
StrikePoint Discovers Two New Zones of Surface Mineralization With Results Up to 156 G/t Gold and 91.7 G/t Silver and Extends North Zone With Results up to 53.9 G/t Gold and 1,240 G/t Silver at Willoughby

StrikePoint Discovers Two New Zones of Surface Mineralization With Results Up to 156 G/t Gold and 91.7 G/t Silver and Extends North Zone With Results up to 53.9 G/t Gold and 1,240 G/t Silver at Willoughby

newsfile ·  2022/11/28 07:06

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 28, 2022) - StrikePoint Gold Inc. (TSXV: SKP) (OTCQB: STKXF) ("StrikePoint" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the drilling results as well as reconnaissance grab sample results from the 2022 exploration program at the 100%-owned Willoughby gold-silver project, located east of the community of Stewart in British Columbia's prolific Golden Triangle. The 2022 program was focussed on regional exploration aimed at growing the footprint of the Willoughby mineralization trend and to drill previously untested areas on the Project

温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年11月28日)-StrikePoint Gold Inc.(TSXV:SKP)(场外交易市场:STKXF)(“StrikePoint”或“公司”)我们很高兴地宣布了钻探结果以及2022年勘探项目在Willoughby金银项目中的勘测抓取样本结果,该项目由Willoughby金银项目全资拥有,位于不列颠哥伦比亚省多产的金三角Stewart社区以东。2022年计划的重点是区域勘探,旨在扩大威洛比矿化趋势的足迹,并在该项目上钻探以前未经测试的区域

Highlights of the 2022 field program at Willoughby Include:


  • Newly discovered "BOD Zone" 125m to the South of the Icefall zone on the Willoughby nunataq, with best grab sample returning 156 g/t Au and 91.7 g/t Ag
  • New discovered "FS Zone" 700m to the south of the Willoughby nunataq with best grab sample returning 6.48 g/t Au and 52.5 g/t Ag
  • Extension of the main Willoughby showing along NNW structures with samples returning up to 53.9 g/t Au and 1,240 g/t Ag
  • Drillhole W22-129 at the north end of the main Willoughby nunataq intersected 2.48 g/t Au and 4.00 g/t Ag over 4.20 metres including 11.45 g/t Au and 13.70 g/t Ag over 0.85 metres
  • Drillhole W22-125, at the south end of the Willoughby nunataq intersected 1.02 g/t Au and 27.15 g/t Ag over 5.32 metres in a new zone of mineralization and alteration lying to the west of known mineralized zones.
  • 新发现的“BOD区”在威洛比Nunataq冰瀑区以南125米处,最佳抓取样本返回156g/t Au和91.7g/t Ag
  • 新发现的“文件系统分区”威洛比努纳塔克以南700米处,最佳抓取样本返回6.48克/吨金和52.5克/吨银
  • 通过沿NNW向构造显示主威洛夫的延伸,样品返回到53.9克/吨金和1240克/吨银
  • Willoughby Nunataq主井北端的W22-129号钻孔与2.48超过4.20米的Au和4.00 g/t Ag包括0.85米以上为11.45克/吨Au和13.70 g/t Ag
  • Willoughby Nunataq南端的W22-125号钻孔相交1.02g/t Au和27.15g/t Ag位于已知矿化带以西的新矿化和蚀变带内超过5.32米。

StrikePoint's CEO, Michael G. Allen, states, "The 2022 program at Willoughby significantly expanded the known mineralized footprint on the property. Significant gold and silver grades have been established through surface sampling and drilling for approximately 2,700 meters of strike length of the Willoughby trend. Additionally, drillholes W22-125 and W22-129 identified potential new zones of mineralization west of previous drilling at either end of the Willoughby nunataq, that has only been cut by these two drillholes to date."


