
Santacruz Silver Reports Third Quarter Financial Results

Santacruz Silver Reports Third Quarter Financial Results

Santacruz Silver公布第三季度财务业绩
newsfile ·  2022/11/30 08:06

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 30, 2022) -  Santacruz Silver Mining Ltd. (TSXV: SCZ) ("the Company" or "Santacruz") reports on its financial and operating results for the third quarter ("Q3") of 2022. The full version of the financial statements and accompanying management discussion and analysis can be viewed on the Company's website at or on SEDAR at . All financial information is prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") and all dollar amounts are expressed in thousands of US dollars, except per unit amounts, unless otherwise indicated.

温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省-(Newsfile Corp.-2022年11月30日)-圣塔克鲁斯银矿有限公司(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:SCZ)(“本公司”或“Santacruz”)报告其2022年第三季度(“Q3”)的财务和经营业绩。财务报表的完整版本以及随附的管理层讨论和分析可在公司网站上查看,或在SEDAR上查看。除另有说明外,所有财务信息均根据国际财务报告准则(“IFRS”)编制,除单位金额外,所有美元金额均以千美元表示。

  • Quarterly revenues increased 501% to $87.7 million during Q3 2022 (Q3 2021: $14.6 million);
  • Gross profit decreased 260% to a loss of $5.8 million during Q3 2022 (Q3 2021: profit $3.7 million), mainly due to an increase in depreciation and depletion charges at the Zimapan Mine of $3.4 million together with certain one-time accounting adjustments to cost of sales at the Bolivian operations in the amount of $3.4 combined with a reduction of the Average Realized Price per Ounce of Silver Equivalent of 18%;
  • Cash costs were $17.89 per AgEq ounce and All-In Sustaining Costs ("AISC") (see "Non-GAAP Financial Measures", below) were $19.92 per AgEq ounce representing a decrease of 1% and 9%, respectively, compared to Q3 2021;
  • Adjusted EBITDA increased 81% to $2.3 million during Q3 2022 (Q3 2021: $1.3 million)
  • As a subsequent event, the Company has finalized the working capital adjustments estimates and paid Glencore the up-front Consideration Payment related to the Share Purchase Agreement for $2.1 million (please refer to press release dated March 21st, 2022);
  • At the end of the quarter, the Company had cash and cash equivalents of $4.8 million, in addition to this, the Company has the ability to access a $10 million credit facility with Glencore and a $25 million short term bond program in the Bolivian Security Markets.
  • 2022年第三季度收入增长501%,达到8770万美元(2021年第三季度:1460万美元);
  • 于2022年第三季度毛利下降260%至亏损580万美元(2021年第三季度:盈利370万美元),主要是由于Zimapan矿折旧和损耗费用增加340万美元,以及玻利维亚业务销售成本的某些一次性会计调整3.4美元,以及每盎司白银平均实现价格下降18%;
  • 现金成本为每AgEq盎司17.89美元,综合维持成本(AISC)为每AgEq盎司19.92美元(见下文“非公认会计准则财务指标”),分别比2021年第三季度下降1%和9%;
  • 2022年第三季度,调整后的EBITDA增长了81%,达到230万美元(2021年第三季度:130万美元)
  • 作为后续事项,本公司已敲定营运资金调整估计,并向Glencore支付与购股协议有关的预付代价210万美元(请参阅日期为3月21日的新闻稿ST, 2022);
  • 本季度末,公司拥有480万美元的现金和现金等价物,除此之外,公司还能够在Glencore获得1000万美元的信贷安排,以及在玻利维亚证券市场获得2500万美元的短期债券计划。

Carlos Silva, CEO of Santacruz, stated; "For the three months ended September 30, 2022 the Company recorded a net loss of $9.9 million (2021: net loss of $3.8). These results were due in part to a $3.4 million increase in deprecation and depletion at the Zimapan Mine combined with a certain one-time charges recorded to cost of sales and operating expenses in Bolivia, including the following adjustments: (i) $1.9 million related to salaries and benefits; (ii) $1.5 million related to professional services; and, (iii) $1.4 million related to inventory cost adjustment, as wellas a reduction in revenues attributed to lower realized silver prices.


Arturo Prestamo, Executive Chairman and Interim CFO of Santacruz, stated: "It is important to note that of the consideration payable to Glencore of $73.3 million, for its current portion, $43.6 million and $5.05 million are dependent on the collection of the VAT from the Bolivian Government and from the sales proceeds of the inventory held on the transaction date, respectively. In addition to these and as a subsequent event, the Company has already paid $2.1 million of the cash consideration. Accordingly, the non-dependent current Consideration payable to Glencore is reduced to $22.5 million. The next payment is scheduled to happen on March 2023."

