
Gemina Labs Strategic Update: Respiratory Infections the Immediate Focus and New Strategic Partnerships on the Horizon

Gemina Labs Strategic Update: Respiratory Infections the Immediate Focus and New Strategic Partnerships on the Horizon

Gemina Labs战略更新:呼吸道感染是当务之急,新的战略伙伴关系即将到来
Accesswire ·  2023/01/10 15:02

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / January 10, 2023 / Gemina Laboratories Ltd. (CSE:GLAB)(FRA:8I7) (the "Company" or "Gemina") is pleased to provide the following strategic overview and share an outlook for 2023 and beyond. The Company enters 2023 at a significant inflection point in its growth, maturing from its primary focus on R&D and proof of concept work, to the development of large-scale commercial partnerships and opportunities. The Company has narrowed its core development focus to the area of respiratory diagnostics, while committing to partner and license its technology platform in high value diagnostic areas outside of Gemina's current scope. 2022 was a transformational year at the executive level. The Company welcomed Brian Firth as CEO, a proven diagnostics executive formerly with Swiss Precision Diagnostics GmbH, who brings decades of proven experience in the global diagnostic sector. Mr. Firth and the Gemina team have also established and continue to augment a world class advisory board and management team to help guide the Company through these next chapters of accelerated growth.

温哥华,BC/ACCESSWIRE/2023年1月10日/Gemina实验室有限公司(CSE:GLAB)(法兰克福机场:8I7)(“公司“或”双子座“)很高兴提供以下战略概述,并分享对2023年及以后的展望。进入2023年,该公司正处于其增长的一个重要转折点,从主要专注于研发和概念验证工作,到发展大规模的商业合作伙伴关系和机会。该公司已将其核心开发重点缩小到呼吸诊断领域,同时承诺在Gemina目前范围之外的高价值诊断领域合作并授权其技术平台。2022年是执行层变革的一年。该公司欢迎Brian Firth担任首席执行官,他是一位久经考验的诊断高管,曾供职于瑞士精密诊断有限公司,他在全球诊断领域带来了数十年的成熟经验。Firth先生和Gemina团队还建立并继续加强了世界级的顾问委员会和管理团队,以帮助指导公司度过这些加速增长的未来篇章。

Product Launches


Initially announced in October of 2022, December saw Gemina complete the transfer to manufacture of its first product - the Legio XTM COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test ("Legio XTM"). The product is now available for sale as we enter 2023. We expect to be announcing more about the distribution plan for Legio XTM in the near future.

最初于2022年10月宣布,去年12月,双子座完成了其第一款产品-Legio X的生产转移TM新冠肺炎快速抗原检测(“军团X”)TM随着我们进入2023年,该产品现在可以销售了。我们预计会宣布更多关于Legio X的分销计划TM在不久的将来。

Product Pipeline


2022 saw the Company commit to developing a pipeline of products for the diagnosis of infectious respiratory diseases. The completion of Gemina's prototype Flu A/B test this month sees this project move into full development. With this advance in the Flu A/B test programme, we are now able to commence feasibility studies for a Respiratory Syncytial Virus ("RSV") test, the next target in our respiratory panel.


To date, Gemina's focus has been on developing tests using the lateral flow assay ("LFA's") platform, but the Company recognised that lateral flow technology would not be suitable for diagnosing all respiratory disorders. In addressing this, the Company is delighted to announce that it has established a master services and license agreement (the "Agreement") with ReadyGo Diagnostics of the United Kingdom. Under this Agreement the two companies will work together using the ReadyGo Geo and Gemina chemistries to develop and launch a tuberculosis ("TB") test for primary care screening. This programme is designed to deliver Gemina's first molecular assay (i.e. DNA based test). The Agreement provides Gemina the rights to market and sell the resulting TB diagnostic test globally, on an exclusive basis.

到目前为止,Gemina的重点一直是开发使用横向流动分析(“LFA”)平台的测试,但该公司认识到横向流动技术不适合诊断所有呼吸系统疾病。为解决这一问题,本公司高兴地宣布,它已与英国的ReadyGo Diagnostics建立了主服务和许可协议(“协议”)。根据这项协议,两家公司将利用ReadyGo Geo和Gemina化学公司合作开发和推出用于初级保健筛查的结核病(TB)测试。该计划旨在提供Gemina的第一个分子检测(即基于DNA的检测)。该协议规定Gemina有权独家在全球范围内营销和销售由此产生的结核病诊断测试。

Commenting on this latest Agreement Rob Greene, CTO of Gemina stated, "This is a significant move towards becoming a diagnostics company of significance, one that is able to tackle a variety of challenges across respiratory diagnostics. It will further our goal of democratising diagnostics by creating a crucially important molecular test for TB that is not only highly effective, but affordable for all healthcare systems globally."

