
Roscan Announces Interim Resource of 1.02 Moz at 1.2 g/t Indicated, 0.20 Moz at 1.2g/t Inferred at Its Kandiolé Project in Mali

Roscan Announces Interim Resource of 1.02 Moz at 1.2 g/t Indicated, 0.20 Moz at 1.2g/t Inferred at Its Kandiolé Project in Mali

Roscan宣布其在马里的Kandiolé项目的临时资源为1.02 MoZ,指示为1.2克/吨,推断为0.20 Moz/t
newsfile ·  2022/06/08 06:10

Robust Starter Pit Potential of 377,000 ounces at 2.6 g/t at Mankouke South


Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - June 8, 2022) - Roscan Gold Corporation (TSXV: ROS) (FSE: 2OJ) (OTCQB: RCGCF) ("Roscan" or the "Company") is pleased to announce its initial, pit-constrained, interim NI 43-101 compliant Mineral Resources reported at a gold price of only 1,500 USD per oz, of 27.4 million tonnes grading 1.2 g/t Au totaling 1.02 million ounces of gold in the Indicated Category and 5.2 million tonnes grading 1.2 g/t Au totaling 198,000 ounces of gold in the Inferred category at its Kandiole project in Mali.

安大略省多伦多-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年6月8日)-罗斯卡纳黄金公司(多伦多证券交易所:ROS)(法兰克福证券交易所:20J)(OTCQB:RCGCF)(“Roscan”或“公司”)公司欣然宣布其位于马里的Kandiole项目的初始、矿坑受限、符合NI 43-101标准的临时矿产资源公司报告的黄金价格仅为每盎司1,500美元,其中2,740万吨的黄金品位为1.2克/吨,指示类别的黄金总量为102万盎司,520万吨的品位为1.2克/吨,推断类别的黄金总量为19.8万盎司。

Roscan's maiden pit constrained Mineral Resource includes gold mineralization from six mineral deposits: Mankouke South, Mankouke Central, Kandiole1, Kandiole 2 and 4, Kabaya and Moussala. The discovery areas of Disse, Walia and Mankouke West were not included in the maiden resource due to lack of sufficient drilling to date but will be areas of upside for future exploration.

Roscan的第一个矿坑受限矿物资源包括来自六个矿藏的金矿:Mankouke South,Mankouke Central,Kandiol1,Kandiole 2和4,Kabaya和Moussala。由于到目前为止缺乏足够的钻探,Disse、Walia和Mankouke West的发现区域不包括在初始资源中,但将成为未来勘探的上行区域。

The cutoff date for data used in the resource estimate was March 25th 2022. Since March 25th, Roscan has continued its drilling campaign to infill and extend the saprolite resource area and to follow up on the deeper mineralization at the Mankouke South and Kandiole targets. Drilling results have encountered plunging zones of mineralization that remain open, which are currently being drilled and assayed.

资源估计中使用的数据的截止日期是3月25日这是2022年自3月25日以来这是,Roscan继续钻探活动,以填充和扩大腐泥岩资源区,并跟踪Mankouke South和Kandiole目标的更深矿化。钻探结果遇到了仍然开放的下伏矿化带,目前正在钻探和分析。

Key Highlights:


  • Robust initial Mineral Resource reported at a 0.3 g/t Au (oxide) and 0.42 (fresh) cut-off grade and $1500 per ounce gold price.
    • Indicated Mineral Resource of 27.4mt at 1.2 g/t Au (1.02 Moz), and
    • Inferred Mineral Resource of 5.2mt at 1.2 g/t Au (0.20 Moz).
  • 稳健的初始矿产资源报告为0.3g/t Au(氧化物)和0.42(新鲜)截止品位,金价为每盎司1500美元。
    • 指示矿产资源量为27.4公吨,含金量为1.2克/吨(1.02盎司),以及
    • 推断的矿产资源量为5.2公吨,含金量为1.2g/t(0.20Moz)。
  • Resource calculation sensitivity at a 0.5g/t Au cut-off and $1500 per ounce gold price.
    • Indicated Mineral Resource of 20.0mt at 1.5 g/t Au (923 Koz), and
    • Inferred Mineral Resource of 3.8mt at 1.4 g/t Au (0.18 Moz).
  • 在0.5克/吨黄金下限和每盎司1500美元的黄金价格下,资源计算的敏感性。
    • 指示矿产资源量为20.0公吨,含金量为1.5克/吨(923科兹),以及
    • 推断的矿产资源量为3.8Mt,Au含量为1.4g/t(0.18Moz)。
  • Preliminary pit shells at Mankouke South indicate a low strip-ratio resource that is mostly oxide, with a robust starter pit of between 5.3 million tonnes at 2.2 g/t (386,000 ounces at 0.75 g.t cut-off) and 4.5 million tonnes at 2.6 g/t (377,000 ounces at 1.0 g.t cut-off).
  • Mankouke South的初步矿坑贝壳显示,资源的条带率很低,主要是氧化物,其强劲的起始矿坑在2.2g/t时为530万吨(0.75Gt截止值时为386,000盎司),2.6g/t时为450万吨(1.0Gt截止值时为37.7万盎司)。
  • Resource model sensitivities at various gold prices highlight low strip ratios from pit shells ranging from 2.4:1 to 2:7:1 (see Table 2).
  • Mineral resource with 84% captured in the indicated category and minimal sensitivity to lower gold prices. (See Table 1).
  • Further potential to improve resource estimates with LeachWELL assay process. Only 18% of current drilling has now been assayed by LeachWELL which thus far has shown substantial improvements with tested area's lower-grades increasing between 10% and 40 %.
    • Roscan plans to expand the use of LeachWELL on its existing resource base and to use it extensively for all future drilling.
  • Further Exploration Upside.
    • Significant potential to increase the size of the MR with both the currently ongoing and future drilling programs.
    • For additional details on the exploration upside not captured in this current resource update please see the 2nd press release issued by Roscan this morning titled: Roscan Outlines Potential Exploration Upside on Areas Within and Outside Current Resources.
    • Identified mineralization under continued exploration include the follow up on the oxide and sulphide mineralization at Mankouke South, Kabaya and Kandiole KN1 resource areas, including their satellites and extensions.
  • 不同金价下的资源模型敏感性突出了从2.4:1到2:7:1的矿坑壳的低剥离比率(见表2)。
  • 矿产资源,84%属于指定类别,对金价下跌的敏感度最低。(见表1)。
  • 利用LeachWELL分析过程进一步提高资源估算的潜力。目前只有18%的钻井得到了LeachWELL的测试,到目前为止,LeachWELL已经显示出实质性的改善,测试区的较低品位增加了10%到40%。
    • Roscan计划在现有资源基础上扩大LeachWELL的使用,并在未来的所有钻探中广泛使用它。
  • 进一步探索上行空间。
    • 通过目前正在进行的和未来的钻探计划,增加MR规模的巨大潜力。
    • 有关当前资源更新中未包含的勘探优势的更多详细信息,请参阅2发送Roscan今天上午发布的新闻稿标题为:Roscan概述了Current Resources内外地区潜在的勘探优势。
    • 在继续勘探中查明的矿化包括对Mankouke South、Kabaya和Kandiole KN1资源区的氧化物和硫化物矿化的后续行动,包括它们的卫星和延伸。

Nana Sangmuah, President & CEO, stated, "This mineral resource suggests a stand-alone project status for the Kandiole Gold Project. The good metallurgical recoveries, high-grade starter pit, low strip ratios, and the high-quality resource with 84% included in the indicated resource category and 72% within saprolite, points to a potential high-margin LOM operation.

总裁兼首席执行官Nana Sangmuah表示,这一矿产资源表明坎迪奥尔金矿项目是一个独立的项目。良好的冶金回收率、高品位的起始矿坑、低的带钢比以及优质资源(84%包含在指示的资源类别中,72%包含在腐泥岩中),表明LOM业务具有潜在的高利润率。

"Importantly, this initial resource is just the beginning for the overall project potential, the mineral resource remains open to further growth with the pending results from our incremental drilling, which remains ongoing. In addition, there are 3 advanced targets and discoveries not yet captured to be included in subsequent updates, such as demonstrated by the drilling success at Walia, Disse and Kandiole North extension.

