
McLaren Expands the Size of Its McCool Gold Property

McLaren Expands the Size of Its McCool Gold Property

迈凯轮扩大了其 McCool Gold 物业的规模
newsfile ·  2023/03/13 16:08

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - March 13, 2023) - McLaren Resources Inc. (CSE: MCL) (FSE: 3ML) ("McLaren" or the "Company") announces that it has added an additional 18 mineral exploration claims, covering approximately 380 hectares ("ha"), to its prospective McCool gold property. McLaren recently announced it had intersected high grade gold mineralization, including 16.5 grams per tonne gold ("g/t Au") over 6.0 metres ("m"), including 21.1 g/t Au over 4.5 m; 10.8 g/t Au over 9.0 m, including 59.3 g/t Au over 1.5 m; 7.9 g/t Au over 4.5 m, including 21.8 g/t over 1.6 m; and 58.4 g/t Au over 1.5 m; as well as wide intervals of lower grade gold mineralization, in recently completed exploration diamond drilling on the McCool property. This high grade gold mineralization was intersected over a strike length of approximately 500 m and to a vertical depth of approximately 340 m (see news release dated January 24, 2023 and Table 1 below – List of Composite Assay Results). McLaren completed 4,361 m of diamond drilling in 11 holes on the property in the fall of 2022 as follow-up to historical diamond drilling completed by previous operators during the period 1982-1987 (see news release dated August 31, 2022 and Table 2 below – List of Selected Historical Drill Results (Placer Development Limited).

安大略省多伦多--(新闻档案公司-2023年3月13日)- 迈凯伦资源公司(CSE:MCL)(FSE:3ML)(“迈凯伦” 或 “公司”) 宣布在其潜在的McCool金矿产中增加了18项矿产勘探索赔,覆盖约380公顷(“公顷”)。 迈凯轮最近宣布,它已对高品位金矿化进行了交叉,包括6.0米(“m”)以上的每吨黄金(“g/t Au”)16.5克,包括超过4.5米的21.1克/吨金;超过9.0 m的10.8 g/t Au,包括超过 1.5 m 的 59.3 g/t Au;以及超过 1.5 m 的 58.4 g/t Au m; 以及在最近完成的麦库尔矿产钻石勘探钻探中,低品位金矿化间隔很长。 这种高品位金矿化在大约500米的走向长度上相交,垂直深度约为340米(参见2023年1月24日的新闻稿和下面的表1——复合分析结果清单)。迈凯伦于2022年秋季在该物业的11个洞中完成了4,361米的钻石钻探,这是前运营商在1982-1987年期间完成的历史钻石钻探的后续行动(见2022年8月31日的新闻稿和下面的表2——精选历史钻探结果清单(Placer Development Limited)。

McLaren's McCool property is located in the prolific Timmins Gold Region of Northeastern Ontario, Canada where well over 70 million ounces of gold have been produced to date. In addition, the property is located adjacent to neighbors that are rapidly expanding large gold deposits in the area (Moneta Gold Inc., Mayfair Gold Corp. and HighGold Mining Inc.) and is also adjacent to Agnico Eagle Mines Limited's Holt Mine Complex property and along trend from McEwen Mining Inc's Black Fox Gold Mine.

迈凯伦的麦库尔矿产位于加拿大安大略省东北部多产的蒂明斯黄金产区,迄今为止,该地区的黄金产量已超过7000万盎司。此外,该物业毗邻正在该地区快速扩建大型金矿的邻居(Moneta Gold Inc.、Mayfair Gold Corp. 和HighGold Mining Inc.),还毗邻Agnico Eagle Mines Limited的霍尔特矿综合体物业以及来自麦克尤恩矿业公司的黑狐金矿的趋势。

Table 1: List of Composite Assay Results: Holes MCC22-01 to MCC22-11
Click the link for January 24 news release: McLaren Intersects 16.5 g/t Au Over 6.0 Metres, 10.8 g/t Au Over 9.0 Metres and 7.9 g/t Au Over 4.5 Metres on Its McCool Gold Property ( [ ]