2022 Willoughby Surface Sampling


At total of 84 surface grab samples were collected as part of the 2022 Willoughby property exploration program. Values returned ranged from 0.005 to 156.0 g/t Au and 0.25 to 1,240.0 g/t Ag with 27 samples returning gold values of greater than 0.1 g/t. The program targeted areas of newly exposed outcrop to the south and north of the Main Willoughby showing along the initial 1,300m long mineralized trend. Exploration surface sampling highlighted two new mineralized zones, FS and BOD zones to the south, as well as confirming mineralization at the historic Back Ridge zone, a previously underexplored area. This work extended the Willoughby mineralized trend to a total of 2,700 metres.

作为2022年威洛比财产勘探计划的一部分,总共收集了84个地面抓取样本。返回值从0.25g/t到156.0 g/t Au和0.005~1240.0g/t Ag,其中27个样品返回的金值超过0.1g/t。该计划针对主威洛夫以南和北部新露头的地区,沿着最初的1300米长的矿化趋势进行了显示。勘探面采样强调了两个新的矿化带,即南部的FS和BOD区,并确认了历史悠久的后脊带的矿化作用,这是一个以前未被勘探的区域。这项工作将威洛比矿化趋势扩展到总共2700米。

Figure 1. Willoughby property surface grab sample locations


The BOD Zone is located at the southern most end of the Willoughby nunataq, 125 metres South of the Icefall zone. Surface reconnaissance outlined a wide area of quartz-sericite-pyrite alteration at BOD that is linked to alteration associated with of north-northwest striking structures further north on the nunataq. These steeply east dipping structures are linked to bonanza grade mineralization as shown in grab sample B0017097 grading 156 g/t Au and 91.7 g/t Ag. In addition, alteration halos around these structures returned significant grades in three surface samples which average 4.02 g/t Au and 11.9 g/t Ag.

BOD区位于Willoughby Nunataq的最南端,在冰瀑区以南125米处。地面勘察勾勒出BOD的一大片石英-绢云母-黄铁矿蚀变区域,该区域与纽纳塔克更北的北-西北走向构造的蚀变有关。这些向东倾斜的构造与抓取样品B0017097分级所示的富矿品位矿化有关。156g/t Au和91.7g/t Ag。此外,这些构造周围的蚀变晕在三个地表样品中返回了显著的品位,平均为4.02g/tAu和11.9g/tAg。

Further to the north on the Willoughby nunataq, infill sampling was completed along the southerly projection of the North Fault, confirming a 125-metre extension the north-northwest trending structure. Sample B0017066 returned 53.9 g/t Au and 1,240 g/t Ag in a fault breccia with semi massive sulphide cement, dominantly pyrite with patchy to disseminated galena.

再往北,在Willoughby Nunataq上,沿着北断层向南的投影完成了填充采样,确认了北西北向结构的125米延伸。退回样本B001706653.9克/吨金和1240克/吨银在断层角砾岩中,有半块状硫化物胶结物,主要是黄铁矿,方铅矿呈斑片状至浸染状。

Figure 2. Willoughby nunataq with new BOD zone surface grab sample locations - Inset of Figure 1

图2.Willoughby Nunataq与新的BOD区域表面抓取样本位置-图1插图

Figure 3. Field station W22-MLA-052 containing sample B0017097 returned 156 g/t Au and 91.7 g/t Ag. Massive pyrite mineralization within the hanging wall of a north-northwest trending structure at the BOD zone.

图3.含有样品B0017097的野外站W22-MLA-052返回156 g/t Au和91.7 g/t Ag。BOD带北-北西向构造上盘内块状黄铁矿矿化。

The newly defined FS zone located at the southernmost extent of the property, approximately 700 meters to the south of the BOD zone. This area has been recently exposed due to significant ice recession. This new zone exhibits similar mineralization style to those outlined on the Willoughby nunataq, suggesting a continuation of known mineralization. Significant grades were returned from the few grab samples collected: B0017075 1.39 g/t Au and 128 g/t Ag, B0017076 3.05 g/t Au and 36.2 g/t Ag, B0017080 4.95 g/t Au and 120 g/t Ag, and B0017081 6.48 g/t Au and 52.5 g/t Ag.

