
The Power Play by The Market Herald Releases New Interviews With RDARS, Trillion Energy, Saturn Oil & Gas,, Canstar Resources and First Phosphate Corp. Discussing Their Latest News

The Power Play by The Market Herald Releases New Interviews With RDARS, Trillion Energy, Saturn Oil & Gas,, Canstar Resources and First Phosphate Corp. Discussing Their Latest News

《市场先驱报》的 Power Play 发布了对RDARS、Trillion Energy、Saturn Oil & Gas、、Canstar Resources和First Phosticate Corp的新采访,讨论
Accesswire ·  2023/03/14 15:22

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / March 14, 2023 / The Power Play by The Market Herald has announced the release of new interviews with RDARS, Trillion Energy, Saturn Oil & Gas,, Canstar Resources and First Phosphate Corp. discussing their latest news.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华/ACCESSWIRE/2023 年 3 月 14 日/ 《市场先驱报》的《Power Play》宣布发布对RDARS、Trillion Energy、Saturn Oil & Gas、、Canstar Resources和First Phosticate Corp的新采访,讨论了他们的最新消息。

The Power Play by The Market Herald provides investors with a quick snapshot of what they need to know about the company's latest press release through exclusive insights and interviews with company executives.

The Market Herald的Power Play通过独家见解和对公司高管的采访,为投资者提供了他们需要了解的有关公司最新新闻稿的简要信息。

RDARS (CSE:RDRS) announces partnership with Aloft Technologies

RDARS(CSE: RDRS)宣布与雅乐轩科技建立合作伙伴关系

RDARS will integrate Aloft's advanced Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UTM) applications and features into the forthcoming Eagle Watch V1.5 RC1 release. This update will provide the RDAR's Eagle Watch platform with advanced airspace management and near-instance response from the FAA for flight clearance. CTO Jason Braverman met with Sabrina Phillips to discuss the news.

RDARS将把Aloft先进的无人驾驶飞机系统交通管理(UTM)应用程序和功能集成到即将发布的Eagle Watch V1.5 RC1版本中。本次更新将为RDAR的Eagle Watch平台提供先进的空域管理和来自美国联邦航空局的近实例飞行许可响应。首席技术官杰森·布拉弗曼会见了萨布丽娜·菲利普斯讨论了这一消息。

For the full interview with Jason Braverman and to learn about RDARS, click here.

要查看对杰森·布拉弗曼的完整采访和了解 RDARS,请单击此处。

Trillion Energy (CSE:TCF) discovers 55+ metres of potential gas pay at the SASB field

万亿能源(CSE: TCF)在SASB油田发现了超过55米的潜在天然气费

Trillion Energy (TCF) announced the preliminary gas indications from the West Akcakoca 1 well in the Black Sea. West Akcakoca 1 reached 3,839 metres total measured depth and true vertical depth of 1,677 metres. During the drilling, as much as 55 metres of potential natural gas pay was discovered. The production casing will be run in and cemented this week. Completion and flow testing will occur once the well is perforated, with revenue being generated before the end of the month. CEO Arthur Halleran sat down with Sabrina Phillips to discuss the updates.

万亿能源(TCF)宣布了黑海西阿卡科卡1号油井的初步天然气指标。West Akcakoca 1 的总测深度达到了 3,839 米,真正的垂直深度为 1,677 米。在钻探过程中,发现了多达55米的潜在天然气储量。生产外壳将在本周投入使用并加固。完井和流量测试将在油井穿孔后进行,收入将在月底之前产生。首席执行官亚瑟·哈勒兰与萨布丽娜·菲利普斯坐下来讨论了最新情况。

For the full interview with Arthur Halleran and to learn about Trillion Energy, click here.


Saturn Oil & Gas (TSXV:SOIL) reveals multibillion BOE reserves; improves net asset value

土星石油和天然气公司(TSXV: SOIL)公布了数十亿英镑的英国央行储备;提高了净资产价值

Saturn Oil & Gas (SOIL) released results of an independent reserves evaluation of its crude oil and natural gas assets. The report was prepared by Ryder Scott Company-Canada and evaluated the company's Oxbow Asset in Southeast Saskatchewan and in West Central Saskatchewan. 62.9 million barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) of total proved and probable reserves, representing a 24 per cent year over year increase. Kevin Smith, VP of Corporate Development at Saturn Oil & Gas, met with Sabrina Phillips to discuss these results.