Santacruz执行主席兼临时首席财务官Arturo Prestao表示:“值得注意的是,在应付Glencore的7,330万美元的当前部分代价中,4,360万美元和5,05万美元分别取决于向玻利维亚政府征收增值税和从交易日持有的库存的销售收益中收取增值税。除此之外,作为后续活动,该公司已经支付了210万美元的现金对价。因此,应付予Glencore的非独立当前代价减至22,500,000美元。下一次付款计划在2023年3月进行。

Selected consolidated financial and operating information for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2022 and 2021 is presented below. The Sinchi Wayra and Illapa Business results have been consolidated from March 18, 2022.

以下是截至2022年9月30日和2021年9月30日的三个月和九个月的精选综合财务和运营信息。自2022年3月18日起,Sinchi Wayra和Illapa的业务业绩已合并。

(Expressed in thousands of US Dollars, except where noted) Three months ended
September 30,

Variance %

Nine months ended September 30,

Variance %
2022 2021 2022 2021
Revenue 87,732 14,601 501% 355,771 39,513 800%
Gross Profit (5,843) 3,656 (206%) 51,985 9,677 437%
Net Income (Loss) (9,887) (3,849) 157% 3,769 (1,115) (438%)
Net Income per Share - Basic ($/share) (0.03) (0.01) 190% 0.01 0.00 0%
Adjusted EBITDA (1) 2,281 1,263 81% 48,993 5,182 845%
Material Processed (tonnes milled) 500.956 188,947 165% 1,163,645 537,510 116%
Silver Equivalent Produced (ounces) (1) (2) 4,850.949 872,913 456% 10,288,866 2,378,948 332%
Silver Equivalent Sold (payable ounces) (1) (3) 4.940.082 839,929 488% 16,768,464 2,124,817 689%
Cash Cost of Production per Tonne ($/t) (1) 69.56 55.33 26% 67.74 53.64 26%
Cash Cost per Silver Equivalent Ounce Sold ($/oz) (1) 17.89 18.04 (1%) 17.74 19.34 (8%)
All-in Sustaining Cash Cost per Silver Equivalent Ounce Sold ($/oz) (1) 19.92 21.91 (9%) 19.18 23.02 (17%)
Average Realized Price per Ounce of Silver Equivalent Sold ($/oz) (1) (4) 18.81 22.81 (18%) 22.14 24.37 (9%)
(除特别注明外,以千美元表示) 截至三个月



2022 2021 2022 2021
收入 87,732 14,601 501% 355,771 39,513 800%
毛利 (5,843) 3,656 (206%) 51,985 9,677 437%
净收益(亏损) (9,887) (3,849) 157% 3,769 (1,115) (438%)
每股净收益-基本(美元/股) (0.03) (0.01) 190% 0.01 0.00 0%
调整后的EBITDA(1) 2,281 1,263 81% 48,993 5,182 845%
已加工材料(吨) 500.956 188,947 165% 1,163,645 537,510 116%
生产的银当量(盎司)(1) (2) 4,850.949 872,913 456% 10,288,866 2,378,948 332%
售出的银当量(应付盎司)(1) (3) 4.940.082 839,929 488% 16,768,464 2,124,817 689%
每吨现金生产成本(美元/吨)(1) 69.56 55.33 26% 67.74 53.64 26%
每售出银当量盎司的现金成本(美元/盎司)(1) 17.89 18.04 (1%) 17.74 19.34 (8%)
每售出银当量盎司的全部持续现金成本(美元/盎司)(1) 19.92 21.91 (9%) 19.18 23.02 (17%)
每盎司银当量售出的平均实现价格(美元/盎司)(1) (4) 18.81 22.81 (18%) 22.14 24.37 (9%)

