 $AMC院线(AMC.US)$ , $蔚来(NIO.US)$ $Coinbase(COIN.US)$moo社区2021年第二季度财报电话会议,以供参考。关注...
    If you bought a car for 60k and a month later, you saw the same car on sale for 30k...would you freak out and sell your car for 31k?
    stock market is the only place people freak out when something goes on sale
    AMC is much more than a stock
    your best days will come from the worst days