
Advance United Announces Identification of New Targets Resulting From Recent Interpretation and Compilation of Regional and Local Geophysical Surveys at Its Paint Lake Road Joint Venture

Advance United Announces Identification of New Targets Resulting From Recent Interpretation and Compilation of Regional and Local Geophysical Surveys at Its Paint Lake Road Joint Venture

Advance United宣布根据其Paint Lake Road合资企业最近对区域和地方地球物理调查的解释和汇编确定新目标
newsfile ·  2023/05/24 08:00



  • Work by Bold Ventures Inc. on their adjacent property to the north of the Paint Lake Road Joint Venture Property (PLR JV) indicates prospective targets related to the extension of anomalies into the PLR JV property
  • Bold Ventures Inc.在Paint Lake Road合资物业(PLR JV)以北邻近物业的工作表明,与异常延伸到PLR JV物业有关的预期目标
  • Recently interpreted Northwest trending magnetic low anomaly combined with the PLR JV property database has more accurately positioned the location of prospective gold targets for ground follow up work.
  • 最近解释的西北趋势磁低异常结合PLR JV属性数据库,为地面后续工作更准确地定位了远景金矿目标的位置。
  • A proposed prospecting and mapping campaign is planned to explore these areas in the summer of 2023.
  • 计划在2023年夏天开展一项拟议的探矿和测绘活动,以探索这些地区。

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - May 24, 2023) - Advance United Holdings Inc. (CSE: AUHI) (OTCQB: AUHIF) (FSE: 9I0) (the "Company" or "Advance United") is pleased to announce that recent published work by Bold Ventures Inc. (read the full press release 2023 here) on their property adjacent to the Paint Lake Road Joint Venture ("PLR JV") property has been incorporated with past work filed in the Ontario Government Assessment Database and has identified a strong northwest-southeast trending structure which crosses the PLR JV property.

安大略省多伦多-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年5月24日)-Advance United Holdings Inc.(CSE:AUHI)(OTCQB:AUHIF)(FSE:9I0)(以下简称“公司”或“Advance United”)高兴地宣布,Bold Ventures Inc.(此处阅读2023年新闻稿全文)最近发布的关于Paint Lake Road合资企业(PLR JV)物业的工作已与安大略省政府评估数据库中过去的工作合并,并发现了跨越PLR JV物业的强烈西北-东南走向结构。

The structure is typified on the Bold Ventures Property Airborne Magnetic Survey as an easily recognized magnetic low which appears to displace known EM anomalies and stratigraphy. AUHI Staff used the results from this survey to project features of interest onto the PLR JV ground. These include not only the magnetic break described above but also strong airborne VTEM anomalies. Further examination of past geophysical work identified the same magnetic low crossing ground to the southeast of the PLR JV property.

该构造在Bold Ventures Property航空磁力勘测中表现为一个容易识别的磁低,似乎取代了已知的电磁异常和地层学。AUHI工作人员利用这次调查的结果,将感兴趣的特征投影到PLR合资企业的地面上。这些不仅包括上述的磁击穿现象,还包括强烈的机载极瞬变电磁异常。对过去地球物理工作的进一步检查发现,PLR合资公司物业东南部存在相同的地磁低点。

The Paint Lake Road Joint Venture press release dated November 23, 2022 described ground VLF EM anomalies which appear to align with a number of these VTEM anomalies (read the full press release here).

Paint Lake Road合资公司于2022年11月23日发布的新闻稿描述了地面甚低频电磁异常,这些异常似乎与这些甚高频电磁异常中的一些一致(请点击此处阅读新闻稿全文)。

In discussing VTEM anomalies within the magnetic low feature Bold consulting Geophysicist Scott Hogg states, "The weak magnetic lineaments that bound the (VTEM) conductor to the SW and NE are evident in the profile presentation. This is the only anomaly identified that presents a weak linear conductor, in a magnetic low bounded by parallel weakly magnetic linears; a combination considered favorable for gold association." The interpreted results are shown here in Map 1.


The magnetic break on the PLR JV property to be associated with displaced Magnetic highs and with topographic features which align with the structure. It appears that the shear zone has over 1 kilometer of strike length on the PLR JV Property. The strike of the shear zone appears to align with the location of the Mishi Pit of Wesdome approximately 5 km to the southeast.