Saturn Oil & Gas(SOIL)发布了对其原油和天然气资产的独立储量评估结果。该报告由加拿大莱德·斯科特公司编写,评估了该公司在萨斯喀彻温省东南部和萨斯喀彻温省中西部的Oxbow资产。总探明储量和可能储量为6,290万桶石油当量(BOE),同比增长24%。土星石油天然气公司发展副总裁凯文·史密斯会见了萨布丽娜·菲利普斯,讨论了这些结果。

For the full interview with Kevin Smith and to learn about Saturn Oil & Gas, click here.

要了解凯文·史密斯的完整采访并了解土星石油和天然气公司,请单击此处。 (CSE:NTAR)(OTCQX:NEXCF) launches augmented reality mobile app for live events (CSE: NTAR)(OTCQX: NEXCF)推出用于直播活动的增强现实移动应用程序 (NTAR) has introduced enhanced features for trade show managers and event professionals in the latest update to its event app. The app combines the current MapD event management solutions technology with ARway, an AI-powered augmented reality navigation platform. is a metaverse company active in augmented reality, 3D modelling, holograms and 360° portals. CEO Evan Gappelberg met with Sabrina Phillips to discuss the news.在其活动应用程序的最新更新中为展会经理和活动专业人士引入了增强功能。该应用程序将当前的MapD事件管理解决方案技术与人工智能驱动的增强现实导航平台ArWay相结合。 是一家活跃于增强现实、3D 建模、全息图和 360° 门户的元界公司。首席执行官埃文·加佩尔伯格会见了萨布丽娜·菲利普斯讨论了这一消息。

For the full interview with Evan Gappelberg and to learn about, click here.


Canstar (TSXV:ROX) hits high-grade gold in Newfoundland


Canstar (ROX) yielded notable gold assays from its Golden Baie Project in Newfoundland. Highlights include 3.18 g/t Au over 22 m and 4.3 g/t Au over 14 m at the Kendell Prospect. Canstar Resources pursues new mineral discoveries in Newfoundland. President and CEO Robert Bruggeman joined Coreena Robertson to shed light on the results.

Canstar(ROX)从其位于纽芬兰的Golden Baie项目中获得了引人注目的黄金化验结果。亮点包括肯德尔展望区超过 22 m 的 3.18 g/t Au 和超过 14 m 的 4.3 g/t Au。Canstar Resources在纽芬兰寻找新的矿产发现。总裁兼首席执行官罗伯特·布鲁格曼与科琳娜·罗伯逊一起阐明了业绩。

For the full interview with Robert Bruggeman and to learn about Canstar, click here.


First Phosphate (CSE:PHOS) receives research report from Queen's University Pufahl Research Group

First Phosited(CSE: PHOS)收到女王大学普法尔研究小组的研究报告

A report from Queen's University's Pufahl Research Group suggests that First Phosphate's (PHOS) Lac à l'Orignal deposit is a source of phosphorus for the LFP battery industry. First Phosphate is a mineral development company focused on extracting and purifying phosphate for the production of cathode active material. CEO John Passalacqua sat down with Coreena Robertson to discuss the results and implications of the report.

女王大学普法尔研究小组的一份报告表明,第一磷酸盐(PHOS)的Lac al'Orignal矿床是LFP电池行业的磷来源。First Phosticate是一家矿产开发公司,专注于提取和纯化磷酸盐,用于生产阴极活性物质。首席执行官约翰·帕萨拉夸与科琳娜·罗伯逊坐下来讨论了该报告的结果和影响。

For the full interview with John Passalacqua and to learn about First Phosphate, click here.

要查看对约翰·帕萨拉夸的完整采访和了解 First Phostate,请单击此处。

Interviews for The Power Play by The Market Herald are released daily. To learn more about the companies featured in The Power Play or to explore our other interviews visit The Power Play by The Market Herald.

《市场先驱报》的《Power Play》访谈每天都会发布。要了解有关The Power Play中精选公司的更多信息或浏览我们的其他访谈,请访问 《市场先驱报》的《Power Play》。

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The Market Herald


SOURCE: The Market Herald

来源: 《市场先驱报》

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