
Orestone Defines Large Gold Copper Porphyry Target at Captain Property

Orestone Defines Large Gold Copper Porphyry Target at Captain Property

newsfile ·  2022/10/18 07:36

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 18, 2022) - Orestone Mining Corp. (TSXV: ORS) (OTC Pink: ORESF) (FSE: O2R1) (WKN: O2R1) is pleased to report that results of a recently completed Airborne MagnetoTellurics (MobileMT) survey at the Captain Property which confirms and better defines the large gold dominant porphyry T1 target that is the subject of ongoing exploration by the Company. The T1 target is one of three distinct low resistivity-high conductivity zones within a prominent five kilometre long trend outlined at the Captain Project located near Fort St. James, North Central British Columbia. The MobileMT survey was very successful in defining the outline of the T1 low resistivity zone associated with the sulphide related gold-copper mineralization initially identified by Induced Polarization (IP) surveys, magnetic geophysical surveys and drilling. The T1 target is a large, well defined drill ready dominate gold porphyry opportunity in a company with a low market capitalization. Planning for the next phase of drilling is underway.

温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年10月18日)-Orestone矿业公司(多伦多证券交易所代码:ORS) (场外粉色:ORESF) (FSE:O2R1)(WKN:O2R1)我很高兴地报告,最近完成的机载大地电磁(MobileMT)勘测结果证实并更好地确定了大型金矿主斑岩T1目标,该目标是公司正在进行的勘探目标。T1目标是位于不列颠哥伦比亚省中北部圣詹姆斯堡附近的船长项目勾勒出的显著五公里长趋势内三个不同的低电阻率-高导电率区域之一。MobileMT测量非常成功地圈定了与硫化物相关的金铜矿化有关的T1低阻带的轮廓,最初是通过激电(IP)测量、磁地球物理测量和钻探确定的。T1的目标是一个大型的、定义明确的钻探,准备在一家市值较低的公司主宰金矿机会。下一阶段的钻探计划正在进行中。



The central portion of the low resistivity-high conductivity zone known as the T1 target is untested by drilling to date and lies in the centre of a large scale alteration halo measuring 2000 by 2000 metres. The core of the T1 resistivity anomaly measures 500 x 1000 metres at a depth of 900 metres below surface increasing in size to 1500 x 1500 metres over a 1000 metre vertical profile and remains open to depth below 1900 metres.


The alteration and gold-copper mineralization defined to date at T1 is interpreted to be related to a sulphide rich intrusive body at depth which was responsible for the sericite-potassium feldspar (kspar) alteration and the extensive fine-grained sulphides with gold-copper mineralization intersected in previous wide spaced drill holes. Seven fringing drill holes have outlined the zone by defining a 200-500 metre thick tabular zone of phyllic alteration hosting zones of sericite-kspar alteration containing gold-copper mineralization from 20-160 metres thick grading 0.20 to 0.84 g/t gold and 0.05-0.11 percent (500-1100 ppm) copper (see table below). This mineralization is interpreted to have been emplaced by upward moving hydrothermal and epithermal solutions driven by a large porphyry system directly below.


Figure 1


"The results of the MobileMT survey are highly encouraging showing better definition of the large T1 gold dominant porphyry target. With definition of an area of approximately one cubic kilometre (1km³) in size there is more than enough room to encounter some considerable tonnage. The next drill program is being planned for winter 22/23," states David Hottman, CEO and Director of Orestone Mining Corp

Orestone Mining Corp首席执行官兼董事首席执行官大卫·霍特曼表示:“MobileMT的调查结果非常令人鼓舞,显示出对大型T1金矿斑岩靶区的更好定义。定义的面积约为1立方公里(1 KM),有足够的空间遇到一些相当大的吨位。下一次钻探计划将在22/23年冬季进行



The T1 target is one of three distinct MobileMT low resistivity-high conductivity targets outlined over a five kilometre strike length along a prominent north/south trending inferred regional fault. This trend remains open in both directions on Orestone claims. The T1 low resistivity target is co-incident with strong induced polarization (IP) chargeability highs and magnetic lows. The other two low resistivity targets along the trend are co-incident with magnetic lows however no IP has been conducted in these areas.


