CIBT Education Group Inc. (TSE:MBA) Insider CIBT Education Group Inc Acquires 38,000 Shares of Stock
CIBT Education Group Inc. (TSE:MBA) Insider CIBT Education Group Inc Acquires 38,000 Shares of Stock
CIBT Education Group Inc. (TSE:MBA – Get Rating) insider CIBT Education Group Inc bought 38,000 shares of the firm's stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, August 8th. The shares were acquired at an average cost of C$0.62 per share, with a total value of C$23,560.00. Following the purchase, the insider now directly owns 1,313,300 shares of the company's stock, valued at C$814,246.
CIBT教育集团(多伦多证券交易所代码:MBA-GET Rating)内部人士CIBT教育集团在8月8日星期一的一笔交易中购买了3.8万股该公司的股票。这些股票是以每股0.62加元的平均成本收购的,总价值为23,560.00加元。收购完成后,这位内部人士现在直接持有该公司1,313,300股股票,价值814,246加元。
CIBT Education Group Inc also recently made the following trade(s):
- On Thursday, August 4th, CIBT Education Group Inc acquired 3,300 shares of CIBT Education Group stock. The stock was purchased at an average cost of C$0.62 per share, with a total value of C$2,046.00.
- On Tuesday, August 2nd, CIBT Education Group Inc acquired 3,300 shares of CIBT Education Group stock. The stock was purchased at an average cost of C$0.61 per share, with a total value of C$2,013.00.
- On Thursday, July 28th, CIBT Education Group Inc acquired 3,300 shares of CIBT Education Group stock. The stock was purchased at an average cost of C$0.63 per share, with a total value of C$2,079.00.
- On Tuesday, July 26th, CIBT Education Group Inc acquired 42,500 shares of CIBT Education Group stock. The stock was purchased at an average cost of C$0.62 per share, with a total value of C$26,350.00.
- On Friday, July 22nd, CIBT Education Group Inc acquired 3,300 shares of CIBT Education Group stock. The stock was purchased at an average cost of C$0.62 per share, with a total value of C$2,046.00.
- On Wednesday, July 20th, CIBT Education Group Inc acquired 25,000 shares of CIBT Education Group stock. The stock was purchased at an average cost of C$0.62 per share, with a total value of C$15,500.00.
- On Monday, July 18th, CIBT Education Group Inc acquired 3,300 shares of CIBT Education Group stock. The stock was purchased at an average cost of C$0.60 per share, with a total value of C$1,980.00.
- On Friday, July 15th, CIBT Education Group Inc acquired 3,300 shares of CIBT Education Group stock. The stock was purchased at an average cost of C$0.60 per share, with a total value of C$1,980.00.
- On Tuesday, July 12th, CIBT Education Group Inc bought 23,500 shares of CIBT Education Group stock. The stock was bought at an average price of C$0.58 per share, for a total transaction of C$13,625.30.
- On Monday, July 4th, CIBT Education Group Inc bought 50,000 shares of CIBT Education Group stock. The stock was bought at an average price of C$0.53 per share, for a total transaction of C$26,500.00.
- 8月4日,星期四,CIBT教育集团公司收购了3300股CIBT教育集团股票。该股是以每股0.62加元的平均成本购买的,总价值为2,046.00加元。
- 8月2日,星期二,CIBT教育集团公司收购了3300股CIBT教育集团股票。该股是以每股0.61加元的平均成本购买的,总价值为2,013.00加元。
- 7月28日,星期四,CIBT教育集团公司收购了3300股CIBT教育集团股票。该股是以每股0.63加元的平均成本购买的,总价值为2079.00加元。
- 7月26日,星期二,CIBT教育集团公司收购了42,500股CIBT教育集团股票。该股是以每股0.62加元的平均成本购买的,总价值为26,350.00加元。
- 7月22日,星期五,CIBT教育集团公司收购了3300股CIBT教育集团股票。该股是以每股0.62加元的平均成本购买的,总价值为2,046.00加元。
- 7月20日星期三,CIBT教育集团公司收购了2.5万股CIBT教育集团股票。该股是以每股0.62加元的平均成本购买的,总价值为15,500.00加元。
- 7月18日,星期一,CIBT教育集团公司收购了3300股CIBT教育集团股票。该股是以每股0.6加元的平均成本购买的,总价值为1,980.00加元。
- 7月15日,星期五,CIBT教育集团公司收购了3300股CIBT教育集团股票。该股是以每股0.6加元的平均成本购买的,总价值为1,980.00加元。
- 7月12日,星期二,CIBT教育集团公司购买了23,500股CIBT教育集团股票。该股是以每股0.58加元的平均价格购买的,总交易额为13,625.30加元。
- 7月4日,星期一,CIBT教育集团公司购买了5万股CIBT教育集团股票。该股是以每股0.53加元的平均价格购买的,总交易金额为26,500.00加元。
CIBT Education Group Price Performance
MBA stock opened at C$0.65 on Friday. CIBT Education Group Inc. has a twelve month low of C$0.49 and a twelve month high of C$0.74. The company has a quick ratio of 0.25, a current ratio of 0.28 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 117.56. The stock's 50 day moving average is C$0.57 and its 200-day moving average is C$0.59. The firm has a market capitalization of C$44.50 million and a PE ratio of -14.77.
MBA股票上周五开盘报0.65加元。CIBT教育集团(CIBT Education Group Inc.)的股价为0.49加元的12个月低点和0.74加元的12个月高点。该公司的速动比率为0.25%,流动比率为0.28%,债务权益比率为117.56。该股的50日移动均线切入位在0.57加元,200日移动均线切入位在0.59加元。该公司市值为4450万加元,市盈率为-14.77。
CIBT Education Group Company Profile
CIBT Education Group Inc, through its subsidiaries, operates as an education and student housing investment company in Canada and China. The company engages in education and real estate development businesses. It offers programs, which include general English, college pathway, business English, medical English, English language test preparation, vacation English, online English, TESOL teacher training, automotive technical training, business management, customer service, English teacher preparation, and accounting, as well as junior and high school preparation programs for overseas study, and other career/vocational training; and interpreting and translation for Koreans and online English teacher training.
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