
Mayo Lake Minerals Announces 2023 Yukon Exploration Plans

Mayo Lake Minerals Announces 2023 Yukon Exploration Plans

newsfile ·  2023/04/17 08:31

$1,400,000 Private Placement Term Sheet

140 万美元私募条款表

Ottawa, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - April 17, 2023) - Dr. Vern Rampton, President & CEO of Mayo Lake Minerals Inc. (CSE: MLKM) ('Mayo' or 'Company') is pleased to provide the particulars of the Company's 2023 exploration plans on three of its top tier properties situated in the Yukon's Tombstone Gold Belt to be funded by a private placement of up to $1,400,000 (Schedule 'A' attached).

安大略省渥太华--(Newsfile Corp.——2023年4月17日)——梅奥湖矿业公司总裁兼首席执行官维尔恩·兰普顿博士(案例:MLKM) ('梅奥'或'公司') 很高兴提供公司2023年对位于育空地区墓碑金带的三处顶级房产的勘探计划的细节,这些房产将由高达14万美元的私募融资 (附表 “A” 附后)

"We see a great opportunity to increase shareholder value with the drilling of two priority gold in soil zones at our Anderson-Davidson property; the first over 1.6 km in length and the other over 2.8 km in length. Both zones lie within the 3 by 16 km Anderson Gold Trend where Mayo has identified more than seven gold prospects." He continued, "We also plan extensive trenching at our Carlin-Roop Silver project in the Keno Hill Silver District (KHSD) with the objective of discovering the in-rock source of grabs[1] assaying up to 3,994g Ag/t along an expanded silver in soil anomaly where all soils ran at ≥ 30g Ag/t. The Keno Hill District hosts many narrow intercepts of very high-grade silver that are likely to be exposed and sampled with a well planned trenching program. The veining that is most typical of the KHSD is often eroded and washed away by diamond drilling." Dr. Rampton added, "We are also planning further exploration at our Trail-Minto property which lies close to Banyon Gold's AurMac project where intrusion related veining (sheeted) is reported to be common. Victoria Gold's Eagle deposit Sitka Gold's RC deposit and Snowline Gold's Rogue Project are three similar deposits within the Tombstone Gold Belt. Banyon Gold has staked to the edge of Trail-Minto on its western boundary."

“我们看到了增加股东价值的绝佳机会 在我们的安德森-戴维森物业的土壤区域钻探两块优先黄金;第一个长度超过 1.6 千米,另一个长度超过 2.8 千米。 两个区域都位于里面 3 x 16 千米的安德森黄金趋势,梅奥已经确定了超过七个黄金前景。”他继续说:“我们还计划 我们的 Carlin-Roop Silver 项目正在进行大规模挖沟 在 Keno Hill Silver District (KHSD) 和 目的是发现岩石中的抢夺来源[1] 测定高达 3,994 g ag/t 沿着土壤中膨胀的银异常现象,所有土壤的含量均在≥30g ag/t。基诺山地区有许多狭窄的非常高品位的银截面,这些银很可能会暴露出来,并通过精心规划的挖沟计划进行采样。KHSD 最典型的脉纹经常被钻石钻探侵蚀和冲走。”兰普顿博士补充说:“我们也在计划 进一步探索我们的 Trail-Minto 房产,该物业靠近 Banyon Gold 的 AurMac 项目,据报道,该项目与入侵相关的脉道(片状)很常见。Victoria Gold 的 Eagle 矿床 Sitka Gold 的 RC 矿床和 Snowline Gold 的 Rogue Project 是墓碑金腰带中的三个类似矿床。Banyon Gold 已将赌注押在西部边界的 Trail-Minto 边缘。”

*See Figures 1 and 2 for the location of Mayo's properties relative to others in the KHSD.

