
SPC Nickel Intersects 24 Metres of 0.97% Nickel Equivalent at the Lockerby East Nickel-Copper Project, Sudbury, Ontario

SPC Nickel Intersects 24 Metres of 0.97% Nickel Equivalent at the Lockerby East Nickel-Copper Project, Sudbury, Ontario

newsfile ·  2022/06/13 09:05

Sudbury, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - June 13, 2022) - SPC Nickel Corp. (TSXV: SPC) ("SPC Nickel" or the "Company"), is pleased to announce the first assay results from the on-going drill program at its 100% owned Lockerby East Project (the "Project") located in Sudbury, Ontario.

安大略省萨德伯里-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年6月13日)-SPC镍公司(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:SPC)(“SPC镍”“公司”)很高兴地宣布了其全资拥有的位于安大略省萨德伯里的Lockerby East项目(“项目”)正在进行的钻探项目的第一个化验结果。

The Lockerby East Project hosts both the past producing Lockerby East Mine and the historic West Graham deposit. Previously, the Company announced the commencement of a 14 hole, 4,200 metre drill program designed to further evaluate and expand the extents of the high-grade Ni-Cu zone hosted within the larger West Graham deposit (see April 27, 2022 press release). Assay results from the first hole have been completed and are reported in Table 1.

洛克比东部项目既拥有过去生产的洛克比东部矿,也拥有历史悠久的西格雷厄姆矿藏。此前,该公司宣布开始一个14孔、4200米长的钻探计划,旨在进一步评估和扩大较大的West Graham矿床内高品位镍铜矿带的范围(见2022年4月27日的新闻稿)。第一个孔的化验结果已经完成,并在表1中报告。



  • Hole WG-22-001, intersected a broad zone of Ni-Cu mineralization over 38.0 metres grading 0.75% nickel equivalent ("NiEq.") (0.63% Ni, 0.33% Cu, 0.02% Co) from 38.0 to 76.0 metres.
  • Included within the broad zone of mineralization was a high-grade zone returning values of 0.97% NiEq. (0.83% Ni, 0.40% Cu, 0.03% Co) over 24.0 metres.
  • The values returned from WG-22-001 are consistent or better than those used to generate the 2009 West Graham resource.
  • The drilling campaign continues at the Lockerby East Project with one drill currently turning. Since the start of the program a total of 2,600 metres in 10 holes have been completed.
  • Drilling has been focused on defining and expanding the high-grade zone of the historic West Graham deposit, where values of ~1.0% NiEq. occur.
  • WG-22-001孔, 与宽阔的镍铜成矿带相交超过38.0米品位0.75%镍当量(NiEq.)(0.63%镍、0.33%铜、0.02%钴)38.0米至76.0米。
  • 在宽阔的矿化带中包括一个高品位带,其返回值为0.97%NiEq.(0.83%镍、0.40%铜、0.03%钴)超过24.0米。
  • 从WG-22-001返回的值与用于生成2009年West Graham资源的值一致或更好。
  • 洛克比东部项目的钻探活动仍在继续,目前有一个钻探正在进行。自该计划开始以来,10个洞总共完成了2600米的比赛。
  • 钻探一直专注于确定和扩大历史悠久的West Graham矿床的高品位区,在那里,NiEq的价值约为1.0%。发生。

Grant Mourre, CEO and President of SPC Nickel commented, "We are delighted to have received results for the first hole from the West Graham drill program located on our Lockerby East Property. As expected, drilling so far has intersected broad zones of sulphide mineralization with grades and thicknesses comparable to the historic resource. With the intersection of a thick zone of ~1% Nickel Equivalent grade, we have confidence that our drill program will continue to expand the extents of the high-grade mineralized zone. Additional results from other holes will be published as they become available."

SPC镍公司首席执行官兼总裁格兰特·穆尔评论道我们很高兴收到了位于我们洛克比东部物业的West Graham钻探项目的第一个钻孔的结果。正如预期的那样,到目前为止,钻探已经穿过了广泛的硫化物矿化带,其品位和厚度与历史上的资源相当。在厚厚的~鉴于1%的镍当量品位,我们有信心我们的钻探计划将继续扩大高品位矿化区的范围。其他洞的其他结果将在得到后公布。“

Assay Results


Table 1: Assay results from the West Graham drilling on the Lockerby East Project.


Note: 3E PGM represents Pd g/t + Pt g/t + Au g/t. See Quality Assurance, Quality Control and Qualified Persons section of news release.

注:3E PGM代表Pdg/t+Ptg/t+Au g/t。请参阅新闻稿中的质量保证、质量控制和合格人员部分。

Figure 2: Plan map of the West Graham deposit, refer to Figure 1 for the location of the map. Assay intervals include the intersections as reported in the 2009 resource report as well as well as any high-grade intervals.


