
Cascada Options Mina Guanaca Copper Property

Cascada Options Mina Guanaca Copper Property

Cascada Options 米纳瓜纳卡铜业地产
newsfile ·  2023/06/08 09:53

Historical Drill Results Include 82 m Grading 0.91% Copper


Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - June 8, 2023) - Cascada Silver Corp. (CSE: CSS) ("Cascada") is pleased to report that it has signed a binding agreement to enter into an option to acquire a 100% interest in the 250-hectare Mina Guanaca Copper Property ("Guanana Project") located 110 kilometres northeast of the City of Copiapó, Region III, Chile (Figure 1) at elevations below 3,000 metres. The Guanaca Project is currently the focus of small-scale open pit mining of copper oxide mineralization. Significant molybdenum along with gold and silver mineralization is associated with the copper mineralization.

安大略省多伦多-(Newsfile Corp.-2023年6月8日)-卡斯卡达银业公司(CSE:CSS)(“卡斯卡达“)很高兴地报告,它已经签署了一项具有约束力的协议,签订了收购250公顷Mina Guanaca铜矿100%权益的选择权(”瓜纳纳项目“)位于智利第三区科皮亚波́市东北110公里处(图1),海拔3,000米以下。瓜纳卡项目目前是小型露天开采氧化铜矿化的重点。大量钼以及金银矿化与铜矿化有关。

"We very pleased to have entered into an agreement to acquire the high-quality Mina Guanaca Copper Property," said Carl Hansen, Cascada's CEO. "The Guanaca Project has been the focus of only minor exploration and those activities have been focused on the near surface high grade copper oxide mineralization which has been intermittently mined over the past years. Clearly outlined drilling targets have been identified not only to depth beneath the area of current mining activities but also below the overburden gravels which cover the majority of the property. The Guanaca Project, which is easily accessible, is drill ready."

卡斯卡达首席执行官卡尔·汉森表示:“我们非常高兴达成协议,收购高质量的Mina Guanaca铜矿。”瓜纳卡项目一直只是少量勘探的重点,这些活动主要集中在近地表的高品位氧化铜矿化上,该矿化在过去几年里一直被断断续续地开采。清晰勾勒出的钻探目标不仅被确定到当前采矿活动区域的深处,而且还被确定在覆盖大部分资产的覆层砾石之下。瓜纳卡项目很容易进入,已经准备好钻探。

The copper mineralization at the Guanaca Project is associated with a brecciated tonalite located along the contact between a volcano-sedimentary sequence to the south and granitic intrusives to the north. A series of intersecting faults, centred on the area of the open pit, are interpreted as being the conduit for the mineralizing fluids. At surface, mineralization is dominated by copper oxides, including malachite and azurite, which have formed along factures and within the breccia matrix. At depth, chalcopyrite and bornite are reported. Historically, a narrow ramp and small shaft accessed the mineralized breccia to a depth of approximately 60 metres: neither are currently safely accessible.


Three short programs have been reported on the property for a total of 1,550 metres of drilling: 573 metres in five diamond drill holes (1994, Empresa Nacional de Mineria ("ENAMI")); 10 underground diamond drill holes for 536 metres (1995, C.M. San Andrés - limited information available) and 441 metres of reverse circulation drilling in 6 holes completed in 2020 by Sociedad Legal Minera Guanaca Una de Sierra Vicuña ("SLMG"), the owner of the property. The majority of the drilling was completed in the immediate area of the main mineralized breccia (Figure 2). Table 1 summarizes the historical drill assay results with highlights including:

据报道,该地产有三个短项目,总共钻探1,550米:在5个钻石钻孔中钻探573米(1994年,Empresa Nacional de Mineria(Enami);10个地下钻石钻孔536米(1995年,C.M.San AndréS-有限信息);以及在6个孔中进行441m的反循环钻井,该公司于2020年完成。SLMG“)。大部分钻探是在主要矿化角砾岩的紧邻区域完成的(图2)。表1概述了历史钻探化验结果,重点包括:

  • 82 metres grading 0.91% total Cu, 0.67% soluble Cu (drill hole SE1, ENAMI);

  • 41 metres grading 2.3% total Cu (hole ST2, C.M. Andrés); and

  • 56 metres grading 0.82% total Cu, 0.64% soluble Cu (drill hole GR5, SLMG).

