
Loop Media, Inc. Expands Distribution and Content With New “HyperLoop” Viral Video and Action Sports Channel on SONIFI, Four Music Video Channels on Peacock, and the Debut of “TriviaLoop” in All Out-of-Home Venues Using the Loop for Business Service

Loop Media, Inc. Expands Distribution and Content With New “HyperLoop” Viral Video and Action Sports Channel on SONIFI, Four Music Video Channels on Peacock, and the Debut of “TriviaLoop” in All Out-of-Home Venues Using the Loop for Business Service

Loop Media,Inc.通过在SONIFI上推出新的“Hyperloop”病毒式视频和动作体育频道、在Peacock上推出四个音乐视频频道以及使用Loop for Business Service在所有户外场馆推出“TriviaLoop”来扩大发行和内容
Businesswire ·  2022/09/27 08:36

GLENDALE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Loop Media, Inc. ("Loop Media" or "Loop") (NYSE American: LPTV), a leading multichannel streaming platform that provides curated music video and branded entertainment channels for businesses and consumers, today announced both expanded distribution to NBC Universal's Peacock streaming service, and new channels for its SONIFI in-room partnership and its Loop for Business service.

加利福尼亚州格伦代尔--(美国商业资讯)--领先的多频道流媒体平台Loop Media,Inc.(“Loop Media”或“Loop”)(纽约证券交易所美国股票代码:LPTV)今天宣布,扩大了对NBC Universal的孔雀流媒体服务的分销,并为其SONIFI室内合作伙伴关系和Loop for Business服务提供了新的频道。

Loop's popular new channel "HyperLoop," released earlier this year, is now available in more than 400,000 hotel rooms across the United States through its partnership with SONIFI, making it one of Loop's fastest growing out-of-home (OOH) channels. "HyperLoop" combines content from the most relevant, premium sources in viral and action sports videos and features unique editing techniques and compelling music, making the channel impossible to turn off.


"HyperLoop" is already available in Loop's OOH locations in restaurants, bars, and retail stores, and can now also be seen in over 400,000 hotel rooms across national and enterprise hotel brand chains in the United States. "Loop Media's wide variety of content means "HyperLoop" has something for everyone," said Jennifer Leslie, SONIFI's Senior Vice President of Content and Advertising. "We're excited to provide this channel to enhance guests' in-room experiences and entertainment options."


Loop also announced that earlier this year they began producing four new music video channels for Peacock, NBC Universal's streaming service and one of Loop's newest distribution partners. Peacock's audience now has access to music video channels designed and programmed by Loop dedicated to Country, Pop, Latin and Classics.

Loop还宣布,今年早些时候,他们开始为NBC Universal的流媒体服务Peacock制作四个新的音乐视频频道,Peacock是Loop最新的分销合作伙伴之一。孔雀的观众现在可以使用由Loop设计和编程的专门针对乡村、流行、拉丁语和古典音乐的音乐视频频道。

Topping off its newest offerings, Loop has launched as "TriviaLoop", a set of new channels available on the Loop Player. "TriviaLoop" channels feature non-stop around-the-clock multiple-choice quizzes in eight different categories, including Music, Sports, TV and Films, History, Science and Nature, Art and Literature, Geography and Wild Card. "We designed "TriviaLoop" to be optimized for our out-of-home service," said Greg Drebin, Chief Content Officer of Loop Media Studios. "'TriviaLoop' is yet another great way for our business clients to offer their customers a unique, engaging and interactive new form of in-venue entertainment." "TriviaLoop" as well as the "TriviaLoop All Sports" channel and the "TriviaLoop All Music" channel are now available on the Loop for Business service.

除了最新的产品,Loop还推出了名为“TriviaLoop”的新频道,这是Loop播放器上提供的一组新频道。《TriviaLoop》频道有音乐、体育、电视和电影、历史、科学和自然、艺术和文学、地理和外卡等八个不同类别的不间断全天候多项选择测验。Loop Media Studios的首席内容官格雷格·德雷宾说:“我们设计的‘TriviaLoop’针对我们的户外服务进行了优化。”‘TriviaLoop’是我们的商业客户为他们的客户提供独特的、吸引人的和互动的新的场内娱乐形式的另一种很好的方式。““TriviaLoop”以及“TriviaLoop All Sports”频道和“TriviaLoop All Music”频道现已在Loop for Business服务上提供。

About Loop Media


Loop Media, Inc. ("Loop Media") (NYSE American: LPTV) is a leading multichannel streaming platform that provides curated music video and branded entertainment channels for businesses. Through its proprietary "Loop Player" for businesses, Loop Media is a leading company in the U.S. licensed to stream music videos directly to venues out-of-home ("OOH").