Figure 2


"The fact that three large distinct low resistivity-high conductivity MobileMT anomalies are lined up as they are indicates potential association with a prominent, deep seated crustal fault which is an ideal environment to explore for porphyry's. Examples of large buried porphyry deposits associated with strong resistivity lows are the Resolution Mine in Arizona, Collahuasi and El Salvador mines in Chile and the Pebble deposit in Alaska," states David Hottman, CEO and Director of Orestone Mining Corp




Orestone has an approved Amended Notice of Work in place with 61 drill locations permitted. Planning for the next phase of drilling on the T1 porphyry target is in progress. At shallower depths on the fringes of this target drilling has intersected alkaline and calc-alkaline style gold-copper mineralization on three sides. The MobileMT low resistivity anomaly lying along strike to the south of T1 is also a high priority for drill testing.


Figure 3


The gold-copper drill intercepts to date vary from longer intersections of lower grade to higher grade over shorter sections (see table below of previously released results).


Drill Hole From To Interval m g/t gold % copper
C09-05 134.1 137.2 3.1 0.35 0.16
C11-01 127.0 214.0 87.0 0.23 0.03
incl 127.0 170.0 43.0 0.30 0.09
C12-03 179.5 246.5 67.0 0.13 0.06
C12-05 88.1 206.9 118.8 0.65 0.06
(1) 88.1 206.9 118.8 0.30 0.06
incl 152.1 161.2 9.1 6.46 0.27
C12-05 377.6 542.2 164.6 0.41 0.07
(1) 377.6 542.2 164.6 0.32 0.07
incl 499.5 505.6 6.1 4.45 0.51
C13-02 32.4 66.4 34.0 0.20 0.07
C13-02 121.3 170.1 48.8 0.35 0.06
C13-03 204.9 207.9 3.0 1.90 0.23
C19-03 271.0 295.0 24.0 0.27 0.09
C19-07 112.0 203.3 91.0 0.26 0.07
incl 178.9 203.3 24.0 0.56 0.11
C20-03 (2) 247.0 329.0 82.0 0.23 0.11
incl (2) 309.0 329.0 20.0 0.50 0.19
incl 325.0 327.0 2.0 7.05 0.26
C20-03 394.0 408.0 14.0 0.84 0.17
C21-01 541.0 577.0 36.0 0.26 0.05

656.7 742.4 85.7 0.37 0.06
C21-02 223.0 313.0 90.0 0.20 0.01

414.0 436.0 22.0 0.70 0.01
钻孔 从… 间隔m 克/吨黄金 %铜
C09-05 134.1 137.2 3.1 0.35 0.16
C11-01 127.0 214.0 87.0 0.23 0.03
包括 127.0 170.0 43.0 0.30 0.09
C12-03 179.5 246.5 67.0 0.13 0.06
C12-05 88.1 206.9 118.8 0.65 0.06
(1) 88.1 206.9 118.8 0.30 0.06
包括 152.1 161.2 9.1 6.46 0.27
C12-05 377.6 542.2 164.6 0.41 0.07
(1) 377.6 542.2 164.6 0.32 0.07
包括 499.5 505.6 6.1 4.45 0.51
C13-02 32.4 66.4 34.0 0.20 0.07
C13-02 121.3 170.1 48.8 0.35 0.06
C13-03 204.9 207.9 3.0 1.90 0.23
C19-03 271.0 295.0 24.0 0.27 0.09
C19-07 112.0 203.3 91.0 0.26 0.07
包括 178.9 203.3 24.0 0.56 0.11
C20-03 (2) 247.0 329.0 82.0 0.23 0.11
包括(2) 309.0 329.0 20.0 0.50 0.19
包括 325.0 327.0 2.0 7.05 0.26
C20-03 394.0 408.0 14.0 0.84 0.17
C21-01 541.0 577.0 36.0 0.26 0.05

656.7 742.4 85.7 0.37 0.06
C21-02 223.0 313.0 90.0 0.20 0.01

414.0 436.0 22.0 0.70 0.01

(1) High gold values cut to 1.16 g/t gold
(2) Assay interval of 7.05 g/t gold cut to 1.80 g/t gold


In summary, the T1 target is one of three large anomalies along the five km strike length of the low resistivity trend on the Captain property and based on previous drilling T1 is a gold dominant porphyry target. The outline of T1 in the MobileMT low resistivity-high conductivity area of approximately one cubic kilometre (1km³) in size indicates that there is more than enough room to encounter some considerable tonnage. Planning for the next phase of drilling on the T1 porphyry target is in progress. This is a robust opportunity to create shareowner wealth through successful exploration.