PLR JV属性上的磁击穿与位移的磁高和与构造对齐的地形特征有关。在PLR合资物业上,剪切带似乎有超过1公里的走向长度。剪切带的走向似乎与东南约5公里处的Wesdome Mishi坑的位置一致。

The location of the projected magnetic feature and the extension of VTEM ad magnetic anomalies is shown on Map 2.


A program of prospecting, sampling, ground geophysics and geological mapping followed up by drilling as indicated has been prepared for the 2023 summer season and is set to begin as soon as logistics can be arranged.


About the Paint Lake Road JV
The project is a 50/50 Joint Venture with Frontline Gold Corporation (TSXV: FGC) and Advance United Holdings Inc. subsidiary Talisker Gold is the operator.

该项目是与Frontline Gold Corporation(TSXV:FGC)各占50%股份的合资企业,Advance United Holdings Inc.的子公司Talisker Gold是运营商。

The PLR JV property is located in the Wawa area approximately 5 kilometers from the Mishi Open Pit of Wesdome Mining. The property is a 50/50 joint Venture between AUHI and Frontline Gold Corp. The property comprises 65 claims (1460 Ha) situated along the Northeasterly trending Pukaskwa/ Iron Lake Shear Zone. The claims are reported to be underlain by granitic rocks but the presence of airborne magnetic anomalies and the cross-cutting shear zone suggest complications. More information on the geology and targets on the PLR JV property can be found in the Press Release dated 11-22-2023.

PLR合资公司的物业位于Wawa地区,距离Wesdome矿业的Mishi露天矿约5公里。该物业是AUHI和Frontline Gold Corp.各占一半股权的合资企业。该物业包括位于东北方向的Pukaskwa/Iron Lake剪切区的65项主张(1460公顷)。据报道,这些主张是由花岗岩覆盖的,但空中磁异常和横切剪切带的存在表明情况复杂。有关PLR合资物业的地质和目标的更多信息可在日期为2023年11月22日的新闻稿中找到。

"We are pleased to report new targets on the PLR JV property as a result of these regional interpretations. Often these regional structures can act as a control on gold mineralization and provide additional support for our drill target generation," states Mr. Jim Atkinson, P.Geo. and CEO of Advance United.

P.Geo的Jim Atkinson先生表示:“我们很高兴地报告,由于这些区域解释,PLR JV矿区出现了新的目标。通常,这些区域构造可以控制金矿成矿,并为我们的钻探目标一代提供额外的支持。以及Advance United的首席执行官。

About Advance United Holdings
Advance United brings an entirely different approach to the mining industry. We don't mine. Rather, we've acquired a portfolio of undervalued gold properties and are increasing their value through the application of modern technology. We have a growing pipeline of similar properties that we are looking to acquire. And now we've launched the Au Marketplace. A first of its kind digital platform that connects owners of mineral commodities and deposits with developers and producers. We are involved exclusively in the acquisition and advancement of past projects - with no intent to bring them back into production or to mine them ourselves. Our expertise is in identifying and acquiring undervalued properties with significant historical work, which were uneconomic at the time, but we believe have economic value at today's prices. We fund the development of re-working historic data and applying modern technology to underwrite new qualified reports, document quantifiable resources and reserves to current standards, thereby recognizing the current value. Our purpose is to bring immediate and long-term value to our partners and shareholders while seeking to eliminate exploration risk, so that we can all advance united in the shortest possible time frame. For additional information about us, our projects, or to find out how you can list your project in the Au Marketplace, visit .

关于Advance United Holdings
Advance United为采矿业带来了一种完全不同的方式。我们不是我的。相反,我们收购了一系列被低估的黄金资产,并通过应用现代技术来增加它们的价值。我们正在寻求收购越来越多的类似房产。现在我们推出了Au Marketplace。这是首个将矿产商品和矿藏的所有者与开发商和生产商联系起来的数字平台。我们专门参与收购和推进过去的项目--并不打算让它们恢复生产或自己开采它们。我们的专长是识别和收购具有重大历史意义的被低估的房产,这些房产在当时是不经济的,但我们相信,以今天的价格计算,这些房产具有经济价值。我们为重新处理历史数据和应用现代技术的发展提供资金,以承保新的合格报告,根据当前标准记录可量化的资源和储量,从而确认当前的价值。我们的目标是在寻求消除勘探风险的同时,为我们的合作伙伴和股东带来即时和长期的价值,以便我们都能在尽可能短的时间内推进联合。有关我们、我们的项目的更多信息,或了解如何在Au Marketplace中列出您的项目,请访问。