重要的是,这一初始资源只是整个项目潜力的开始,随着我们增量钻探的悬而未决的结果仍在进行中,矿产资源仍有可能进一步增长。此外,还有3个先进的目标和发现尚未被包括在后续更新中,例如在Walia、Disse和Kandiole North延伸区的钻探成功证明了这一点。

"Management intends to commence in short order environmental studies to facilitate the permitting and further de-risking project development. We are encouraged by the ultimate scale potential at the Kandiole Project which we believe has significant upside and clearly positions Roscan amongst the few junior resource companies that can transition from early exploration to a significant mining operation."


Resource Estimate Technical Details


The resource estimate for the Kandiole Gold Project, with effective date of March 31st, 2022, has been prepared by Mr. Ivor W.O. Jones, M.Sc., FAusIMM, CPgeo, P.Geo, who is an independent Qualified person (QP) under NI 43-101 guidelines. The Mineral Resource and Resource Estimate will be detailed in a technical report prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 to be filed on SEDAR within 45 days of this press release.

坎迪奥尔金矿项目资源估算,有效期3月31日ST,2022年,由依沃·W·O·琼斯先生,M.S.C.,FAusIMM,CPGeo,P.Geo先生编写,他是NI 43-101准则下的独立合格人员(QP)。矿产资源和资源评估将在根据NI 43-101编写的技术报告中详细介绍,该报告将在本新闻稿发布后45天内提交给SEDAR。

The Mineral Resources are derived from six deposit areas, including, in order of size, Mankouke South, Kabaya, Kandiole 1, Mankouke Central, Kandiole 2 4 and Moussala (see Figure 1 for locations). The input data for the Resource estimate comprises information from 1,789 drill-holes totaling 135,045 metres, including 38,357 metres of diamond drill holes (DDH and RCDD), 35,634 metres of reverse circulation holes (RC) and 61,054 metres of air core holes (AC).

矿产资源来自六个矿区,按大小排列为:曼库克南部、卡巴亚、坎迪奥尔1、曼库克中部、坎迪奥勒2 4和穆萨拉(地点见图1)。资源估计数的输入数据包括共计135 045米的1 789个钻孔的资料,其中包括38 357米的钻石钻孔(DDH和RCDD)、35 634米的反循环钻孔和61 054米的空气岩心钻孔。

A marginal cutoff grade (COG) of 0.30 g/t Au for all material has been applied for oxide mineralization, and 0.42 g/t for fresh and using a pit optimization based on a gold price of US$1500/oz. The MR is reported with only the blocks within a conceptual open pit shell, which uses the following assumptions:

所有材料的边际截止品位(COG)均为0.30克/吨Au,其中0.42 g/t用于新鲜矿化,并采用基于1500美元/盎司金价的矿坑优化。MR只报告了概念性露天矿外壳内的区块,该外壳使用了以下假设:

  • Gold Price: $1500 /oz
  • Mining Cost: $1.75 /t for laterite and saprolite, $2.50 /t for saprock, $2.75 /t for fresh rock
  • Mining Recovery: 95%
  • Dilution: 5%
  • Geotechnical slope angles: 35o for laterite and saprolite, 40o for saprock and fresh rock
  • 金价:1500美元/盎司
  • 采矿成本:红土和腐泥岩1.75美元/吨,腐泥岩2.50美元/吨,新鲜岩石2.75美元/吨
  • 采矿回收率:95%
  • 稀释:5%
  • 岩土坡度角:35o红土和腐泥土,40o对于腐泥岩和新鲜岩石

The Mineral Resource classification resulted in Indicated Resources of 27.4Mt at 1.2g/t Au for 1,018koz, and Inferred resource of 5.2Mt at 1.2g/t Au for 199koz.


A detailed summary of the deposit by target areas is presented in the Table 1.


Table 1: Detailed summary of the deposit by target areas


Mineral Resource
(0.3/0.42 g/t Au cut-off)
(0.5 g/t Au cut-off)
Mineral Resource
   Target Area Tonnes
(In Situ)
Gold Grade Gold Content Tonnes
(In Situ)
Gold Grade Gold Content
mt g/t koz mt g/t koz
Indicated    Mankouke South 15.2 1.3 657 11.9 1.6 613
   Mankouke Central 0.9 1.7 47.5 0.7 2.0 45.1
   Kandiole 2.8 0.9 79.7 1.8 1.2 67.2
   Kabaya 8.5 0.9 234 5.6 1.1 197
   Total Indicated 27.4 1.2 1,018 20.0 1.5 923
Inferred    Mankouke South 2.8 1.4 124 2.2 1.6 116
   Mankouke Central 0.1 0.8 1.4 0.0 1.2 1.0
   Kandiole 0.7 1.1 23.1 0.4 1.5 20.2
   Kabaya 1.2 0.8 32.7 0.8 1.0 28.0
   Kandiole North 2 and 4 0.3 0.9 8.7 0.2 1.1 7.6
   Moussala 0.2 1.4 8.5 0.2 1.2 8.0
   Total Inferred 5.2 1.2 199 3.8 1.4 181

