
6-K: Colletion of Recent Announcements

6-K: Colletion of Recent Announcements

美股SEC公告 ·  2024/07/01 10:14

Moomoo AI 已提取核心信息

Rio Tinto plc has disclosed its updated share capital structure as of May 31, 2024. The company's issued share capital consists of 1,255,915,469 Ordinary shares of 10p each, with 3,340,902 shares held in treasury. The total number of voting rights in Rio Tinto plc stands at 1,252,574,567.The company maintains its dual-listed structure with Rio Tinto Limited, featuring one Special Voting Share and one DLC Dividend Share of 10p each. The Special Voting Share enables joint voting by shareholders of both entities on joint electorate resolutions. Additionally, there are 371,216,214 publicly held Rio Tinto Limited shares that are not part of Rio Tinto plc's share capital.
Rio Tinto plc has disclosed its updated share capital structure as of May 31, 2024. The company's issued share capital consists of 1,255,915,469 Ordinary shares of 10p each, with 3,340,902 shares held in treasury. The total number of voting rights in Rio Tinto plc stands at 1,252,574,567.The company maintains its dual-listed structure with Rio Tinto Limited, featuring one Special Voting Share and one DLC Dividend Share of 10p each. The Special Voting Share enables joint voting by shareholders of both entities on joint electorate resolutions. Additionally, there are 371,216,214 publicly held Rio Tinto Limited shares that are not part of Rio Tinto plc's share capital.
力拓正在投资$14300万在澳洲西部开发一个生物铁研发设施,旨在推进其创新的低碳制铁工艺。该设施位于洛基汉姆战略工业区,将拥有一个比其德国前身大十倍的试点工厂,能够每小时生产一吨直接还原铁。生物铁工艺使用原料生物质和微波炉能量代替煤,较传统高炉方法有潜力减少多达95%的碳排放。这项投资标志着力拓在去碳化全球钢铁价值链方面的重要一步,该链条占世界碳排放的8%以及2023年力拓Scope 3排放的69%。该设施预计将创造多达60个施工岗位,并在完成后雇佣约30名全职员工。预计在2026年投入使用,该项目旨在提供关键数据,以便进一步扩大科技的应用。此项举措与澳洲西部致力于在低排放钢铁制造领域领先并多元化经济的愿景相一致。
力拓正在投资$14300万在澳洲西部开发一个生物铁研发设施,旨在推进其创新的低碳制铁工艺。该设施位于洛基汉姆战略工业区,将拥有一个比其德国前身大十倍的试点工厂,能够每小时生产一吨直接还原铁。生物铁工艺使用原料生物质和微波炉能量代替煤,较传统高炉方法有潜力减少多达95%的碳排放。这项投资标志着力拓在去碳化全球钢铁价值链方面的重要一步,该链条占世界碳排放的8%以及2023年力拓Scope 3排放的69%。该设施预计将创造多达60个施工岗位,并在完成后雇佣约30名全职员工。预计在2026年投入使用,该项目旨在提供关键数据,以便进一步扩大科技的应用。此项举措与澳洲西部致力于在低排放钢铁制造领域领先并多元化经济的愿景相一致。
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