
Xtra-Gold Intersects 1.35 G/t Gold Over 50.0 Metres and 1.76 G/t Gold Over 33.0 Metres at Boomerang East; Extends Lower Shoot Mineralization to 350 Metres Down-Plunge

Xtra-Gold Intersects 1.35 G/t Gold Over 50.0 Metres and 1.76 G/t Gold Over 33.0 Metres at Boomerang East; Extends Lower Shoot Mineralization to 350 Metres Down-Plunge

newsfile ·  2022/09/27 09:10

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - September 27, 2022) - Xtra-Gold Resources Corp. (TSX: XTG) (OTCQB: XTGRF) ("Xtra-Gold" or the "Company"), is pleased to announce assay results for an additional 13 diamond core boreholes totalling 3,047 metres from its ongoing Boomerang East resource expansion drilling program on the Company's wholly-owned Kibi Gold Project, located in the Kibi - Winneba greenstone belt (the "Kibi Gold Belt"), in Ghana, West Africa. With the present drilling, targeting the down-plunge continuity of the recently identified Lower Shoot mineralization zone (see the Company's news release of June 23, 2022), returning multiple, broad intercepts of robust gold mineralization extending from practically surface to a down-plunge depth of approximately 350 metres. The current drilling forms part of an aggressive in-house drilling initiative focussing on multiple resource expansion targets along the southwest (Zone 3) segment of the over three-kilometre-long Zone 2 - Zone 3 anticlinal fold structure; stretching over one kilometre beyond the limits of the current Mineral Resource Estimate (the "2021 MRE", see the Company's news release of November 1, 2021).

安大略省多伦多-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年9月27日)-Xtra-Gold Resources Corp.(XTRA-Gold Resources Corp.)多伦多证券交易所:XTG)(OTCQB:XTGRF)(“Xtra-Gold”或“公司”),公司很高兴地宣布对位于西非加纳Kibi-Winneba绿岩带(“Kibi金矿带”)的公司全资拥有的Kibi金矿项目的另外13个钻石岩心钻孔(共计3,047米)的化验结果。通过目前的钻探,目标是最近发现的Low Shot矿化区的下沉连续性(见公司于2022年6月23日发布的新闻稿),从实际地表到下沉深度约350米的多个广泛截获的强劲金矿化。目前的钻探是一项积极的内部钻探计划的一部分,该计划的重点是沿全长超过3公里的2区-3区背斜褶皱构造的西南部(3区)的多个资源扩展目标;超出当前矿产资源评估(“2021年资源评估”,见公司于2021年11月1日发布的新闻稿)的界限超过1公里。

Assay results reported are provided in Table 1 below and include the following highlights:


Lower Shoot (Expansion Drilling)


- 50.0 metres ("m") at 1.35 grams per tonne gold ("g/t Au") from 180.2 m in KBDD22484
- 45.0 m at 1.32 g/t Au, including 21.0 m at 2.03 g/t Au, from 12.0 m in KBDD22485
- 33.0 m at 1.76 g/t Au, including 15.0 m at 2.48 g/t Au, from 233.0 m in KBDD22463 (re-entered / extended hole)
- 44.0 m at 1.02 g/t Au, including 15.0 m at 1.78 g/t Au, from 176.0 m in KBDD22487
- 41.0 m at 1.01 g/t Au, including 22.0 m at 1.48 g/t Au, from 230.0 m in KBDD22494
- 47.5 m at 0.86 g/t Au, including 27.0 m at 1.19 g/t Au, from 5.5 m in KBDD22492

-50.0m(“m”),每吨黄金1.35g(“g/t Au”),KBDD22484号为180.2米
-33.0m,1.76g/t Au,包括15.0m,2.48g/t Au,KBDD22463中的233.0米(重新进入/延伸井)
-1.02 g/t Au的44.0米,包括1.78 g/t Au的15.0 m,KBDD22487的176.0 m
-41.0m,含Au 1.01g/t,包括22.0m,含Au 1.48g/t,KBDD22494为230.0米
-47.5米(0.86g/t Au),包括27.0米(1.19 g/t Au),KBDD22492的5.5米

New Gold Mineralization (Potential for Stacked Gold Shoot System)


