Surefire Resources NL (ASX:SRN) Insider Acquires A$14,000.00 in Stock
Surefire Resources NL (ASX:SRN) Insider Acquires A$14,000.00 in Stock
Surefire Resources NL (ASX:SRN – Get Rating) insider Paul Burton purchased 1,000,000 shares of the company's stock in a transaction that occurred on Monday, February 20th. The shares were purchased at an average price of A$0.01 ($0.01) per share, for a total transaction of A$14,000.00 ($9,655.17).
Surefire Resources NL(ASX: SRN — Get Rating)内部人士保罗·伯顿在2月20日星期一进行的一笔交易中购买了该公司的100万股股票。这些股票的平均价格为每股0.01澳元(0.01美元),总交易额为14,000.00澳元(合9,655.17美元)。
Surefire Resources Stock Performance
Surefire 资源股票表现
The company has a current ratio of 9.00, a quick ratio of 8.96 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.93.
About Surefire Resources
关于 Surefire 资源
(Get Rating)
Surefire Resources NL explores for and reviews mineral tenement holdings in Western Australia. It explores for gold, copper, lead, silver, vanadium, and iron ore deposits. The company was formerly known as Black Ridge Mining NL and changed its name to Surefire Resources NL in December 2016. Surefire Resources NL was incorporated in 1998 and is based in South Perth, Australia.
Surefire Resources NL勘探并审查了西澳大利亚州持有的矿产物业。它勘探金、铜、铅、银、钒和铁矿床。该公司前身为荷兰黑岭矿业,并于2016年12月更名为Surefire Resources NL。Surefire Resources NL 成立于 1998 年,总部位于澳大利亚南珀斯。
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