
CYIOS Corp. (OTC:CYIO) Launches Carbon Offset Marketplace, CarbonCred.Io

CYIOS Corp. (OTC:CYIO) Launches Carbon Offset Marketplace, CarbonCred.Io

CYIOS 公司(场外交易代码:CYIO)推出碳补偿市场——
Accesswire ·  2023/05/17 09:45

BOCA RATON, FL / ACCESSWIRE / May 17, 2023 / CYIOS Corp: (OTC PINK:CYIO), a publicly traded holding company with several subsidiary businesses including Randombly, which is the Company's proprietary NFT marketplace, is pleased to announce is a subscription based carbon offset marketplace that empowers businesses and individuals to offset their carbon footprint and support carbon neutrality projects around the world. The marketplace can be found here

佛罗里达州博卡拉顿/ACCESSWIRE/2023 年 5 月 17 日/CYIOS Corp: (场外交易代码:CYIO) 是一家上市控股公司,旗下拥有包括公司专有 NFT 市场 Randombly 在内的多家子公司,很高兴地宣布。Carboncred.io是一个基于订阅的碳抵消市场,它使企业和个人能够抵消其碳足迹并支持全球的碳中和项目。市场可以在这里找到

John O'Shea, Cyios Corp Chairman commented, "We are excited to be launching and be part of a global movement of helping to reduce carbon emissions. Initially, the marketplace has launched with the following carbon offset projects: the Verra Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve Project, and the Verra Solar Energy Project by SB Energy Private Limited in India (Project ID 1805). These projects have been reviewed and approved by Verra Verified Carbon Standards. Under the VCS (Verified Carbon Standard) Program, projects are issued unique carbon credits called Verified Carbon Units (VCUs). Each VCU represents the reduction or removal of one ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) achieved by a project. VCUs undergo a validation and verification process to ensure quality assurance principles, which are reviewed and approved by Verra."

Cyios Corp董事长约翰·奥谢评论说:“我们很高兴能够推出,并参与帮助减少碳排放的全球运动。最初,该市场启动了以下碳补偿项目:Verra Rimba Raya生物多样性保护区项目和印度SB Energy Private Limited的维拉太阳能项目(项目编号1805)。这些项目已经过Verra碳认证标准的审查和批准。根据VCS(验证碳标准)计划,项目将获得称为验证碳单位(VCU)的独特碳信用额度。每个 VCU 代表一个项目实现的一吨二氧化碳当量 (CO2e) 的减少或去除。VCU经过验证和验证流程,以确保质量保证原则,这些原则由Verra审查和批准。”

Mr. O'Shea went on to say, "The carbon offset market can be somewhat confusing for newcomers, and existing web-based tools for calculating emissions are often complex and difficult to use. has simplified the process and stands out by providing multiple subscription plans based on the average carbon output in the USA. While individual carbon footprints may vary based on lifestyle and circumstances, any additional offsets made to reduce carbon footprints are beneficial for the environment. The data used for plans is sourced from reputable organizations such as the UN, World Bank, Our World In Data, and OECD. For example, one of our initial projects available on is the Verra Solar Energy Project by SB Energy Private Limited in India. This project focuses on generating clean electricity through renewable solar energy across three states in India. By contributing to the demand-supply gap of electricity, it aims to displace approximately 43,546,464 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions over a period of 10 years. The project also creates employment opportunities in the construction and operation of solar farms. Other projects are in the works to bring additional carbon offset options to"


"The Carbon Credits market is a large emerging market opportunity and perhaps a perfect storm for investors. Global emission reduction targets have been set and agreed upon by a large number of countries, most notably the United Kingdom, Australia, Norway, Sweden, New Zealand and Germany. The sum of these economies accounts for more than 17% of global GDP. The Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets (TSVCM) of the Institute of International Finance (IIF) predicts that demand for carbon credits will increase by a factor of 15 or more by 2030, and by a factor of up to 100 by 2050. By 2030, the carbon credit market is predicted to be worth more than $50 billion. There is a global shortage of carbon credits, and current supply is low, with demand forecast to continue to grow. With some governments already regulating that carbon credits must be used by 2030, it is anticipated there will be a shortage of carbon credits for business and community to purchase. Lastly, we want to highlight other business developments the Company is working on as it relates to carbon credits. There continues to be a lot of positive press and momentum building around blockchain and Web3.0 as it relates to some unique advantages to the carbon-credit market. The Company is excited to be developing its own proprietary carbon-credit NFT marketplace leveraging our Randombly NFT platform. While still in development, it's anticipated our new marketplace will enable buying, minting and trading of Carbon-Credit NFTS, as well as staking of our own propriety projects" concluded Mr. O'Shea.

