
Replit and Google Cloud Partner to Advance Generative AI for Software Development

Replit and Google Cloud Partner to Advance Generative AI for Software Development

Replit 和谷歌云合作推进用于软件开发的生成式人工智能
PR Newswire ·  2023/03/28 09:56

With new partnership, Replit's 20M+ developers get access to Google Cloud services, infrastructure, and foundation models, further reducing the time from idea to live software on Replit

通过新的合作伙伴关系,Replit 的 2000 多万开发人员可以访问 Google Cloud 服务、基础架构和基础模型,进一步缩短了在 Replit 上从构思到上线软件的时间

SAN FRANCISCO, March 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Leading cloud software development platform Replit today announced a new strategic partnership with Google Cloud. Under the new partnership, Replit developers will get access to Google Cloud infrastructure, services, and foundation models via Ghostwriter, Replit's software development AI, while Google Cloud and Workspace developers will get access to Replit's collaborative code editing platform.

旧金山2023年3月28日 /PRNewswire/ — 领先的云软件开发平台 重复 今天宣布与谷歌云建立新的战略合作伙伴关系。根据新的合作伙伴关系,Replit开发人员将通过Replit的软件开发人工智能Ghostwriter访问谷歌云基础架构、服务和基础模型,而谷歌云和Workspace开发人员将获得Replit的协作代码编辑平台的访问权限。

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The progression of Replit Ghostwriter
Replit Ghostwriter 的进展

The collaboration will accelerate the creation of generative AI applications and underscores Google Cloud's commitment to nurturing the most open ecosystem for generative AI. For Replit, already 20 million developers strong, this partnership with Google Cloud is its next move in realizing its mission to empower the next 1 billion software creators.

此次合作将加速生成式 AI 应用程序的创建,并凸显了 Google Cloud 对培育最开放的生成 AI 生态系统的承诺。对于已经拥有2000万开发人员的Replit来说,与谷歌云的这种合作是其实现其使命的下一步,即为下一个10亿软件创作者赋能。

Coding with AI

使用 AI 编码

AI is changing software development. For developers using Replit's Ghostwriter coding AI, more than 30% of their code is generated by Ghostwriter. The newest LLM chat apps can generate code for full programs with simple natural language prompts, enabling the creation of full websites with no coding experience in minutes.


But even powerful LLMs can't run code themselves. Standalone chat LLMs do not have a project's context. They require developers to copy and paste code from where they work to the chat app. This leads to inefficient switching of tabs and requires additional prompting. Even then, the separate chat app won't have the richness of knowing where in the coding tool the developer can achieve their goal and run their program.

但是,即使是强大的 LLM 也无法自己运行代码。独立聊天 LLM 没有项目的上下文。他们要求开发人员将代码从他们工作的地方复制并粘贴到聊天应用程序中。这会导致选项卡切换效率低下,需要额外的提示。即便如此,单独的聊天应用程序也不知道开发人员可以在编程工具的哪个位置实现目标和运行他们的程序。

Until LLMs are brought into the integrated development environment itself (IDE), we aren't yet at the future that Replit CEO Amjad Masad has laid out, where AI will help:

在将 LLM 引入集成开发环境本身 (IDE) 之前,我们还没有 Replit 首席执行官的未来 阿姆贾德·马萨德 已经布局了,人工智能将在其中提供帮助:

  • Make non-developers into developers, turning natural language to code
  • Turn software engineers to hyper-productive "10X engineers"
  • Make 10X engineers 1000X engineers, coding complex-architected software in 1/1000th of the time.
  • 让非开发者变成开发者,将自然语言变成代码
  • 将软件工程师转变为生产力超高的 “10倍工程师”
  • 让 10 倍的工程师成为 1000 倍的工程师,在千分之一的时间内编码复杂架构的软件。

So what's next? How can developers get the full power of LLMs, end to end ... fast? Enter Replit, powered by Google Cloud infrastructure and foundation models under this partnership.

