
Sprott Physical Gold Trust (NYSEARCA:PHYS) Sets New 12-Month High at $15.84

Sprott Physical Gold Trust (NYSEARCA:PHYS) Sets New 12-Month High at $15.84

Sprott Physical Gold Trust(NYSEARCA: PHYS)创下 12 个月新高,为 15.84 美元
Financial News Live ·  2023/04/12 10:52

Sprott Physical Gold Trust (NYSEARCA:PHYS – Get Rating) shares reached a new 52-week high on Wednesday . The stock traded as high as $15.84 and last traded at $15.72, with a volume of 395155 shares trading hands. The stock had previously closed at $15.72.

周三,Sprott Physical Gold Trust(NYSEARCA: PHYS — 获取评级)股价创下52周新高。该股交易价格高达15.84美元,最后一次交易价格为15.72美元,交易量为395155股。该股此前收于15.72美元。

Sprott Physical Gold Trust Stock Performance

Sprott 实物黄金信托股票表现

The stock's fifty day moving average is $14.77 and its 200-day moving average is $14.04.


Sprott Physical Gold Trust
Sprott 实物黄金信托基金

Institutional Trading of Sprott Physical Gold Trust

Sprott 实物黄金信托的机构交易

Institutional investors and hedge funds have recently added to or reduced their stakes in the company. JPMorgan Chase & Co. increased its holdings in shares of Sprott Physical Gold Trust by 236.2% during the first quarter. JPMorgan Chase & Co. now owns 13,877 shares of the exchange traded fund's stock worth $213,000 after purchasing an additional 9,750 shares during the period. Cibc World Market Inc. lifted its holdings in shares of Sprott Physical Gold Trust by 22.1% during the first quarter. Cibc World Market Inc. now owns 298,570 shares of the exchange traded fund's stock worth $4,589,000 after purchasing an additional 54,138 shares during the period. Baird Financial Group Inc. raised its stake in Sprott Physical Gold Trust by 57.0% during the first quarter. Baird Financial Group Inc. now owns 225,211 shares of the exchange traded fund's stock worth $3,461,000 after buying an additional 81,739 shares during the last quarter. Mather Group LLC. bought a new position in Sprott Physical Gold Trust during the first quarter worth $569,000. Finally, Equitable Holdings Inc. bought a new position in Sprott Physical Gold Trust during the first quarter worth $816,000.

机构投资者和对冲基金最近增加了或减少了在该公司的股份。摩根大通公司在第一季度将其持有的Sprott Physical Gold Trust的股票增加了236.2%。摩根大通在此期间又购买了9,750股股票后,现在拥有该交易所交易基金的13,877股股票,价值21.3万美元。Cibc World Market Inc.在第一季度将其持有的Sprott Physical Gold Trust的股票增加了22.1%。Cibc World Market Inc.在此期间又购买了54,138股股票后,现在拥有该交易所交易基金的298,570股股票,价值458.9万美元。贝尔德金融集团公司在第一季度将其在Sprott Physical Gold Trust的股份提高了57.0%。贝尔德金融集团公司在上个季度又购买了81,739股股票后,现在拥有该交易所交易基金的225,211股股票,价值34.61万美元。Mather Group LLC. 在第一季度收购了Sprott Physical Gold Trust的新头寸,价值56.9万美元。最后,Equity Holdings Inc.在第一季度收购了Sprott Physical Gold Trust的新头寸,价值81.6万美元

About Sprott Physical Gold Trust

关于 Sprott 实物黄金信托基金

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Sprott Physical Gold Trust operates as a closed-end investment trust, which engages in investing and holding all of its assets in physical gold bullion. Its investment objective is to provide a secure, convenient, and exchange-traded investment alternative for investors through investing primarily in long-term holdings of unencumbered, fully allocated, physical gold bullion and will not speculate with regard to short-term changes in gold prices.

Sprott Physical Gold Trust是一家封闭式投资信托基金,从事以实物金条投资和持有其所有资产。其投资目标是通过主要投资于长期持有的未抵押的、全额配置的实物金条,为投资者提供安全、便捷和交易所交易的投资选择,并且不会对黄金价格的短期变化进行投机。

Further Reading


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