*请参阅 图 1 和图 2 以了解梅奥的财产相对于KHSD中其他财产的位置。

The Anderson Gold Trend (AGT) consists of a 16 km+ by 3 km long belt characterized by gold placer creeks, including Owl, Anderson, Steep, a number of unnamed creeks; the Dawn Gulch drainage basin; and four identified gold prospects where linear gold in soil anomalies (zones) are present (Figures 3 and 4). Mayo has delineated over 13,000m of linear soil anomalies (zones and subzones) with values of up to 527, 272, 142 and 87ppb Au on each of the four prospects (Table One) by the end of 2022. Dawn Gulch warrants soil sampling to define drill targets because of its history of placer mining and highly anomalous, heavy mineral concentrates taken near its mouth, which ran 275,000ppb, 25,500ppb and 580ppb. The AGT parallels a major structure as defined by a strong magnetic anomaly. See also press releases dated October 25, 2022 and December 16, 2022.

这个 安德森黄金走势(AGT) 由一条长达 16 千米 x 3 千米长的带组成,其特征是金矿小溪,包括 Owl、Anderson、Steep、许多未命名的小溪;黎明峡流域;以及四个已确定的存在土壤异常(区域)中存在线性金矿的黄金勘探区(图 3 和图 4)。梅奥已经描绘了超过13,000米的线性土壤异常(区域和子区域),四个勘探区的值分别为527、272、142和87ppb Au(表一) 在 2022 年底之前。Dawn Gulch保证进行土壤采样以确定钻探目标,因为它有砂矿开采的历史,而且在河口附近采集了高度异常的重矿物浓缩物,分别为275,000ppb、25,500ppb和580ppb。AGT 与强磁异常所定义的主要结构相似。另请参阅 2022 年 10 月 25 日和 2022 年 12 月 16 日的新闻稿。

The potential development of a large-scale gold camp is quite possible based on the size of the AGT and the number of identified, and yet to be identified, prospects for gold. Collectively, over 9.5km of drill-ready zones highlighted by anomalous gold values have been delineated within the AGT.

大规模金营的潜在发展 根据AGT的规模以及已确定但尚未确定的黄金前景的数量,这完全有可能。总的来说,AGT内部划定了超过9.5千米的以异常黄金价值为突出显示的钻探准备区域。

Mayo plans to initiate drilling in 2023 at the Owl-Anderson and Peak prospects.


Carlin-Roop Silver Project At the Carlin West zone, a 580m ± long silver in soil zone (zone) with a roughly shaped core area, measuring 220m by 60m, has been defined where all soil samples exceeded 20g Ag/t. Soil samples in a 120m by 60m area within the core of the silver zone all assayed at >30g Ag/t (1oz Ag/t) (Figure 5). Lineations believed to be fault traces that carried fluids containing silver and other metals and lineations believed to be disruptive barren faults, all coalesce within the target zone characterized by samples yielding > 1oz Ag/t. Diamond drill holes (DDHs) throughout the length of Carlin West contain silver structures[2] frequently having 6 to 22m down hole lengths (true width is not determinable).

Carlin-Roop 白银项目卡林·韦斯特 区域,即土壤区域(区域)中长度为 580m± 的银,其核心区域的形状大致为 220 米 x 60 米,已定义为所有土壤样本均超过 20g ag/t。银区核心内 120 米 x 60 米区域的土壤样本均在 >30g ag/t(1 盎司 ag/t)的温度下测定(图 5)。线条被认为是携带含有银和其他金属的液体的断层痕迹,以及被认为是破坏性贫瘠断层的线条,全部聚集在目标区域内,样品产生 > 1 盎司 Ag/t。金刚石钻孔(DDH) 在整个卡林西部都含有银质结构[2] 井下长度通常为 6 到 22 米(实际宽度无法确定)。

A second promising zone, the AJ zone lies about 280m northwest of Carlin West. This zone has a length of 240m, being open to the northwest, and a width of 55m. A core part of the zone measuring 190m in length, is characterized by soil samples yielding ≥5g Ag/t. Four grab samples taken along the axis of the zone assayed 412, 182, 179 and 44g Ag/t.

