
7 Growth Stocks to Buy for a Rich Retirement

7 Growth Stocks to Buy for a Rich Retirement

InvestorPlace ·  2022/06/28 18:43

InvestorPlace - Stock Market News, Stock Advice & Trading Tips


Another market downturn is upon us, threatening to disrupt individual investment and retirement portfolios — and financial lives. However, as is usually the case, bear markets come and go, and economies and markets recover to print new record highs. As the market benchmark, the S&P 500 index, fell more than 20% year-to-date and into a technical bear market, now could be one of the best times to check out beaten-down growth stocks to buy for a rich retirement in the long term.


Honestly, the irritating and depressing losses in your stock portfolios hurt emotionally, but they remain just paper or electronic losses — unless you sell. History tells us to remain faithful and invested in the stock market during such tumultuous times. Actually, for someone building a retirement nest egg, new contributions deployed during market downturns may produce better capital growth and better dividend-adjusted returns than the capital invested at all-time highs in 2021.


In his letter to Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE:BRK-A, NYSE:BRK-B) shareholders back in 1990, investing legend Warren Buffett wrote that "the most common cause of low prices is pessimism — some times pervasive, some times specific to a company or industry. We want to do business in such an environment, not because we like pessimism but because we like the prices it produces."


Pessimism and fear have grown in abundance in the U.S. stock market this year. Some growth stocks with very high capital gains potential lie beaten down today. Growth names have been substantially punished. The iShares Russell 1000 Growth ETF (NYSEARCA:IWF) is down more than 25% year-to-date. However, some of the beaten-down growth stocks do have very solid fundamentals. They have a higher capacity to survive any prolonged economic downturn and emerge much stronger businesses once the troubles of this low sentiment season are over.


If the U.S. manages to avoid a recession this year (by chance) or the economy bounces back from one relatively quickly, the growth stocks on my top-buy list could report above-average earnings growth rates and make investors enjoy a richer retirement over the next decade. Perhaps it's time to start getting greedy while everyone else is getting fearful.


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Let's have a closer look at my current favorite growth stocks to buy for a richer retirement.


Solid Power $6.35
Solid Power 6.35美元
AMD $87.17
Roblox $34.64
Autodesk $188.20
Datadog $107.55
DigitalOcean Holdings $47.63
DigitalOcean Holdings$47.63
Nvidia $170.66

Solid Power (SLDP)


Source: T. Schneider /

Solid Power (NASDAQ:SLDP) is a solid-state battery developer that is achieving milestones and could soon be shipping some test samples to partners including Ford (NYSE:F) and BMW. Solid Power is one of the electric vehicle (EV) battery stocks that retain the element of surprise and could disrupt a fast-growing $560 billion global EV battery market. It kickstarted a pilot production line recently and could be a favorite candidate to fit the next-gen breakthrough battery tech in a road-driven car ahead of popular favorite QuantumScape (NYSE:QS).

实力派纳斯达克(Sequoia Capital:SLDP)是一家正在实现里程碑的固态电池开发商,可能很快就会向合作伙伴运送一些测试样本,包括福特(纽约证券交易所:F)和宝马。Solid Power是保留惊喜元素的电动汽车(EV)电池库存之一,可能会扰乱快速增长的5600亿美元的全球电动汽车电池市场。它最近启动了一条试验性生产线,可能是最受欢迎的候选人,在道路驾驶汽车上安装下一代突破性电池技术,领先于流行的最受欢迎的汽车Quantumscape(纽约证券交易所代码:QS)。

Solid Power stands to gain market traction if its pilot production project registers success. The company made a significant step toward producing its first EV battery to deliver to partners after the installation of a pilot production line. In a March update, all required equipment for the larger 100 amp-hour battery production line has been delivered — management claims.

如果Solid Power的试生产项目取得成功,它将获得市场吸引力。该公司朝着生产第一块电动汽车电池迈出了重要的一步,在安装了一条试点生产线后,该电池将交付给合作伙伴。在3月份的更新中,更大的100安培小时电池生产线所需的所有设备都已交付-管理层声称。

The company believes its battery design won't require re-tooling and redesigns of existing battery manufacturing plants (as opposed to QuantumScape's design). Thus, once proven successful, the company's battery design could be licensed to any of the battery manufacturing giants leading the global lithium-ion battery market today.


SLDP stock stands to rally if the company were to scale-up operations quickly and grow sales at a fast clip within the next two or three years. The company won't need the significantly dilutive capitalization to build new factories as its most popular competitor currently does.


The lithium-ion battery market may get disrupted soon, and the era of new solid-state battery technology with higher power density, fast charging capacity and cheaper battery packs with low fire hazards is on the horizon. Solid Power could be a growth stock to buy for its potentially high upside over the long term if it leads in the new transformative mobility-enhancing solution.

