
water cloud sky 保密 ID: 101815039
    时间过得真快! Moomoo SG 的财富管理 一直是我们旅程的一部分 两年以上 现在。
    今年,我们丰富了与多元化基金公司的合作伙伴关系。除此之外,我们还很兴奋 我们的新 基金讲座 专栏,这带来了 来自四家不同基金公司的见解 涉及一系列主题,包括品牌文化和投资策略。本专栏为摩尔人提供了直接拨打这些基金的渠道,以获得奖金...
    公布 2023 年 Moomoo 新加坡基金公司年度获奖者
    公布 2023 年 Moomoo 新加坡基金公司年度获奖者
    anyone have idea that result of paper trading really can help on live trading results?
    决赛 联邦公开市场委员会 (FOMC) 会议 2023 年即将到来。在前几次会议上,在通货膨胀率飙升至1980年代初以来从未见过的水平之后,美联储11次加息。政策利率达到22年来的最高水平,目标范围介于 5.25% — 5.5%.
    许多投资者认为,美联储的利率 徒步周期已接近尾声。“美联储暂时处于搁置状态...
    $迪士尼(DIS.US)$ 美国银行重申买入191菲律宾比索美元
    我们估计,受披头士乐队、Get Back和Hawkeye等新游戏的推动,第一财年DIS净增700万人。
    当今最热门的投资主题不是加密货币交易,而是 “元宇宙”。
    元宇宙是两个词的组合:“元数据” 和 “诗句”。Meta 的意思是 “超越”,诗句的意思是宇宙。
    “元宇宙” 一词最初是由作家尼尔·斯蒂芬森在1992年的科幻小说《Snow Crash》中创造的。在书中,元宇宙是一个集体的虚拟共享空间,由虚拟增强的物理现实和物理上持久的虚拟空间融合而成。
    如果很难想象,看看2018年电影《Ready Player One》的预告片,那么你就会有一些想法。
    在当今的背景下,元宇宙是一种数字现实,它结合了社交媒体、在线游戏、增强现实(AR)、虚拟现实(VR)和加密货币的各个方面,允许用户进行虚拟互动。这是一个 “宇宙”,在这个宇宙中,人们不是在真实人物中互动,而是以虚拟方式互动。
    最近,我发表了 这篇文章 要讨论这个话题:
    * 什么是元宇宙?
    * 为什么元宇宙将成为长期趋势
    * 为什么你不想错过?
    * 围绕这个主题的投资机会有哪些?
    $Meta Platforms(FB.US)$ $微软(MSFT.US)$ $Zoom视频通讯(ZM.US)$ $迪士尼(DIS.US)$ $亚马逊(AMZN.US)$ $奈飞(NFLX.US)$ $谷歌-C(GOOG.US)$ $Roblox(RBLX.US)$ $腾讯控股(00700.HK)$ $英伟达(NVDA.US)$ $欧特克(ADSK.US)$ $Unity Software(U.US)$ $特斯拉(TSLA.US)$
    Asian share markets fell and oil prices slid on Monday as surging Omicron COVID-19 cases triggered tighter curbs in Europe and threatened to swamp the global economy into the New Year.
    Chinese blue chips still dipped 0.4%, while MSCI's index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan fell 0.8%. Japan's Nikkei dropped 1.7% and South Korean stocks 1.2%.
    S&P 500 futures shed 0.8% and Nasdaq futures almost 1%. EUROSTOXX 50 futures lost 1.1% and FTSE futures 1.0%.
    The spread of Omicron saw the Netherlands go into lockdown on Sunday and put pressure on others to follow, though the United States seemed set to remain open.
    "Omicron is set to be the Grinch who stole Europe's Christmas," said Tapas Strickland, a director of economics at NAB. "With Omicron cases doubling every 1.5-3 days, the potential for hospital systems to be overwhelmed even with effective vaccines remains."
    While coronavirus restrictions cloud the outlook for economic growth, they also risk keeping inflation elevated and turning central banks yet more hawkish.
    It was notable that Federal Reserve officials were openly talking of hiking rates as soon as March and of starting to run down the central bank's balance sheet in mid-2022.
    That is even more drastic than implied by futures, which had been well ahead of Fed intentions until now. The market has only priced in a 40% chance of a hike in March, with June still the favoured month for lift off.
    Such hawkish chatter from the Fed is a major reason why long-dated Treasury yields fell last week as the short-end rose. That left the two-10 year curve near its flattest since late 2020, reflecting the risk that tighter policy will lead to recession.
    BofA economists see this risk as reason to be bearish on equities, though their latest survey of fund managers found just 6% expected recession next year and only 13% were underweight on stocks. Most remain overweight on technology, with "long tech" still viewed as the single most crowded trade.
    They also noted that for 2021, the winners had been oil with a gain of 48%, REITs at 42%, Nasdaq at 25% and banks with a 21% gain. Losers included biotech with a drop of 22%, while China also lost 22%, silver 19% and JGBs 10%.
    It was the best year for commodities since 1996, and the worst for global government bonds since 1949.
    Early Monday, yields on U.S. 10-year notes were down at 1.38% and well below their 2021 top of 1.776%.
    The Fed's hawkish turn, combined with safe-haven flows, underpinned the U.S. dollar index near its best for the year at 96.674, following a 0.7% jump on Friday.
    The euro was languishing at $1.1237, having shed 0.8% on Friday to threaten its low for the year at $1.1184. The Japanese yen has safe haven status of its own and held steady at 113.49 per dollar.
    Sterling was down at $1.3224 as Omicron worries erased all the gains made following the Bank of England's surprise rate rise last week.
    Gold was looking firmer at $1,801 an ounce, having broken a five-week losing streak last week as equities slipped.
    Oil prices swung lower amid concerns the spread of the Omicron variant would crimp demand for fuel and signs of improving supply.
    Brent fell $1.66 to $71.86 a barrel, while U.S. crude lost $1.44 to $69.42 per barrel.
    $美国布伦特原油基金有限合伙企业(BNO.US)$ $原油(LIST2721.US)$ $纳斯达克综合指数(.IXIC.US)$ $标普500指数(.SPX.US)$ $纳指100ETF-Invesco QQQ Trust(QQQ.US)$