那么接下来会发生什么?开发人员如何快速端到端地获得 LLM 的全部功能?加入由谷歌云基础架构和该合作伙伴关系基础架构和基础模型提供支持的Replit。

From Idea to Live App in Seconds on Replit

在 Replit 上几秒钟内从创意到实时应用程序

At more than 20 million developers and more than 240 million repls (projects) created, Replit is one of the fastest-growing developer platforms. Replit's cloud-based platform is unique as a place for AI:

Replit 拥有超过 2000 万开发人员和超过 2.4 亿个 repls(项目),是增长最快的开发者平台之一。作为人工智能的场所,Replit 基于云的平台是独一无二的:

  • Deploy what the AI helped build: Developers can code in any language from their browser quickly because Replit caches more than 10 terabytes of packages. Powered by Google Cloud Platform, Replit developers can deploy and scale their applications with a few clicks and get Google Cloud's leading reliability, security, and other benefits.
  • AI built-in: Replit built its initial Ghostwriter coding AI agent last year. Since then, Replit has built and deployed a fully conversational AI directly in the IDE that has the context of the developer's project.
  • AI that debugs in real-time: Replit's Ghostwriter has instant debugging capabilities that proactively help solve coding errors. This is an early example of the extended power of an AI agent.
  • Monetization: Replit enables developers to earn money on-platform – through Replit Bounties where they can complete software jobs for others, directly from end users with APIs to Stripe and others, or from the support of the Replit community with tips of support. Replit's Cycles currency gives developers globally a choice on how they earn.
  • Community: With millions on the platform each month, Replit developers can share runnable applications with 20M other developers instantly.
  • AI on mobile: Replit's development environment is available on iOS and Android, allowing developers to code with an AI on their smartphones and tablets from anywhere in the world. No separate deployment or compilation needed. Users can speak with Ghostwriter to quickly build a full app.
  • Collaborative: Developers can share AI sessions and code with others on their teams. AI is just another collaborator.
  • 部署 AI 帮助构建的内容: 开发人员可以通过浏览器快速使用任何语言编写代码,因为 Replit 缓存超过 10 TB 的软件包。在 Google Cloud Platform 的支持下,Replit 开发人员只需点击几下即可部署和扩展他们的应用程序,并获得 Google Cloud 领先的可靠性、安全性和其他优势。
  • 内置人工智能: Replit 去年开发了首个 Ghostwriter 编码人工智能代理。从那时起,Replit 直接在 IDE 中构建并部署了完全对话式 AI,该人工智能具有开发人员项目上下文。
  • 实时调试的 AI: Replit 的 Ghostwriter 具有即时调试功能,可主动帮助解决编码错误。这是 AI 代理扩展功能的早期示例。
  • 获利: Replit 使开发人员能够通过 Replit 在平台上赚钱 赏金 他们可以在那里为他人完成软件任务,直接从拥有 API 的最终用户到 Stripe 和其他人,或者从 Replit 社区的支持中获得支持提示。Replit 的 Cycles 货币让全球开发者可以选择如何赚钱。
  • 社区: Replit 每月有数百万人在平台上使用,因此可以与 Replit 共享可运行的应用程序 20M 其他开发者即时。
  • 移动设备上的人工智能: Replit 的开发环境在 iOS 和 Android 上可用,允许开发人员在世界任何地方的智能手机和平板电脑上使用 AI 进行编码。无需单独部署或编译。用户可以与Ghostwriter交谈以快速构建完整的应用程序。
  • 协作: 开发人员可以与团队中的其他人共享 AI 会话和代码。人工智能只是另一个合作者。

Replit's cloud infrastructure and AI products like Ghostwriter make it one of the fastest places to go from idea to deployed software application. Through this new partnership with Google Cloud, developers using Replit will have global access to Google Cloud infrastructure and Google's foundation models on Vertex AI. The collaboration aims to support Google Cloud's goal of enabling companies to accelerate their development process using AI.

