
Does Cybertruck Come In Black? Tesla Job Post Hints You May Get To Pick Some Colors

Does Cybertruck Come In Black? Tesla Job Post Hints You May Get To Pick Some Colors

Cybertruck 是黑色的吗?特斯拉招聘帖提示你可以选择一些颜色
Benzinga ·  2023/03/31 04:22

Elon Musk's $Tesla (TSLA.US)$ is looking to hire a production supervisor for Cybertruck's paint shop in Texas.

埃隆马斯克$特斯拉 (TSLA.US)$ 想雇用一名制作主管 网络卡车德克萨斯州的油漆车间。

What Happened: As per job postings on Tesla's career page, the EV maker is also looking to fill various roles at the paint shop including production associate manager and engineers for manufacturing, automation, process, and equipment divisions, among others.

发生了什么: 根据特斯拉招聘页面上的招聘信息,这家电动汽车制造商还希望在涂装车间担任各种职位,包括生产副经理和制造、自动化、工艺和设备部门的工程师等。

In December 2021, CEO Elon Musk said that there are no immediate plans to offer any color wraps for its Cybertruck. "Cybertruck can have any color you want, so long as it's nothing," Musk said.


Responding to a Twitter inquiry if the Cybertruck would be wrapped at the factory as an option, Musk responded in the negative and added there are many "third party options for wrapping."

在回应Twitter询问Cybertruck是否将Cybertruck作为一种选择在工厂包装时,马斯克做出了否定的回应,并补充说,有很多 “第三方包装选项”。

Cybertruck can have any color you want, so long as it's nothing

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 10, 2021

Cybertruck 可以有你想要的任何颜色,只要什么都不是

— 埃隆·马斯克 (@elonmusk) 2021 年 12 月 10 日

Why It Matters: The Cybertruck's exterior is made of stainless steel, which the electric vehicle maker said is a nearly impenetrable exoskeleton, limiting color options. With the new recruits for the paint shop, however, there might be changes.

为什么重要: Cybertruck的外观由不锈钢制成,这家电动汽车制造商表示,不锈钢是一种几乎无法穿透的外骨骼,限制了颜色选择。但是,随着油漆车间的新员工的加入,可能会有变化。

Last month, Musk confirmed that the "epic vehicle" is coming later this year. In a February tweet, Musk said that handling demand for the Cybertruck won't be an issue, but "ramping production" will likely be a challenge.

上个月,马斯克证实,这款 “史诗般的汽车” 将于今年晚些时候上市。马斯克在二月份的一条推文中表示,处理对Cybertruck的需求不会成为问题,但 “提高产量” 可能是一个挑战。

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