
Eskay Mining Discovers Multiple New VMS Systems across its Consolidated Eskay VMS Project, Golden Triangle British Columbia

Eskay Mining Discovers Multiple New VMS Systems across its Consolidated Eskay VMS Project, Golden Triangle British Columbia

不列颠哥伦比亚省金三角Eskay矿业公司在其合并的Eskay VMS项目中发现多个新的VMS系统
Accesswire ·  2022/07/07 08:05

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / July 7, 2022 / Eskay Mining Corp. ("Eskay" or the "Company") (TSXV:ESK)(OTCQX:ESKYF)(Frankfurt:KN7)(WKN:A0YDPM) is pleased to announce discovery of multiple new volcanogenic massive sulfide ("VMS") deposits across its 100% controlled Consolidated Eskay project, British Columbia. To date, the Company has completed 5,370 m of diamond core drilling in 13 holes, approximately 18% of the 30,000 m planned meters to be drilled in 2022. Drill production is currently on target to reach this aggressive goal.


"By pushing for an early start to the 2022 Exploration Program we have been able to meet one of our major objectives, showing that the TV-Jeff VMS system extends well to the north of Jeff. Our targeting criteria built over the past two years continues to yield mineralized intercepts," commented Dr. John DeDecker, Eskay Mining's VP of Exploration. "Not only does the TV-Jeff VMS system appear to encompass a minimum 5 km-trend of VMS mineralization, we have also confirmed that Scarlet Ridge is host to a separate VMS system of similar size. We look forward to testing the full strike length of both of these VMS systems with aggressive drilling and Anaconda-style mapping programs in 2022. It amazes me that every day in the field we are delineating extensive VMS systems outcropping at surface. This leaves me wondering what other deposits have gone unrecognized across the property. Our expert team has done a great job making new discoveries over the past few weeks, and we are excited by the potential of them making yet more discoveries across our large property over the next several months."

Eskay矿业勘探副总裁John DeDecker博士评论说:“通过推动2022年勘探计划的早日开始,我们已经能够实现我们的主要目标之一,表明TV-Jeff VMS系统延伸到了Jeff以北。我们在过去两年建立的目标标准继续产生矿化拦截。”不仅TV-Jeff VMS系统似乎包含至少5公里的VMS矿化趋势,我们还证实,Scarlet Ridge是一个类似规模的单独VMS系统的所在地。我们期待着在2022年用积极的钻探和蟒蛇风格的测绘计划来测试这两个VMS系统的全行程长度。令我惊讶的是,在野外的每一天,我们都在勾勒出露出地面的广泛的VMS系统。这让我想知道,这处房产中还有哪些存款没有被认出。在过去的几周里,我们的专家团队在新的发现方面做得很好,我们对他们在接下来的几个月里在我们的大型资产上有更多发现的潜力感到兴奋。“

"The 2022 exploration campaign at the Consolidated Eskay project is by far the most aggressive program ever conducted on the property," commented Dr. Quinton Hennigh, director and technical advisor to Eskay Mining. Our team is doing a remarkable job making new discoveries, a step needed to grow this remarkable story. We suspected the TV-Jeff VMS system was much larger, and now we have proof from recent drilling at Jeff North. In just one month, our field crews have more fully assessed the potential at Scarlet Ridge, and now have strong evidence the system here is of equal magnitude to that at TV-Jeff. Mineralization appears to be hosted by the same rocks found at Eskay Creek 7 km to the west. Excelsior South also displays similar stratigraphy and mineralization to the Eskay Creek deposit. We are delighted with progress made to date, but we have four more months in this season during which we expect more discoveries to be made."