Gemina的首席技术官Rob Greene在评论这项最新协议时说:“这是朝着成为一家重要的诊断公司迈出的重要一步,它能够应对呼吸道诊断领域的各种挑战。它将通过创建一种对结核病至关重要的分子测试来推进我们的诊断民主化目标,这种测试不仅非常有效,而且对全球所有医疗系统都是负担得起的。”

During 2023, the company will continue to strategically explore its Wellness testing concepts in targeted areas (for instance, in applications such as sports and fitness). Unlike the conventional point-of-care diagnostics market, the market for wellness monitoring is nascent. As such, Gemina's approach is to work with significant customers and research counterparties to help define strong product-market matches. The Company plans to make further announcement in this regard in the first quarter of 2023.


From Product Strategy to Licensing


The Company is increasingly confident that its surface chemistry platform is able to power a wide range of medical and consumer point-of-care tests across a variety of devices, including lateral flow tests and beyond. In 2022, the Company was able to demonstrate the viability of its chemistry platform through independent laboratory testing and patient trials which culminated in the achievement of CE Marking for the Legio XTM test (see news releases on May 5th and May 17th).

该公司越来越相信,其表面化学平台能够在各种设备上为各种医疗和消费者护理点测试提供动力,包括横向流动测试和其他测试。2022年,该公司通过独立的实验室测试和患者试验证明了其化学平台的可行性,最终实现了Legio X的CE标志TM测试(见5月5日的新闻稿这是和5月17日这是).

On the back of the chemistry and product performance achievements, the Company is focusing its product and market development activities on the Infectious Respiratory Disease Diagnostic space. Gemina believes there is a significant market opportunity, and a specific opportunity for the Company to establish a differentiated and highly effective commercial solution set while building a significant market share in this growing sector. The Company recognizes the Gemina chemistry platform can be applied to many unserviced or underserviced areas of diagnostics where the Company has no immediate product development plans. To address these opportunities, Gemina has established a commercial strategy to exploit non-competitive diagnostic product development opportunities. During the second half of 2022, the Company began to nurture a number of relationships with parallel non-competitive global diagnostic market participants to explore mutually beneficial opportunities to deploy Gemina's platform chemistry. As a result of this outreach, we expect to have announcements regarding strategic licensing agreements in 2023.


Research & Development


The Gemina research team continues to innovate and further develop our chemistry platform, and during 2022 the Company filed important extensions to existing patents. These filings include the application of the chemistry to enable the use of novel materials, such as cellulose, in LFA's that are far more environmentally friendly than the current materials used worldwide. Such innovations open the prospect of developing fully bio-degradable lateral flow devices. Gemina foresees a major evolution in test design that includes the use of sustainable materials which, as far as the Company is aware, are only made possible by the versatility and strength of Gemina's chemistry platform.


The patent filings also cover Gemina's "Universal Test Platform" which allows for the creation of an extremely versatile lateral flow test, which is not only more stable, but much more responsive and adaptive to changing needs and diagnostic requirements around the world. More on these developments will be shared throughout 2023.


Organisation Development


As a result of the Company's growth and progress, 2022 saw a number of hirings and appointments to better position the business for its next phase of growth. The focus has been and continues to be on strengthening the team with highly experienced diagnostic, clinical and strategy professionals who have proven track records of scaling companies to commercial success. Most notably:


  • The hiring of Brian Firth, a veteran diagnostics executive, who joined Gemina as Chief Executive Officer in September 2022.
  • The appointment of Dr. Mike Shannon in December 2022, as Chair of the Company's Clinical Advisory Board as the Company focuses on respiratory infections.
  • The appointment of Dr. Rob Porter as Company President in December 2022. Dr. Porter's appointment was contemporaneous with a transaction where the Company took a stake in British rapid test optimizer, RAPIvD, (founded by Dr Porter) with the option, subject to certain conditions, to acquire all remaining issued and outstanding shares of RAPIvD. Securing this strategic stake in RAPIvD was the first step in a process that aligns the Gemina chemistry platform with accelerated product development competencies. The acquisition helps facilitate the development of next generation, high feature diagnostic device designs, which Gemina plans to bring to market in the future.
  • The Company will be making further announcements in the coming weeks and months as appointments are made to further strengthen the organisation.
  • 聘用了资深诊断高管Brian Firth,他于2022年9月加入Gemina担任首席执行官。
  • 2022年12月,Mike·香农博士被任命为公司临床咨询委员会主席,因为公司专注于呼吸道感染。
  • 罗布·波特博士于2022年12月被任命为总裁公司。波特博士的任命与该公司入股英国快速测试优化器RAPIVD(由Porter博士创立)的交易同时进行,该公司有权在符合某些条件的情况下收购RAPIVD的所有剩余已发行和已发行股票。确保RAPIVD的这一战略股权是将Gemina化学平台与加速的产品开发能力相结合的过程的第一步。此次收购有助于促进下一代高性能诊断设备设计的开发,Gemina计划在未来将其推向市场。
  • 该公司将在未来几周和几个月内做出进一步的宣布,因为任命将进一步加强该组织。

Commenting on the progress made in 2022, and the year ahead, Brian Firth, Gemina's CEO stated, "Gemina's chemistry platform removes traditional barriers for Point of Care tests, opening the possibility of producing higher quality, lower cost, and more environmentally friendly tests at the point of need. 2022 was a milestone year for the Company with the CE mark for Legio XTM, representing a major validation event. Our focus in 2023 will be on converting this developmental success into revenues, an expanding product panel, and our first licensing transaction. I believe the potential is enormous, and for Gemina, our focus is the key: the right products with the right team with the right access to market, will allow us to maximise the benefits from this chemistry, and secure long-term success."