(1) The Company reports non-IFRS measures, which include Adjusted EBITDA, Cash Cost of Production per Tonne, Cash Cost per Silver Equivalent Ounce Sold, All-in Sustaining Cash Cost per Silver Equivalent Ounce Sold, Average Realized Price per Ounce of Silver Equivalent Sold. These measures are widely used in the mining industry as a benchmark for performance, but does not have a standardized meaning and may differ from methods used by other companies with similar descriptions. Refer to the "Non-IFRS Measures" section in Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations ("MD&A") for definitions and a reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA to the annual and quarterly financial statements.
(2) Silver Equivalent Produced (ounces) in 2022 have been calculated using prices of $25.60/oz., $0.94/lb., $1.20/lb. and $4.01/lb. for silver, lead, zinc and copper respectively applied to the metal production divided by the silver price plus the respective concentrate produced by the Zimapan Mine, Bolivar, Porco, Tres Amigos, Reserva and Colquechaquita Mines multiplied by the respective silver content. Silver Equivalent Produced (ounces) in 2021 have been calculated using prices of $25.00/oz, $0.85/lb, $1.05/lb and $3.00/lb for silver, lead, zinc and copper respectively applied to the metal production divided by the silver price plus the respective concentrate produced by the Zimapan Mine and the Rosario Project, multiplied by the respective silver content.
(3) Silver Equivalent Sold (payable ounces) have been calculated using the Average Realized Price per Ounce of Silver Equivalent Sold stated in the table above, applied to the payable metal content of the concentrates sold from the Zimapan Mine, the Bolivaor, Porco, Tres Amigos, Reserva and Colquechaquita Mines in 2022 and the Zimapan Mine and Rosario Project in 2021.
(4) Average Realized Price per Ounce of Silver Equivalent Sold is prior to all treatment, smelting and refining charges.

(2)2022年生产的银当量(盎司)是使用25.60美元/盎司、0.94美元/磅、1.20美元/磅的价格计算的。和4.01美元/磅。至于银、铅、锌及铜,则分别应用于金属产量除以银价加上Zimapan矿、玻利瓦尔、波尔科、Tres Amigos、Reserve va及Colquechaquita矿生产的各自精矿乘以各自的含银量。2021年生产的银当量(盎司)已按适用于金属产量的银、铅、锌和铜的价格分别为25.00美元/盎司、0.85美元/磅、1.05美元/磅和3.00美元/磅计算,除以齐马潘矿和罗萨里奥项目生产的白银价格加上各自的精矿,再乘以各自的银含量。(3)已售出银当量(应付盎司)乃按上表所述每盎司已售出银当量的平均实现价格计算,适用于Zimapan矿、玻利瓦尔、Porco、Tres Amigos、Reserve va及Colquechaquita矿于2022年及Zimapan矿及Rosario项目于2021年出售的精矿的应付金属含量。

Discussion of Consolidated Financial Results


As compared to the three months ended September 30, 2021, the Company recorded a net loss of $9,887 (net loss: $3,849) and as compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2021, a net profit of $3,769 (net loss: $1,115). Net loss for the three months ended September 30, 2022, was impacted by increased cost of sales as a result of an increase of $2,267 in accrued liabilities and $16,822 in non-current provision payable to employees of the Sinchi Wayra and Illapa Business in the event that employment is terminated, and a reduction in realised silver price.

与截至2021年9月30日的三个月相比,公司录得净亏损9,887美元(净亏损:3,849美元),与截至2021年9月30日的9个月相比,净利润为3,769美元(净亏损:1,115美元)。截至2022年9月30日止三个月的净亏损是由于应计负债增加2,267美元及在雇佣终止时支付给Sinchi Wayra和Illapa业务员工的非流动准备金增加16,822美元而导致销售成本增加,以及已实现白银价格下降。

As compared to the three months ended September 30, 2021, revenues were $87,732 ($14,601), mining operation cash costs of sales were $83,212 ($10,602) and depletion and amortization expenses were $10,363 ($343) resulting in a gross loss of $5,843 (profit: $3,656).


Operating Results


Selected operating results for the Sinchi Wayra and Illapa Business, Zimapan Mine and Rosario Project for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2022 and 2021 is presented below:

截至2022年和2021年9月30日的三个月和九个月,Sinchi Wayra和Illapa Business、Zimapan矿和Rosario项目的部分运营结果如下:

Three months ended September 30, Variance % Nine months ended September 30, Variance %
2022 2021 2022 2021
Material Processed (tonnes milled)
Sinchi Wayra and Illapa Business (Bolivia) (6) 285,191 - 0% 556,453 - 0%
Zimapan Mine (Mexico) 215,765 186,642 16% 607,192 498,481 22%
Rosario Project (Mexico) (5) - 2,306 (100%) - 39,029 (100%)
Consolidated 500,956 188,947 165% 1,163,645 537,510 116%
Silver Equivalent Produced (ounces) (1)
Sinchi Wayra and Illapa Business (Bolivia) (6) 3,862,342 - 0% 7,484,550 - 0%
Zimapan Mine (Mexico) 988,608 867,215 14% 2,804,316 2,271,237 23%
Rosario Project (Mexico) (5) - 5,698 (100%) - 107,711 (100%)
Consolidated 4,850,949 872,913 456% 10,288,866 2,378,948 332%
Silver Equivalent Sold (payable ounces) (2)    
Sinchi Wayra and Illapa Business (Bolivia) (6) 3,886,460 - 0% 13,946,159 - 0%
Zimapan Mine (Mexico) 1,053,622 829,164 27% 2,822,306 2,041,204 38%
Rosario Project (Mexico) (5) - 10,765 (100%) - 83,613 (100%)
Consolidated 4,940,082 839,929 488% 16,768,464 2,124,817 689%
Cash Cost of Production per Tonne (3)    
Sinchi Wayra and Illapa Business (Bolivia) (6) 89.42 - 0% 90.31 - 0%
Zimapan Mine (Mexico) 43.31 53.88 (20%) 47.10 52.37 (10%)
Rosario Project (Mexico) (5) - 173.04 (100%) - 69.85 (100%)
Consolidated 69.56 55.33 26% 67.74 53.64 26%
Cash Cost per Silver Equivalent Ounce Sold (3)    
Sinchi Wayra and Illapa Business (Bolivia) (6) 18.87 - 0% 18.15 - 0%
Zimapan Mine (Mexico) 14.30 17.72 (19%) 15.75 18.53 (15%)
Rosario Project (Mexico) (5) - 42.80 (100%) - 39.26 (100%)
Consolidated 17.89 18.04 (1%) 17.74 19.34 (8%)
All-in Sustaining Cash Cost per Silver Equivalent Ounce Sold (3)    
Sinchi Wayra and Illapa Business (Bolivia) (6) 20.61 - 0% 19.14 - 0%
Zimapan Mine (Mexico) 17.19 21.33 (19%) 18.64 21.25 (12%)
Rosario Project (Mexico) (5) - 67.26 (100%) - 66.28 0%
Consolidated 19.92 21.91 (9%) 19.18 23.02 (17%)
Average Realized Price per Ounce of Silver Equivalent Sold
(3) (4)
Sinchi Wayra and Illapa Business (Bolivia) (6) 18.81 - 0% 22.42 - 0%
Zimapan Mine (Mexico) 18.50 22.81 (19%) 20.70 24.35 (15%)
Rosario Project (Mexico) (5) - 22.47 (100%) - 24.92 0%
Consolidated 18.81 22.81 (18%) 22.14 24.37 (9%)
截至9月30日的三个月, 差异% 截至9月30日的9个月, 差异%
2022 2021 2022 2021
Sinchi Wayra和Illapa Business(玻利维亚)(6) 285,191 - 0% 556,453 - 0%
泽马潘矿(墨西哥) 215,765 186,642 16% 607,192 498,481 22%
罗萨里奥项目(墨西哥)(5) - 2,306 (100%) - 39,029 (100%)
已整合 500,956 188,947 165% 1,163,645 537,510 116%
Sinchi Wayra和Illapa Business(玻利维亚)(6) 3,862,342 - 0% 7,484,550 - 0%
泽马潘矿(墨西哥) 988,608 867,215 14% 2,804,316 2,271,237 23%
罗萨里奥项目(墨西哥)(5) - 5,698 (100%) - 107,711 (100%)
已整合 4,850,949 872,913 456% 10,288,866 2,378,948 332%
Sinchi Wayra和Illapa Business(玻利维亚)(6) 3,886,460 - 0% 13,946,159 - 0%
泽马潘矿(墨西哥) 1,053,622 829,164 27% 2,822,306 2,041,204 38%
罗萨里奥项目(墨西哥)(5) - 10,765 (100%) - 83,613 (100%)
已整合 4,940,082 839,929 488% 16,768,464 2,124,817 689%
Sinchi Wayra和Illapa Business(玻利维亚)(6) 89.42 - 0% 90.31 - 0%
泽马潘矿(墨西哥) 43.31 53.88 (20%) 47.10 52.37 (10%)
罗萨里奥项目(墨西哥)(5) - 173.04 (100%) - 69.85 (100%)
已整合 69.56 55.33 26% 67.74 53.64 26%
Sinchi Wayra和Illapa Business(玻利维亚)(6) 18.87 - 0% 18.15 - 0%
泽马潘矿(墨西哥) 14.30 17.72 (19%) 15.75 18.53 (15%)
罗萨里奥项目(墨西哥)(5) - 42.80 (100%) - 39.26 (100%)
已整合 17.89 18.04 (1%) 17.74 19.34 (8%)
Sinchi Wayra和Illapa Business(玻利维亚)(6) 20.61 - 0% 19.14 - 0%
泽马潘矿(墨西哥) 17.19 21.33 (19%) 18.64 21.25 (12%)
罗萨里奥项目(墨西哥)(5) - 67.26 (100%) - 66.28 0%
已整合 19.92 21.91 (9%) 19.18 23.02 (17%)
(3) (4)
Sinchi Wayra和Illapa Business(玻利维亚)(6) 18.81 - 0% 22.42 - 0%
泽马潘矿(墨西哥) 18.50 22.81 (19%) 20.70 24.35 (15%)
罗萨里奥项目(墨西哥)(5) - 22.47 (100%) - 24.92 0%
已整合 18.81 22.81 (18%) 22.14 24.37 (9%)