- 20.0 m at 0.76 g/t Au from 53.0 m; and 11.0 m at 0.97 g/t Au from 117.0 m; and 1.0 m at 7.54 g/t Au from 148.0 m in KBDD22484
- 9.0 m at 0.95 g/t Au from 108.0 m; and 10.0 m at 1.01 g/t Au from 169.0 m; and 21.0 m at 0.48 g/t Au from 291.0 m in KBDD22491
- 8.0 m at 1.83 g/t Au from 93.0 m; and 6.0 m at 1.56 g/t Au from 114.0 m; and 13.0 m at 0.73 g/t Au from 198.0 m in KBDD22494
- 4.5 m at 3.66 g/t Au, including 1.0 m at 7.38 g/t Au, from 241.5 m in KBDD22487

-20.0m,0.76g/t Au,从53.0m;和11.0m,0.97g/t Au,117.0 m;和1.0m,7.54g/t Au,148.0 m
-9.0m,0.95g/t Au,108.0米;和10.0m,1.01g/t Au,169.0 m;以及21.0m,0.48g/t Au,291.0 m
-8.0m,Au 1.83g/t,从93.0m;和6.0m,1.56g/t Au,114.0 m;和13.0m,0.73g/t Au,198.0 m
-4.5m,3.66g/t Au,包括1.0m,7.38g/t Au,KBDD22487中的241.5 m

James Longshore, President and CEO remarked: "The ongoing drilling program continues to grow the mineralized footprint of the Boomerang East gold system, with the latest drilling considerably extending the down-plunge and lateral continuity of the Lower Shoot gold zone, and several boreholes also yielding multiple intercepts of new gold mineralization indicating the potential for an extensive array of stacked gold shoots. The widespread gold mineralization encountered by drilling at Boomerang East over the last year supports our belief that we are dealing with a major multi-shoot gold system, making us confident that the entire extension of the mineralization-controlling anticlinal fold hinge structure represents highly prospective exploration ground for the discovery of additional gold shoots proximal to Boomerang East, as well as potentially new gold systems further to the northeast. With the continuing expansion of the Boomerang East gold system, the Kibi Gold Project is well positioned to grow beyond the current resource."

首席执行官兼首席执行官詹姆斯·朗肖尔表示:“正在进行的钻探计划继续扩大回飞镖东部金矿系统的矿化足迹,最近的钻探大大延长了LOW Sot金矿带的下降和横向连续性,几个钻孔也多次截获新的金矿化,表明有可能出现大量堆积的金矿化。过去一年在回飞镖东部钻探发现的广泛金矿化支持了我们的信念,即我们正在处理的是一个主要的多炮金矿系统,这使我们相信,控制矿化的背斜褶皱铰链结构的整个延伸代表着极具前景的勘探场地,可在回飞镖东部附近发现更多的金矿苗,以及更远的东北方向可能发现的新的金矿系统。随着回旋镖东部金矿系统的不断扩大,Kibi金矿项目处于有利地位,可以超越目前的资源进行增长。

Today's Kibi Gold Project drill results correspond to 13 expansion drill holes targeting the down-plunge and lateral continuity of the recently defined Lower Shoot mineralization zone, forming part of the Boomerang East gold system, located along the southwestern (Zone 3) segment of the over three-kilometre-long Zone 2 - Zone 3 anticlinal fold structure. The diamond core boreholes totalling 3,047 m were completed by the Company's in-house drilling crews from mid-May to late August 2022, including: 12 new holes (KBDD22483 - KBDD22494) and one hole extension (KBDD22463). Hole KBDD22463 was originally drilled to 143.0 m in February 2022 and re-entered / extended by 162.3 m to a final depth of 305.3 m in July 2022 to reach the Lower Shoot mineralization zone (see the Company's news release of June 23, 2022). A total of 80 holes (12,198 m) have been completed since the initiation of the ongoing drill program following the database close-out date for the current 2021 MRE. Exploration significant auriferous intercepts are presented in Table 1 below, with a drill plan (Figure 1) and collar details (Table 2), available at:

今天Kibi金矿项目的钻探结果相当于13个扩张钻孔,目标是最近确定的下部矿化带的下倾和横向连续性,该矿化带是回飞镖东部金矿系统的一部分,位于超过3公里长的2区-3区背斜褶皱结构的西南段(3区)。2022年5月中旬至8月下旬,公司内部钻探人员完成了总计3,047米的钻石岩心钻孔,其中包括12个新孔(KBDD22483-KBDD22494)和1个延长孔(KBDD22463)。KBDD22463井最初于2022年2月钻至143.0米,于202年7月重新进入/延伸162.3米,最终达到305.3米的深度,到达LOWER Shot矿化带(见公司2022年6月23日的新闻稿)。自目前2021年MRE的数据库关闭日期后启动正在进行的钻探计划以来,总共完成了80个孔(12,198米)。下面的表1列出了具有重要勘探意义的含金层截获,以及钻探计划(图1)和接箍细节(表2),可在以下位置查阅:

(Figure 1_Zone 2 - Zone 3 Drill Plan_Sep 2022)


(Table 2_Drill Collar Info_Sep 2022)


Table 1: Significant Drill Intercepts
Boomerang East Resource Expansion Target (Zone 3 - Kibi Gold Project)
DDH #KBDD22483 - #KBDD22494 & #KBDD22463 - Extension (May - August 2022)
Hole ID From
Core Length (metres) Gold Grams
Per Tonne
Zone ID / Target
KBDD22463 (1) 233.0 266.0 33.0 1.76 Lower Shoot
including 243.0 258.0 15.0 2.48
KBDD22483 35.0 41.0 6.0 0.64
and 50.0 69.0 19.0 1.00 Lower Shoot
and 97.15 102.0 4.85 1.63 New Mineralization
KBDD22484 10.0 25.0 15.0 0.42
and 53.0 73.0 20.0 0.76 New Mineralization
and 117.0 128.0 11.0 0.97 New Mineralization
and 148.0 149.0 1.0 7.54 New Mineralization
and 180.2 230.2 50.0 1.35 Lower Shoot
including 187.2 206.0 18.8 1.77
and incl. 187.2 193.0 5.8 3.13
KBDD22485 12.0 57.0 45.0 1.32 Lower Shoot
including 25.0 46.0 21.0 2.03
and incl. 36.0 43.0 7.0 3.98
and 69.0 78.0 9.0 0.39 New Mineralization
KBDD22486 1.0 8.5 7.5 0.74
and 127.0 133.0 6.0 1.17 Lower Shoot
and 158.0 169.0 11.0 0.74 Lower Shoot
KBDD22487 1.5 3.0 1.5 3.82
and 132.5 133.4 0.9 3.05
and 176.0 220.0 44.0 1.02 Lower Shoot
including 179.0 194.0 15.0 1.78
and 241.5 246.0 4.5 3.66 New Mineralization
including 244.0 245.0 1.0 7.38
KBDD22488 56.5 72.0 15.5 1.07 Lower Shoot
including 68.0 70.0 2.0 2.96
KBDD22489 90.0 101.0 11.0 0.41 New Mineralization
KBDD22490 123.3 130.2 6.9 0.61 New Mineralization
including 123.3 125.0 1.7 1.28
and 143.0 144.0 1.0 3.41
and 171.0 215.0 44.0 0.75 Lower Shoot
including 183.0 205.0 22.0 0.99
and incl. 184.0 196.0 12.0 1.20
and 244.0 252.0 8.0 0.39 New Mineralization
KBDD22491 108.0 117.0 9.0 0.95 New Mineralization
and 145.5 147.0 1.5 3.09
and 169.0 179.0 10.0 1.01 New Mineralization
including 169.0 172.0 3.0 1.91
and 225.0 252.0 27.0 1.17 Lower Shoot
including 228.0 241.0 13.0 2.05
and 291.0 312.0 21.0 0.48 New Mineralization
including 309.0 310.0 1.0 1.91
KBDD22492 5.5 53.0 47.5 0.86 Lower Shoot
including 15.0 42.0 27.0 1.19
KBDD22493 26.0 36.0 10.0 0.51 New Mineralization
and 230.0 247.0 17.0 0.51 Lower Shoot
KBDD22494 93.0 101.0 8.0 1.83 New Mineralization
including 97.0 100.0 3.0 3.12
and 114.0 120.0 6.0 1.56 New Mineralization
and 198.0 211.0 13.0 0.73 New Mineralization
including 204.0 206.0 2.0 2.12
and 222.0 276.0 54.0 0.87 Lower Shoot
including 230.0 271.0 41.0 1.01
and including 234.0 256.0 22.0 1.48
and 284.0 291.0 7.0 0.36
and 310.0 320.0 10.0 0.40 New Mineralization
(1) Hole #KBDD22463 originally drilled to 143.0 m in February 2022 and extended by 162.3 m to final depth of 305.3 m in July 2022 (see the Company's news release of June 23, 2022, for significant drill intercepts in upper section of drill hole).
Notes: Reported intercepts are core-lengths; true width of mineralization is unknown at this time.
"Significant" intercepts meet following criteria: minimum metal factor (grade x length) of 2.5; with minimum 0.25 g/t gold average grade over interval. Intercepts also constrained with a 0.25 g/t gold minimum cut-off grade at top and bottom of intercept, with no upper cut-off applied, and maximum of five (5) consecutive samples of internal dilution (<0.25 g/t gold). All internal intervals above 15 g/t gold indicated.
孔ID 从…