Replit 的云基础架构和 Ghostwriter 等人工智能产品使其成为从想法到部署软件应用程序最快的地方之一。通过与谷歌云的新合作伙伴关系,使用Replit的开发人员将在全球范围内访问谷歌云基础设施和谷歌在Vertex AI上的基础模型。此次合作旨在支持 Google Cloud 的目标,即使公司能够使用人工智能加快开发流程。

Partnering in AI

在 AI 领域合作

Last fall, Replit developed and launched Ghostwriter in three months, starting with code autocompletion and transformation. In January 2023, Replit added a conversational AI interface for generating code and proactive debugging, with knowledge of the developer's files and workspace.

去年秋天,Replit在三个月内开发并推出了Ghostwriter,首先是代码自动完成和转换。在 2023 年 1 月,Replit 添加了一个对话式 AI 界面,用于生成代码和主动调试,同时了解开发者的文件和工作区。

"Our partnership with Google Cloud on infrastructure and AI is a clear step toward our mission of bringing the next billion software creators online. AI has changed software development forever. The seamless idea-to-deployed software experience that Replit provides developers will continue to set a new bar for software creation," said Amjad Masad, the CEO and Head of Engineering at Replit. "We're thrilled to build this."

“我们与谷歌云在基础设施和人工智能方面的合作是朝着让下一个十亿软件创作者上线的使命迈出的明确一步。人工智能彻底改变了软件开发。Replit 为开发人员提供的从想法到部署的无缝软件体验将继续为软件创建树立新的标杆,” 说 阿姆贾德·马萨德,Replit 首席执行官兼工程主管。“我们很高兴能建造这个。”

"Generative AI can bring significant new capabilities to businesses and developers, including the ability to easily, safely, and scalably create new software applications and online experiences with little or no coding experience," said June Yang, VP, Cloud AI, and Industry Solutions at Google Cloud. "Google Cloud infrastructure and foundation models in Vertex AI will power Replit's widely-adopted platform, delivering more performance and scalability to millions of developers around the world."

他说:“生成式人工智能可以为企业和开发人员带来重要的新能力,包括能够在很少或根本没有编码经验的情况下轻松、安全和可扩展地创建新的软件应用程序和在线体验。” 杨俊杰,谷歌云负责云人工智能和行业解决方案的副总裁。“Vertex AI 中的 Google Cloud 基础架构和基础模型将为 Replit 广泛采用的平台提供支持,为全球数百万开发人员提供更高的性能和可扩展性。”

With this Google Cloud partnership and technological capabilities, Replit will build bigger and faster. Try out Replit today at Follow @amasad or @replit on Twitter or Replit on LinkedIn.

借助谷歌云的这种合作伙伴关系和技术能力,Replit将建设得更大、更快。立即试用 Replit,网址为。关注 @amasad 要么 @replit 在推特上或 在 LinkedIn 上回复。

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如有媒体查询,请联系 [电子邮件保护]。如需高分辨率徽标,请访问

About Replit
At +20M developers, Replit is one of the fastest-growing developer platforms globally. Replit offers AI-assisted cloud-native software development. With millions of pre-fetched package files and a seamless run-to-live experience, Replit enables developers to spin up any kind of development environment to a full live app in seconds.

关于 Replit
+20M 开发人员,Replit 是全球增长最快的开发者平台之一。Replit 提供人工智能辅助的云原生软件开发。Replit 拥有数百万个预获取的软件包文件和无缝的运行上线体验,使开发人员能够在几秒钟内将任何类型的开发环境启动为完整的实时应用程序。

About Google Cloud
Google Cloud accelerates every organization's ability to digitally transform its business. We deliver enterprise-grade solutions that leverage Google's cutting-edge technology – all on the cleanest cloud in the industry. Customers in more than 200 countries and territories turn to Google Cloud as their trusted partner to enable growth and solve their most critical business problems.

Google Cloud 可提高每个组织实现业务数字化转型的能力。我们提供利用 Google 尖端技术的企业级解决方案,全部在业界最干净的云端上实现。200 多个国家和地区的客户选择 Google Cloud 作为他们值得信赖的合作伙伴,以促进增长并解决他们最关键的业务问题。


来源 Replit

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