第二个有希望的区域, AJ 该区域位于卡林西北约280米处。该区域的长度为240米,向西北开放,宽度为55米。该区域的核心部分长度为 190 米,其特征是土壤样本产生 ≥5 g ag/t。沿该区域轴线采集的四个采集样本测定了 412、182、179 和 44g Ag/t。

The silver structures intercepted to date do not explain the occurrence of high-grade grab samples assaying up to 3,994g Ag/t, nor the large area where all soil samples assayed 1oz Ag/t at Carlin West. It is theorized that this might be the result of missing core as relatively thin, very highly mineralized veins are commonly eroded and get washed away during diamond drilling. Metallic Minerals' press release of April 10, 2023 epitomizes the presence of rich narrow high grade veins in broader silver structures as is envisaged at Carlin West and AJ. See also Mayo's press releases dated July 15, October 28 and December 16, 2022.

迄今为止截获的银结构并不能解释检测高达3,994g ag/t的高质量抓取样本的情况,也不能解释在Carlin West所有土壤样本测定为1盎司Ag/t的大片区域。从理论上讲,这可能是岩心缺失的结果,因为相对较薄、矿化程度很高的矿脉通常会在钻石钻探过程中被侵蚀并被冲走。正如Carlin West和AJ所设想的那样,Metalin Minerals于2023年4月10日发布的新闻稿体现了在更宽的白银结构中存在丰富的狭窄高品位矿脉。另请参阅 Mayo 于 2022 年 7 月 15 日、10 月 28 日和 12 月 16 日发布的新闻稿。

In 2023, trenching will be focused on (1) that area of the Carlin West zone where soils assayed ≥ 30gAg/t and high-grade float occurs and (2) on the axis of the AJ zone where numerous high grade float samples parallel the zone.

2023 年,挖沟将重点放在 (1) 卡林西区测定土壤 ≥ 30gAg/t 且存在高等级浮子的区域,以及 (2) 在 AJ 区轴线上,那里有许多高品位浮标样本与该区域平行。

Trail-Minto Property A number of long gold in soil anomalies totalling up to 8,000 metres in length are adjacent and parallel to the long axis of the Roaring Fork Stock (RFS). Patterns shown on Analytic Signal plots suggest that much of the property parallel to the RFS has potential for gold in soil anomalies (zones) paralleling the edges of the RFS (Figure 6). The geology and the presence of gold mineralization associated with an intrusive are indicative of intrusion related, commonly sheeted, veining such as is present at Victoria Gold's Eagle deposit, Banyon Gold's AurMac, Sabre Gold's Brewery Creek, Sitka Gold's RC and Snowline Gold's Rogue (Valley) projects (Figures 1 and 2).

Trail-Minto 地产 一些总长达 8,000 米的土壤中长金异常与 Roaring Fork Stock (RFS) 的长轴相邻并平行。分析信号图上显示的模式表明,与RFS平行的许多财产有可能在与RFS边缘平行的土壤异常(区域)中出现黄金(图 6)。与侵入性入侵相关的地质和金矿化的存在表明存在与入侵有关,通常为片状脉脉,例如维多利亚金的鹰矿床、Banyon Gold的AurMac、Sabre Gold的Brewery Creek、Sitka Gold的RC和Snowline Gold的RC(山谷)项目(图 1 和图 2)。

Trenching across some of the parallel gold in soil anomalies is proposed for 2023 to determine the nature and tenor of gold mineralization at Trail-Minto. Soil sampling of areas where the Analytic Signal indicates a continuation of the identified gold in soil zones will also be continued.


The Company will fund its operations through a private placement consisting of any combination of common share units at $0.06 and flow-through units at $0.08 totaling $1,400,000 with a proposed closing date of on or about May 15, subject to the discretion of the directors. The particulars of the placement are set forth in the Term Sheet attached hereto as Schedule A.


This press release has been prepared by Vern Rampton, Ph.D., P. Eng. in his capacity as a QP under the guidelines of N.I. 43-101.