新定义的FS区位于物业的最南端,BOD区以南约700米。由于严重的冰川衰退,这一地区最近暴露了出来。这一新的矿化带与威洛比Nunataq上概述的矿化风格相似,表明已知矿化仍在继续。从收集的少数几个抓取样本中返回了显著的等级:B00170751.39克/吨金和128克/吨银, B0017076 3.05克/吨金和36.2克/吨银,B0017080 4.95克/吨金和120克/吨银、和B00170816.48克/吨金和52.5克/吨银.

Figure 4. FS zone. Field station W22-MLA-027 containing sample B0017081 returned 6.48 g/t Au and 52.5 g/t Ag. Massive pyrite within a lapilli tuff.

图4.FS区域。含有样品B0017081的野外站W22-MLA-027返回6.48g/t Au和52.5g/t Ag。青金石凝灰岩中的大量黄铁矿。

Sample Number Easting Northing Au Au-AA23 ppm Au GRA21 ppm Ag ME-ICP61 ppm Ag GRA21 ppm
B0017002 6203083 464431 0.151 NC 2.1 NC
B0017010 6204043 463814 0.775 NC 51.6 NC
B0017016 6204950 463860 3.6 NC 7.8 NC
B0017019 6205224 463631 0.108 NC 6.2 NC
B0017023 6205214 463492 0.102 NC 12.4 NC
B0017025 6205107 463501 0.128 NC 2.6 NC
B0017054 6202965 463464 0.163 NC 2.1 NC
B0017055 6202967 463455 0.288 NC 4.3 NC
B0017066 6203182 463308 10 53.9 100 1240
B0017067 6203220 463308 0.978 NC 20 NC
B0017077 6202134 463625 0.21 NC 2 NC
B0017080 6202147 463620 4.95 NC 100 120
B0017082 6202126 463627 0.141 NC 2.5 NC
B0017081 6202126 463627 6.48 NC 52.5 NC
B0017085 6202113 463629 0.75 NC 21.3 NC
B0017075 6202113 463629 1.39 NC 100 128
B0017086 6202113 463629 3.05 NC 36.2 NC
B0017097 6202824 463548 10 156 91.7 NC
B0017098 6202833 463537 4.42 NC 16.8 NC
B0017099 6205032 463567 0.322 NC 1.6 NC
B0017100 6205032 463567 0.805 NC 2.7 NC
B0016062 6202920 463445 1.135 NC 11.8 NC
B0016061 6202920 463445 8.96 NC 13.4 NC
B0016064 6202898 463455 0.182 NC 3.2 NC
B0016063 6202898 463455 0.263 NC 2.8 NC
B0016065 6202909 463477 1.565 NC 5.6 NC
B0016066 6202911 463484 0.279 NC 4.2 NC
样本数 向东 北距 Au-aa23ppm Au GRA21 ppm AG ME-ICP61ppm AG GRA21 ppm
B0017002 6203083 464431 0.151 NC 2.1 NC
B0017010 6204043 463814 0.775 NC 51.6 NC
B0017016 6204950 463860 3.6 NC 7.8 NC
B0017019 6205224 463631 0.108 NC 6.2 NC
B0017023 6205214 463492 0.102 NC 12.4 NC
B0017025 6205107 463501 0.128 NC 2.6 NC
B0017054 6202965 463464 0.163 NC 2.1 NC
B0017055 6202967 463455 0.288 NC 4.3 NC
B0017066 6203182 463308 10 53.9 100 1240
B0017067 6203220 463308 0.978 NC 20 NC
B0017077 6202134 463625 0.21 NC 2 NC
B0017080 6202147 463620 4.95 NC 100 120
B0017082 6202126 463627 0.141 NC 2.5 NC
B0017081 6202126 463627 6.48 NC 52.5 NC
B0017085 6202113 463629 0.75 NC 21.3 NC
B0017075 6202113 463629 1.39 NC 100 128
B0017086 6202113 463629 3.05 NC 36.2 NC
B0017097 6202824 463548 10 156 91.7 NC
B0017098 6202833 463537 4.42 NC 16.8 NC
B0017099 6205032 463567 0.322 NC 1.6 NC
B0017100 6205032 463567 0.805 NC 2.7 NC
B0016062 6202920 463445 1.135 NC 11.8 NC
B0016061 6202920 463445 8.96 NC 13.4 NC
B0016064 6202898 463455 0.182 NC 3.2 NC
B0016063 6202898 463455 0.263 NC 2.8 NC
B0016065 6202909 463477 1.565 NC 5.6 NC
B0016066 6202911 463484 0.279 NC 4.2 NC