核心长度(米) 金克
KBDD22463(1) 233.0 266.0 33.0 1.76 下部枝条
包括 243.0 258.0 15.0 2.48
KBDD22483 35.0 41.0 6.0 0.64
50.0 69.0 19.0 1.00 下部枝条
97.15 102.0 4.85 1.63 新矿化
KBDD22484 10.0 25.0 15.0 0.42
53.0 73.0 20.0 0.76 新矿化
117.0 128.0 11.0 0.97 新矿化
148.0 149.0 1.0 7.54 新矿化
180.2 230.2 50.0 1.35 下部枝条
包括 187.2 206.0 18.8 1.77
包括 187.2 193.0 5.8 3.13
KBDD22485 12.0 57.0 45.0 1.32 下部枝条
包括 25.0 46.0 21.0 2.03
包括 36.0 43.0 7.0 3.98
69.0 78.0 9.0 0.39 新矿化
KBDD22486 1.0 8.5 7.5 0.74
127.0 133.0 6.0 1.17 下部枝条
158.0 169.0 11.0 0.74 下部枝条
KBDD22487 1.5 3.0 1.5 3.82
132.5 133.4 0.9 3.05
176.0 220.0 44.0 1.02 下部枝条
包括 179.0 194.0 15.0 1.78
241.5 246.0 4.5 3.66 新矿化
包括 244.0 245.0 1.0 7.38
KBDD22488 56.5 72.0 15.5 1.07 下部枝条
包括 68.0 70.0 2.0 2.96
KBDD22489 90.0 101.0 11.0 0.41 新矿化
KBDD22490 123.3 130.2 6.9 0.61 新矿化
包括 123.3 125.0 1.7 1.28
143.0 144.0 1.0 3.41
171.0 215.0 44.0 0.75 下部枝条
包括 183.0 205.0 22.0 0.99
包括 184.0 196.0 12.0 1.20
244.0 252.0 8.0 0.39 新矿化
KBDD22491 108.0 117.0 9.0 0.95 新矿化
145.5 147.0 1.5 3.09
169.0 179.0 10.0 1.01 新矿化
包括 169.0 172.0 3.0 1.91
225.0 252.0 27.0 1.17 下部枝条
包括 228.0 241.0 13.0 2.05
291.0 312.0 21.0 0.48 新矿化
包括 309.0 310.0 1.0 1.91
KBDD22492 5.5 53.0 47.5 0.86 下部枝条
包括 15.0 42.0 27.0 1.19
KBDD22493 26.0 36.0 10.0 0.51 新矿化
230.0 247.0 17.0 0.51 下部枝条
KBDD22494 93.0 101.0 8.0 1.83 新矿化
包括 97.0 100.0 3.0 3.12
114.0 120.0 6.0 1.56 新矿化
198.0 211.0 13.0 0.73 新矿化
包括 204.0 206.0 2.0 2.12
222.0 276.0 54.0 0.87 下部枝条
包括 230.0 271.0 41.0 1.01
并且包括 234.0 256.0 22.0 1.48
284.0 291.0 7.0 0.36
310.0 320.0 10.0 0.40 新矿化
(1) KBDD22463号井最初于2022年2月钻至143.0米,并于2022年7月延长162.3米至最终深度305.3米(见公司于2022年6月23日发布的新闻稿,了解在钻孔上部的重大钻井截留情况)。