本新闻稿由Vern Rampton博士根据N.I. 43-101的指导方针以QP的身份编写。

Figure 1: Properties near Mayo Lake in the Tombstone Gold Belt

图 1:墓碑金腰带梅奥湖附近的房产

Table One. Summary of lengths and gold values for zones and subzones from the sampled prospects in the eastern.
Prospect Main Zone Subzones
Length Max gold value # Length Max gold value
Owl-Anderson >3,000m 527ppb 32 2,060m 86ppb
Peak >1,600m 272ppb 5 1,930m 36ppb
Steep Creek >1,700m 142ppb 7 2m450m 87ppb
Norman1 >1,200m 87ppb
  1. Two zones have been combined
展望 主区域 子区域
长度 最大黄金价值 # 长度 最大黄金价值
猫头鹰安德森 >3,000 米 527ppb 32 2,060 m 86ppb
峰值 >1,600 m 272ppb 5 1,930 m 36ppb
《陡溪》 >1,700 米 142ppb 7 2m450m 87ppb
诺曼1 >1,200 米 87ppb
  1. 两个区域已合并

Table 2

表 2


时间表 'A'





Offering Any combination of Common Share Units and Flow Through Share Units up to $1,400,000.
Closing Date: On or about May 15, 2023 or such other date determined by the Corporation.
Unit Offering The Company shall offer Units (the "CS Units") at a price of $0.06 per Unit (the "CS Unit Offering"). Each CS Unit will be comprised of one common share (a "Common Share") and one-half Common Share purchase warrant ("CS Warrant"). Each whole CS Warrant is exercisable into one Common Share at a price of $0.10 per Common Share for a period of 36 months from the closing date. In the event of multiple closings, the day of the final closing will be the Closing Date of record.
Flow-Through Offering The Company shall offer Flow-Through Units ("FT Units") at a price of $0.08 per FT Unit (the "FT Unit Offering"). Each FT Unit will be comprised of one flow-through share in the capital of the Company (a "FT Share") and one-half purchase warrant ("Warrant"). Each whole Warrant is exercisable into one Common Share at a price of $0.12 for a period of 36 months from the closing date. Each FT Share will be issued as a "flow-through share" within the meaning of the Income Tax Act (Canada) (the "Tax Act").
Use of Proceeds:

The net proceeds received by the Corporation from the sale will be applied as follows:

i) CS Unit funds will be primarily used to cover working capital, property acquisitions and general operating costs;

ii) Flow Through Unit funds will be used for eligible exploration expenditures qualifying as "CEE" under the Tax Act and applicable regulations, on the Company's exploration properties in the Yukon.

Finders Fees Finders that source investment in the Offerings may earn a cash commission of up to 7% of the gross proceeds raised by such Finder and warrants ("Finder Warrants") valid for three years entitling the Finder to purchase that number of Common Shares equal to 7% of the number of Units or FT Units at sold by such Finder at $0.06 and $0.08 respectively.
The securities issued pursuant to the Offering will be subject to a statutory hold period in Canada of four (4) months and one day after the Closing Date. Purchasers should consult their legal advisors in this regard. Securities held by residents in the United States will bear a legend regarding re-sale into the United States, which will be removed on request to the Corporation.
Offering Jurisdictions:

The Common Share Units will be offered for sale to purchasers in: (i) all of the provinces and territories of Canada pursuant to available prospectus exemptions; (ii) the United States on a private placement basis only under Regulation D, Rule 144A or other available U.S. registration exemptions and (iii) jurisdictions outside of Canada and the United States, in accordance with all applicable laws provided that no prospectus, registration statement or similar document is required to be filed in such jurisdiction and the Corporation does not thereafter become subject to continuous disclosure obligations in such jurisdictions.