表 1:复合测定结果清单:MCC22-01 到 MCC22-11 的漏洞
点击链接查看 1 月 24 日新闻稿:迈凯轮在其 McCool Gold 房产(上相交 16.5 g/t Au 超过 6.0 米、10.8 g/t Au 超过 9.0 米、7.9 g/t Au 超过 4.5 米 []

Table 2: List of Selected Historical Drill Results (Placer Development Limited)
Click the link for August 31, 2022 news release: McLaren Resources Commences Phase One Exploration Diamond Drilling Program on Its McCool Gold Property ( [ ]

表 2:部分历史演习结果清单(Placer Development Limited)
点击链接查看 2022 年 8 月 31 日新闻稿:迈凯伦资源在其麦库尔黄金地产 ( 上启动第一阶段勘探钻石钻探计划 []

Seven of the new claims were acquired from two independent Timmins area prospectors (see news release dated January 4, 2023). The other eleven claims were recently acquired from another independent prospector for 100,000 common shares of McLaren. These new claims are all contiguous with McLaren's original McCool property which now comprises a mining lease and 76 mineral claims, together covering approximately 1,770 ha. The new claims cover a known gold showing as well as the western extension of the Center Hill Fault, which hosts the gold mineralization drilled to date on the McCool property and which is interpreted as a splay off of the Destor-Porcupine Fault, which hosts numerous gold deposits in the surrounding area.


Mr. Radovan Danilovsky, President of McLaren Resources Inc., stated, "We are pleased to be able to add additional mineral claims to our prospective McCool gold property and we are excited about the high grade gold results encountered in our fall diamond drilling campaign. We look forward to continuing our exploration diamond drilling efforts on the McCool property during 2023 with the aim of outlining a potentially economic gold deposit in the near future."


McLaren also announces that it has granted 125,000 options to certain directors, officers and consultants of the Company exercisable at a price of $0.10 per common share for a period of five years from the date of grant. The options will vest immediately and will replace a like number of options that have recently expired.


Qualified Person


The information presented in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Kenneth Guy, P.Geo, a consultant to McLaren and the Qualified Person for McLaren, as defined by National Instrument 43-101 "Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects".

根据National Instrument 43-101 “矿产项目披露标准” 的定义,本新闻稿中提供的信息已由迈凯轮顾问、迈凯轮合格人员P.Geo审查和批准。

About McLaren


McLaren has been focussed on exploration work on its gold properties in the Timmins Gold Region of Northeastern Ontario. McLaren owns a 100% interest in the past-producing, 640 ha, Blue Quartz Gold Mine property as well as the 1,770 ha McCool and 775 ha Kerrs gold properties, all located within the Abitibi Greenstone Belt along the Destor-Porcupine Deformation Zone, which is host to many of the gold deposits in the area, approximately 85 km east of Timmins city centre. McLaren also owns a 100% interest in the 408 ha Augdome gold property which is located in Tisdale and Whitney Townships immediately east of the Dome Mine owned by Newmont. The Augdome property is currently under a four-year option to Newmont.


For more information, please contact: Radovan Danilovsky, President, Phone: 416-203-6784,

欲了解更多信息,请联系: 拉多万·丹尼洛夫斯基,总统,电话:416-203-6784,

44 Victoria Street, Suite 1616
Toronto, Ontario M5C 1Y2

维多利亚街 44 号,1616 号套房
安大略省多伦多 M5C 1Y2

The Canadian Securities Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of the press release. The Canadian Securities Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Certain statements contained in this news release constitute "forward-looking statements". When used in this document, the words "anticipated", "expect", "estimated", "forecast", "planned", and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements or information. These statements are based on current expectations of management; however, they are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements in this news release. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these statements. McLaren Resources Inc. does not undertake any obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statements as a result of new information, future events or otherwise after the date hereof, except as required by securities laws.

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