(1) Silver Equivalent Produced (ounces) in 2022 have been calculated using prices of $25.60/oz, $0.94/lb, $1.20/lb and $4.01/lb for silver, lead, zinc and copper respectively applied to the metal production divided by the silver price plus the respective concentrate produced by the Zimapan Mine, the Bolivar, Porco, Tres Amigos, Reserva and Colquechaquita Mines multiplied by the respective silver content. Silver Equivalent Produced (ounces) in 2021 have been calculated using prices of $25.00/oz, $1,925.00/oz, $0.85/lb, $1.05/lb and $3.00/lb for silver, gold, lead, zinc and copper respectively applied to the metal production divided by the silver price plus the respective concentrate produced by the Zimapan Mine and the Rosario Project, multiplied by the respective silver content.
(2) Silver Equivalent Sold (payable ounces) have been calculated using the Average Realized Price per Ounce of Silver Equivalent Sold stated in the table above, applied to the payable metal content of the concentrates sold from the Zimapan Mine the Bolivar, Porco, Tres Amigos, Reserva and Colquechaquita Mines in 2022 and the Zimapan Mine and Rosario Project in 2021.
(3) The Company reports non-IFRS measures, which include Cash Cost of Production per Tonne, Cash Cost per Silver Equivalent Ounce Sold, All-in Sustaining Cash Cost per Silver Equivalent Ounce Sold and Average Realized Price per Ounce of Silver Equivalent Sold. These measures are widely used in the mining industry as a benchmark for performance, but do not have a standardized meaning and may differ from methods used by other companies with similar descriptions. See ''Non-IFRS Measures'' section below for definitions.
(4) Average Realized Price per Ounce of Silver Equivalent Sold is prior to all treatment, smelting and refining charges.
(5) Operations at the Rosario Project were suspended with no production from August 2021, hence the variance is of limited value.
(6) On March 18, 2022, the Company acquired the Bolivar, Porco, Tres Amigos, Reserva and Colquechaquita Mines, hence the variance is of limited value.

(1)2022年生产的银当量(盎司)是按金属产量计算的银、铅、锌和铜的价格分别为25.60美元/盎司、0.94美元/磅、1.20美元/磅和4.01美元/磅,除以齐马潘矿、玻利瓦尔矿、波尔科矿、特雷斯阿米戈斯矿、Reserve va矿和Colquechaquita矿生产的各自的精矿乘以各自的银含量。于二零二一年生产的银当量(盎司)已按适用于金属生产的银、金、铅、锌及铜的价格分别为每盎司25.00美元、1,925.00美元、0.85美元、1.05美元及3.00美元计算,除以由Zimapan矿及Rosario项目生产的银价加各自生产的精矿,再乘以各自的含银量。
(2)已售出的银当量(应付盎司)按上表所述的每盎司已售出银当量的平均实现价格计算,适用于Zimapan矿于2022年出售的玻利瓦尔、Porco、Tres Amigos、Reserve va及Colquechaquita矿及2021年Zimapan矿及Rosario项目出售的精矿的应付金属含量。
(6)本公司于2022年3月18日收购玻利瓦尔、Porco、Tres Amigos、Reserve va及Colquechaquita矿,因此差异价值有限。

Discussion of Operating Results and Costs


Consolidated Q3 2022


Consolidated silver equivalent production increased 456% in Q3 2022 to 4,850,949 ounces as compared to 872,913 during Q3 2021. This increase is largely due to production from Bolivian operations acquired in March 2022, a 14% increase in silver equivalent production from the Zimapan Mine offset by no production from the Rosario Project following suspension of operations in August 2021.