Lockerby East Project


The Lockerby East Project hosts both the historic West Graham and Lockerby East deposits. In 2009, First Nickel Inc. disclosed a historical resource estimate1 of 8.55Mt @ 0.45% Ni and 0.31% Cu (indicated) and 2.0Mt @ 0.38% Ni and 0.30% Cu (inferred) for the West Graham deposit. These grades have economic potential in the context of the Sudbury Mining Camp, as the deposit is located very near to surface and may be amenable to low-cost open pit mining. The deposit is characterized by a broad zone of disseminated to semi-massive sulphide that ranges from 1.7 to 66 metres thick and strikes for 375 metres with a dip extent of up to 533 metres. Within the larger resource, a distinct zone of higher-grade mineralization grading ~1% NiEq. is present. As an example, drill hole WG-26 intersected a broad zone of mineralization grading 0.73% Ni, 0.28% Cu over 71.33 metres1 (from 56.69 metres) including a higher-grade section that returned 1.09% Ni, 0.41% Cu over 39.47 metres1. At depth, the West Graham deposit is interpreted to be contiguous with the high-grade Lockerby East deposit where, historic resources of 0.22 Mt @ 2.43% Ni and 0.78% Cu2 (indicated + inferred) are hosted.

洛克比东部项目拥有历史悠久的西格雷厄姆和洛克比东部矿藏。2009年,First Nickel Inc.披露了一项历史资源估计1西格雷厄姆矿床为8.55Mt+0.45%镍+0.31%铜(指示)和2.0Mt+0.38%Ni+0.30%铜(推断)。就萨德伯里矿营而言,这些品位具有经济潜力,因为矿藏位于非常接近地表的地方,可能适合低成本的露天开采。该矿床的特点是宽阔的浸染-半块状硫化物带,厚度从1.7米到66米不等,走向375米,倾角最大可达533米。在较大的资源中,有一个明显的高品位矿化带,品位约为1%NiEq。是存在的。例如,WG-26钻孔在71.33米范围内穿过了一个矿化品位为0.73%镍、0.28%铜的宽阔矿化带1(距离56.69米)包括一个较高品位的路段,在39.47米范围内,镍的回报率为1.09%,铜的回报率为0.41%1。在深部,西格雷厄姆矿床被解释为与高品位洛克比东部矿床相邻,那里的历史资源量为0.22Mt@2.43%Ni和0.78%Cu2(指示+推断)是托管的。

Note: The Company considers the West Graham and Lockerby East resource estimates to be historic mineral resources for purposes of NI 43-101. Neither the Company nor a qualified person on behalf of the Company have done sufficient work to classify the historical estimates as current mineral resources and the Company is not treating such historical estimates as current mineral resources. The Company considers the historic mineral resource estimates to be relevant to an understanding of the West Graham Project but has not done any work to validate the estimates.

注:就NI 43-101而言,本公司认为西格雷厄姆和洛克比东部的资源估计为历史矿产资源。本公司或代表本公司的合资格人士均未做足够的工作以将该等历史估计归类为现有矿产资源,而本公司并无将该等历史估计视为当前矿产资源。本公司认为该历史矿产资源估计与对West Graham Project的了解有关,但并未进行任何工作以验证该估计。

About the Sudbury Mining Camp3


The Sudbury Mining Camp is the 2nd largest Ni camp in the world, with over 130 years of continuous production. Since the discovery of the original ore deposits, over 11.1 million metric tons of Ni and 10.8 million metric tons of Cu, together with by-products of cobalt, silver, gold and platinum group elements have been mined from the deposits. Production continues to be generated from eight major mine complex and 21 smaller ore deposits around the outer margin of the Sudbury Basin; the principal mines are owned and operated by international mining companies (Vale, Glencore, and KGHM International). The economic wealth generated at Sudbury in terms of nickel and copper value alone is close to US$500 billion.

萨德伯里矿营是2个发送世界上最大的镍营地,有130多年的连续生产。自发现原始矿床以来,已从这些矿床开采了超过1110万公吨的镍和1080万公吨的铜,以及钴、银、金和铂族元素的副产品。萨德伯里盆地外缘周围的八个大型综合矿场和21个较小的矿藏继续产生产量;主要矿场由国际矿业公司(淡水河谷、Glencore和KGHM International)拥有和运营。仅就镍和铜的价值而言,萨德伯里创造的经济财富就接近5000亿美元。



  1. NI 43-101 Report, Scott Wilson Mining, January 15, 2009, First Nickel Inc.; Technical Report on the West Graham Property Conwest Zone Resource Estimate, Graham Township, Ontario, Canada. 1
  2. Technical Report on the 2009 Resource Estimate for the Depth, East and Upper West Zones, Lockerby Mine, Sudbury, Ontario, prepared by First Nickel Inc., February 23, 2009.
  3. Nickel Sulfide Ores and Impact Melts, Lightfoot, 2017, Elsevier Inc.
  1. NI43-101报告,Scott Wilson矿业,2009年1月15日,First Nickel Inc.;West Graham Property Conwest Zone资源评估技术报告,加拿大安大略省Graham Township。1
  2. First Nickel Inc.于2009年2月23日编写的关于安大略省萨德伯里洛克比矿深度、东部和上西部地区2009年资源估计的技术报告。
  3. 硫化镍矿石和冲击熔体,LightFoot,2017,Elsevier Inc.