(0.3/0.42g/t Au截止值)
目标区域 公吨
黄金等级 含金量 公吨
黄金等级 含金量
大山 克/吨 科兹 大山 克/吨 科兹
已指示 曼库克南部 15.2 1.3 657 11.9 1.6 613
曼库克中环 0.9 1.7 47.5 0.7 2.0 45.1
坎迪奥尔 2.8 0.9 79.7 1.8 1.2 67.2
卡巴亚 8.5 0.9 234 5.6 1.1 197
显示的总数 27.4 1.2 1,018 20.0 1.5 923
推论 曼库克南部 2.8 1.4 124 2.2 1.6 116
曼库克中环 0.1 0.8 1.4 0.0 1.2 1.0
坎迪奥尔 0.7 1.1 23.1 0.4 1.5 20.2
卡巴亚 1.2 0.8 32.7 0.8 1.0 28.0
Kandiole North 2和4 0.3 0.9 8.7 0.2 1.1 7.6
穆萨拉 0.2 1.4 8.5 0.2 1.2 8.0
推断总数 5.2 1.2 199 3.8 1.4 181
  1. The effective date of the Mineral Resource Estimate is 31 March 2022.
  2. A marginal COG of 0.30 g/t Au for all material is applied for oxide mineralization, and 0.42 g/t for fresh.
  3. Mineral Resources, which are not Mineral Reserves, do not have demonstrated economic viability. The estimate of Mineral Resources may be materially affected by environmental, permitting, legal, marketing, or other relevant issues. The Mineral Resources in this Technical Report were estimated using CIM (2014) Standards on Mineral Resources and Reserves, Definitions and Guidelines.
  4. A test to determine whether or not there is a Reasonable Expectation of Economic Extraction of Mineral Resources was completed using a pit optimisation based on a gold price of US$1500/oz.
  5. The quantity and grade of reported the Inferred Resources in this estimation are uncertain in nature and there has been insufficient exploration to define this Inferred Resource as an Indicated or Measured Mineral Resource. It is uncertain if further exploration will result in upgrading the Inferred Resource to an Indicated or Measured Mineral Resource category.
  6. Contained metal and tonnes figures in totals may differ due to rounding.
  1. 矿产资源评估的生效日期为2022年3月31日。
  2. 氧化物矿化的边际COG为0.30g/t Au,新鲜COG为0.42g/t。
  3. 不属于矿产储备的矿产资源不具备证明的经济可行性。矿产资源的估计可能会受到环境、许可、法律、营销或其他相关问题的重大影响。本技术报告中的矿产资源量是按照CIM(2014)《矿产资源和储量标准、定义和准则》进行估算的。
  4. 使用基于1500美元/盎司金价的矿坑优化完成了一项测试,以确定是否存在合理的矿产资源经济开采预期。
  5. 本估计所呈报的推断资源的数量及品位在性质上并不确定,并无足够的勘探将该推断资源界定为已指示或已测量的矿产资源。不确定进一步勘探是否会导致将推断资源提升为指示或测量的矿产资源类别。
  6. 由于四舍五入,总数中的含金量和吨数可能有所不同。

The grade-tonnage model used as the resource model was prepared using ordinary kriging. Full details of the model will be available in the NI 43-101 technical report currently in preparation.

作为资源量模型的品位-吨位模型是用普通克立格法编制的。目前正在编写的NI 43-101技术报告将提供该型号的全部细节。

Sensitivity to Gold Price with Pit Optimisation


During the technical work to define the mineral resource, each of the resource models was tested to check for a Reasonable Expectation of Economic Extraction (REEE). As part of the REEE, the model was tested at various gold prices.


