
Komo Plant Based Foods Inc. Announces Retail Expansion With Distribution Across Canada With Loblaw Companies Ltd.

Komo Plant Based Foods Inc. Announces Retail Expansion With Distribution Across Canada With Loblaw Companies Ltd.

Komo Plant Based Foods Inc. 宣布通过Loblaw Companies Ltd在加拿大各地扩张零售业务
Accesswire ·  2022/09/02 07:10

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / September 1, 2022 / Komo Plant Based Foods Inc. (CSE:YUM)(OTCQB:KOMOF)(FRA:9HB) ("Komo") is pleased to announce it is increasing retail distribution for all of it's 9 products across Canada with Loblaw Companies Ltd. 4 SKUs will be listed nationally in 8 Loblaws warehouses and the remaining 5 SKUs will be distributed to Loblaw's banner stores direct from our distributor partners to retail locations across western Canada.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华/ACCESSWIRE/2022 年 9 月 1 日/Komo Plant Based Food (CSE: YUM) (OTCQB: KOMOF) (FRA: 9HB) (”科莫“)很高兴地宣布,它将通过Loblaw Companies Ltd增加其在加拿大所有9种产品的零售分销。4个SKU将在8个Loblaws仓库中在全国上市,其余5个SKU将从我们的分销商合作伙伴直接分配到加拿大西部的零售地点。

Loblaw Companies is Canada's largest Canadian food retailer with over 2,400 stores across the country including corporate and franchise supermarkets operating under 22 regional and market segment banners including Loblaws.

Loblaw Companies是加拿大最大的食品零售商,在全国拥有超过2400家门店,其中包括在包括Loblaws在内的22个区域和细分市场旗帜下运营的企业和特许超市。

Komo's original flagship line of products, including the 2 serving Lasagna, the 2 serving Shepherd's Pie, the Chickenless Pot Pie, and the 2 serving newly launched Komo product, "Mac & Greens", are being sent to 8 Loblaws' warehouses located across Canada for distribution in Loblaw's banners.

Komo最初的旗舰产品线,包括2份的烤宽面条、2份的Shepherd's Pie、Chickenless Pie和2份新推出的Komo产品 “Mac & Greens”,正被运往位于加拿大各地的8个Loblaws仓库,在Loblaw的横幅中分发。

Komo's "Meal Helpers" line, which includes the BBQ Mushroom Lentil Taco Filling and Komo's Walnut Mushroom Bolognese, as well as the family size SKUs of the Mac & Greens, Shepherd's Pie and Lasagna will be distributed directly to Loblaw banner stores by Komo's distributors. Banner stores anticipated to be carrying Komo products include Loblaws, Superstores including Great Canadian Superstore (Atlantic Provinces), No Frills, YIGs, City Markets, Extra Foods, Fortino's and Provigo (Quebec). Products are expected to be on store shelves beginning the first week of November 2022.

Komo 的 “Meal Helpers” 系列,包括烧烤蘑菇扁豆塔可馅料和 Komo 的核桃蘑菇肉酱,以及 Mac & Greens、Shepherd's Pie 和 Lasagna 的家族大小 SKU,将由 Komo 的分销商直接分销到 Loblaw 旗舰店。预计将销售Komo产品的Banner门店包括Loblaws、包括大加拿大超级商店(大西洋省)在内的超级商店、No Frills、YIG、City Markets、Extra Foods、Fortino's和Provigo(魁北克)。预计产品将从2022年11月的第一周开始上架。

"Achieving distribution for all of our healthy vegan frozen products to Loblaw's customers across Canada including our latest innovation "Mac & Greens" demonstrates the market demand for our quality products," says Komo CEO William White. " All of our products are 100% plant-based, made with wholesome ingredients, free from preservatives, artificial colours and flavours and frozen for freshness."