Table 1: Willoughby property - Select exploration grab samples results (NAD83 Zone9)

表1:Willoughby Property-选择勘探抓取样本结果(NAD83 Zone9)

The Company considers these to be very encouraging results, strengthening and extending the mineralization trend.


Willoughby Drilling


A total of 1,500 meters of diamond drilling was completed during the 2022 Willoughby exploration program with a focus on northern and southern extensions of mineralized zones on the Willoughby nunataq and exploratory drilling to discover new mineralization to the west of the Willoughby Trend.

在2022年Willoughby勘探计划期间,总共完成了1500米的钻石钻探,重点是Willoughby Nunataq上矿化带的南北延伸,以及在Willoughby趋势以西发现新矿化的勘探钻探。

The program was successful in defining new mineralization to southwest of the North zone in hole W22-129 which returned 2.48 g/t Au and 4.00 g/t Ag over 4.20 metres including 11.45 g/t Au and 13.70 g/t Ag over 0.85 metres. The mineralization outlined in this hole is at the contact between the Jurassic volcanic rock package and the Goldslide intrusive in an area strongly quartz-sericite altered with massive pyrite mineralized sections and is similar to what is seen at the Edge, Wilby, and Icefall zones. From the same drill set-up, hole W22-128 intersected 1.11 g/t Au and 20.96 g/t Ag over 9.02 metres including 2.46 g/t Au and 35.23 g/t Ag over 2.52 metres exploring extension of the mineralization to the northwest, notably towards the NN zone. Mineralized intersections consist of massive pyrite veins in a chlorite altered intrusive which is interpreted to be with the footwall alteration of the dominant structures bearing mineralization.

该方案成功地在返回的W22-129孔中确定了北带西南部的新矿化2.48克/吨Au和4.00 g/t Ag超过4.20米包括0.85米以上为11.45克/吨Au和13.70 g/t Ag。该洞勾勒出的矿化位于侏罗纪火山岩包与金滑石侵入岩之间的接触处,该地区石英绢云母强烈蚀变,有大量黄铁矿矿化切片,与Edge、Wilby和Icefall带相似。在相同的钻探装置中,W22-128孔相交9.02米以上为1.11克/吨Au和20.96 g/t Ag包括2.46克/吨金和35.23克/吨银超过2.52米探索矿化向西北方向的延伸,特别是向北北带延伸。矿化交汇处由绿泥石蚀变侵入岩中的大量黄铁矿矿脉组成,解释为与主要矿化构造的下盘蚀变有关。

Figure 5. Willoughby nunataq - North 2022 Exploration Drilling in relation with the historical drilling on the Willoughby nunataq (1989-2021)

图5.威洛比Nunataq-2022年北部勘探钻探与Willoughby Nunataq历史钻探的关系(1989-2021年)

The remaining the three exploration holes were drilled further to the south on the Willoughby nunataq in wide areas that were previously untested. Hole W22-125 was an exploratory hole to the southwest that intersected 1.02 g/t Au and 27.15 g/t Ag over 5.32 metres in strongly altered silica-sericite lapilli tuff with semi-massive pyrite and sphalerite in an unexplored area. Hole W22-127 was an aggressive 100m step out from known mineralization at the Wilby zone, it intersected 0.82 g/t Au and 1.41 g/t Ag over 8.78 metres and 8.39 g/t Au and 11.20 g/t Ag over 1.12 metres.