Consolidated cash cost of production per tonne of mineralized material processed increased 26% in Q3 2022 to $69.56/t as compared to $55.33/t in Q3 2021. This change reflects the higher unit costs at the Bolivian operations ($89.42/t) compared to the Q3 2021 consolidated unit costs, a 20% decrease in unit costs at the Zimapan Mine and no unit costs for the Rosario Project in Q3 2022 following suspension of operations in August 2021. The Zimapan Mine cash cost of production decreased 7% to $9,345, despite a 16% increase in tonnes milled.


Consolidated cash cost per silver equivalent ounce sold decreased 1% in Q3 2022 to $17.89/oz as compared to $18.04/oz in Q3 2021. This change reflects the higher unit costs at the Bolivian operations ($18.87/oz) compared to the Q3 2021 consolidated unit costs, a 19% decrease in the unit costs at the Zimapan Mine and no unit costs for the Rosario Project in Q3 2022 following suspension of operations in August 2021.


Consolidated cash costs increased 483% in Q3 2022 to $88,385 as compared to $15,156 in Q3 2021, reflecting a 3% increase in cash costs at the Zimapan Mine, cash costs at the Bolivian operations of $73,319 and no cash costs for the Rosario Project in Q3 2022 following suspension of operations in August 2021. Increased costs at the Zimapan Mine were offset by a 27% increase in silver equivalent ounces sold at the Zimapan Mine.


Consolidated AISC per silver equivalent ounce sold decreased 9% in Q3 2022 to $19.92/oz as compared to $21.91/oz in Q3 2021. This change reflects the lower unit costs at Bolivian operations ($20.61/oz) compared to the Q3 2021 consolidated unit costs, a 19% decrease in the unit costs at the Zimapan Mine and no unit costs for the Rosario Project in Q3 2022 following suspension of operations in August 2021. Consolidated AISC increased 435% in Q3 2022 to $98,417 as compared to $18,406 in Q3 2021, reflecting a 2% increase in AISC at the Zimapan Mine, AISC at the Bolivian operations of $80,098 and no cash costs for the Rosario Project in Q3 2022 following suspension of operations in August 2021. Increased costs at the Zimapan Mine were offset by a 27% increase in silver equivalent ounces sold at the Zimapan Mine.


Consolidated Nine Months Ended September 30, 2022


Consolidated cash cost of production per tonne of mineralized material processed increased 26% in YTD 2022 to $67.74/t as compared to $53.64/t in YTD 2021. This change reflects the higher unit costs at Bolivian operations ($90.31/t) compared to the YTD 2021 consolidated unit costs, a 10% decrease in unit costs at the Zimapan Mine and no unit costs for the Rosario Project in YTD 2022 following suspension of operations in August 2021. The Zimapan Mine cash cost of production increased 10% to $28,597, which was offset in part by a 22% increase in tonnes milled.


Consolidated cash cost per silver equivalent ounce sold decreased 8% in YTD 2022 to $17.74/oz as compared to $19.34/oz in YTD 2021. This change reflects the higher unit costs at the Bolivian operations ($18.15/oz) compared to the YTD 2021 consolidated unit costs, a 15% decrease in the unit costs at the Zimapan Mine and no unit costs for the Rosario Project in YTD 2022 following suspension of operations in August 2021.


Consolidated cash costs increased 624% in YTD 2022 to $297,522 as compared to $41,097 in YTD 2021, reflecting an 18% increase in cash costs at the Zimapan Mine, cash costs at the Bolivian operations of $253,062 and no cash costs for the Rosario Project in YTD 2022 following suspension of operations in August 2021. Increased costs at the Zimapan Mine were offset by a 38% increase in silver equivalent ounces sold at the Zimapan Mine.


Consolidated AISC per silver equivalent ounce sold decreased 17% in YTD 2022 to $19.18/oz as compared to $23.02/oz in YTD 2021. This change reflects the lower unit costs at the Bolivian operations ($19.14/oz) compared to the YTD 2021 consolidated unit costs, a 12% decrease in unit costs at the Zimapan Mine and no unit costs for the Rosario Project in YTD 2021 following suspension of operations in August 2021. Consolidated AISC increased 557% in YTD 2022 to $321,582 as compared to $48,919 in YTD 2021, reflecting a 21% increase in AISC at the Zimapan Mine, AISC at the Bolivian operations of $266,997 and no cash costs for the Rosario Project in YTD 2022 following suspension of operations in August 2021. Increased costs at the Zimapan Mine were offset by a 38% increase in silver equivalent ounces sold at the Zimapan Mine.