提供 普通股单位和流通股单位的任意组合,最高不超过 1,400,000 美元。
截止日期: 2023 年 5 月 15 日或前后或公司确定的其他日期。
单位发行 公司应提供单位(“CS” 单位“),价格为每单位 0.06 美元(“CS 单位发行“)。每个 CS 单位将由一股普通股组成 (a”普通股“) 和一半的普通股购买认股权证 (”CS 搜查令“)。自截止日期起,每份CS认股权证可按每股普通股0.10美元的价格行使为一股普通股,期限为36个月。如果有多次收盘,则最终收盘当天将是记录的截止日期。
直通式发行 公司应提供直通装置 (”FT 单位“)的价格为每英尺单位 0.08 美元(”英国《金融时报》单位“)。每个 FT 单位将由公司资本中的一股流通股组成 (a”英国 FT 股票“) 和一半的购买权证 (”搜查令“)。自截止日起,每份认股权证均可按0.12美元的价格行使为一股普通股,期限为36个月。每股《金融时报》将作为 “流通股” 所指的 “流通股” 发行 所得税法 (加拿大)(”《税收法》“)。


(i) CS股的资金将主要用于支付营运资金、财产购置和一般业务费用;

ii) 流通单位资金将用于根据税法和适用法规,对公司在育空地区的勘探财产进行符合条件的勘探支出,符合条件的勘探支出。

发现者费用 通过发行进行投资的发现者可以获得高达此类发现者和认股权证筹集的总收益的7%的现金佣金(”发现者认股证“)有效期为三年,使Finder有权购买相当于该Finder分别以0.06美元和0.08美元的价格出售的单位数或英尺单位数量的7%的普通股。






For additional information contact:
Vern Rampton, PhD, P.Eng. President & CEO;
Tyrell Sutherland, M.Sc., P. Geo., VP Exploration;
Darrell Munro, BB.A, LL.B Corporate Administrator;

Vern Rampton,博士,P.Eng。总裁兼首席执行官;
泰瑞尔·萨瑟兰,理学硕士,P. Geo.,探索副总裁;

Mayo Lake Minerals Inc. is actively engaged in the exploration and development of five precious metal projects in the Tombstone Gold (Plutonic) Belt of the Tintina Gold Province. The properties cover 240 square kilometres in the Yukon's Mayo Mining District and lie within the traditional territory of the Na-Cho Nyäk Dun First Nation. The Company is presently focusing on its two flagship properties; the Carlin-Roop Silver Project lying within the Keno Hill Silver District and the promising Anderson-Davidson gold property. Two active mines; Victoria Gold's Eagle Gold Mine and Hecla Mining's Keno Silver mines also lie near-by.

梅奥湖矿业公司 正在积极参与丁蒂纳金省墓碑金(深岩)带的五个贵金属项目的勘探和开发。这些物业占地240平方公里,位于育空地区的梅奥矿区,位于Nacho Nyak Dun原住民的传统领土内。该公司目前专注于其两处旗舰地产:位于基诺山银区内的Carlin-Roop Silver Project和有前途的安德森-戴维森黄金地产。两个活跃的矿山:维多利亚黄金公司的鹰金矿和赫克拉矿业的基诺银矿也在附近。

Cautionary statement: This news release contains certain forward-looking statements, which are based on the opinions and estimates of management at the date the statements are made and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected. There can be no guarantee that Mayo Lake will be able to obtain a public listing as scheduled in this document. Mayo Lake undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

警示声明:本新闻稿包含某些前瞻性陈述,这些陈述基于管理层在陈述发表之日的观点和估计,受各种风险和不确定性以及其他因素的影响,这些因素可能导致实际事件或结果与预期存在重大差异。无法保证Mayo Lake能够按计划在本文件中公开上市。如果情况或管理层的估计或意见发生变化,梅奥莱克没有义务更新前瞻性陈述。提醒读者不要过分依赖前瞻性陈述

[1] Grabs are selected bedrock and float samples and are not fully representative of related vein mineralization grades.

[1] Grabs是精选的基岩和浮法样品,不能完全代表相关的矿脉矿化等级。

[2] Silver structures are broad zones showing various degrees of deformation, alteration and mineralization and can contain vein faults of high-grade silver.

[2] 银结构是宽阔的区域,显示出不同程度的变形、蚀变和矿化,可能包含高品位银的静脉断层。

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