Quality Assurance, Quality Control and Qualified Persons


The technical elements of this news release have been approved by Mr. Grant Mourre, P.Geo. (PGO), CEO and President of SPC Nickel Corp. and a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101.

本新闻稿的技术内容已得到Grant Mourre先生,P.Geo的批准。(PGO),SPC镍公司首席执行官兼总裁,国家仪器43-101合格人员。

SPC Nickel follows rigorous sampling and analytical protocols that meet or exceed industry standards. Core samples are stored in a secured area until transport in batches to the ALS facility in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. Sample batches include certified reference materials, blank, and duplicate samples that are then processed under the control of ALS. All samples were analyzed in Vancouver by ALS Chemex. Platinum, palladium, and gold values were determined together using standard lead oxide collection fire assay and ICP-AES finish. Base metal values were determined using sodium peroxide fusion and ICP-AES finish. Silver values were determined using an aqua regia digestions and an AAS finish. A Certified Reference Material (CRM) standard, blank or duplicate is inserted on every 10th sample in the following order: CRM, blank, CRM, duplicate. The cycle repeats every 40 samples, thus ensuring that 10% of samples submitted are control samples.

SPC镍遵循严格的采样和分析协议,达到或超过行业标准。核心样本储存在安全区域,直到分批运输到加拿大安大略省萨德伯里的ALS设施。样品批次包括经认证的标准物质、空白和复制样品,然后在ALS的控制下进行处理。所有样品都在温哥华用ALS Chemex进行了分析。铂、钯和金值的同时测定使用标准的氧化铅收集火焰分析和电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱分析。用过氧化钠熔融和电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱分析测定贱金属值。用王水消解和原子吸收光谱分析测定银值。每10个样品上按以下顺序插入认证标准物质(CRM)标准、空白或复制:CRM、空白、CRM、复制。该周期每40个样本重复一次,从而确保提交的样本中有10%是对照样本。

Lengths are drill intersections and not necessarily true widths. True thicknesses cannot be accurately estimated due to the irregular nature of the mineralized zone. The geological interpretations in this news release are solely those of the Company. The locations and distances highlighted on all maps in this news release are approximate.


Where used in this news release: NiEq.% = Ni%+ Cu% x 0.32 + Co% x 0.53 and does not factor in Pt, Pd, Au or Ag values. The NiEq.% calculation used in this release is consistent with the West Graham resource report published by First Nickel Inc. in 2009.

在本新闻稿中使用:NiEq.%=Ni%+Cu%x0.32+Co%x0.53,不包括铂、钯、金或银值。本新闻稿中使用的NiEq.%计算与First Nickel Inc.在2009年发布的West Graham资源报告一致。

About SPC Nickel Corp.


SPC Nickel Corp. is a new Canadian public corporation focused on exploring for Ni-Cu-PGMs within the world class Sudbury Mining Camp. The Company is currently exploring its key 100% owned exploration projects Lockerby East and Aer-Kidd both located in the heart of the historic Sudbury Mining Camp and holds an option to acquire 100% interest in the Janes Project located approximately 50 km northeast of Sudbury. In addition, the Company recently acquired over 45,000 hectares covering a considerable proportion of the high prospective Muskox Intrusion, located in Nunavut. Although our focus is on Sudbury, we are an opportunistic company always looking for opportunities to use our skills to add shareholder value. Additional information regarding the Company and its projects can be found at .

SPC镍公司是一家新成立的加拿大上市公司,专注于在世界级的萨德伯里矿营内勘探镍-铜-铂族金属。本公司目前正在勘探其100%拥有的勘探项目Lockerby East和Aer-Kidd,这两个项目均位于历史悠久的萨德伯里采矿营地的中心,并持有收购位于萨德伯里东北约50公里处的Janes项目100%权益的选择权。此外,该公司最近收购了超过45,000公顷土地,覆盖了位于努纳武特的高预期麝香入侵的相当大一部分土地。尽管我们的重点是萨德伯里,但我们是一家机会主义的公司,总是在寻找机会,利用我们的技能为股东增加价值。有关该公司及其项目的更多信息,请访问。

Cautionary Note on Forward-Looking Information


Except for statements of historical fact contained herein, the information in this news release constitutes "forward-looking information" within the meaning of Canadian securities law. Such forward-looking information may be identified by words such as "plans", "proposes", "estimates", "intends", "expects", "believes", "may", "will" and include without limitation, statements regarding estimated capital and operating costs, expected production timeline, benefits of updated development plans, foreign exchange assumptions and regulatory approvals. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from such statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include, among others, metal prices, competition, risks inherent in the mining industry, and regulatory risks. Most of these factors are outside the control of the Company. Investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking information. Except as otherwise required by applicable securities statutes or regulation, the Company expressly disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


Further information is available at by contacting:


Grant Mourre
Chief Executive Officer
SPC Nickel Corp.
Tel: (705) 669-1777


To view the source version of this press release, please visit


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