“我们向加拿大各地的Loblaw客户分销我们所有的健康纯素冷冻产品,包括我们最新的创新产品 “Mac & Greens”,表明了市场对我们优质产品的需求,” Komo 首席执行官威廉·怀特说。“我们所有的产品都是 100% 植物性的,由有益健康的成分制成,不含防腐剂、人工色素和香料,并经过冷冻以保持新鲜。”

About Komo


Komo Plant Based Foods Inc. is a premium plant-based food company that develops, manufactures and sells a variety of plant-based frozen meals that are always hearty, satisfying, and made with wholesome ingredients. At Komo, our mission is to help make plant-based meals a staple on every dinner table by sharing our love for feel-good food that connects the people to the planet. We believe plant-based eating is the future and - Change can start with a single biteTM. Our experienced plant-based innovation and development team recreates vegan versions of traditionally cheesy and meaty classics, with 100% plants. Komo's products are sold direct-to-consumer through our eCommerce website and a distribution network of online and brick and mortar grocery, convenience and natural retailer channels. Our operating subsidiary Komo Comfort Foods launched in 2021 with our flagship products: plant-based Lasagna, Shepherd's Pie and Chickenless Pot Pie and Komo Plant-Based Meal HelpersTM - versatile meal starters to allow the creation of many dishes at home. Komo's newest product is Mac & Greens. All of our products are 100% plant-based, made with wholesome ingredients, free from preservatives, and frozen for freshness. Freezing products is a natural and effective way of keeping food products for longer without having to use any preservatives. Komo's meals have a 18 months frozen shelf life.

Komo Plant Based Foods Inc. 是一家优质的植物性食品公司,开发、制造和销售各种植物性冷冻食品,这些食品总是丰盛、令人满意,并且采用有益健康的食材制成。在 Komo,我们的使命是通过分享我们对将人们与地球联系起来的美味食物的热爱,帮助使植物性食物成为每张餐桌上的主食。我们相信植物性饮食是未来,变革可以从一口开始TM。我们经验丰富的植物性创新和开发团队以 100% 植物为原料,重现了传统俗气和肉味经典的纯素版本。Komo 的产品通过我们的电子商务网站以及由在线和实体杂货店、便利店和天然零售商渠道组成的分销网络直接向消费者销售。我们的运营子公司 Komo Comfort Foods 于 2021 年推出了我们的旗舰产品:植物性千层面、Shepherd's Pie 和 Chickenless Pot Pie 以及 Komo 植物性膳食助手TM -多功能开胃菜,可在家中制作许多菜肴。Komo 的最新产品是 Mac & Greens。我们所有的产品都是 100% 植物性的,由有益健康的成分制成,不含防腐剂,经过冷冻以保持新鲜。冷冻产品是一种无需使用任何防腐剂即可将食品保存更长时间的天然有效方法。Komo 的食物的冷冻保质期为 18 个月。

Learn more at: and follow on Instagram: @komocomfortfoods

要了解更多信息,请访问:然后在 Instagram 上关注:@komocomfortfoods

For further information, please contact:


William White, President & CEO, Komo Plant Based Foods Inc.
+1 (236) 8000-YUM / (236) 800-0986

+1 (236) 8000-YUM /(236) 800-0986

The Canadian Securities Exchange has not reviewed, approved or disapproved the contents of this news release.


Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking information. These statements relate to future events or Komo's future performance. The use of any of the words "could", "expect", "believe", "will", "projected", "estimated" and similar expressions and statements relating to matters that are not historical facts are intended to identify forward-looking information and are based on Komo's current belief or assumptions as to the outcome and timing of such future events. Actual future results may differ materially. In particular, Komo's product development plans, its ability to launch its products on food delivery apps, its ability to retain key personnel, its revenues, and its expectation as to the acceptance of its products by retailer stores and consumers constitute forward-looking information. Actual results and developments may differ materially from those contemplated by forward-looking information. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The statements made in this press release are made as of the date hereof. Komo disclaims any intention or obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be expressly required by applicable securities laws.

本新闻稿中包含的某些声明构成前瞻性信息。这些陈述与未来的事件或Komo的未来表现有关。使用 “可以”、“期望”、“相信”、“将”、“预计”、“估计” 等词以及与非历史事实的事项相关的类似表达方式和陈述均旨在识别前瞻性信息,并基于Komo对此类未来事件的结果和时机的当前信念或假设。未来的实际结果可能存在重大差异。特别是,Komo的产品开发计划、其在送餐应用程序上推出产品的能力、留住关键人员的能力、收入以及对零售商店和消费者接受其产品的期望构成了前瞻性信息。实际结果和发展可能与前瞻性信息所设想的有重大差异。提醒读者不要过分依赖前瞻性信息。本新闻稿中的声明截至本文发布之日作出。除非适用的证券法明确要求,否则Komo不打算或有义务公开更新或修改任何前瞻性信息,无论是由于新信息、未来事件还是其他原因。

SOURCE: Komo Plant Based Foods Inc.

来源: Komo 植物基食品公司

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