Teucrium Sugar Fund (NYSEARCA:CANE) Stock Price Up 2.4%
Teucrium Sugar Fund (NYSEARCA:CANE) Stock Price Up 2.4%
Teucrium Sugar Fund (NYSEARCA:CANE – Get Rating) rose 2.4% during mid-day trading on Monday . The stock traded as high as $10.46 and last traded at $10.45. Approximately 352,051 shares changed hands during mid-day trading, an increase of 376% from the average daily volume of 74,001 shares. The stock had previously closed at $10.21.
Teucrium Sugar Fund(NYSEARCA: CANE — 获取评级)在周一午盘交易中上涨了2.4%。该股的交易价格高达10.46美元,最后一次交易价格为10.45美元。在午盘交易中,约有352,051股易手,较平均每日成交量74,001股增长了376%。该股此前收于10.21美元。
Teucrium Sugar Fund Stock Performance
Teucrium 糖业基金股票表现
The firm's 50 day moving average is $9.83 and its two-hundred day moving average is $9.34.
Institutional Trading of Teucrium Sugar Fund
Teucrium Sugar Fund 的机构交易
Several hedge funds have recently bought and sold shares of the stock. UBS Group AG raised its holdings in shares of Teucrium Sugar Fund by 158.2% in the third quarter. UBS Group AG now owns 5,538 shares of the company's stock valued at $48,000 after purchasing an additional 3,393 shares during the last quarter. Belpointe Asset Management LLC acquired a new stake in shares of Teucrium Sugar Fund in the fourth quarter valued at approximately $50,000. Ancora Advisors LLC acquired a new stake in shares of Teucrium Sugar Fund in the first quarter valued at approximately $70,000. Jane Street Group LLC acquired a new stake in shares of Teucrium Sugar Fund in the second quarter valued at approximately $209,000. Finally, Flow Traders U.S. LLC acquired a new stake in shares of Teucrium Sugar Fund in the second quarter valued at approximately $354,000.
几家对冲基金最近买入和卖出了该股的股票。瑞银集团股份公司在第三季度将其持有的Teucrium Sugar Fund股票增加了158.2%。瑞银集团股份公司在上个季度又购买了3,393股股票后,现在拥有该公司价值48,000美元的5,538股股票。Belpointe资产管理有限责任公司在第四季度收购了Teucrium Sugar Fund股票的新股份,价值约为5万美元。Ancora Advisors LLC在第一季度收购了Teucrium Sugar Fund股票的新股份,价值约7万美元。Jane Street Group LLC在第二季度收购了Teucrium Sugar Fund股票的新股份,价值约为20.9万美元。最后,Flow Traders U.S. LLC在第二季度收购了Teucrium Sugar Fund股票的新股份,价值约为35.4万美元。
Teucrium Sugar Fund Company Profile
Teucrium Sugar Fund 公司简介
(Get Rating)
Teucrium Sugar Fund (the Fund) is a commodity pool. The Fund is a series of the Teucrium Commodity Trust (Trust). The Teucrium Sugar Fund provides investors unleveraged direct exposure to sugar without the need for a futures account. The investment objective of the Fund is to have the daily changes in percentage terms of a weighted average of the closing settlement prices for three futures contracts for sugar (Sugar Futures Contracts) that are traded on ICE Futures US (ICE Futures), which includes the second-to-expire Sugar No.
Teucrium Sugar Fund(该基金)是一个大宗商品池。该基金是Teucrium商品信托基金(信托)的一系列基金。Teucrium Sugar Fund无需期货账户即可为投资者提供无杠杆的直接糖业敞口。该基金的投资目标是在ICE Futures US(ICE Futures)上交易的三份糖业期货合约(糖业期货合约)(包括第二次到期的Sugar No.
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