New York, Dec 17 (Reuters) - An Upcoming U.S. Government Funding Bill Is Expected to Include a Plan That Would Allow Year-Round Sales of Gasoline With a Higher Ethanol Blend, a Major Win for the Corn and Ethanol Lobbies, According to Two Sources Familiar With the Matter.
纽约,12月17日(路透社) - 一项即将公布的美国政府资金法案预计将包括一项计划,允许全年销售乙醇含量更高的汽油,这对玉米和乙醇游说团来说是一个重大胜利, 据两位知情人士透露。
The Inclusion Would Mark a Hard-Fought Victory for the Ethanol Industry, Which Has Wanted Year-Round E15 Sales as a Way to Boost Profits.
(Reporting by Stephanie Kelly and Jarrett Renshaw)
(报道:斯蒂芬妮·凯利 和 贾雷特·伦肖)
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