综上所述,T1目标是沿5公里走向的三个大异常之一,呈低电阻率趋势,根据以往的钻探,T1是一个以金为主的斑岩目标。在MobileMT低电阻率-高导电率区域,T1的轮廓大小约为1立方千米(1 KM),表明有足够的空间遇到一些相当大的吨位。T1斑岩目标的下一阶段钻探计划正在进行中。这是一个通过成功勘探创造股东财富的大好机会。

The Airborne MagnetoTellurics (MobileMT) survey was flown collecting electromagnetic (EM) and magnetic data with precise positioning. The survey was completed over a 40 square kilometre area by Expert Geophysics Limited of Aurora, Ontario consisting of a total of 215-line kilometres flown over 26 east-west lines of 7000 metres each spaced at 200 metre intervals and 4 north-south tie lines spaced at 2000 metres. Data received by the Company covers 13 EM frequencies from 26 Hz to 17099 Hz. The EM data were inverted to obtain the distribution of resistivity with depth over a depth range of two kilometres.


Quality assurance/quality control procedures
Orestone Mining has implemented a rigorous quality assurance/quality control program to ensure best practices in work programs by the company and contractors including sampling and analysis of diamond drill core as well as geophysical surveys and other work conducted on the property.

Orestone Mining实施了严格的质量保证/质量控制计划,以确保公司和承包商在工作计划中采取最佳做法,包括对钻石钻芯进行采样和分析,以及在该矿区进行地球物理测量和其他工作。

Gary Nordin, P.Geo, a Director of the Company, is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Nordin has reviewed and approved the technical information in this press release.

加里·诺丁,P.Geo,公司董事的一员,是National Instrument 43-101所定义的合格人员。诺丁先生已经审查并批准了本新闻稿中的技术信息。

The 100 percent owned Captain gold-copper Project encompasses 105 square kilometres and hosts a large gold dominate porphyry system located 41 kilometres north of Fort St. James and 30 kilometres south of the Mt. Milligan copper-gold mine in North Central British Columbia. The Captain Project features relatively flat terrain, moderate tree cover, and an extensive network of logging and Forest Service roads suitable for exploration year round. To stay informed of Orestone's latest activities please click here to provide consent and receive news and updates. For more information, please visit Orestone's website at:




David Hottman




For further information contact: David Hottman at 604-629-1929 |


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this News Release. This news release has been prepared by management and no regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein.


Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains certain forward-looking statements, which relate to future events or future performance and reflect management's current expectations and assumptions. Such forward-looking statements reflect management's current beliefs and are based on assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company. Readers are cautioned that these forward-looking statements are neither promises nor guarantees, and are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause future results to differ materially from those expected including, but not limited to, market conditions, availability of financing, currency rate fluctuations, actual results of exploration and development activities, environmental risks, future prices of copper, gold, silver and other metals, operating risks, accidents, labor issues, delays in obtaining governmental or regulatory approvals and permits, and other risks in the mining industry. In addition, there is uncertainty about the spread of the COVID-19 virus and the impact it will have on the Company's operations, global supply chains and economic activity in general. All the forward-looking statements made in this news release are qualified by these cautionary statements and those in our continuous disclosure filings available on SEDAR at . These forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and the Company does not assume any obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances save as required by applicable law

本新闻稿包含一些与未来事件或未来业绩有关的前瞻性陈述,反映了管理层'目前的预期和假设。这样的前瞻性陈述反映了管理层'的当前信念,并基于公司所做的假设和目前可获得的信息。敬请读者注意,这些前瞻性表述既不是承诺,也不是担保,会受到风险和不确定性的影响,这些风险和不确定性可能会导致未来结果与预期产生重大差异,这些风险和不确定性包括但不限于市场条件、融资渠道、汇率波动、勘探和开发活动的实际结果、环境风险、铜、金、银和其他金属的未来价格、经营风险、事故、劳工问题、在获得政府或监管部门批准和许可方面的延误以及采矿业的其他风险。此外,新冠肺炎病毒的传播及其将对公司运营、全球供应链和总体经济活动产生的影响存在不确定性。本新闻稿中的所有前瞻性陈述均受这些警告性声明和我们在SEDAR上提供的持续披露文件中的警告性声明所限制,网址为. 这些前瞻性表述是自本新闻稿发布之日起作出的,除适用法律要求外,公司不承担任何更新或修订这些表述以反映新事件或新情况的义务

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