Gold mineralization along the Zone 2 - Zone 3 MRE trend is emplaced along the limbs and hinge of a 1st Order ("F2a"), tight to isoclinal, anticlinal fold structure, with mineralization zones further occupying 2nd Order ("F1") isoclinal fold hinges on a target scale. Mineralization consists predominantly of tensional arrays of auriferous quartz-carbonate veins hosted by folded diorite bodies with an interpreted Belt-type granitoid affinity. Over 20 significant gold occurrences hosted by Belt (Dixcove)- and Basin (Cape Coast)-type granitoids are known in Ghana, with a number constituting significant deposits. These deposits represent a relatively new style of gold mineralization for orogenic gold deposits within the West African Birimian terrain. Belt-type intrusion-hosted gold deposits include Newmont Mining's Subika deposit at their Ahafo mine and Asante Gold's Chirano deposit (formerly Kinross Mining) within the Sefwi gold belt, as well as the former Golden Star Resources' Hwini-Butre deposit at the southern extremity of the Ashanti gold belt.

金矿化沿2带-3带的MRE走向沿1号带的肢体和铰链侵位。ST(“F2a”),紧靠等斜、背斜褶皱构造,矿化带进一步占据2发送序列(“F1”)等斜褶皱在目标尺度上铰链。矿化主要由褶皱闪长岩体赋存的含金石英-碳酸盐脉的张性排列组成,具有解释的带型花岗岩类亲和力。加纳已知有20多个重要的金矿床,赋存于带(Dixcove)型和盆地(开普敦海岸)型花岗岩类中,其中一些构成了重要的矿床。这些矿床代表了西非比里米亚地体内造山型金矿床的一种相对较新的金矿化类型。带型侵入型金矿包括位于Ahafo金矿的Newmont Mining的Subika矿床和位于Sefwi金矿带内的Asante Gold的Chirano矿床(前Kinross矿业),以及位于阿散蒂金矿带南端的原Golden Star Resources的Hwini-Butre矿床。

The present Boomerang East drilling targeted the down-plunge and lateral continuity of the recently defined Lower Shoot gold zone. The drilling was conducted primarily along three NW-SE sections, including a near surface section, and two down-plunge sections spaced approximately 50 m apart, extending over an approximately 250 m trend-length of the NE-trending fold structure. With most of the holes consisting of NW-trending, steeply inclined (-70o to -80o) boreholes designed to intersect the relatively flat-lying and moderately NE-plunging mineralization shoot.


Ongoing 3D litho-structural modelling indicates that the Boomerang East gold system is emplaced within the inner arc of a tight, moderate NE-plunging, isoclinally folded diorite body. The mineralization appears to occur as a system of stacked, flat-lying to crescent-shaped, NE-plunging gold shoots occupying the apparent fold hinge of the NE-trending, 1st Order, Zone 2 - Zone 3 anticlinal fold structure. With drilling to date tracing the Lower Shoot, presently the most prominent mineralization shoot of the Boomerang East gold system, from practically surface to a down-plunge depth of approximately 350 m along the fold hinge structure (approximately 220 m vertical depth from surface).


Mineralized intercept highlights from the Lower Shoot drilling reported today, from near surface to down plunge, include: 45.0 m grading 1.32 g/t Au, including 21.0 m at 2.03 g/t Au, from down-hole depth of 12.0 m in KBDD22485 and 47.5 m at 0.86 g/t Au, including 27.0 m at 1.19 g/t Au, from 5.5 m in KBDD22492 (~30 m NW of KBDD22485 intercept); 50.0 m at 1.35 g/t Au from 180.2 m in KBDD22484 and 44.0 m at 1.02 g/t Au, including 15.0 m at 1.78 g/t Au, from 176.0 m in KBDD22487 (~30 m SE of KBDD22484 intercept); and 33.0 m at 1.76 g/t Au, including 15.0 m at 2.48 g/t Au, from 233.0 m in KBDD22463 and 41.0 m at 1.01 g/t Au, including 22.0 m at 1.48 g/t Au, from 230.0 m in KBDD22494 (~75 m SE of KBDD22463 intercept).