Sinchi Wayra and Illapa Business (Bolivia)

Sinchi Wayra和Illapa Business(玻利维亚)

On March 18, 2022, the Company acquired the Sinchi Wayra and Illapa Business from Glencore. As a result, no comparative analysis of Q3 2022 to Q3 2021 or YTD 2022 to YTD 2021 is provided.

2022年3月18日,本公司从Glencore手中收购了Sinchi Wayra和Illapa业务。因此,没有提供2022年第三季度至2021年第三季度或2022年至2021年年初的比较分析。

Production at the Bolivar, Porco, Tres Amigos, Reserva and Colquechaquita Mines are supported by NI 43-101 technical reports.

玻利瓦尔、波尔科、特雷斯-阿米戈斯、保留瓦和Colquechaquita矿的生产得到了NI 43-101技术报告的支持。

Zimapan Mine (Mexico)


Silver equivalent ounce production in Q3 2022 increased 14% to 988,608 ounces as compared to 867,215 ounces in Q3 2021. This increase is largely due to a 16% increase in mineralized material processed at the Zimapan milling facility and the impact of using different metal price decks for the 2022 and 2021 fiscal years. The Q3 2022 silver equivalent ounce production increased 4% (after adjusting for the metal price deck) as compared to Q3 2021.


Silver equivalent ounce production in YTD 2022 increased 23% to 2,804,316 ounces as compared to 2,271,237 ounces in YTD 2021. This increase is largely due to a 22% increase in mineralized material processed at the Zimapan milling facility and the impact of using different metal price decks for the 2022 and 2021 fiscal years. The YTD 2022 silver equivalent ounce production increased 12% (after adjusting for the metal price deck) as compared to YTD 2021.


Cash cost of production per tonne of mineralized material processed decreased 20% in Q3 2022 to $43.31/t as compared to $53.88/t in Q3 2021 reflecting a 3% increase in cash costs of production offset by the aforementioned 16% increase in mineralized material processed.


Cash cost of production per tonne of mineralized material processed decreased 10% in YTD 2022 to $47.10/t as compared to $52.37/t in YTD 2021 reflecting an 18% increase in cash costs of production offset by the aforementioned 22% increase in mineralized material processed.


AISC per silver equivalent ounce sold decreased 19% in Q3 2022 to $17.19/oz as compared to $21.33/oz in Q3 2021 reflecting a 2% increase in AISC, which was offset by the aforementioned 27% increase in silver equivalent ounces sold.


AISC per silver equivalent ounce sold decreased 12% in YTD 2022 to $18.64/oz as compared to $21.25/oz in YTD 2021 reflecting a 21% increase in AISC, which was offset by the aforementioned 38% increase in silver equivalent ounces sold.


Production at the Zimapan Mine is not supported by a feasibility study on mineral reserves demonstrating economic and technical viability or any other independent economic study under NI 43-101. Accordingly, there is increased uncertainty and economic and technical risks of failure associated with production operations at the Zimapan Mine. Production and economic variables may vary considerably due to the absence of a complete and detailed site analysis in accordance with NI 43-101.

根据NI 43-101进行的关于矿产储量的可行性研究证明了经济和技术上的可行性,或任何其他独立的经济研究都不支持Zimapan矿的生产。因此,与Zimapan矿的生产作业相关的不确定性以及失败的经济和技术风险增加。由于没有根据NI 43-101进行完整和详细的现场分析,生产和经济变量可能会有很大差异。

Rosario Project (Mexico)


Operations at the Rosario Project were suspended in August 2021. As a result, no comparative analysis of Q3 2022 to Q3 2021 or YTD 2022 to YTD 2021 is provided.


About Santacruz Silver Mining Ltd.


The Company is engaged in the operation, acquisition, exploration and development of mineral properties in Latin America, with a primary focus on silver and zinc, but also including lead and copper. The Company currently has six producing projects, the Zimapan Mine, the Bolivar, Porco, Tres Amigos, Reserva and Colquechaquita Mines, holds two exploration properties in its mineral property portfolio, the La Pechuga Property and the Santa Gorgonia Prospect, and one development project, the Soracaya Project in addition to the San Lucas ore sourcing and trading business.