在评论2022年和未来一年取得的进展时,Gemina的首席执行官Brian Firth表示:“Gemina的化学平台消除了关注点测试的传统障碍,为在需要的时候生产更高质量、更低成本和更环保的测试打开了可能性。2022年是公司的里程碑一年,Legio X获得CE标志TM,代表着一项重大的验证事件。我们在2023年的重点将是将这一开发成功转化为收入,扩大产品范围,以及我们的第一笔许可交易。我相信潜力是巨大的,对于双子座来说,我们的重点是关键:正确的产品,正确的团队,正确的市场准入,将使我们能够最大限度地从这种化学反应中获得好处,并确保长期的成功。

The Company is not making any express or implied claims that its product has the ability to eliminate, cure or contain the COVID-19 virus.


On Behalf of the Board of Directors
John Davies
Gemina Laboratories Ltd.


About Gemina Laboratories Ltd.


Gemina Labs is a biosensor and diagnostic company with a transformative, patented, proprietary chemistry that powers next-generation testing platforms for a wide range of pathogens that affect human health and wellness. Our technology drives testing platforms that are fast, affordable and accurate, and easily self-administered. Our development pipeline includes platforms for the rapid testing of COVID-19, influenza and other viruses. Additional information on the Company can be found at .

Gemina Labs是一家生物传感器和诊断公司,拥有一种革命性的专利化学物质,为影响人类健康和福祉的各种病原体的下一代测试平台提供动力。我们的技术推动了快速、实惠、准确、易于自我管理的测试平台。我们的开发流程包括新冠肺炎、流感和其他病毒的快速检测平台。有关该公司的更多信息,请访问。

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Forward Looking Statements


This news release includes forward-looking information and statements, which may include, but are not limited to, information and statements regarding or inferring the future business, operations, financial performance, prospects, and other plans, intentions, expectations, estimates, and beliefs of the Company. Such statements include statements regarding the anticipated terms of any proposed transaction or engagement. Information and statements which are not purely historical fact are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking information and statements involve and are subject to assumptions and known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause actual events, results, performance, or achievements of the Company to be materially different from future events, results, performance, and achievements expressed or implied by forward-looking information and statements herein. Although the Company believes that any forward-looking information and statements herein are reasonable, in light of the use of assumptions and the significant risks and uncertainties inherent in such information and statements, there can be no assurance that any such forward-looking information and statements will prove to be accurate, and accordingly readers are advised to rely on their own evaluation of such risks and uncertainties and should not place undue reliance upon such forward-looking information and statements. Furthermore, the Company is presently unable to fully quantify the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic will have on its operations and recognizes that certain eventualities may affect planned or assumed performance moving forward. As such, any forward-looking information and statements herein are made as of the date hereof, and except as required by applicable laws, the Company assumes no obligation and disclaims any intention to update or revise any forward-looking information and statements herein or to update the reasons that actual events or results could or do differ from those projected in any forward looking information and statements herein, whether as a result of new information, future events or results, or otherwise, except as required by applicable laws.

本新闻稿包括前瞻性信息和陈述,这些信息和陈述可能包括但不限于关于或推断公司未来业务、运营、财务业绩、前景以及其他计划、意图、预期、估计和信念的信息和陈述。此类陈述包括关于任何拟议交易或约定的预期条款的陈述。并非纯粹的历史事实的信息和陈述是前瞻性陈述。前瞻性信息和表述涉及并受假设和已知及未知风险、不确定因素和其他因素的影响,这些风险、不确定性和其他因素可能导致公司的实际事件、结果、业绩或成就与前瞻性信息和表述中明示或暗示的未来事件、结果、业绩和成就大不相同。尽管公司相信本文中的任何前瞻性信息和陈述都是合理的,但考虑到使用的假设以及此类信息和陈述中固有的重大风险和不确定因素,不能保证任何此类前瞻性信息和陈述将被证明是准确的,因此建议读者依赖自己对此类风险和不确定性的评估,不应过度依赖此类前瞻性信息和陈述。此外,该公司目前无法完全量化新冠肺炎疫情将对其运营产生的影响,并认识到某些可能发生的情况可能会影响计划或假设的未来业绩。因此,本新闻稿中的任何前瞻性信息和陈述均自本新闻稿发布之日起作出,除非适用法律另有要求。, 公司不承担任何义务,也不打算更新或修改本文中的任何前瞻性信息和陈述,或更新实际事件或结果可能或确实与本文中的任何前瞻性信息和陈述中预测的不同的原因,无论是由于新信息、未来事件或结果或其他原因,除非适用法律要求。

For more information regarding the Company, please contact:


Brian Firth, CEO


SOURCE: Gemina Laboratories Ltd.


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