今天报道的Low Shots钻井的矿化截距亮点从近地表到下倾,包括:45.0m品位1.32g/t Au,其中KBDD22485井下深度12.0m处的Au品位为21.0m;KBDD22485井下深度为0.86g/t时的矿化截距为47.5m,其中KBDD22492的5.5m品位为1.19g/t Au(KBDD22485截距为~30m NW);KBDD22484的180.2米和1.02g/t Au的44.0m,包括1.78g/t Au的15.0m和176.0 m(KBDD22484的东南约30m的截距);KBDD22463的233.0 m测得33.0m,其中2.48g/t测得15.0m;KBDD22494测得230.0 m(~75m)测得的1.01g/t Au测得41.0m,含Au 1.48g/t测得22.0m。

Today's drilling results include over 15 significant intercepts of new gold mineralization, including several boreholes returning multiple new gold mineralization intercepts, lying outside of the previously identified Upper Shoot and Lower Shoot mineralized envelopes. The distribution of these new gold mineralization occurrences across an almost 300 m vertical distance further indicates the potential for the Boomerang East gold system to host an extensive array of stacked gold shoots. New gold mineralization intercept highlights include: 20.0 m grading 0.76 g/t Au from 53.0 m, and 11.0 m at 0.97 g/t Au from 117.0 m, and 1.0 m at 7.54 g/t Au from 148.0 m in KBDD22484; 9.0 m at 0.95 g/t Au from 108.0 m, and 10.0 m at 1.01 g/t Au from 169.0 m, and 21.0 m at 0.48 g/t Au from 291.0 m in KBDD22491; and 8.0 m at 1.83 g/t Au from 93.0 m, and 6.0 m at 1.56 g/t Au from 114.0 m, and 13.0 m at 0.73 g/t Au from 198.0 m in KBDD22494.

今天的钻探结果包括超过15个重要的新金矿化截获,包括位于先前确定的上部和下部矿化封套之外的几个返回多个新金矿化截获的钻孔。这些新的金矿化产状在近300米的垂直距离上的分布进一步表明,回飞镖东部金矿系统有可能容纳大量堆积的金矿脉。新的金矿化截获亮点:KBDD22484金矿品位20.0m,品位0.76g/t Au,品位53.0m;品位11.0m,品位0.97g/t Au,品位11.0m;品位7.54g/t Au,品位1.0m,品位7.54g/tAu,品位148.0 m;KBDD22494以1.83g/t Au测得8.0m,由93.0m测得1.56g/t Au测得6.0m;以0.73g/t Au测得13.0m测得198.0 m。



Yves P. Clement, P. Geo, Vice President, Exploration for Xtra-Gold is acting as the Qualified Person in compliance with National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") with respect to this announcement. He has prepared and or supervised the preparation of the scientific or technical information in this announcement and confirms compliance with NI 43-101. All samples in this news release were analyzed by standard fire assay fusion with atomic absorption spectroscopy finish at the ISO 17025:2005 accredited Intertek Minerals Limited's laboratory in Tarkwa, Ghana. Xtra-Gold has implemented a rigorous quality assurance / quality control (QA/QC) program to ensure best practices in sampling and analysis of drill core, trench channel, and saw-cut channel samples, the details of which can be viewed on the Company's website at .

Yves P.Clement,P.Geo,副主任总裁,Xtra-Gold勘探公司根据国家仪器43-101(“NI 43-101”)的规定担任与本公告有关的合格人员。他已经准备和或监督了本公告中科学或技术信息的准备工作,并确认遵守了NI 43-101。本新闻稿中的所有样品均在国际标准化组织17025:2005年认证的Intertek Minerals Limited位于加纳塔尔克瓦的实验室进行了标准火焰分析融合和原子吸收光谱分析。Xtra-Gold实施了严格的质量保证/质量控制(QA/QC)计划,以确保钻芯、沟槽和锯切沟槽样品的采样和分析的最佳实践,详细信息可在公司网站上查看:

About Xtra-Gold Resources Corp.

关于Xtra-Gold Resources Corp.

Xtra-Gold is a gold exploration company with a substantial land position in the Kibi Gold Belt. The Kibi Gold Belt, which exhibits many similar geological features to Ghana's main gold belt, the Ashanti Belt, has been the subject of very limited modern exploration activity targeting lode gold deposits as virtually all past gold mining activity and exploration efforts focused on the extensive alluvial gold occurrences in many river valleys throughout the Kibi area.


