
The Fed Cuts Rates Again. Is A Pause Next?

The Fed Cuts Rates Again. Is A Pause Next?

Seeking Alpha ·  2019/11/01 04:44



The U.S. Federal Reserve (the Fed) cut interest rates again today - its third such move in as many meetings - lowering its benchmark rate to a target range of 1.50% to 1.75%.

Bond yields, as evidenced by the yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note, moved higher in the minutes around the announcement.

The biggest surprise driving the re-pricing in yields was the softening of forward guidance.

The U.S. Federal Reserve (the Fed) cut interest rates again today - its third such move in as many meetings - lowering its benchmark rate to a target range of 1.50% to 1.75%. At 75 basis points, the current easing cycle now matches the degree of insurance that the Fed provided around similar slowdowns in 1995 and 1998. This cut to overnight interest rates also serves to effectively un-invert the entirety of the Treasury yield curve and bolster the Fed's confidence that its monetary policy stance is indeed accommodative, even when accounting for the headwinds from the China-U.S. trade war.


Bond yields, as evidenced by the yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note, moved higher in the minutes around the announcement. The biggest surprise driving the re-pricing in yields was the softening of forward guidance. Since June, the Fed has messaged that it will act as appropriate to sustain the expansion. This line was removed and replaced with blander language stating simply that the Committee will assess the appropriate path of interest rates.


Translation: The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) thinks its three rate cuts are now sufficient to push back against the downside risks from the trade war. The hurdle for further action from here is much higher.


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Is a prolonged pause next?


Our baseline has been that the Fed would cut in July, September and October and then go on a prolonged pause. That baseline forecast, if anything, has simply been reinforced by today's developments. When we consider the risks around this view, it still looks to us as though there's an asymmetry, in that the Fed is more likely to cut than hike rates through the end of 2020. This thinking is motivated by two key insights:


  • First, inflation expectations are below levels that would be consistent with the Fed's 2% price stability objective over the medium-term. For example, the gray line in the chart below shows 5-year, 5-year forward inflation expectations embedded in the pricing of Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) are trading at just 1.7%. We and the Fed would want to see TIPS pricing closer to 2.25% to be more confident in core personal consumption expenditure (PCE) inflation holding at the 2% objective.

    Furthermore, the inflationary expectations of U.S. consumers have recently downshifted to an all-time low (orange line). The price for cutting rates late in the cycle is usually that it could risk an overshoot of inflation. However, right now a bit more inflation would actually be a welcome development. In our view, that makes the Fed's calculus skew in favor of a cut should risks to the outlook re-intensify.
    Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream, Russell Investments data as of October 29th 2019.

  • Second, the balance of risks to the global business cycle still skew modestly to the downside in our view. Manufacturing activity has downshifted to recessionary levels in the United States and across most of the developed markets. And while some high frequency manufacturing data for September and October points to a tentative stabilization at weak levels, the weakness itself will be a concern for policymakers. Additionally, the services sector and U.S. labor market (which typically lags manufacturing by a month or more) still show signs of potentially slowing further. Healthy employment growth and robust wage gains have supported the U.S. consumer. If the labor market slows and endangers the expansion, further rate cuts could be warranted.

    Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Russell Investments data as of October 30th 2019. The business survey employment tracker is a custom composite indicator based on underlying data from Markit, the Institute for Supply Management, and the Federal Reserve System. Preliminary data for October is shown.

  • 首先,通胀预期低于与美联储2%的中期物价稳定目标一致的水平。例如,下面图表中的灰线显示,包含在美国国债通胀保值证券(TIPS)定价中的5年、5年远期通胀预期目前仅为1.7%。我们和美联储都希望看到TIPS定价接近2.25%,以便对核心个人消费支出(PCE)通胀率保持在2%的目标更有信心。



  • 其次,在我们看来,全球商业周期的风险平衡仍适度偏向下行。在美国和大多数发达市场,制造业活动已经降至衰退水平。尽管9月和10月的一些高频制造业数据显示,疲软水平暂时企稳,但疲软本身将是政策制定者的担忧。此外,服务业和美国劳动力市场(通常落后于制造业一个月或更长时间)仍显示出可能进一步放缓的迹象。健康的就业增长和强劲的工资增长支撑了美国消费者。如果劳动力市场放缓并危及扩张,可能会有理由进一步降息。

    来源:美国劳工统计局,罗素投资公司截至2019年10月30日的数据。商业调查就业跟踪器是一个定制的综合指标,基于Markit、供应管理研究所(Institute For Supply Management)和联邦储备系统(Federal Reserve System)的基础数据。10月份的初步数据显示。

The bottom line


Considering these risks to the outlook, current market pricing on the near-term path for interest rates (i.e., one more rate cut through the end of 2020) looks broadly appropriate to us, even though our baseline is for the Fed to remain on hold. With the expansion entering its eleventh year, we still think government bonds have an important diversifying role to play in multi-asset portfolios.


On the upside, further evidence of progress toward a phase 1 deal between the U.S. and China, and importantly, an eventual removal of the tariffs that have been put in place, would be key to lifting the cloud of uncertainty hanging over the corporate sector and re-accelerating global fundamentals and risk markets in the year ahead.




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Editor's Note: The summary bullets for this article were chosen by Seeking Alpha editors.


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