About Frontline Gold Corporation
Frontline is a Canadian junior mineral exploration company. The Company's core properties include the Crooked Pine Gold Project (Ontario), Copperlode Project (Ontario), the Flint Lake and Kakagi Lake Gold Project (Ontario), and the Route 109 Gold Project and the NE Bachelor Lake Gold Project which are both in the Abitibi Region of Quebec, and the Menderes gold project in the Izmir province of Western Turkey. Other Canadian exploration properties include other gold property groups in Ontario and include the Whitehorse Island Mining Patents.


Frontline continues to actively seek projects, and additional investor/partner(s) in order to continue to build upon its properties and net smelter return royalties


Further information about the Company is available on the Company's website, , or our social media sites here: Facebook: Twitter: Linkedin: .


Contact Information James Atkinson, P. Geo., CEO Email: Tel: (647) 278-7502


Qualified Person
James Atkinson M.Sc., P. Geo., a Qualified Person ("QP") as such term is defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed and approved the geological information reported in this news release. The Qualified Person has not completed sufficient work to verify all historic information on the Property, particularly with regards to historical sampling, drill results, and technical work provided by Noranda and others. The Qualified Person assumes that sampling and analytical results were completed to industry standard practices. The information provides an indication of the exploration potential of the Property but may not be representative of expected results. Forward-Looking Information and Cautionary Statements This news release may contain "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws relating to the trading of the Company's securities and the focus of the Company's business. Any such forward-looking statements may be identified by words such as "expects", "anticipates", "intends", "contemplates", "believes", "projects", "plans" and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements in this news release include statements regarding the Company's ability to increase the value of its current and future mineral exploration properties and, in connection therewith, any long-term shareholder value, the Company's ability to mitigate or eliminate exploration risk, and the Company's intention to develop a portfolio of historic gold properties. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. These statements should not be read as guarantees of future performance or results. Such statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause actual results, performance, or achievements to be materially different from those implied by such statements. Although such statements are based on management's reasonable assumptions, there can be no assurance that the Company will continue its business as described above. Readers are encouraged to refer to the Company's annual and quarterly management's discussion and analysis and other periodic filings made by the Company with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities under the Company's profile on SEDAR at . The Company assumes no responsibility to update or revise forward-looking information to reflect new events or circumstances or actual results unless required by applicable law

国家仪器43-101-矿产项目披露标准定义的合格人士(“QP”)James Atkinson M.Sc.,P.Geo已审核并批准本新闻稿中报道的地质信息。合格人员没有完成足够的工作来核实关于该财产的所有历史信息,特别是关于诺兰达和其他人提供的历史采样、钻探结果和技术工作。合格人员假定采样和分析结果是按照行业标准实践完成的。这些信息提供了对该物业勘探潜力的指示,但可能不代表预期结果。前瞻性信息和警示声明本新闻稿可能包含与公司证券交易和公司业务重点相关的适用证券法所指的“前瞻性信息”。任何此类前瞻性陈述都可以通过诸如“预期”、“预期”、“打算”、“考虑”、“相信”、“项目”、“计划”和类似的表述来识别。本新闻稿中的前瞻性陈述包括有关公司增加其现有和未来矿产勘探资产价值的能力以及与此相关的任何长期股东价值、公司减轻或消除勘探风险的能力以及公司开发历史黄金资产组合的意图的声明。告诫读者不要过度依赖前瞻性陈述。这些声明不应被解读为对未来业绩或结果的保证。此类陈述涉及已知和未知的风险、不确定性和其他因素,可能导致实际结果、业绩或成就与此类陈述所暗示的大不相同。虽然这些陈述是基于管理层的合理假设,但不能保证公司将继续如上所述的业务。建议读者参阅公司年度和季度管理层的讨论和分析,以及公司在SEDAR上的公司简介下向加拿大证券监管机构提交的其他定期文件。除非适用法律要求,否则公司不承担更新或修改前瞻性信息以反映新的事件或情况或实际结果的责任

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