Xtra-Gold holds 5 Mining Leases totaling approximately 226 sq km (22,600 ha) at the northern extremity of the Kibi Gold Belt. The Company's exploration efforts to date have focused on the Kibi Gold Project located on the Apapam Concession (33.65 sq km), along the eastern flank of the Kibi Gold Belt. The Kibi Gold Project (Zones 1-3) Mineral Resource Estimate, produced by Xtra-Gold on September 30, 2021, represents the only Mineral Resource ever generated on a lode gold project within the Kibi Gold Belt. The NI 43-101 Technical Report entitled "Xtra-Gold Resources Corporation Kibi Gold Project", jointly prepared by Pivot Mining Consultants (Pty) and Tect Geological Consulting, and dated November 16, 2021, is filed under the Company's profile on SEDAR at .

Xtra-Gold在Kibi金矿带北端持有5个采矿租约,总面积约226平方公里(22,600公顷)。到目前为止,公司的勘探工作主要集中在位于阿帕帕姆特许权(33.65平方公里)上的Kibi金矿项目,该项目位于Kibi金矿带东侧。由Xtra-Gold于2021年9月30日编制的Kibi金矿项目(1-3区)矿产资源评估是Kibi金矿带内矿脉金矿项目有史以来产生的唯一矿产资源。题为“Xtra-Gold Resources Corporation Kibi金矿项目”的NI 43-101技术报告由Pivot矿业咨询公司(PTY)和Test Geological Consulting联合编写,日期为2021年11月16日,该报告在公司的SEDAR中提交,网址为:。

Forward-Looking Statements


The TSX does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein. This news release includes certain "forward-looking statements". These statements are based on information currently available to the Company and the Company provides no assurance that actual results will meet management's expectations. Forward- looking statements include estimates and statements that describe the Company's future plans, objectives or goals, including words to the effect that the Company or management expects a stated condition or result to occur. Forward-looking statements may be identified by such terms as "believes", "anticipates", "expects", "estimates", "may", "could", "would", "will", or "plan". Since forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results relating to, among other things, results of exploration, project development, reclamation and capital costs of the Company's mineral properties, and the Company's financial condition and prospects, could differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements for many reasons such as: changes in general economic conditions and conditions in the financial markets; changes in demand and prices for minerals; litigation, legislative, environmental and other judicial, regulatory, political and competitive developments; technological and operational difficulties encountered in connection with the activities of the Company; and other matters discussed in this news release. This list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect any of the Company's forward-looking statements. These and other factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on the Company's forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement that may be made from time to time by the Company or on its behalf, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

多伦多证券交易所不对本新闻稿的充分性或准确性承担责任。任何证券交易所、证券委员会或其他监管机构均未批准或不批准本报告所载信息。本新闻稿包括某些“前瞻性陈述”。这些陈述是基于公司目前掌握的信息,公司不能保证实际结果符合管理层的期望。前瞻性陈述包括描述公司未来计划、目标或目标的估计和陈述,包括公司或管理层预期将出现的情况或结果的表述。前瞻性陈述可以用“相信”、“预期”、“预期”、“估计”、“可能”、“将”或“计划”等术语来识别。由于前瞻性陈述以假设为基础,涉及未来的事件和情况,因此它们本身就具有内在的风险和不确定性。除其他外,与公司矿产的勘探、项目开发、复垦和资本成本以及公司的财务状况和前景有关的实际结果可能与该等陈述中目前预期的结果大不相同,原因包括:总体经济状况和金融市场状况的变化;矿物需求和价格的变化;诉讼、立法、环境和其他司法、监管, 政治和竞争的发展;在公司活动中遇到的技术和经营困难;以及本新闻稿中讨论的其他事项。这份清单并没有详尽列出可能影响该公司任何前瞻性陈述的因素。这些因素和其他因素应仔细考虑,读者不应过分依赖该公司的前瞻性陈述。除非依照适用的证券法,否则公司不承诺更新公司或代表公司不时作出的任何前瞻性陈述。

