
180 Wealth Advisors LLC Has $544,000 Stock Position in SPDR S&P Emerging Markets SmallCap ETF (NYSEARCA:EWX)

180 Wealth Advisors LLC Has $544,000 Stock Position in SPDR S&P Emerging Markets SmallCap ETF (NYSEARCA:EWX)

180 Wealth Advisors LLC 在 SPDR 标准普尔新兴市场小型股ETF(NYSEARCA: EWX)中持有54.4万美元的股票头寸
Financial News Live ·  2023/04/19 11:23

180 Wealth Advisors LLC increased its stake in shares of SPDR S&P Emerging Markets SmallCap ETF (NYSEARCA:EWX – Get Rating) by 5.8% during the 4th quarter, according to the company in its most recent 13F filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission. The institutional investor owned 10,393 shares of the company's stock after buying an additional 570 shares during the period. 180 Wealth Advisors LLC's holdings in SPDR S&P Emerging Markets SmallCap ETF were worth $544,000 at the end of the most recent quarter.

180 Wealth Advisors LLC在向美国证券交易委员会提交的最新13F文件中表示,该公司在第四季度将其在SPDR标准普尔新兴市场小型股ETF(NYSEARCA: EWX — Get Rating)的股份增加了5.8%。该机构投资者在此期间又购买了570股股票后拥有该公司10,393股股票。截至最近一个季度末,180 Wealth Advisors LLC持有的SPDR标准普尔新兴市场SmallCap ETF的价值为54.4万美元。

Several other institutional investors and hedge funds have also added to or reduced their stakes in the stock. Creative Planning raised its holdings in SPDR S&P Emerging Markets SmallCap ETF by 6.4% during the 3rd quarter. Creative Planning now owns 3,667,677 shares of the company's stock worth $167,099,000 after purchasing an additional 219,582 shares during the last quarter. Wells Fargo & Company MN raised its holdings in SPDR S&P Emerging Markets SmallCap ETF by 50.4% during the 2nd quarter. Wells Fargo & Company MN now owns 245,860 shares of the company's stock worth $11,961,000 after purchasing an additional 82,371 shares during the last quarter. Sepio Capital LP bought a new stake in SPDR S&P Emerging Markets SmallCap ETF during the 3rd quarter worth about $3,329,000. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. bought a new stake in SPDR S&P Emerging Markets SmallCap ETF during the 1st quarter worth about $3,362,000. Finally, Johnson Financial Group LLC increased its stake in shares of SPDR S&P Emerging Markets SmallCap ETF by 1,327.2% in the 3rd quarter. Johnson Financial Group LLC now owns 61,028 shares of the company's stock valued at $2,780,000 after acquiring an additional 56,752 shares during the last quarter.

其他几家机构投资者和对冲基金也增加了或减少了他们在该股的股份。Creative Planning在第三季度将其在SPDR标准普尔新兴市场SmallCap ETF的持股量增加了6.4%。Creative Planning在上个季度又购买了219,582股股票后,现在拥有该公司价值167,099,000美元的3,67,677股股票。明尼苏达州富国银行在第二季度将其在SPDR标准普尔新兴市场小型股ETF的持股量增加了50.4%。明尼苏达州富国银行在上个季度又购买了82,371股股票后,现在拥有该公司245,860股股票,价值11,96.1万美元。Sepio Capital LP在第三季度收购了SPDR标准普尔新兴市场小型股ETF的新股股份,价值约33.29万美元。高盛集团公司在第一季度收购了SPDR标准普尔新兴市场SmallCap ETF的新股股份,价值约33.62万美元。最后,约翰逊金融集团有限责任公司在第三季度将其在SPDR标准普尔新兴市场SmallCap ETF的股份增加了1,327.2%。约翰逊金融集团有限责任公司在上个季度又收购了56,752股股票后,现在拥有该公司61,028股股票,价值278万美元。

SPDR S&P Emerging Markets SmallCap ETF
SPDR 标准普尔新兴市场小型股 ETF

SPDR S&P Emerging Markets SmallCap ETF Price Performance

SPDR 标准普尔新兴市场小型股 ETF 价格表现

Shares of EWX stock opened at $51.70 on Wednesday. The stock has a market cap of $677.27 million, a PE ratio of 10.04 and a beta of 0.79. The stock has a 50-day moving average of $50.71 and a 200-day moving average of $49.57. SPDR S&P Emerging Markets SmallCap ETF has a one year low of $44.25 and a one year high of $56.07.


About SPDR S&P Emerging Markets SmallCap ETF

关于 SPDR 标准普尔新兴市场小型股 ETF

(Get Rating)


SPDR S&P Emerging Markets Small Cap ETF (the Fund) seeks to provide investment results that correspond generally to the total return performance of the S&P Emerging Markets Under USD2 Billion Index (the Index). The Index is a float-adjusted, market-cap weighted index that represents the small-capitalization segment of emerging countries included in the S&P Global BMI Index.

SPDR标普新兴市场小型股ETF(本基金)旨在提供与标准普尔新兴市场20亿美元以下指数(以下简称 “指数”)的总回报表现大致相对应的投资业绩。该指数是经浮动调整后的市值加权指数,代表标普全球BMI指数中包含的新兴国家的小市值板块。

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