锂离子电池市场可能很快就会被颠覆,具有更高功率密度、快速充电能力和更便宜、火灾危险更低的电池组的新固态电池技术时代即将到来。如果Solid Power引领了新的变革性移动增强解决方案,它可能会成为一只成长型股票,因为它可能会带来长期的高收益。

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)


Source: JHVEPhoto /

Advanced Micro Devices (NASDAQ:AMD) is a semiconductor chip designer that has executed a growth strategy well over the past decade. The company achieved a 56% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in revenue from $6.7 billion in 2019 to $16.4 billion in 2021. It significantly expanded its operating profit margins during the three-year period from 9% in 2019 to 22% by 2021. AMD is a promising growth stock to buy after its significant drop so far this year. Shares could be a great performing retirement asset as the company plans to return 40% of free cash flow to shareholders.

先进的微设备纳斯达克(Sequoia Capital:AMD)是一家半导体芯片设计公司,在过去十年中很好地执行了增长战略。该公司实现了56%的复合年增长率(CAGR),收入从2019年的67亿美元增加到2021年的164亿美元。该公司在这三年期间大幅扩大了运营利润率,从2019年的9%扩大到2021年的22%。在今年迄今大幅下跌后,AMD是一只有希望的成长型股票。股票可能是一种出色的退休资产,因为该公司计划将40%的自由现金流返还给股东。

In a recent corporate presentation, AMD's acquisition of Xilinx in 2021 increases the revenue contribution of the high-margin data center and embedded segment in the revenue mix from 25% of total sales to 40%, leading to a non-GAAP margin expansion for 2022. Market worries of a potentially weak PC market are thus drowned as AMD's total addressable market (TAM) grows to a staggering $300 billion.


AMD stock is down 40% year-to-date as tech sector valuations shrunk in 2022. However, investors who buy AMD stock during the current market correction could lock in hefty returns if the company's projected 20% per annum growth rate in diversified revenues gets realized over the next three to four years.


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Actually, AMD could be a cheap growth stock to buy right now as shares trade cheaply today.  Its low forward price-to-earnings ratio of 19.9 and a very low price-to-earnings growth ratio of 0.5 imply that AMD stock is undervalued relative to its future earnings growth potential.


Roblox (RBLX)


Source: Miguel Lagoa /

Online gaming platform provider and videogame publisher Roblox (NYSE:RBLX) is a typical youth-focused growth stock to buy on the dip during the 2022 market decline. Although Roblox stock has declined by 66% so far this year to trade below its IPO price, chances of a strong long-term recovery seem very strong.


According to a recent report, Roblox's average active users increased by 17% year-over-year to 50.4 million in May, and revenue for the month could be up 30% from comparable numbers last year. Revenue and cash flow are growing in leaps and bounds.


The company may not be profitable today. But it's generating massive amounts of positive free cash flow every quarter — for five consecutive quarters now. Positive free cash flow cushions the business from the vagaries of trying to borrow or raise new capital during a recession or a period marked by depressed capital market enthusiasm.


Roblox is a growth stock to buy right now for its growing closed garden ecosystem that keeps business within its walls. An in-house game engine, publishing platform, online hosting services, marketplace payment processing and a buzzing social network give the company multiple revenue sources and unparalleled business development insights.


Autodesk (ADSK)


Source: JHVEPhoto /

Autodesk (NASDAQ:ADSK) has revolutionized how architectural design, engineering and construction teams go about their work since 1982. The design software company's growth into media and entertainment in the 1990s opened new growth frontiers, and its visual effects software was used in award-winning productions, including the 2009 film Avatar. Autodesk's stock price has risen as the business has grown, and there could still be massive growth ahead.

欧特克纳斯达克(Sequoia Capital:ADSK)自1982年以来彻底改变了建筑设计、工程和施工团队的工作方式。这家设计软件公司在20世纪90年代进军媒体和娱乐领域,开辟了新的增长领域,其视觉特效软件被用于屡获殊荣的作品,包括2009年的电影《阿凡达》。欧特克的股价随着业务的增长而上涨,而且未来仍有可能实现巨大的增长。

Wall Street sees Autodesk growing its revenue by 14.3% this calendar year and by another 14.2% in the next year, but earnings per share could grow at a faster clip (29.1% for 2022 and 20.5% for 2023). Autodesk reported $1.46 billion free cash flow in 2021, and the company could generate a record $2 billion free cash flow this calendar year according to its management's latest financial outlook.


Autodesk's billings may grow at 18% to 21% for fiscal year 2023, which ends in January next year, while revenue grows at 13% to 15% during the period. Hence, the company is winning more subscription customers — a huge source of high quality, recurring earnings and growing cash flow.


Cash flow is the lifeblood of any enterprise, and growing free cash flow could allow Autodesk to reinvest in growing its operations, acquiring new customers and even scooping up good and promising businesses through acquisitions during a down market.


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Autodesk is a good growth stock to buy for its growing earnings, robust and sticky customer base and strong future cash flow generating capacity which opens up new possibilities.