埃斯凯矿业公司技术顾问兼董事Quinton Hennigh博士评论说:“2022年联合埃斯凯项目的勘探活动是迄今为止对该矿藏进行的最积极的项目。”我们的团队正在进行出色的工作,取得新的发现,这是发展这一非凡故事所需的一步。我们怀疑TV-Jeff VMS系统要大得多,现在我们从Jeff North最近的钻探中得到了证据。在短短一个月的时间里,我们的现场工作人员已经更全面地评估了斯卡雷特岭的潜力,现在有强有力的证据表明,这里的系统与TV-Jeff的系统具有同等的强度。矿化似乎与在以西7公里处的Eskay Creek发现的岩石相同。Excelsior South也显示出与Eskay Creek矿床相似的地层和矿化。我们对到目前为止取得的进展感到高兴,但我们在本赛季还有四个月的时间,我们预计在这期间会有更多的发现。“

Summary of Discoveries Made at Jeff North


  • Drilling and geological mapping confirms that the greater TV-Jeff VMS system extends 1.5 km north of Jeff (Figures 1 and 2). A significant zone of intensely silicified peperitic basalt, dacite, and andesite hosts stockwork and semi-massive sulfide mineralization at Jeff North. This zone is evident at the surface as a topographic ridge, and in drill core, it is characterized by hydrothermal breccia with abundant silica alteration and sulfide mineralization (Figures 3-5).
  • Sulfide mineralization is hosted by peperitic basalt, dacite, and andesite occurring in mineralized horizons that correspond to those at Jeff 1.5 km to the south (Figure 2) indicating that VMS hydrothermal systems were active over a 5 km-strike length from TV to Jeff North, and likely beyond.
  • Investigations of drill core with handheld XRF units indicate presence of strong pathfinder element associations (Ag, As, Sb, and Hg) in some areas displaying sulfide mineralization.
  • Systematic soil sampling northwards of Jeff North has been completed, and includes a large SkyTEM anomaly of similar size and shape to those corresponding with VMS at TV, Jeff, and Jeff North discovered during the 2021 program. The results of the soil sampling program will indicate how much further north the TV-Jeff VMS system extends. So far, each large conductive SkyTEM anomaly investigated corresponds with VMS mineralization observed at surface. There are several more SkyTEM anomalies left to investigate this season, and these are the highest priority of Eskay's 2022 drill program.
  • Geological Mapping conducted in 2022, led by Drs. Ben M. Frieman and Jesse Hill, has yielded the first lithological map consistent with drill core observations. This work has shown the importance of integrating drilling and mapping data sets and has yielded a new understanding of the distribution of the lower Hazelton Group volcanic rocks in the Eskay anticline region. For example, in addition to the volcanic-hydrothermal systems identified at TV, Jeff, and Jeff North, new observations suggest that mineralized volcanic rocks may occur across-strike to the west as well as within structurally juxtaposed, but correlative, rocks to the east of this area, a wholly new location identified as prospective.
  • 钻探和地质测绘证实,更大的TV-Jeff VMS系统延伸到Jeff以北1.5公里处(图1和图2)。在杰夫北部,硅化程度较高的珍珠质玄武岩、英安岩和安山岩是网状和半块状硫化物矿化的重要地带。这一带在地表是明显的地形山脊,在钻芯中,它的特点是热液角砾岩具有丰富的二氧化硅蚀变和硫化物矿化(图3-5)。
  • 硫化物矿化赋存于与杰夫以南1.5公里(图2)对应的矿化层中,赋存于珍珠岩玄武岩、英安岩和安山岩中,表明VMS热液系统在从Tv到Jeff North的5公里走向范围内活动,甚至更远。
  • 用手持XRF单元对钻芯的研究表明,在一些显示硫化物矿化的地区,存在着强烈的引路元素组合(Ag、As、Sb和Hg)。
  • 杰夫·诺斯向北的系统土壤采样已经完成,其中包括一个大的SkyTEM异常,其大小和形状与2021年计划期间发现的与TV、Jeff和Jeff North的VMS相对应的异常。土壤采样计划的结果将表明TV-Jeff VMS系统向北延伸了多远。到目前为止,所研究的每一个大型导电性SkyTEM异常都与在地表观察到的VMS矿化相对应。本季度还有几个SkyTEM异常需要调查,这些是Eskay 2022演习计划的首要任务。
  • 在本·M·弗里曼博士和杰西·希尔博士的领导下,2022年进行的地质填图产生了第一张与钻芯观察相一致的岩性地图。这项工作表明了综合钻探和填图数据集的重要性,并对埃斯凯背斜地区下黑兹尔顿群火山岩的分布有了新的认识。例如,除了TV、Jeff和Jeff North发现的火山-热液系统外,新的观察表明,矿化火山岩可能出现在西侧的跨走向以及该地区东部结构上平行但相互关联的岩石内,这是一个被确定为有远景的全新位置。