Loop Media,Inc.(“Loop Media”)(纽约证券交易所美国股票代码:LPTV)是一家领先的多频道流媒体平台,为企业提供精心策划的音乐视频和品牌娱乐频道。通过其专有的面向企业的“Loop Player”,Loop Media是美国一家领先的公司,获得了直接将音乐视频流传输到户外场地的许可(“哦”)。

Loop Media's digital video content reaches millions of consumers in OOH locations including bars/restaurants, office buildings, retail businesses, and on free ad-supported TV platforms like Roku and at local gas stations on GSTV terminals and in 400,000 hotel rooms in over 1300 hotels in the United States.

Loop Media的数字视频内容覆盖了包括酒吧/餐馆、写字楼、零售企业在内的数百万消费者,以及Roku等免费广告支持的电视平台、GSTV终端上的当地加油站和美国1300多家酒店的400,000个酒店房间。

Loop is fueled by one of the largest and most important libraries that includes music videos, movie trailers and live performances. Loop Media's non-music channels cover a multitude of genres and moods and include movie trailers, sports highlights, lifestyle and travel videos, viral videos and more. Loop Media's streaming services generate revenue from advertising, sponsorships, integrated marketing and branded content from free-ad-supported-television ("FAST") and from subscription offerings.

Loop是由最大和最重要的库之一提供支持的,其中包括音乐视频、电影预告片和现场表演。Loop Media的非音乐频道涵盖了多种流派和情绪,包括电影预告片、体育集锦、生活方式和旅行视频、病毒式视频等。Loop Media的流媒体服务来自广告、赞助、整合营销和免费广告支持电视(FAST)和订阅服务的品牌内容。

To learn more about Loop Media products and applications, please visit us online at

欲了解更多有关Loop Media产品和应用的信息,请访问我们的网站

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Safe Harbor Statement and Disclaimer


This news release includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including, but not limited to, Loop Media's ability to compete in the highly competitive markets in which it operates, statements regarding Loop Media's ability to develop talent and attract future talent, the success of strategic actions Loop Media is taking, and the impact of strategic transactions. Forward-looking statements give our current expectations, opinion, belief or forecasts of future events and performance. A statement identified by the use of forward-looking words including "will," "may," "expects," "projects," "anticipates," "plans," "believes," "estimate," "should," and certain of the other foregoing statements may be deemed forward-looking statements. Although Loop Media believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, these statements involve risks and uncertainties that may cause actual future activities and results to be materially different from those suggested or described in this news release. Investors are cautioned that any forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected. The forward-looking statements in this press release are made as of the date hereof. Loop Media takes no obligation to update or correct its own forward-looking statements, except as required by law, or those prepared by third parties that are not paid for by Loop Media. Loop Media's SEC filings are available at

本新闻稿包括《1933年证券法》(修订本)第27A节和《1934年证券交易法》(修订本)第21E节所指的“前瞻性陈述”,包括但不限于Loop Media在其经营的竞争激烈的市场中竞争的能力、有关Loop Media培养人才和吸引未来人才的能力、Loop Media正在采取的战略行动的成功以及战略交易的影响的陈述。前瞻性陈述给出了我们对未来事件和业绩的当前预期、观点、信念或预测。通过使用“将”、“可能”、“预期”、“项目”、“预期”、“计划”、“相信”、“估计”、“应该”以及前述某些其他表述来确定的表述可被视为前瞻性表述。尽管Loop Media认为这些前瞻性陈述中反映的预期是合理的,但这些陈述包含风险和不确定因素,可能会导致未来的实际活动和结果与本新闻稿中建议或描述的情况大不相同。请投资者注意,任何前瞻性陈述都不是对未来业绩的保证,实际结果或发展可能与预期的大不相同。本新闻稿中的前瞻性陈述是自本新闻稿发布之日起作出的。Loop Media没有义务更新或更正自己的前瞻性陈述,除非法律要求,或者由第三方准备的那些不是由Loop Media支付费用的陈述。环路传媒公司的美国证券交易委员会申报文件可在www.sec.gov上查阅。


Loop Media Press Contact
Jon Lindsay Phillips

Loop Media媒体联系方式

Loop Media Investor Contact
Sean Mansouri, CFA | Elevate IR

Loop Media Investor联系人

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