  • 82米总铜品位为0.91%,可溶性铜品位为0.67%(Enami SE1钻孔);

  • 41米,全铜品位2.3%(St2洞,C.M.AndréS);以及

  • 56米级配总铜0.82%,可溶铜0.64%(钻孔GR5,SLMG)。

Only copper assays are reported from the drill hole sampling.


A sample from the open pit mineralization, collected by First Quantum Minerals Ltd. during a property examination, assayed at ALS Labs and reported in 2022, returned 2.51% Cu, 0.107 grams per tonne ("g/t") Au, 2.86 g/t Ag and 0.22% molybdenum.

First Quantum Minerals Ltd.在一次财产检查中收集的露天矿化样本,在肌萎缩侧索硬化症实验室进行了化验,并于2022年报告,其铜含量为2.51%,每吨0.107克。克/吨金、2.86g/t银和0.22%钼。

Historical Results Note: Cascada has not undertaken any independent investigation of any sampling from the Guanaca Project nor has it independently analyzed the results of the historical drilling in order to verify the results. The reader is cautioned upon relying on the accuracy of the historical results presented; however, Cascada considers the historical assay results relevant as it will use the results as a guide to plan future exploration programs and considers the data to be reliable for these purposes.


Table 1 - Guanaca Historical Drill Results 1


Hole Ref # From To Interval 2 End of
%CuTotal %CuSoluble
Enami 3
SE1 16 98 82 176 0.91 0.67
SE2 6 68 62 100 0.77 0.56
SE3 18 73 55 140 0.50 0.31
SE4 2 10 8 77 0.87 0.37
SE5 -- -- -- -- -- --
San Andrés 4
ST1 0 24 24 84 1.3 n/a
ST2 0 41 41 62 2.3 n/a
ST5 0 10 10 50 2.2 n/a
GR1 79 121 42 160 0.76 0.49
GR2 -- -- -- 80 -- --
GR3 11 47 36 47 0.71 0.54
GR4 14 47 33 47 1.15 0.90
GR5 10 66 56 67 0.82 0.64
GR6 27 37 10 40 0.77 0.44
孔参考号 从… 间隔2. 结束
%铜总计 %铜可溶的
SE1 16年 98 八十二 一百七十六 0.91 0.67
SE2 6. 68 62 100个 0.77 0.56
SE3 18 73 55 140 0.50 0.31
SE4 2. 10 8个 77 0.87 0.37
SE5 -- -- -- -- -- --
ST1 0 24 24 84 1.3 不适用
ST2 0 41 41 62 2.3 不适用
ST5 0 10 10 50 2.2 不适用
GR1 79 一百二十一 42 160 0.76 0.49
GR2 -- -- -- 80 -- --
GR3 11. 47 36 47 0.71 0.54
GR4 14. 47 33 47 1.15 0.90
GR5 10 66 56 67 0.82 0.64
GR6 27 37 10 40岁 0.77 0.44



  1. See "Historical Results Note" immediately prior to Table 1.
  2. Interval represents downhole assay interval. Insufficient information regarding the geometry of the mineralized body is available in order to determine true width of the assay interval.
  3. Enami and SLMG assay intervals composited at a 0.2% CuT cut-off grade and 1 metre of internal waste with the exception of GR5 which contains a 4 metre interval grading 0.09% CuT.
  4. San Andrés underground drill results are only available on a plan map and not all assay intervals results are reported. Cutoff grade is unknown. Holes are reported to have been drilled from the bottom of the shaft.
  1. 参见表1前面的“历史结果说明”。
  2. Interval表示井下化验间隔。关于矿化体的几何形状的信息不足,无法确定分析间隔的真实宽度。
  3. Enami和SLMG的分析间隔以0.2%的截止线品位和1米的内部废物组成,但GR5除外,它包含4米的间隔,分级为0.09%的截断。
  4. 圣安德烈́S地下钻探结果仅在平面图上提供,并不是所有的分析间隔结果都会被报告。截止品位未知。据报道,这些洞是从竖井底部钻出来的。

Historical Geophysical Surveys


A 2019 ground magnetic survey over the Guanaca Project (Figure 3) shows the existence a distinct magnetic low coinciding with the highly altered and mineralized tonalites of Mina Guanaca related to the hydrothermal destruction of magnetic. Additional magnetic lows, noted as Target 1 and Target 2, which lie under overburden, represent high priority drill targets.