“碳信用市场是一个巨大的新兴市场机会,对投资者来说可能是一场完美的风暴。许多国家,尤其是英国、澳大利亚、挪威、瑞典、新西兰和德国,已经制定并商定了全球减排目标。这些经济体的总和占全球GDP的17%以上。国际金融研究所(IIF)的扩大自愿碳市场工作组(TSVCM)预测,到2030年,对碳信用额度的需求将增加15倍或以上,到2050年将增加多达100倍。到2030年,碳信贷市场的价值预计将超过500亿美元。全球碳信用额度短缺,目前的供应量很低,预计需求将继续增长。由于一些政府已经规定到2030年必须使用碳信用额度,预计可供企业和社区购买的碳信用额度将短缺。最后,我们想重点介绍公司正在开展的与碳信用相关的其他业务发展。区块链和Web3.0与碳信贷市场的一些独特优势有关,因此仍然有很多积极的报道和势头正在形成。该公司很高兴能够利用我们的 Randombly NFT 平台开发自己的专有碳信用 NFT 市场。虽然仍在开发中,但预计我们的新市场将允许购买、铸造和交易碳信贷NFTS,以及我们自己的专有项目的质押。” O'Shea先生总结道。

For more information, please visit or email us at support@carboncred.iol.

欲了解更多信息,请访问或发送电子邮件至 support@carboncred.iol。



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About CYIOS Corp

CYIOS Corp 公司简介

CYIOS Corporation (CYIO) is a publicly traded holding company with numerous subsidiary businesses including; Helio Lending, Randombly, Immortals Group Pty Ltd, and Choice Wellness Inc. Through these operations, the Company is focused on building a one stop shop crypto platform encompassing crypto-currency lending through Helio's CeFi Aggregator platform, NFT minting and trading through Randombly NFT Marketplace, design, produce, market, sell unique collections of NFTs though Immortals group, and Choice Wellness which is focused on developing and marketing specialty branded products in the Health and Wellness markets, including the "DR's CHOICE" and "24" brand of products. The Company looks to develop, distribute, and license proprietary products as well as evaluate potential acquisition opportunities. Further, the Company continues to seek and evaluate attractive business opportunities and to leverage its resources and expertise to build a diversified, sustainable business model.

CYIOS Corporation(CYIO)是一家上市控股公司,拥有众多子公司,包括Helio Lending、Randombly、Immortals Group Pty Ltd和Choice Wellness Inc。通过这些业务,该公司专注于建立一个一站式加密平台,包括通过Helio的CeFi聚合器平台进行加密货币贷款,通过Randombly NFT市场进行NFT铸造和交易,设计、生产、营销和销售独特的NFT藏品 Immortals 集团和专注于开发和营销的 Choice Wellness健康和保健市场上的专业品牌产品,包括 “DR's CHOICE” 和 “24” 品牌的产品。该公司希望开发、分销和许可专有产品,并评估潜在的收购机会。此外,公司继续寻找和评估有吸引力的商机,并利用其资源和专业知识来建立多元化、可持续的商业模式。


关于, is a subscription based carbon offset marketplace that empowers businesses and individuals to offset their carbon footprint and support carbon neutrality projects around the world. The marketplace can be found here


FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS: This release contains "forward-looking statements." Forward-looking statements also may be included in other publicly available documents issued by the Company and in oral statements made by our officers and representatives from time to time. These forward-looking statements are intended to provide management's current expectations or plans for our future operating and financial performance, based on assumptions currently believed to be valid. They can be identified using words such as "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "goal," "seek," "believe," "project," "estimate," "expect," "strategy," "future," "likely," "may," "should," "would," "could," "will" & other words of similar meaning in connection with a discussion of future operating or financial performance. Examples of forward-looking statements include, among others, statements relating to future sales, earnings, cash flows, results of operations, uses of cash and other measures of financial performance. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the Company's actual results and financial condition to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Such risks, uncertainties and other factors include, among others such as, but not limited to economic conditions, changes in the laws or regulations, demand for products and services of the company, the effects of competition and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected or represented in the forward-looking statements. Any forward-looking information provided in this release should be considered w/ these factors in mind. We assume no obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this report.

前瞻性陈述:本新闻稿包含 “前瞻性陈述”。前瞻性陈述也可能包含在公司发布的其他公开文件以及我们的高管和代表不时发表的口头陈述中。这些前瞻性陈述旨在根据目前认为有效的假设,提供管理层对我们未来运营和财务业绩的当前预期或计划。在讨论未来运营或财务业绩时,可以使用 “预测”、“打算”、“计划”、“目标”、“寻求”、“相信”、“项目”、“估计”、“预期”、“战略”、“未来”、“可能”、“应该”、“可以”、“将” 等词语来识别它们。前瞻性陈述的示例包括与未来销售、收益、现金流量、经营业绩、现金使用和其他财务业绩指标有关的陈述。由于前瞻性陈述与未来有关,因此它们受固有的风险、不确定性和其他因素的影响,这些因素可能导致公司的实际业绩和财务状况与前瞻性陈述中明示或暗示的业绩和财务状况存在重大差异。此类风险、不确定性和其他因素包括但不限于经济状况、法律或法规的变化、对公司产品和服务的需求、竞争的影响以及其他可能导致实际业绩与前瞻性陈述中预测或陈述的结果存在重大差异的因素。在考虑本新闻稿中提供的任何前瞻性信息时,都应考虑到这些因素。我们认为没有义务更新本报告中包含的任何前瞻性陈述。


资料来源:CYIOS Corp.

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