Scarlet Ridge


  • Two extensive VMS feeder zones have been discovered at Scarlet Ridge, the Southern and Northern Feeder Zones. These feeder zones are marked by intense hydrothermal alteration, ubiquitous stockwork and replacement-style sulfide mineralization, and intensely gossanous red, orange, and yellow surficial staining of the peperitic dacite and rhyolite host rocks. The Southern Feeder Zone has been the focus of early season investigations and will be further tested by drilling in 2022 (Figures 6-8).
  • Scarlet Ridge is located 7 km east of the Eskay Creek deposit and occurs in a similar geologic setting to this exceptional high-grade VMS deposit.
  • Field investigations of stockwork sulfides from the Southern Feeder Zone using handheld XRF units indicate presence of strong pathfinder element (Ag, As, Sb, and Hg) anomalism. These pathfinder results are consistent with rock chip samples collected in the area during the early 1990's and the 2021 program (see Eskay's March 21, 2022 news release for more information), in which samples also yielded strongly anomalous Au assays ranging from 0.14-2.49 g/t.
  • Scarlet Ridge displays all the hallmarks of a large VMS system, with multiple feeder zones connected with at least three horizons exhibiting subseafloor replacement style mineralization, each of which extends along strike for hundreds of meters (Figures 6-8). It is especially encouraging that these horizons are correlative with the same units that host the Eskay Creek deposit (Figure 9) Pathfinder element associations suggest the potential for precious metal endowment.
  • Preparations are underway to begin drilling the feeder zones at Scarlet Ridge starting in mid-July (Figure 10).
  • 在红岭发现了两个广泛的VMS饲养区,即南部和北部的饲养区。这些馈源带具有强烈的热液蚀变、无处不在的网状和交替式硫化物矿化,以及珍珠质英安岩和流纹岩寄主岩石强烈的棉红色、橙色和黄色的表面染色。南部支线带一直是早期季节调查的重点,并将在2022年通过钻探进一步测试(图6-8)。
  • 猩红山脊位于Eskay Creek矿床以东7公里处,其地质环境与这一异常高品位的VMS矿床相似。
  • 使用手持XRF装置对南部馈源区的网状硫化物进行的野外调查表明,存在强烈的引路元素(银、砷、锑和汞)异常。探路者的这些结果与20世纪90年代初在该地区采集的岩屑样本和2021年计划(更多信息请参阅Eskay于2022年3月21日发布的新闻稿)一致,其中样本也产生了0.14-2.49克/吨的强烈异常Au分析。
  • 猩红山脊显示了大型VMS系统的所有特征,多个馈送带与至少三个层位相连,展示了海底交代式矿化,每个矿化沿走向延伸数百米(图6-8)。尤其令人鼓舞的是,这些地层层与Eskay Creek矿床所在的相同单元相关(图9)探路者元素组合表明了贵金属赋存的潜力。
  • 准备工作正在进行中,准备从7月中旬开始钻探Scarlet Ridge的供给区(图10)。

Excelsior South


  • Preliminary field visits followed up on strong Au BLEG results from 2020 and strong pathfinder element anomalies evident in soil transects from 2021.
  • Peperitic rhyolite was discovered at Excelsior South, in rocks previously mapped as the Bowser Lake Group. Investigations with a handheld XRF confirm that this rhyolite is indeed of the same composition as the Eskay rhyolite, host to the world-class Eskay Creek VMS deposit.
  • A 100 m grid soil sampling program has just been completed at Excelsior South. Analyses from these soil samples are expected back in a few weeks. Subject to promising results, a limited exploratory drill program will be conducted at Excelsior South in 2022.
  • 初步实地考察跟踪了2020年以来Au BLeg的强劲结果和2021年以来土壤横断面中明显的强探索者元素异常。
  • 珠光岩流纹岩是在伊塞西奥南部发现的,在以前被绘制为鲍瑟湖群的岩石中。手持XRF研究证实,该流纹岩确实与世界级Eskay Creek VMS矿床所在的Eskay流纹岩具有相同的成分。
  • Excelsior South刚刚完成了一个100米网格的土壤采样计划。这些土壤样本的分析预计将在几周内返回。根据前景看好的结果,2022年将在Excelsior South进行有限的勘探钻探计划。