该公司在拉丁美洲从事矿产资源的运营、收购、勘探和开发,主要专注于银和锌,但也包括铅和铜。该公司目前拥有6个生产项目,即Zimapan矿、玻利瓦尔矿、Porco矿、Tres Amigos矿、Reserve va矿和Colquechaquita矿,在其矿产资产组合中拥有两个勘探项目La Pechuga Property和Santa Gorgonia Prospects,以及一个开发项目Soracaya项目以及圣卢卡斯的矿石采购和贸易业务。



Arturo Préstamo Elizondo,
Executive Chairman


For further information please contact:


Mars Investor Relations
Telephone: (778) 999 4653

电话:(778)999 4653

Arturo Préstamo Elizondo
Santacruz Silver Mining Ltd.
Telephone: (604) 569-1609


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Forward-looking information


Certain statements contained in this news release constitute "forward-looking information" as such term is used in applicable Canadian securities laws, including statements relating to production at the Zimapan Mine and the Company's plans to grow it.


Forward-looking information is based on plans, expectations and estimates of management at the date the information is provided and is subject to certain factors and assumptions. In making the forward-looking statements included in this news release, the Company has applied several material assumptions, including that the Company's financial condition and development plans do not change as a result of unforeseen events and that future metal prices and the demand and market outlook for metals will remain stable or improve. Forward-looking information is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause plans, estimates and actual results to vary materially from those projected in such forward-looking information. Factors that could cause the forward-looking information in this news release to change or to be inaccurate include, but are not limited to: the risk that any of the assumptions referred to above prove not to be valid or reliable; market conditions and volatility and global economic conditions, including increased volatility and potentially negative capital raising conditions resulting from the continued, or escalation of the COVID-19 pandemic and risks relating to the extent and duration of such pandemic and its impact on global markets; controls or regulations and political or economic developments in Mexico and Bolivia; risk of delay and/or cessation in planned work or changes in the Company's financial condition and development plans; risks associated with the Company's plan to undertake certain post-closing reorganization steps in respect of the target entities; the uncertainty of the geology, grade and continuity of mineral deposits and the risk of unexpected variations in mineral resources, grade and/or recovery rates; risks related to gold, silver, base metal and other commodity price fluctuations; employee relations; relationships with and claims by local communities and indigenous populations; availability and increasing costs associated with mining inputs and labour; the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development, including the risks of obtaining necessary licences and permits and the presence of laws and regulations that may impose restrictions on mining; risks relating to environmental regulation and liability; the possibility that results will not be consistent with the Company's expectations, as well as the other risks and uncertainties applicable to mineral exploration and development activities and to the Company as set forth in the Company's continuous disclosure filings filed under the Company's profile at .

前瞻性信息以提供信息之日管理层的计划、预期和估计为基础,并受某些因素和假设的制约。在做出包含在本新闻稿中的前瞻性陈述时,公司应用了几个重大假设,包括公司的财务状况和发展计划不会因不可预见的事件而改变,以及未来的金属价格以及金属的需求和市场前景将保持稳定或改善。前瞻性信息受各种风险、不确定因素和其他因素的影响,这些因素可能导致计划、估计和实际结果与这些前瞻性信息中预测的大不相同。可能导致本新闻稿中的前瞻性信息发生变化或不准确的因素包括但不限于:上述任何假设被证明无效或可靠的风险;市场状况和波动以及全球经济状况,包括新冠肺炎疫情持续或升级导致的波动性增加和潜在的负面融资条件;与这种流行病的范围和持续时间及其对全球市场的影响有关的风险;墨西哥和玻利维亚的控制或法规以及政治或经济发展;计划工作延迟和/或停止的风险或公司财务状况和发展计划的变化;与公司计划对目标实体采取某些关闭后重组步骤有关的风险;矿床的地质、品位和连续性的不确定性,以及矿产资源、品位和/或回收率发生意外变化的风险;与金、银有关的风险, 这些风险包括:基本金属和其他商品价格波动的风险;员工关系;与当地社区和土著居民的关系和索赔;与采矿投入和劳动力相关的可获得性和增加的成本;矿产勘探和开发的投机性,包括获得必要的许可证和许可证的风险,以及可能对采矿施加限制的法律法规的存在;与环境监管和责任有关的风险;结果与公司的预期不一致的可能性;以及适用于矿产勘探和开发活动以及公司在公司提交给公司的持续披露文件中陈述的其他风险和不确定性。

There can be no assurance that any forward-looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, the reader should not place any undue reliance on forward-looking information or statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information or statements, other than as required by applicable law.


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