Washington, Dec 12 (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Reserve Announced Thursday It Had Approved an Application by Scotiabank to Buy up to 14.99% of the Voting Shares in U.S. Regional Lender KeyCorp.
华盛顿,12月12日(路透社) - 美国联邦储备周四宣布批准诺瓦斯科舍银行申请买入高达14.99%的KeyCorp的表决股份。
The Canadian Lender Announced the $2.8 Billion Deal in August, Which Would Also Allow It to Appoint Two Directors to the Ohio Lender's Board.
这家加拿大贷款机构 宣布了28亿的交易 在八月份,这笔交易还将允许其在俄亥俄州贷款机构的董事会中任命两位董事。
(Reporting by Pete Schroeder)
((Pete.schroeder@Thomsonreuters.com; 202-310-5485;))