An induced polarization survey along 4 lines (5.75 km) was completed in 2019 (Figure 4). A chargeability low coincides with Mina Guanaca related to almost complete oxidization of sulphides near surface. The chargeability low extends to the southeast along Profile 3 beneath overburden. At depths of 200 to 300 metres below Mina Guanaca, a significant chargeability high was outlined which is potentially related to sulphide mineralization associated with a porphyry system representing an additional high priority drill target.

2019年完成了4条线路(5.75公里)的激发极化测量(图4)。带电量低与Mina Guanaca不谋而合,这与地表附近硫化物几乎完全氧化有关。可充电性低沿覆盖层下的剖面3向东南延伸。在Mina Guanaca以下200至300米的深度,勾勒出一个显著的可充电性高,可能与与斑岩系统有关的硫化物矿化有关,该斑岩系统是另一个高度优先的钻探目标。

Guanaca Project Agreement Terms


Under the terms of the letter agreement, an initial payment of US$100,000 is payable to the vendor (the "Vendor") of Guanaca Project upon the signing of the option agreement with a second payment of US$100,000 due upon the 6-month anniversary of the signing date. A further series of payments are payable as follows: US$200,000 at 12 months; US$300,000 at 18 months; US$500,000 at 24 months; US$1,300,000 at 36 months; and US$2,500,000 upon the 48-month anniversary for total payments of US$5,000,000 over 4 years. Work commitments comprising 1,250 metres of drilling per annum over the earn-in period are required. In addition, upon completion of the above noted obligations, the Vendor will receive a 2.5% net smelter royalty of which half (1.25%) can be repurchased for US$2,250,000 one year from the start of commercial production.


The current lessee of the mining property, Empresa Minera El Salado Ltda., will be allowed to continue mining operations at a rate of 1,500 tonne per month for a minimum of 12 months.

目前的矿业承租人Empresa Minera El Salado Ltd.将被允许以每月1500吨的速度继续采矿作业,为期至少12个月。

NI 43-101 Technical Disclosure

NI 43-101技术披露

The Qualified Person, as defined by National Instrument 43-101 of the Canadian Securities Administrators, for Cascada's exploration activities in Chile is Sergio Diaz, a resident of Santiago, Chile. Mr. Diaz is a Public Registered Person for Reserves and Resources N° 51, in Chile and is also registered in the Colegio de Geólogos de Chile under N° 315.


About Cascada Silver Corp.


Cascada is a mineral exploration company focused on exploration opportunities in Chile. Cascada's team of successful exploration professionals are dedicated to the discovery of mineral deposits that can be progressed into economically viable development projects creating value for all stakeholders.


On behalf of Cascada Silver Corp.,


Carl Hansen, CEO
Phone: 416-907-9969


For additional information, please contact us at:




This news release contains forward-looking statements, including predictions, projections and forecasts. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: plans for the evaluation of exploration properties; the success of evaluation plans; the success of exploration activities; mine development prospects; and, potential for future metals production. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "planning", "expects" or "does not expect", "continues", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "potential", "anticipates", "does not anticipate", or describes a "goal", or variation of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved.


Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, future events, conditions, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, prediction, projection, forecast, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others: changes in economic parameters and assumptions; all aspects related to the timing of exploration activities and receipt of exploration results; the interpretation and actual results of current exploration activities; changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined; the results of regulatory and permitting processes; future metals price; possible variations in grade or recovery rates; failure of equipment or processes to operate as anticipated; labour disputes and other risks of the mining industry; the results of economic and technical studies; delays in obtaining governmental approvals or financing or in the completion of exploration; as well as those factors disclosed in Cascada's publicly filed documents.


Although Cascada has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


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Figure 1 - Location of the Mina Guanaca Copper Property Region III, Chile

图1-智利Mina Guanaca铜矿产区III的位置

Figure 2 - Geology and Assay Plan of Historical Drilling Results Mina Guanaca Copper Property Region III Chile

图2-智利Mina Guanaca铜矿产区历史钻探结果的地质和分析计划

Figure 3 - Ground Magnetics Survey (2019) Mina Guanaca Copper Property

图3-地磁调查(2019)Mina Guanaca铜矿资产

Figure 4 - Induced Polarization Survey (2019) Mina Guanaca Copper Property

图4-激发极化调查(2019)Mina Guanaca铜矿属性

To view the source version of this press release, please visit


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