其余三个勘探孔是在威洛比Nunataq上进一步向南钻探的,钻探的区域很广,以前没有经过测试。W22-125孔是西南面的一个勘探孔,它与1.02g/t Au和27.15g/t Ag在5.32米以上的强烈蚀变的硅绢云母玄武岩凝灰岩中,有半块状的黄铁矿和闪锌矿,位于一个未勘探的区域。W22-127孔距离威尔比地区的已知矿化有100米的侵略性台阶,它与0.82g/t Au和1.41 g/t Ag超过8.78米及8.39克/吨金和11.20克/吨银超过1.12米。

Figure 6. Southern Willoughby nunataq 2022 Drilling in relation with the historical drilling on the Willoughby nunataq (1989-2021)


Hole-ID Zone From (m) To (m) Length (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t)
W22-125 Exploration 113.36 118.85 5.49 1.02 27.15
W22-126 Exploration 110.70 124.38 13.68 0.59 4.14

Incl. 116.30 124.38 8.08 0.62 3.60
W22-127 Exploration 189.00 197.78 8.78 0.92 1.41

206.30 207.47 1.17 8.39 11.20

226.29 227.13 0.84 2.92 43.20
W22-128 North 154.95 163.97 9.02 1.11 20.96

Incl. 155.74 158.26 2.52 2.41 31.12

272.65 273.98 1.33 1.90 1.40
W22-129 North 35.98 37.37 1.39 2.28 217.00

224.50 228.70 4.20 2.48 4.00

Incl. 227.85 228.70 0.85 11.45 13.70

252.20 257.00 4.80 0.88 0.79

265.78 267.86 2.08 1.53 0.50
孔ID 分带 发件人(M) 至(M) 长度(米) Au(克/吨) 银(克/吨)
W22-125 探索 113.36 118.85 5.49 1.02 27.15
W22-126 探索 110.70 124.38 13.68 0.59 4.14

包括 116.30 124.38 8.08 0.62 3.60
W22-127 探索 189.00 197.78 8.78 0.92 1.41

206.30 207.47 1.17 8.39 11.20

226.29 227.13 0.84 2.92 43.20
W22-128 154.95 163.97 9.02 1.11 20.96

包括 155.74 158.26 2.52 2.41 31.12

272.65 273.98 1.33 1.90 1.40
W22-129 35.98 37.37 1.39 2.28 217.00

224.50 228.70 4.20 2.48 4.00

包括 227.85 228.70 0.85 11.45 13.70

252.20 257.00 4.80 0.88 0.79

265.78 267.86 2.08 1.53 0.50

Table 2: Highlight drilling intercepts at Willoughby project.
**True widths are estimated to 80% at this time.


Hole-ID Easting Northing Elevation Azimuth Dip Length (m)
W22-129 463281 6203282 1753.00 208 -55 290.00
W22-128 463281 6203282 1753.00 5 -55 288.00
W22-127 463337 6202960 1640.00 92 -72 300.00
W22-126 463337 6202960 1640.00 148 -55 321.00
W22-125 463337 6202960 1640.00 218 55 301.50
孔ID 向东 北距 高程 方位角 浸渍 长度(米)
W22-129 463281 6203282 1753.00 208 -55 290.00
W22-128 463281 6203282 1753.00 5 -55 288.00
W22-127 463337 6202960 1640.00 92 -72 300.00
W22-126 463337 6202960 1640.00 148 -55 321.00
W22-125 463337 6202960 1640.00 218 55 301.50

Table 3: Willoughby property - Drill collar locations and orientations (NAD83 Zone 9)

表3:Willoughby物业-钻杆位置和方向(NAD83 9区)

Willoughby Project


The project occurs along the eastern margin of the Cambria Icefield, approximately seven kilometres east of the advanced-stage Red Mountain Deposit owned by Ascot Resources. Upper Triassic Stuhini rocks and Lower Jurassic Hazelton volcano-sedimentary rocks underlay the property, subsequently intruded by an early Jurassic-aged hornblende-feldspar porphyry, potentially comagmatic with the Goldslide Intrusive suite at the nearby Red Mountain deposit. Intrusive-related mineralized zones consist of primary pyrite with lesser pyrrhotite, sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, and native gold. Eight gold and silver mineralized zones have been identified to date over a two-kilometre strike-length mineralized trend.