Cautionary Note to United States Investors


This news release has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the securities laws in effect in Canada, which differ from the requirements of U.S. securities laws. Unless otherwise indicated, all resource and reserve estimates included in this news release have been prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101") and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum 2014 Definition Standards on Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves. NI 43-101 is a rule developed by the Canadian Securities Administrators which establishes standards for all public disclosure an issuer makes of scientific and technical information concerning mineral projects. Canadian standards, including NI 43-101, differ significantly from the requirements of the SEC, and mineral resource and reserve information contained herein may not be comparable to similar information disclosed by U.S. companies. In particular, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the term "resource" does not equate to the term "reserves". Under U.S. standards, mineralization may not be classified as a "reserve" unless the determination has been made that the mineralization could be economically and legally produced or extracted at the time the reserve determination is made. The SEC's disclosure standards normally do not permit the inclusion of information concerning "measured mineral resources", "indicated mineral resources" or "inferred mineral resources" or other descriptions of the amount of mineralization in mineral deposits that do not constitute "reserves" by U.S. standards in documents filed with the SEC. Investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of mineral deposits in these categories will ever be converted into reserves. U.S. investors should also understand that "inferred mineral resources" have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence and great uncertainty as to their economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an "inferred mineral resource" will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under Canadian rules, estimated "inferred mineral resources" may not form the basis of feasibility or pre-feasibility studies except in rare cases. Investors are cautioned not to assume that all or any part of an "inferred mineral resource" exists or is economically or legally mineable. Disclosure of "contained ounces" in a resource is permitted disclosure under Canadian regulations; however, the SEC normally only permits issuers to report mineralization that does not constitute "reserves" by SEC standards as in-place tonnage and grade without reference to unit measures. The requirements of NI 43-101 for identification of "reserves" are also not the same as those of the SEC, and reserves reported by the Company in compliance with NI 43-101 may not qualify as "reserves" under SEC standards. Accordingly, information concerning mineral deposits set forth herein may not be comparable with information made public by companies that report in accordance with U.S. standards.

本新闻稿是根据加拿大现行证券法的要求编写的,与美国证券法的要求不同。除非另有说明,本新闻稿中包含的所有资源和储量估计都是根据国家仪器43-101矿产项目披露标准(“NI 43-101”)和加拿大采矿、冶金和石油学会2014年矿产资源和矿产储量定义标准编制的。NI 43-101是加拿大证券管理人制定的一项规则,它为发行人对与矿产项目有关的科学和技术信息进行的所有公开披露建立了标准。包括NI 43-101在内的加拿大标准与美国证券交易委员会的要求有很大差异,其中包含的矿产资源和储量信息可能无法与美国公司披露的类似信息进行比较。特别是,在不限制上述一般性的情况下,“资源”一词并不等同于“储量”一词。根据美国的标准,矿化不能被归类为“储量”,除非在确定储量时已确定矿化可以经济合法地生产或开采。美国证券交易委员会的披露标准通常不允许包含有关“已测量矿产资源”的信息, 在提交给美国证券交易委员会的文件中,“指示矿产资源”或“推断矿产资源”或其他对矿藏中矿化量的描述不构成美国标准的“储量”。投资者被告诫不要认为这些类别中的任何部分或全部矿藏都会转化为储量。美国投资者也应该明白,“推断出的矿产资源”存在很大的不确定性,在经济和法律上的可行性也有很大的不确定性。不能假设“推断出的矿产资源”的全部或任何部分都会升级到更高的类别。根据加拿大的规定,估计的“推断矿产资源”不能构成可行性或预可行性研究的基础,除非在极少数情况下。政府告诫投资者,不要想当然地认为“推断出的矿产资源”的全部或任何部分都存在,或者在经济上或法律上是可以开采的。根据加拿大法规,披露资源中的“所含盎司”是允许的;然而,美国证券交易委员会通常只允许发行人将按美国证券交易委员会标准不构成“储量”的矿化报告为原地吨位和品位,而不参考单位措施。NI 43-101对确定“储量”的要求也与“美国证券交易委员会”的要求不同,公司按照NI 43-101报告的储量可能不符合“美国证券交易委员会”标准下的“储量”。因此,本文中列出的有关矿藏的信息可能无法与根据美国标准报告的公司公布的信息进行比较。

Contact Information


For further information please contact:


James Longshore
Chief Executive Officer




To view the source version of this press release, please visit


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