Table 2: Pit Optimization Results


$1500 /oz $1800 /oz $1900 /oz $2000 /oz
Tonnes (mt) 38.2 42.3 47.2 50.1
Diluted Grade (g/t Au) 1.04 0.94 0.92 0.89
Metal (mOz) 1.28 1.37 1.40 1.43
Strip Ratio 2.70:1 2.52:1 2.45:1 2.44:1

1500美元/盎司 1800美元/盎司 1900美元/盎司 2000美元/盎司
公吨(公吨) 38.2 42.3 47.2 50.1
稀释等级(克/吨金) 1.04 0.94 0.92 0.89
金属(Moz) 1.28 1.37 1.40 1.43
带钢比 2.70:1 2.52:1 2.45:1 2.44:1
  1. These results are pit evaluation results and differ to the mineral resource.
  2. The cut-off grade varies according to the area being tested and is defined by the strip ratio and applied mining costs. The effective cut-off grade also varies by gold price and state of weathering.
  3. These results also include mineralisation as dilution which is below the cut-off grade for the mineral resource, but is above the marginal cut-off grade.
  1. 这些结果是矿坑评价结果,与矿产资源不同。
  2. 边际品位根据测试区域的不同而不同,并由条带比和应用的采矿成本确定。有效的边界品位也因金价和风化状况而异。
  3. 这些结果还包括低于矿产资源边际品位但高于边际边际品位的稀释度的矿化。

Exploration Target - Potential Resource Growth


The exploration target was defined from the grade-tonnage model used to define the mineral resource. This model included estimates with low confidence that did not meet the company's criteria for defining the mineral resource and from outside the reported MR's pit shells. These additional tonnages and Au grades have been reported using a cut-off grade of 0.3 g/t Au for the Upper Tonnage Range of the estimates and 0.5 g/t for the Lower Tonnage Range estimates. The 0.3 g/t report includes lower confidence estimates than those for the 0.5 g/t cut-off. The interim results are reported below:


Table 3: Exploration Target


Exploration Areas (*) Total Tonnes (mt) Au (g/t)
Lower range (*) 8.0 1.0
Upper Range (**) 30.0 0.8
勘探面积(*)总计 公吨(公吨) Au(克/吨)
下限范围(*) 8.0 1.0
上限(**) 30.0 0.8

(*) Upper range from 0.3/0.42 cut-off includes lowest confidence estimates
(**) Lower range from 0.5/0.5 cut-off


Note: the aforementioned "Exploration Target" is reported as a range of quantities and grades. They are conceptual in nature and there has not been sufficient exploration to define a mineral resource. It is uncertain if future exploration will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource.


Qualified Person


Mr. Ivor Jones, (BSc. Hons), MSc, FAusIMM, P.Geo., of Aurum Consulting is an independent Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101"). Mr. Jones has reviewed and approved the contents of this press release.

艾弗·琼斯先生,(BSC.Aurum Consulting的Hons),MSc,FAusIMM,P.Geo,是国家仪器43-101-矿产项目披露标准(“NI 43-101”)定义的独立合格人士。琼斯先生已经审查并批准了本新闻稿的内容。

About Roscan


Roscan Gold Corporation is a Canadian gold exploration company focused on the exploration and acquisition of gold properties in West Africa. The Company has assembled a significant land position of 100%-owned permits in an area of producing gold mines (including B2 Gold's Fekola Mine which lies in a contiguous property to the west of Kandiole), and major gold deposits, located both north and south of its Kandiole Project in West Mali.

Roscan Gold Corporation是一家加拿大黄金勘探公司,专注于勘探和收购西非的金矿资产。该公司在一个金矿产区(包括位于Kandiole以西毗连的B2Gold的Fekola矿)和位于马里西部Kandiole项目南北的主要金矿产区建立了拥有100%所有权许可证的重要土地头寸。

For further information, please contact:


Nana Sangmuah
President & CEO
Tel: (902) 832-5555


Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains forward-looking information which is not comprised of historical facts. Forward-looking information is characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. Forward-looking information involves risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events, results, and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to, changes in the state of equity and debt markets, fluctuations in commodity prices, delays in obtaining required regulatory or governmental approvals, and other risks involved in the mineral exploration and development industry, including those risks set out in the Company's management's discussion and analysis as filed under the Company's profile at . Forward-looking information in this news release is based on the opinions and assumptions of management considered reasonable as of the date hereof, including that all necessary governmental and regulatory approvals will be received as and when expected. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, other than as required by applicable securities laws.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


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