Samples for the 2022 drilling exploration program were all NQ-sized (47.6 mm diameter) drill core was labeled, sawn in half, with one-half placed in sealed bags, and shipped with a chain of custody controls to the laboratory. The remaining drill core is securely stored in Stewart, BC. The surface samples for the 2022 exploration program were labelled and shipped to the laboratory using industry standard chain of custody controls. The company implements a rigorous Quality Control/Quality Assurance program, including the insertion of standards, blanks, and duplicates at regular intervals in the sample stream to monitor laboratory performance.


All samples were submitted to the ALS Chemex and underwent preparation at either their Terrace and Langley facilities in British Columbia with all analytical work carried out at their North Vancouver, BC laboratory. The ALS facility is accredited to the ISO/IEC 17025 standard for gold assays, and all analytical methods include quality control materials at set frequencies with established data acceptance criteria. The entire sample is crushed, split into representative sub-samples using a riffle splitter, and subsequently, 250g is pulverized. Analysis for gold is by 30g fire assay fusion with atomic absorption (AAS) finish with a lower limit of 0.005 ppm and an upper limit of 10 ppm. Samples with gold assays greater than 10ppm are re-analyzed using a 30g fire assay fusion with a gravimetric finish. Analysis for silver is by 30g fire assay fusion with gravimetric finish with a lower limit of 2ppm and upper limit of 100ppm. Samples with silver assays higher than 100ppm are re-analyzed using a gravimetric silver concentrate method. All samples are also analyzed using a 33 multi-elemental geochemical package by 4-acid digestion (ICP-AES).

所有样品都被提交给ALS Chemex,并在不列颠哥伦比亚省的Terrace和Langley设施进行准备,所有分析工作都在他们位于不列颠哥伦比亚省北温哥华的实验室进行。肌萎缩侧索硬化症设施通过了国际标准化组织/国际电工委员会17025金分析标准,所有分析方法都包括具有既定数据验收标准的固定频率的质量控制材料。整个样品被粉碎,使用Riffle Split将其分成具有代表性的子样品,随后,将250克粉碎。金的分析是用30克火试金熔融原子吸收(AAS)完成的,下限为0.005 ppm,上限为10 ppm。金含量大于10ppm的样品用30克重量法熔化火试金液重新分析。银的分析采用30克火试金熔融重量法,下限为2ppm,上限为100ppm。银含量高于100ppm的样品用重量银精矿方法重新分析。所有样品也用33多元素4酸消解地球化学分析系统(ICPAES)进行分析。

Qualified Person


The Qualified Person for this news release for National Instrument 43-101 is Andrew Hamilton P. Geo, technical advisor to StrikePoint. He has read and approved the scientific and technical information that forms the basis for the disclosure contained in this news release.


About StrikePoint


StrikePoint Gold is a gold exploration company focused on building high-grade precious metals resources in Canada. The company controls two advanced-stage exploration assets in BC's Golden Triangle. The past-producing high-grade silver Porter Project and the high-grade gold property Willoughby, adjacent to Red Mountain. The company also owns a portfolio of gold properties in the Yukon.

StrikePoint Gold是一家专注于在加拿大建设高品位贵金属资源的黄金勘探公司。该公司控制着不列颠哥伦比亚省金三角的两项高级勘探资产。过去生产的高品位白银波特项目和高品位黄金物业威洛比,毗邻红山。该公司还在育空地区拥有一系列黄金资产。



"Michael G. Allen"


Michael G. Allen
President, Chief Executive Officer & Director


For more information, please contact:
StrikePoint Gold Inc.
Michael G. Allen, President CEO & Director
T: (604) 609-6107
E: ma@strikepointgold.comW:

StrikePoint Gold Inc.
T: (604) 609-6107
E:ma@strikepoint Goldd.comW:

Statements in this release that are forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties concerning the specific factors disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in the company's filings with Canadian securities regulators. Such information contained herein represents management's best judgment as of the date hereof based on information currently available. The company does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, save and except as may be required by applicable securities laws.


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