To date, Eskay Mining has completed 5,370 m of diamond core drilling in 13 holes, approximately 18% of planned meters to be drilled in 2022. Thus far, drilling has occurred around the area called Jeff North. The Company will soon be drilling at Scarlet Ridge as well as testing other targets along the greater TV-Jeff corridor. At present, drill production is on track to reach Eskay's aggressive goal of 30,000 m.

到目前为止,Eskay矿业已经在13个孔中完成了5370米的钻石岩心钻探,约占2022年计划钻探米的18%。到目前为止,在名为杰夫·诺斯的地区进行了钻探。该公司将很快在Scarlet Ridge进行钻探,并沿着更大的TV-Jeff走廊测试其他目标。目前,钻机产量有望达到Eskay的3万米的激进目标。

Dr. Quinton Hennigh, P. Geo., a Director of the Company and its technical adviser, a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical contents of this news release.

公司董事及其技术顾问Quinton Hennigh博士已审核并批准了本新闻稿的技术内容。Quinton Hennigh博士是National Instrument 43-101定义的合格人员。

About Eskay Mining Corp:


Eskay Mining Corp (TSX-V:ESK) is a TSX Venture Exchange listed company, headquartered in Toronto, Ontario. Eskay is an exploration company focused on the exploration and development of precious and base metals along the Eskay rift in a highly prolific region of northwest British Columbia known as the "Golden Triangle," 70km northwest of Stewart, BC. The Company currently holds mineral tenures in this area comprised of 177 claims (52,600 hectares).


All material information on the Company may be found on its website at and on SEDAR at .


For further information, please contact:


Mac Balkam T: 416 907 4020
President & Chief Executive Officer E:
Mac Balkam T: 416 907 4020
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(Figure 1. Drill holes at Jeff North completed as of date of this release. Silver assays from soil samples from 2021, and the SkyTEM conductivity map from 2020 are shown, and have proven to be reliable vectors towards VMS mineralization during the 2022 program thus far.

(图1.截至本新闻稿发布之日,Jeff North的钻孔已完成。2021年土壤样品的银分析和2020年的SkyTEM电导率图显示,到目前为止,已被证明是2022年计划期间VMS成矿的可靠载体。

(Figure 2. Preliminary geologic map of Jeff and Jeff North based on 2022 field work by the mapping team, and drilling from 2020-2022. Drilling at Jeff North has been focused on a 1 km trend of intensely silicified peperitic basalt identified during mapping, and has confirmed the presence of extensive VMS mineralization associated with the silicified basalt.)

(图2.杰夫和杰夫·诺斯的初步地质图,基于测绘团队2022年的野外工作,以及2020-2022年的钻探。Jeff North的钻探重点是在测绘过程中发现的1公里趋势的强烈硅化珍珠岩玄武岩,并证实与硅化玄武岩有关的广泛VMS矿化的存在。)

(Figure 3. Semi-massive replacement-style sulfide mineralization hosted by an intensely silicified vesicular basalt. The intensity of replacement-style mineralization and hydrothermal alteration is consistent with a location proximal to a VMS feeder structure. Handheld XRF analyses show consistently high pathfinder elements (As, Sb, and Hg) within sulfide mineralization in this drill hole.)


(Figure 4. Polymetallic sulfide mineralization hosted by intensely silicified mudstone. Sulfide minerals present include pyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, and galena, with XRF-indicated Ag-bearing tetrahedrite. Tetrahedrite is commonly associated with microscopic electrum in drill core from the 2020 and 2021 drill programs.)