Datadog (DDOG)


Source: Karol Ciesluk /
来源:Karol Ciesluk/

Datadog (NASDAQ:DDOG) is a cloud-based service provider offering server monitoring, database services and analytics bundled in a fast-growing software-as-a-service business model. Its enterprise software platform could prove mission-critical and attract sticky demand — even in a recession. The company broke into profitability two quarters ago, and Datadog's revenue and earnings performance could attract more investors back to the high-growth tech stock.

数据日志纳斯达克(Sequoia Capital:DDOG)是一家基于云的服务提供商,提供捆绑在快速增长的软件即服务业务模式中的服务器监控、数据库服务和分析。其企业软件平台可能会被证明是关键任务,并吸引粘性需求--即使是在经济衰退的情况下。该公司在两个季度前实现盈利,Datadog的收入和收益表现可能会吸引更多投资者重返这只高增长的科技股。

After a 41% decline that saw it print new 52-week lows before recovering somewhat, DDOG stock is back to its 2020 trading levels. However, the company generated more than four times its ($83 million) 2020 free cash flow over the past twelve months ($336 million) and could grow earnings at increasing rates over the next few years.


Datadog's earnings per share (EPS) are estimated to grow to 74 cents in 2022. Analysts have increased Datadog EPS projections for this year by 45% over the past 90 days. Wall Street sees DDOG profits rising 42% year-over-year in 2023 and projects a strong 48% compound annual earnings growth rate for Datadog over the next five years.


It's highly likely that DDOG stock could generate significant capital gains in the long term and enable investors to enjoy a rich retirement.


DigitalOcean Holdings (DOCN)

DigitalOcean Holdings(DOCN)

Source: monticello /

DigitalOcean Holdings (NYSE:DOCN) is another cloud computing growth stock investors could buy and add to a retirement-focused portfolio today. The company offers on-demand platform tools for developers, start-ups and small and medium businesses — a growing market that usually lacks in-house IT support staff.


Critical to the DigitalOcean business model is its simplified cloud computing interface that users without formal training can practically use to create and develop tools, and the company offers full-time customer and technical support.


The company became free cash flow positive in 2021 after producing $133 million in cash from operations and spending less on capital investments. Wall Street expects DigitalOcean to double its free cash flow to $52 million in 2022 and report another 80% cash flow growth in 2023 as it reports its first positive GAAP EPS next year.


Cash flow growth and its graduation into positive profitability in 2023 could put DOCN stock price on a strong recovery path over the next few years.


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Wall Street rates DigitalOcean Holdings stock a strong buy today. The average analyst price target on DOCN stock, at $59.20 per share, could represent a 27% potential upside over the next twelve months. However, a full recovery to its 52-week high of $133.40 could mean a strong 186% capital gain if the company's management continues to execute as well as it has been doing lately.

今天,华尔街对DigitalOcean Holdings的股票评级为强劲买入。分析师对DOCN股票的平均目标价为每股59.20美元,这可能代表着未来12个月27%的潜在上涨。然而,如果公司管理层继续像最近那样表现良好,完全回升至133.40美元的52周高点,可能意味着资本收益将达到186%。

Nvidia (NVDA)


Source: Shutterstock

Last on our list of growth stocks to buy now for a richer retirement is Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA). Nvidia is a leading designer of graphics processing chips globally, and its moves into artificial intelligence (AI) and the automotive segment opened up new market verticals that could power strong growth over the next decade or two.


Nvidia's market dominance in the global gaming graphics market and AI and its clout in the supercomputing market make it an ideal growth stock to buy and hold for the long term. That's more true if you believe the global supercomputing market, powered by AI and spurred by emerging Web 3.0 applications, is headed for phenomenal growth.

NVIDIA在全球游戏图形市场和人工智能领域的市场主导地位,以及其在超级计算市场的影响力,使其成为长期买入和持有的理想成长型股票。如果你相信由人工智能提供动力并由新兴的Web 3.0应用程序刺激的全球超级计算市场正在走向惊人的增长,那么这一点就更正确了。

Management sees a $1 trillion total addressable market for Nvidia's products right now.


Its shares seem expensive with a trailing P/E multiple of 45 times. However, since our discussion is forward-looking, Nvidia's forward P/E is a respectable 29.6. Wall Street expects the company's five-year earnings growth rate to exceed 18% per annum. High valuation multiples for NVDA stock may be justifiable.


Shares are down 42% in a market sell-off so far this year. The company's sustainable profitability, positive cash flow generating capacity and proven leadership capacity in key growth markets in the supercomputing age make NVDA stock a promising growth machine in a retirement portfolio.


On the date of publication, Brian Paradza held Advanced Micro Devices' (AMD) common stock. He did not hold (either directly or indirectly) any positions in any other securities mentioned in this article. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer, subject to the Publishing Guidelines.


The post 7 Growth Stocks to Buy for a Rich Retirement appeared first on InvestorPlace.


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