(Figure 5. Semi-massive replacement-style sulfide mineralization hosted by intensely silicified and clay altered peperitic basalt. The intensity of replacement-style mineralization and hydrothermal alteration is consistent with a location proximal to a VMS feeder structure.)


(Figure 6. Intensely gossanous peperitic dacite defining the Southern Feeder Zone at Scarlet Ridge. This gossan extends approximately 600 m along strike, and cuts at least 800 m of stratigraphy. Multiple traverses across stratigraphy have confirmed that stockwork and replacement-style sulfide mineralization, and intense hydrothermal alteration are ubiquitous throughout rocks that are gossanous. Stratigraphy is steeply dipping to the east here, suggesting that these mineralized horizons could extend to considerable depth. A fence of several 800 m deep drill holes will test the heart of this intensely mineralized feeder zone. The Southern Feeder Zone is approximately 1 km south of the Northern Feeder Zone visited in 2021 (visible in the lower left image as the gossanous bluffs just left of the mountains). The two feeder zones and their along strike extensions occur within peperitic dacite and Eskay rhyolite, suggesting that these hydrothermal systems are part of one larger system that was active at the same time as the VMS system that formed Eskay Creek, just 7 km due west.)

(图6.赤红山脊的南部喂食带的强烈的黑云母英安岩。这条铁帽沿走向延伸约600米,切割至少800米的地层。地层学的多次穿越证实,网状和交替式硫化物矿化和强烈的热液蚀变在整个岩石中无处不在。这里的地层正急剧向东倾斜,这表明这些矿化层位可能延伸到相当深的地方。由几个800米深的钻孔组成的围栏将测试这一强烈矿化馈送带的心脏。南部支线带位于2021年访问的北部支线带以南约1公里处(在左下角的图像中可以看到,就在山脉左侧的天鹅绒般的悬崖)。这两个进水带及其沿走向的延伸出现在珍珠质英安岩和Eskay流纹岩中,这表明这些热液系统是一个更大系统的一部分,该系统与形成Eskay Creek的VMS系统同时活动,仅在正西7公里处。)

(Figure 7. Close-up views of stockwork and replacement-style sulfide mineralization from the Southern Feeder Zone at Scarlet Ridge. This sort of sulfide mineralization is ubiquitous throughout the entire outcrop area of the Southern Feeder Zone.)


(Figure 8. Gossanous and sulfide-bearing horizons define permeable Eskay rhyolite debris flow breccia that extend several hundred meters along strike from the Southern Feeder Zone. These rocks represent horizons that underwent sub-seafloor sulfide replacement as hydrothermal fluids from the feeder zone interacted with debris piles in the near-seafloor environment. Subseafloor replacement is responsible for the largest VMS deposits on Earth. Gossanous rocks of the Northern Feeder Zone are visible to the upper left in the image at top.)


(Figure 9. Schematic geological cross-section of the Southern Feeder Zone at Scarlet Ridge, based on multiple field visits during the 2021 and 2022 seasons. This area will be the primary focus of the 2022 geological mapping program, and will be included in a 5,000 m drill program for targets at Scarlet Ridge and Tarn Lake. The feeder zone intersects several favorable horizons for lateral hydrothermal fluid flow and consequent sub-seafloor replacement-style mineralization. Of particular note, both the Southern and Northern Feeder Zones are hosted within rocks correlative to those at Eskay Creek just 7 km due west of Scarlet Ridge.


(Figure 10. An oblique view of the southern VMS feeder zone at Scarlet Ridge showing surface topography, SkyTEM conductivity data, Au assays from rock chip samples, and a conceptual drill plan. Drilling will focus on the core of the VMS feeder zone, as well as along strike extensions within horizons showing subseafloor sulfide replacement.)

(图10.位于Scarlet Ridge的VMS南部馈送带的斜面图,显示了表面地形、SkyTEM电导率数据、从岩屑样品中进行的Au分析以及概念钻探计划。钻探将集中在VMS馈送带的核心,以及沿显示海底硫化物置换的层位内的走向延伸。)

SOURCE: Eskay Mining Corp.


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